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"Sorry if the academy went too hard on you, Mr. Sparks and Miss Leander. Next time, I'll be sure to lower society's expectations of what a hero is so that we can tone down the practices."

Mr. Hayes said...standing a few steps passed where the duo were sitting at the front of the bus. As if appearing out of thin air, the teacher was standing halfway across the bus, now turning to face the seat where the two young heroes he was addressing were sat at. Someone, no one had seen or heard him come onto the bus up until he seemingly began to speak. His tired eyes went from the duo to the rest of the class as he began to make his way to the very back, a sigh before adding; "Do not anguish over the expectations of the Academy - set your own. Beat those expectations everyday, and you will never disappoint yourself or those you are meant to save. Or Me." As usual, Hayes was cold on the delivery, but these were his words of encouragements. To memory, he was never heard saying compliments straight out. They always came through some sort of sermon, or you had to dig really deep behind his words to find some. Maybe this was his way of saying that they indeed did not disappoint him, as long as they gave it their all? Who knows. "Miss Croft." he added from behind, while everyone was still silent after he spoke up "Dare I suggest you turn off this Quirk of yours while on the bus, Hmm? And for the greater benefits of your friends."

As soon as everyone would be on the bus, the class would make their way across the city to their destination. Unknown to them, they were not the only ones...

Noxious eyes went to Dean "If Enterprise - or any other Pro Heroes - shows up, the plan remains unchanged. Our goal is always to go in, steal equipment and shuts down the facility efficiently and permanently."

Quinn seemed to be...nonchalant. At least compared to the others. She might be a boon to have in order to keep this team from each other's throats. Then again, anyone could hide the personality of a psychopath, so who knew for sure? Now, if Noxious was flustered or angered by Sana's comment, once again it was not shown in her eyes. She would address this not in words, but in actions. As for Jack - she was here for her fighting potential. Still young, this was almost about mentoring her. Judging by her answer, there was no big push needed for her to pick a side, though.

After Ryan spoke up, it was Noxious' turn. "Real name's Araraki Kaori - I give it freely since it is not attached to anything, anymore. Known in the profession as Noxious and I've mostly acted as a hitman up until now.

The heroes of today are corrupt - a far cry from what ideal they were supposed to reflect originally. Today, it's all about the Spotlight. They say they hunt villains, but we all know they are only interested in that light shining down on them - along with it's glory and wealth of course. I am after those that hold the light and promotes false heroism to the profit of no one but themselves."

Once more, a detailed plan of the factory they were to attack was displayed on the screen.

"Enough of that. The plan is simple.

Corvus, you will send out scouts ahead of us. You'll use your birds to spot out the main machinery room and find out what type of problems we might encounter on our way in and out.

Jack the Ripper, Sharksman and me will serve as a distraction to anything or anyone that might try to stop us. We already know the location of their main warehouse - this is where we will head. A team is waiting nearby with a truck. Once we blow out the walls to the warehouse and the outer fence, they'll swoop in and starts loading the truck with the gear for reselling.

Anarchy Red and Animus, you two will be in charge of setting up explosives and disabling the facility. As soon as we reach destination, Corvus will provide you with the correct location and you'll head there ASAP. Once your work is done, you will report it back to me and we will disengage.

Got it? Once everything is done, we get out of there. No point is seeking prolonged engagement for now. Now if you all accept and are ready, a Helicopter is waiting for us on the roof."

Noxious made her way to the back of the room, opening a door leading to some staircases that led straight up to the roof. If any of them had second guesses, they were free to leave - if not, this first mission was the perfect occasion to make a better idea for themselves of what was to come. On the roof, there was already someone waiting for them. A Pilot with the most plain of looks, if not for his one interesting Quirk - making everything he remained in contact with invisible.

This is how the group made it's way to the place. The factory was some way outside of town, luckily, and they easily landed some way near it. The whole team had been given the necessary gear for radio communications, and with Corvus having sent his Crows in for a preemptive look, they just had to wait before going in.


Hina took another sip of her own drink, smacked it back down on the table, trying to look tough - which was hard for such a small framed and frail looking girl. Her self-confidence more than made up for that, though. "Are you doing trying to compete with old gramps here in his own establishment? That's in poor taste!" she said, in a joking manner, while pointing to the Innkeeper James. "In all seriousness though...I don't really do alcohol. And even if I did, I couldn't compete with both an Inn AND a Guild Hall...could I? I'd be stuck with that merch for weeks!"

"But these venues are small as they're contained within this town. Since you will eventually leave, I'd like to sell them to you much like I have done before to other merchants that have passed through. In fact, I'd tell you my wares are of a sufficient quality that I have some repeat costumers as well!." The man said to her. In the back of his mind he knew the great game of negotiations has begun. He only wondered if he could get her to comply as she seemed quite unwillling to do so. He then added, "Also you still haven't answered my prior question regarding your tastes."

"Dark." she said, raising her buck to his. "Ale is best when it actually tastes something!" She took another great sip, which emptied her cup and she slid it back towards the Innkeeper, with a thanks. "So... If your ale is actually as good as you say, then maybe I could resell it. Maybe. That being said, is it attached to a name? And how many barrels and gold pieces are we talking about?"

The man then paid for her drink, ordering his own coffee milk stout. Due to the ingredients it was extremely dark brown looking like molasses. It also had a satisfying foam to it that lingered. However, unlike molasses the taste for it wasn't super sweet. There was a hint of the bitterness from the dark roast and coffee added to it, but the lactose added balanced it from being excessively bitter and added a very smooth mouthfeel to that rich taste of it, He offered it to her with an aura of confidence. "I can offer you a barrel or two. Or if it would be easier perhaps a handful of bottles if you're not feeling sold on it. As for name? Do you mean me or the brew itself? Name's Pisco and for this well, I'm not too good at names. I've been calling it 'Morning time delight' due to that toasted dark flavor and coffee. But really, I call it Coffee Milk stout recipe #32."

Hina took the buck and gave it a taste, taking a long time to taste the flavor and really feel the different ingredients. It was a far cry from your usual village Ale, that much was certain. For that fact alone, people might pay a good price to have a try at something different. "It's not bad...I can give you that." She handed the drink back to him, almost spilling it in the process. "However I'm not paying in gold for it. How about...a trade? We can exchange products, yes? I can take two barrels and provide with with goods at a better rate. We'd both sell them at a profit. You are a merchant, after all - you travel, yes?"

Pisco stifled a laugh when she assumed he was a merchant. "I'm a brewer. Although this is not to say I haven't traveled over the world. I'm just a person that drifted into this town and settled. Although if you managed to have something worth using in my brewing, I would be up for considering a trade of goods over selling for money. Also, if you enjoyed this beer, would you be interesting in sampling my other beers?"

Hina legitimately looked surprised at learning he was a brewer - as if it had not have been clear up until now. "Oh ! In which case, a trade of products can't do, Hmm... well. I can't very well travel with a broken cart and with the festival coming, I don't think I will be moving anytime soon either. If I bought you your stock now, I'd sell it at the Festival and do you competition. Tell you what; Give me one of your barrel, and I'll add a good word about your products to my contacts coming into town for the festival and help you sell your products. You give me 25% of the incredible profits you made thanks to my amazing mercantile skills, and I have a barrel of your product to sell at the next town over. Sounds like a sweet deal to me! What say you?" She told him with one of the biggest, most assured smile the man might have ever seen.

He was amused at the woman's energy. But there was an issue, and that was her broken wagon. He took a pause and thought over it. Eventually he responded, "Seems like a deal. But let's wait until you get your wagon fixed before I give you my products as I don't want them to languish in the wait. Also, if you need it, I can point you out to someone who could help. One more thing, welcome to the village miss, I hope you can enjoy your stay."

"I'm not a hurry to leave, but I'd appreciate that. I just need to make sure those letters leave as soon as possible." She said, standing up with a hop. "So...who would be this person that can help me, then?" Despite her frail look, Hina managed to grab her very large bag of belongings and hoist it onto her back, ready to leave.

"I believe there's a blacksmith by the name of Kaze.' The man said to her. "Perhaps he can help with your broken wagon. Anyway if you wish for more beers or wine you can find me at this address." He said as he gave wrote down the information on a napkin.

Hina made sure to thank Pisco for all of the information and the beer he paid for her, mentioning that she owed him one. After also thanking James, and leaving him her letters, Hina left in order to find this Kaze.

After the training had begun, Mr Hayes moved to the observation room. This was the place Renard was sent to after coming in late. "Well." The teacher said, after properly having ignored his late arrival since the boy arrived. "Time to go and see how your classmates performed." Without giving so much as a look at his student, Mr Hayes headed down to where the whole thing had began, fully expecting the student to follow.

Meanwhile on the training area, the students would soon enough realize that everything just...stopped. After receiving a hard blow behind it's head, the giant robot was forced to take a step back as to not lose balance, but then simply seemed to go offline. The same could be said of every robots, civilians or villains, throughout the area. The fires simply stopped. Just as quickly as they had appeared; it seemed that the explosions sounds from earlier had been just for show. The fires had been strategically placed and controlled through various methods and devices to keep them from spreading uncontrolled. The sudden silence was hammering, and only the sound of the water still left unfrozen was heard, now harmlessly flowing wherever it was free to flow. The teacher voice could be heard throughout the area through speakers; "Class A, the 20 minutes is now passed. Come back to the entrance area to complete the training exercise immediately."

Some of the school's medical personnel was present. Mostly, trained professionals with some minor Quirks that helped them in practicing medicine, but nothing too spectacular. Apart from sore muscles and wet feet, none of the students had been wounded terribly.

Mr Hayes waited for everyone to be present before speaking up; "Right. So, I bet most of you think you did good? and in retrospect it could have been a lot worse, but I've witnessed way too much recklessness for members of my class." Stone cold words, penetrating, judging stare - true to himself.

"Some of you worked together, and some of the plans I've witnessed were well executed. Using the water to stop the fire while having one or more Quirks to help control it's flow was not a bad idea, but it was risky. The civilians were under risk of being drowned or hurt - as it almost happened if not for Freya's quick reaction. However...what I have noticed above all else is a reckless desire to jump into the fray without thinking or coming up with a plan.

Most of you split up straight from the beginning. Heroes have to think fast, it's true, but they have to do so together. Peter."
Mr. Hayes stare fell on the student without him moving his head at all - pupils piercing him. "You worked together with Blair to save some civilians, which was fine, but you then proceeded to leave her behind. Furthermore, you took to driving a vehicle for which you were not qualified to drive, endangering yourself, your passengers and the partner you left behind. You also gathered them to a evacuation zone, but abandoned them there, alone, to join the fray again. What if one of the civilian's wounds got worse? What if they panicked, with no one to calm their fears? The jobs of Heroes is also to reassure the people you save. All Might does not smile all the time for nothing, after all. Remember that."

This lesson was, of course, meant for everyone while Peter was only an example. Other examples followed, such as how Sofia killed one of the criminal, a crime in itself, and also how her actions caused the hero to also injure herself. The remonstrance was severe, and every little mistakes were noted - as if nothing escaped Mr Hayes's gaze. "...that being said." he finally said "It was not all bad for first years, three weeks in. You saved a good number of innocent lives and stopped some villains. You showed courage, but courage not tempered by wisdom lead to your end. Remember that."

Mr. Hayes loudly clapped in his hand, as if he expected people to be lost in their thoughts after such a heavy speech and needed to be brought back to him. "Now. It's not all bad news. You won't get to rest just yet, but something quite interesting was prepared for the rest of the day." Mr. Hayes looked down at his watch, then back up towards the door

Any minutes now...The speech was already a lot longer than it had to be...
@floodtalon Alright, good enough for me. Accepted.

As Windel said, this completes the Roster.

Mila remembered the natural feeling of excitement - and missed it. She could detect it in her fellow team members, and it was enough to simulate it in her own demeanor once the transport brought them at landing destination. When it was her turn to drop to the ground, Mila approached the exit door and...clasping her rappel hook on the rope, she rappelled down just like they had trained to do. The heavy wind and rain made it a lot harder to do, but the equipment held on. She finally landed alongside the others with a heavy thud, grabbed Iron Saga from her back and got into formation, if formation there was.

Her entrance was less flashy than others...but there was protocol to respect, which Mila followed to the letter. All the Linkers available were present, including Subaru, which meant there was little to no reason for Mila to scan anything... but probabilities dictated that even if the percentage of chances any enemies bypassed the others scanners was low, it was best to be at the ready. Thus, she scanned the landing zone for anything others might miss.

Her team was left in charge - which meant Subaru was left as the leader of this mission. Thus, the frail Linker was rendered top priority asset in Mila's programming. Closely followed by other team members, Linkers first, then the missions rescue targets as they would find them.
Since some players have gone either missing or left the RP outright, we find ourselves able to accept two new players instead of just one, as the final members (for now) or this RP.

That being said:

@Krytavius Same as my two Co-GMs said ! I personally like the idea of the Quirk, but in a MHA setting I didn't see quite a lot of Mental Quirks. And as Windel said, this particular one would require almost constant OOC discussion to use against others. If you want to rely on Hand to Hand mostly, as you said, wouldn't it make more sense to pick a Quirk that goes towards that? otherwise you'll be left at a disadvantage.

@Heartfillia Love it. We already discussed it on Discord, and it seems to fall within that so I see no problem with it.

@floodtalon Another High temperature Quirk. I personally don't see anything wrong in it myself... Since she uses pieces of her bodies, like dead skin as you mentioned, it's safe to assume she doesn't have to wait to accumulate it, but can instead voluntarily 'create' it? As in, forces it off of herself, and regenerate it a bit faster, perhaps? This might be me just going wayyy too deep into this.

Villains Hideout

Nothing much about the masked villain moved except for her eyes when the others began entering the room. She met every questions with a simple and cold stare, waiting for everyone to be gathered. When that was finally the case, the purple haired apparent leader stood up and looked over everyone, her gaze landing lastly on Jack the Ripper behind her, lingering for a second more before moving.

"I am not impressed." she said as she slowly made her way to Ryan's place, taking the sheet from his hands as well as gathering the rest from the table, or anyone, having them before walking back to the tip of the table, laying them down neatly in a pile before her. Her mask had some electronic voice enhancer built into it, meaning that her voice was mostly unimpaired by the device - also meaning that this was no aesthetic device.

"You were all invited for your potential, so keep that in mind and leave any childish attitude and/or uselessly large ego out the door." Noxious tone was serious, commanding. Her eyes betrayed no traces of doubt, and the lack of half her face made it really hard to translate any emotions accurately.

"You all hate hero society for one reason or another. You all know that the League Of Villain's main goal is to destroy the symbol of peace. However... All Might left the country. He also left behind an echo of his twisted ideals; U.S.J.
A bastion of hypocrisy, bent on teaching a new generation of blinded and delusional youth. All Might's academy is led by an equally disgusting acquaintance of his; Enterprise."

As she spoke, the monitors displayed images of the academy including plans of the building and all sort of information such as accepted students and staff. An image of the Principle also appeared on screen. Among other things, she had been known for knowing the number one hero. These days, she was mostly known for being the leader of U.S.J, the country's most prestigious hero Academy. "Our goal is twofold; to destroy U.S.J utterly, one way or another and dispose of Enterprise. In doing so, All Might's stain will be removed from our Society...while we wait for him to disappear forever."

The monitors closed for now as Noxious turned back to her guests.
"An assault on the Academy would be foolish. As such, we will have agents on the inside. As for we."
She took another document that was on the console and threw in the middle of the table. It's content spilled across, revealing maps and plans of what looked like a high security building. A manufacture, actually. Hero's Gear manufacture.

"...we have other things to attend to first. Now; Questions?"
@Nyahahameha Also Fine ! Post up in the Character Tab and I'll update it.
That decision is backed up by all GMs after a discussion. I'll add a part in the OOC that says people need to be familiar with MHA before joining, as in having watched the anime or read the actual Manga.

Characters concepts are no good and would not fit the RP. We're going to have to refuse you for this one.
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