Avatar of Sini
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sinistred
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 564 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Sini 10 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current The Empire Strikes Back
9 yrs ago
Off to visit the little sister. Shall be back by Sun/Monday.
9 yrs ago
Trying to wrap my head around the new tools and bits of the site. Well done, Mahz.


Née 1991. I feel old already.

Been roleplaying from the age of 15, write on solo projects in my spare time. I heartily encourage interaction when it comes to writing and creative efforts. Like to think I'm an understanding but stern and solid GM when I host games, and a collaborative and creative individual. Used to draw. Write in advanced section.

While I might not be as omni-present a some of you are on RP:G, I have been a part of it since 2009-2010 (if my memory serves me right). However, I must admit that post Guildfall, my activity also dropped. Slowly getting back into things.

I attended university to acquire my master's degree in history. I already had an educational degree for history and English, and am teaching both in secondary school. Any questions? Ask.

Most Recent Posts

Essential translation of Ellrisms: "Darth" is too fancy a title for this guy.
Like Ellri I would like to see some more meat to the bio/interview. Elsewhere I see no glaring issues, but address the questions and feedback provided above regarding his skills in the Force and pilot seat, as well as some of his connections. If you mention associates you need to flesh them out a bit so they can be interacted with not just your character. When working out possible plots or contacts, these NPC associates might be an easy tie in for other players.
Looks great to me. Character's bio picked up speed toward the end. Get it? ;)

Tychus Alastor, Senator for Alsakan. (still pending approval in character submission board)

'Go' from me. One more.
Made her younger and sent her to be perhaps be handmaiden to our heiress Targaryen.

Right, I'll first get on your Frey since that'll take the least time. I'm on board with the character but there are a few discrepancies.
  • You first state he has five brothers, then switch that to two in the next paragraph.
  • What power did he wield at all to decree anything? If he wasn't lord, what enabled him to be able to punish his nephew?

Moving on to Joanna.
  • "Already born young" (paragraph two) --> aren't we all born young?
  • I think it's very good to have her wilful and contrarian, but without the martial aspect. To me it would seem more setting appropriate to have her obsess over hunting, hawking or horses instead of playing at swords.
  • I'm also a bit unconvinced regarding her 'punishment' for being stubborn. A position as royal handmaiden is prestigious and something most (or all) houses would find desirable. Sending her to Viserys' court hardly seems like a disciplinary matter. Sending her to the Silent Sisters though... but that would remove her from the RP.

I suggest you think her over a bit with these notes in mind.
<Snipped quote by Sini>

Surely they love the upjumped stewards being in charge..

I was going to make one of my sons squire somewhere in his past. Not sure if Oldtown would be a viable option?

Also I was just wondering what the situation is with the Kingsguard? Are you guys sticking to canon with who was in it at this time, or is it open to players at all? No worries if it isn't.

Sure thing. Ser Bryndon is a renowned knight. Unless you want to pair him with the heir: Ormund (but he's been travelling a lot in the past 5 years).

I think that regarding the Kingsguard there can be a few spots open for OCs.


I've been in talks with Ellri and got the concept of a Force Sensitive Mandalorian approved beforehand, if that helps!

An untrained force-sensitive who knows how to use his powers like this? Seems like a stretch.

Why did you include 'Sith' in the name?

This sheet is very problematic to me. We do not want a Force Using space lizard leading the Mandalorians by way of Battle Medition (a Force Technique which cannot be learned on one's own, by the way). Additionally, Ellri only tentatively agreed on the proviso that your character would cease being a Mandalorian upon joining the ranks of the Jedi or Sith. Mandalorian Force Users in itself are a no-no. If anything, the concept as you have it now is likely to be a target for both Jedi and Sith - it's an abomination to be cut from the Galaxy.
Great thanks!

Great. Now I have to pay lip service.

... I mean, greetings m'lady.

Let me know if you want to include some Hightowers.
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