Avatar of Silver Fox
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Silver Fox
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 13768 (3.63 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Silver Fox 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Okay I know I said I would reply today everyone. Gonna have to push it either tomorrow or Saturday
7 yrs ago
Will try replying tomorrow night. Will be tired tho so don't bet on it. But I will attempt
7 yrs ago
Make that either tomorrow or Monday night
7 yrs ago
Ok. Said I'd reply today. But I'm super tired. Might be tomorrow or the day after so I can play catch up
1 like
7 yrs ago
Posting may be iffy because puppy had surgery today. Gotta watch him


Sci-Fi if I can play a robot
FxF/MxM romance
MMO Virtual Reality

The Normal Life of Non-Normals
Transcendent: Darkness Rising(A Sci-Fi Roleplay) Accepting!
Phoenix Wing: A Fairy Tail rp(Remake) Accepting!
Demons and Dragons (The Dragon Tribe RP) Accepting!
Digimon Source Code
Infection: Worlds End
Cursed (Silver&Love)

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He's a curious little fox~ How else is he supposed to amuse himself while his papa is away?

@Silver Fox

Freak poor Alver out apparently xD 'nooooo don't look at that! DX'

Silly Alver, it's why you hide those sorts of things very well
@Silver Fox

How often does Alver take out the trash? Because I can imagine a curious little blonde snooping around~~~

Heh depends how much trash he generates xD (case in point making a bunch of paper balls) and generally he's Pretty neat. So whenever it gets a bit on the full side.

Of course the little cutie would get snoopy :P
Giving a warm smile, Alver tucked Luke in and gave a gentle kiss to the child's head, whispering a 'Good night' before standing up and quietly walked to the door and flipped the light off. Closing the door behind him, the tall man neatly returned the book to its proper place before stretched out his long arms. It was getting late now, around ten so it be a little bit before Miky probably arrived. Since it would be late when the small man got here, it was probably best he just stayed over honestly.

Thinking over the possibility caused his pale face to brim a bit scarlet. He could imagine the tired young adorable man getting here. Ah but Alver just had two bedrooms?! No no he could share with Luke maybe? But he wouldn't want to wake the young boy up! Ah maybe he could just sleep in Alver's bed and the albino could work or something? Oh gosh... the several thoughts kept speeding through his mind rapidly which caused the albino to rapidly shake his head and mentally scold himself.

"No no no... Miky isn't like that. He had a wonderful wife and has a loving son. He turned you down, don't go thinking weird thoughts again Alver. We're just old friends who just recently met up again. Don't make it even more awkward and weird!" Alver rattled in his mind as he went down the hall and into his work room. At least he wouldn't be far away from where Luke was sleeping in case the young boy needed anything.

Alver took a deep breath as he went over and sat down at his work desk. Glancing around, he picked up the pair of red rim colored glasses and put them on before taking out some papers. Taking a pencil and starting to sketch the next page of his manga. Since he couldn't take a walk out at night since he had Luke to watch, he might as well get some work done. Despite that, his thoughts kept drifting to the mismatched colored eyes that belonged to his childhood crush.

It really did worry him... that it seemed Mikaela was having a hard time, even if he wasn't showing it thus far. It seemed their little Harpy wasn't the only one having a rough time since their little group disbanded. Miky's little spells seem to have taken a turn for the worse. Perhaps something happened? The protective side of him couldn't help but worry over Miky's well being. Was it his late wife? What was she like?

For a moment, his thoughts couldn't help but drift to imagining Mikaela on his wedding day. Alver chuckling as he both thought of the blonde in both a tux and a wedding dress, and thinking that it was just fact that the young man was adorable in either attire. Once he snapped out of his little daydreaming, his lavender gaze widened as they refocused on the paper he was drawing on.

It turns out to be Mikaela in a wedding dress with a bright smile.

Blushing completely crimson as he jumped, which caused his glasses to go crooked on his face, the albino quickly crumpled the paper into a ball and shoved it in a trashcan. Shoving his heated face in his hands as his body curled itself onto the chair and just started to spin in place. Gaaaaaaah! What was he thinking! Focus Alver! Focus! You are a cool anime prince! Don't be such a dweeb!

Sighing as he calmed himself down, he calmly took another blank piece of paper, readjusted his glasses, and started to draw again. He wondered how his friend was doing? What it was like after Alver secluded himself? Did he hear what happened to the albino not long after the confession? Probably not, Mikaela didn't pay too much attention to the news. Maybe it was better he just didn't mention that whole thing. Knowing Mikaela, the blonde might just end up blaming himself or something.

Shaking his head and twitching as he noticed he just drew another image of Mikaela, the albino grumbled, tossed that piece as well and tried to continue to work as he awaited for Mikaela to return from work.

Phoenix Wing Guild


Prince purred louder as the poor blue haired boy struggled to get any coherent words out of his stuttering mouth. It was quite possible the tall feline was pushing the poor shy boy a bit too far. Yet despite how uncomfortable Michael seemed, the fellow Dragon Fang member didn't even attempt to escape Prince's hold. Despite Michael's shy self, the cat was sure that if he really wanted Prince off and away, he could force the big cat just as good as Guild Master Jack.

With a soft chuckle, Prince released his embrace so he could grip Michael's chin between a clawed index finger and thumb to raise the stuttering boy's head. Leaning down and giving a kiss to Michael's forehead, tasting the Celestial Magic. Resisting the predatory instincts to just eat it, instead leaving it at that and pulled away with a bright smile.

Patting the top of the head of his companion and running his clawed fingers through the blue hair. "Well, feel free to let me know if you ever want too Mikey~" he said cheerfully. Even still, it was probably difficult to tell if he was completely serious or just teasing. Considering the catman had the same friendly smile on his face.

"So what have you been up to? Going on this little island adventure too mhm?" the red head asked, his teal eye watching his friend curiously.


Phoenix Wing Guild


Listening silently as she could hear Trinity move, Edarn continued to simply stare at the table until she found herself being pulled up and into a hug. The blonde blinked a little and she tensed a little. It had been awhile since she's gotten a hug that wasn't one trying to kill her. Emerald eyes blinking slowly as Trinity tried to give some comforting words. Edarn didn't really believe her, but she knew she was just trying to help. The Earthlander hadn't given a solid answer in what she would do if it came down to between Edo-Karn or Earthland Karn. Edarn fairly was certain she knew the answer. Earthland Karn. He was a sweet kid, who had managed to nestle his way into this guild and into the hearts of his Guildmates. Even if he didn't think so. Edarn stood for a moment before reaching her left hand around Trinity, sliding it down the mid back and promptly squeezing the rump before giving a soft chuckle and letting go just as Trinity did.

Glancing toward Sasha for but a moment, Edarn turned her gaze away from the ice wielding woman to look at Trinity once more in thought. "Possibly. I was thinking of making a body of sorts. I basically had to do most of that back home so perhaps I can just engineer a full body. Maybe with a little help with Mirror's mom." the blonde mused thoughtfully, crossing her arms over the chest of this body.

"The real problem is inside though. Your Karn has gotten a bit better since I came here but... he doesn't really want me to leave. He's grown comfortable with my presence I suppose. Doesn't feel so lonely I guess. He's a bit of a kid honestly." Edarn sighed a little at the little issue of the situation.
sounds cool to me XD
<Snipped quote by Silver Fox>

Well Victoria is at the cafe, the rescue squad are still on water. Milo is blood losses and drunk maybe throwing rocks at the moon lol.
Paige and sio are cruising in bad guys car cops got.
Marlin and Joel are the world's strangest couple.
Max is at a church, after a funeral.

There the onea I know off top of head.
If she does go to cafe. Its maybe fits Better for someone on lunch, day off etc to drop by on In naturally to the situation in a normal public place.
(aka anyone else who wants to join in if they do)

Alrighty I'll have her go there then :)
I'll see about answering today or tomorrow. Anyone wanna hang out with the giant firefighter?
Smiling at just how cute little Luke was, Alver listened to the request and nodded softly. "Mhm lovely choices. I'm quite fond of Little Red Riding Hood myself." the tall albino mused, gently running running his fingers in Luke's hair and patting the young boy's head. "Alright, I'll be right back okay?" he said before heading out of the room.

It didn't take long for Alver to find the book he was looking for as well as bring Luke's belonging's. Shuffling through the bag and taking out a stuffed animal Miky had mentioned in his ramblings. Settling 'Thomas' next to Luke so the child could cuddle with it, Alver sat on the bed to settle beside Luke so he can see the pictures. Alver had a few collection of books, and Little Red Riding Hood had quite a few different versions. But he decided this one was probably the most suited for Luke.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest. Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. One morning, Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could go to visit her grandmother as it had been awhile since they'd seen each other.

"That's a good idea," her mother said. So they packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.

When the basket was ready, the little girl put on her red cloak and kissed her mother goodbye.

"Remember, go straight to Grandma's house," her mother cautioned. "Don't dawdle along the way and please don't talk to strangers! The woods are dangerous."

"Don't worry, mommy," said Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll be careful."

But when Little Red Riding Hood noticed some lovely flowers in the woods, she forgot her promise to her mother. She picked a few, watched the butterflies flit about for awhile, listened to the frogs croaking and then picked a few more. Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying the warm summer day so much, that she didn't notice a dark shadow approaching out of the forest behind her..."
Alver started telling the story, turning the page of the picture book when needed, while his slender hand gently stroked the top of Luke's head soothingly. The tall slender man's voice elegantly reading the words, though it did change whenever a character spoke to give them a little more character as read the story.

Alver continued to read the rest of the story until he neared the ending of the tale. "He grabbed the wolf and made him spit out the poor Grandmother who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece."Oh Grandma, I was so scared!" sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again."

"There, there, child. You've learned an important lesson. Thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this kind woodsman to hear you!"

The woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn't bother people any longer. Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother had a nice lunch and spent their time happily together talking. The End."
Alver finished the tale and closed the book before looking to Luke to see if he was still awake while absently gently petting the child's head.
Thank you for continuing!

I'm happy too! This is a cute rp ^^
Yeah..... *meekly stares with puppy dog eyes* But... I'm here!

@Silver Fox

Well it's good to see you! I'll get a reply up after a nap ^^
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