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Might also be interested! Will keep an eye on this. Hehe.
Mila and Kuni

Over Kuni's shoulder, Mila kept a watchful eye over what would be deleted and what she'd have to keep. She did her best to try and translate the information into data she could store for later usage. In a very Mila way, she held off answering Kuni's question until their little exercise was over, after which Mila straighten herself up and spoke up - or she would have if Mavis had not interrupted them. Ever in a hurry, she left before any could answer.

"Actually, Kuni. I have collected information about possible locations to go to in order to strengthen the bonds between two human beings." after saying this, some images displayed on the computer's holographic screen; Spas, Beach, Fairs and much more. Mila's finger then pointed at the beach. "The Mall did appear in the search's result, therefore it is not appropriate for socialization. I had concluded that the beach was the optimal location for 'socialization and relaxation'. What say you, Roommate?"

The manner in which Mavis came, gave her offer to the two and then quickly left, broke Kuni's concentration on Mila's details. Before she could even ask regarding the proposal that was just given to them, Mila answered the question Kuni asked before. Looking at the screen, she simply blinked as the different photos came onto the screen, popping on there with an impressive speed. This only made Kuni wonder further just how much poking around they did in Mila's head.

She thought about it for a moment. Did she really want to go out now? Kuni did feel quite comfotable just staying in doors, but getting offered to go to the beach certainly nice. Turning to look at Mila, Kuni nodded "We could go to the beach, sure. I suppose we'll need to change into our swimsuits then." She said, moving away from the computer screen and turning to the wardrobe that contained her clothing.

"This was my conclusion as well." Mila said, going towards her own part of the room. Despite having few possessions, after a few seconds she proudly turned to her friend, displaying a bikini. "This is why I bought this. It said that this was a crucial part of the process." Mila did not know the feeling of shyness, but she once did. She let Kuni her privacy, and changed into her own outfit after. For someone like Mila, it wouldn't be far fetched to have imagined she'd have bought quite the plain looking swim gear, but this wasn't the case; she had a two piece bikini complete with frillies and all that suited her very well. A clear sign that the shop clerk had more to say in this than Mila herself.

Ready and all, Mila opened the door and proclaimed "Time to go to the Beach." while pointing onward...still only wearing her swimsuit.

Briefly taking a look at Mila as her roommate presented her own swimsuit, she offered a nod of approval, thinking the swimsuit looked cute, before turning to change into her own swimsuit. After also putting a pair of shorts and a closed jacket, she turned to look at Mila, and then just stopped upon seeing the sight. Her roommate was ready to just go and step right outside, with nothing but her swimsuit on. Kuni made a quick step and shut the door "Oh no. You need some more clothes on, at least until we get to the beach." She quickly told her roommate.

Once Mila had some proper clothes for the way to the beach, Kuni gave her another glance, before opening the door. And with that, the two set off towards the beach. Kuni did feel a bit weird about this, having someone that actually wanted to go to the beach with her and wasn't a part of her family. Even if the person was very close to being an AI with a human's body.

During their travelling time, Mila was surprisingly silent. IN this modern city with as many means of transportation as there was, the time to get over there was bound to not be too long, and despite that Mila still found a way to be silent while staring outside their Train's window. Some things Mavis had told her were contradictory to her directives, but she also had conflicting data on her designation that originated from her past life - before she became Mila. None of it showed on her face, and before long they had both feet on the sand, changed and ready to go.

It wasn't long for Mila to spot familiar faces, actually. "Oh, Look." she pointed "Those persons. Hiro Valentines and Lucia Juste-Enfant." Her french accent was impeccable - if it could be described as an accent. "Lucia is a part of team Novae. This is an opportunity to strengthen your team bonding, Kuni. An imperative objective." Taking Kuni by the arm, she forced her more reserved friend to follow her closer to the group. Coming straight from behind Hiro, Mila snatched the toy from behind his back and gave it a good look. "This is not so badly damaged. I am positive that with Kuni's capacities, this damage is repairable." she said without feeling like any of this - barging in and taking the toy from Hiro's hands - was unappropriate and perfectly normal. "Hello. I am Mila Engel, from team Arizona. We have come to socialize and build up team bonds." She stated while extending her hand to Hiro and Lucia.

While the travel to the beach had been anything but eventful, Kuni would quickly begin to wonder if perhaps this was a bad idea. Mila had quickly spotted two people who she knew from the academy, Hiro and Lucia. While this was a nice idea while it was just the two of them, getting dragged by Mila towards the two made Kuni start to blush. Upon arriving next to the two, she was released from Mila's grasp, who moved to take something from Hiro's hands without asking for it.

"Sorry about the way she acts. She can sometime completely miss what is acceptable and what isn't." Kuni quietly told Hiro, before taking a step back "Oh, right. I'm Kuni. I think you already know we go to the academy together." She told him, before offering a wave of her hand to Lucia, who she hoped wouldn't be annoyed with this sudden interruption.

@Sync@Saltwater Thief

Somewhere Downtown

The night had been extra dark. In more ways than literal. Clouds had blocked in the sun all day, thus it blocked all the light of the Moon also. Only the city's many urban lights and night life served as a source of light, and in such darkness it was easy for Vices to thrive since it was so easy for people to fall to gloom. Somewhere in the downtown, on some roof of some building stood a man. Only wind and the urban noises in his ears - he heard nothing of the constant guttural noises coming from behind him. The Vice which hunted this man was between six to seven feet tall, with only three, glowing red eyes in the center of it's body as recognizable traits. The rest of it's body was somewhere between shadowy-fog and sludge, with ever moving tentacle-y arms all around it. The face of the monster was inches away from the man, whom was meters away from the edger of the roof. As if it was pushing him on, whispering things straight into his mind; feeding.

Obviously distressed, the man took one smalls step forward when, suddenly, a girl bearing white-blonde hairs quite literally landed on the roof. "Stop this." she spoke as if addressing the man - but of course he couldn't hear a word. The girl was roughly 5'6 and sporting what would have looked like a school uniform; skirt, long, black socks and all if it was not for leg and arms protectors reminiscent of the samurais of old. Furthermore, a Katana with a longer blade than usual, sheathed, and peculiar design sat on her shoulder. Beside her, a Foo Dog Guardian growling menacingly.

A Magical Girl. The Vice's eyes seemed to rotate around it's body, recognizing the threat.

"Of course you won't." The girl kept on going, pointing out her sheathed blade towards the Vice "It doesn't matter. My name is Nagamasa Fumiko and I came here to put an end to you - and I will. That is my oath." As soon as those last four words were uttered, both the sheath and the beads collar around the Boo Guardian briefly glowed a flashy yellow color along with *cling* noise, as if something was locked on. "Sic 'em, Shishi."

The following moment went by in a flash, so to speak. As the Dog 'danced' around with the Vice, tackling or biting it at various points and generally distracting it, Fumiko moving around at great speed to counter the Vices attacks aimed at either Shishi or herself. "This is it." The handle of her sword was now flashing the same deep yellow as her whole sheath had before. Just as Shishi jumped back and out of the way, the Vice launched a last ditch effort attack on Fumiko, but to no avail. With speed, precision and skill she used her sheathed sword to deflect the attack and drew the blade in one same and fluid moment. The next second, the Vice began evaporating from the middle onward, sliced in two. Fumiko sheathed her sword and rested it on her shoulder again before sighing and looking behind her. "Persistent."

The Vice, which had been cut clean in two, was now two separate entities. One with one eye, the other with two. "Fine - Bring it on, then!"
Fumiko, Nagamasa



Fumiko lived most of her life on the outskirt of Kaigo City, along with her uncle and now deceased aunt. Neither rich nor poor, she never truly lacked anything in particular. Indeed, apart from a rather long road to school every morning, being almost the only girl in her train, she never had any major life dilemmas. If not for one little story that most people in her life seem to either have forgotten, or look over it.

Fumiko...had always been a hard child to make smile, whether it be due to her parents dying when she was young - too young to remember - or something else. She didn't gravitate toward socialization, and had only a handful of friends. She'd often mistreat them through a lack of attention, not talking to them or straight out ignoring them and would, of course, eventually lose her friends.

Then her small family bought a dog. A Shiba-Inu named Komugi, due to it's colour. When the blonde girl saw Komugi the first time, she smiled and they had been friends ever since; Best friends. One day as they were exploring the wooden parts around her uncle's house, Fumiko fell from a fallen trunk and into a water ditch below. Having hit her head pretty badly, all she remembers is waking up to a smiling and happy family at the hospital - but her friend was nowhere to be seen. She was told that Komugi saved her, but probably due to exhaustion and water in it's lungs, the dog did not survive.

Ever since that day, Fumiko learned the meaning of true friendship, self-sacrifice and, most important of all; Loyalty. She still have a hard time smiling or expressing her emotions publicly, and most often pass as rude or unkind...but the truth is she loves those important to her deeply, and have her unlimited devotion.


Mana Crystal: Her Mana Crystal actually have the very simple form of a beads bracelet around her wrist. When Fumiko transforms, the bracelet becomes the collar of Shishi, her 'Spirit Companion'.

Virtue: Loyalty. To Fumiko, nothing is as important as devotion to those who are important in your life. She does not often embrace such people in her heart, but if she does she will give those persons her devotion. To her, the title of 'Friend' is not to be given lightly, because it bears the heavy burden of laying down one's life to protect those that are important to you.

Magic: Fumiko's magic is best used defensively, and is quite niche. It's power increases depending on the reason she is fighting as well as how pressured she is. As such, she is in her element against a stronger, aggressive enemy or while defending friends and allies during a fight. It also boosts her speed to great length which is, in fact, her only defense along with Shishi - a high risks / high reward style of fighting on all accounts.

  • Shishi: The name of her Spirit Companion, part of her transformed state. Shishi is a Lion-Dog Guardian that follows Fumiko in combat, and the both of them fight as a pair. He acts as the shield, whereas Fumiko is the decisive blow.
  • Bushido: Before every fight, she will name a reason to fight; a promise, an oath or simply the promise of defending someone as well as state her name out loud - The more the stated reason is dear to Fumiko and the more she puts her life on the line for it; The more her power levels rises. As such, despite appearances, her magic is best used defensively.
  • Flash Step: Lacking in armor or shield, apart from Shishi, Fumiko relies on speed to meet her enemies, move around the battle field, evade and redirect attacks. Her magic amplifies her speed greatly, making her a tough opponent to corner.
  • Iaido: Fumiko specializes in fighting defensively and counter attacking. Her sword most often remains in it's scabbard while she and Shishi are on the defensive. The more they are pressed and have to defend themselves or friends, the more power build up in Fumiko's sword. When the moment is right, she'll unleash her attack. More often than not, this will bring an end to the combat.
Rania, Yui & Machiko

When Chiaki came passing by her, Rania removed her foot from Kanbaru's chest to let the girl stand up, blew her a kiss and a smile that said 'Until next time' before following her partner. "Sorry, I couldn't help it." she said regarding her messing around, and referring to their target having left already. "Ball of light like that..." her voice became much more serious "...Can't hide very well in the dark."

A little time later, as the school was being evacuated, a very hurried looking Yui came landing right beside Tama and Honoka in her transformed state. She had no reason to believe anyone else than her two teammates could see her, after all. The Dark Ones could, but Yui paid them no mind if any were still here. "Tama! Honoka! I think I found a bit of information on what we discussed earlier... as well as something more." that last bit of sentence held more reserved than the start of it. "I think...I think I really need to speak to you, girls." There were tears building up in her eyes, but it was unsure what emotion was overwhelming the magical girl. "Can we go somewhere private?"


A bit later, as the school was getting ever more empty of any students or teachers, it became more and more silent. The corridors and empty classroom darkened a bit as the late afternoon setting sun came down on the world. Somewhere in that school, in such a dark classroom was sitting a lone girl. Multiple desks had been pulled together, a table sheet put over them with quite a feast of sweets and pastries laid upon it. The girl had long, blonde-white hairs and was wearing the school's uniform. The room was the Detention Club room where they were supposed to have met once the school was over. The girl must have been sitting here for a good...one, maybe two hours. Waiting on their fellow club members to arrive. She had obviously missed the alarm ringing off, somehow. And somehow managed to stay in the school.

With an empty stare, she finally looked up at the clock. "Oh." she said with a tone of voice as emotionless as her stare. Silently, she finally stood up and began packing up. "Looks like club activity was cancelled." she said, without a care in the world.

There it is ~ Sorry I didn't wait for the GM's approval. Worst case scenario, I am refused, Heheh. If not, there might still be some things that need balancing or clarifications down there - don't hesitate to ask if that is the case!

P.S: @LuckyBlackCat As I said, Yeah I totally made a Dog-inspired character just to foil you.

You guys still have open spots? I've been told Yes, but I prefer asking first. ^_^

"Annnd..." the girl gave one strong, final pull on the rope she was holding. It made her fall flat on the ground, but it also caused the large outside roof, made out of tissue, from her caravan to raise in the air and finally come to cover the counter she had brought out earlier. On the side of her caravan she had a compartment that opened where she could display some goods outside, which also closed and could be locked if she left. Most of her wares, however, were inside the caravan. "...there you go! Done!"

Hina stood back up, clapping her hands together to remove the dust and dirt from her fall, then put both fists on her hips in a proud manner, looking at her now set-up caravan-shop-home. "Haha! Now all that's left is customers!" Turning around, Hina found the part of town where she had set up be unusually empty. It was a trading town before anything else, after all, and the Trade Festival had been delayed. That's right! Delayed and not cancelled. Which meant...

A few moments later, after safely locking up all of her wares and belongings, Hina almost kicked open the doors of the Inn saying; "Hello, locals! I'll take..." raising a hand in the air to announce what her order will be, Hina missed the step and fell flat on the wooden floor, her hand still raised above her head...but! in a flash she was back on her feet, laughing nervously while scratching the back of her head. Finally, she sat at a table. "I'll take one Ale, please!"

The Merchant put down a rather big looking bag for her size, and out from it she got all the equipment necessary to write letters. A delayed Trade Festival only meant more opportunities.

@Mr Nim

As ever, Mila had compiled all of the mission into a detailed report - and by all it was all. Her reports had a very bad tendency to be over crowded with useless details or descriptions, being that Mila was able, or rather had no choice, to store all of the information within her memory. To the cyborg, it took a conscious effort to filter only the useful information from everything else, but most of the time a lot went through the net. Knowing this, she had to come up with ways to Mila-proof her reports. One such way was asking another to go through it before she'd send it to the Lieutenant. Speaking of which, Mila knew for a fact that Kuni, her roommate, would be heading here pretty soon.

Their room was small, but clean. At the very least Mila's part was for sure, but then again she did not need a lot of space and/or material belongings. When Kuni would finally enter the room, Mila would be...standing straight in the middle of the room, staring at the door.

"Oh. Here you are, Kuni." Mila had most likely been standing in such a way for several minutes. Chances were her roommate was now 'used' to Mila's antics...or so the cyborg thought. Justified or not, Mila felt as if Kuni judged her awkwardness a bit less than others. It might have been because of her interest towards technology. Mila did notice Kuni was close to her Linker's drone in some way.

"Kuni, I have need of your assistance." Saying this, Mila started to move towards their common working desk. On the press of a button, a holographic screen opened up. Mila pressed her hand against the control panel, and the text report she had written within herself appeared on the screen for others to read. "Could you go through my report and filter the information that are pertinent to our superiors?" Then, turning to her friend, Mila took a surprised expression. "Oh. I forgot again; Hello, Kuni. How are you? I meant to ask you only if you had the time and were willing to, of course. I am not your superior, after all."

Tilting her head to the side; "After which, we could engage in socialization?"

Shibata, Hina


Race: Human

Occupation: General Store Merchant


Merchandising : For all her antics, Hina can become extremely serious when it's time to bargain prices.
Economy : Furthermore, the shop keeper knows more than enough about how to make a penny. Buying stuff and reselling them for a profit is the mettle of a true merchant, after all.
Riding : Hina did not always have her Caravan. Her years of traveling the world - and maybe escape from one or two bad deals - made her pretty good at riding a horse.

Equipment: When Hina leaves her shop, she more often than not carry around a gigantic backpack that carries more than what she usually needs. This way, she can store almost everything of value she might found. How a small person like her carry such a burden is still a mystery, though some have said it was through will alone...

Description: For the longest time, Hina had traveled the world with a Caravan - her Caravan actually. Just her, her wares and her horse, Milan. That was until she passed through Frontier VIllage, about two weeks ago. Not only did her Caravan broke a wheel, but Milan was no young horse anymore. Hina decided to install her shop here for the time being in order to give Milan some peace and quiet for the remainder of it's days. After which, she'd see if she packed up and left or remained. First of all, though, she had to find someone to either make her a new wheel or buy one. Generally speaking, Hina is a lively person. A ray of sun shine, if you will - but an extremely clumsy one.

Point of Interest: Hina's shop is actually her caravan. Once stationary, the thing can open up on multiple sides and even have a (quite small) second floor where Hina's bed is. As one would expect...it'S extremely packed with everything, and only Hina could manage to keep track of what she has, and how to find it in all of this mess. The shop is also extended outside, under the outside roof that open. This is mostly where she cam be found when people come to her, all smiles.
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