Avatar of SirSqueakalot91
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.16 / day)
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    1. SirSqueakalot91 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current So, im going to leave the site awhile. I just have trouble making myself want to post something, and i hate making my partners wait for me. Thank you all for the fun!
6 yrs ago
Hoping to get some post up tomorrow. I just havent felt motivated to RP, or do much of anything really. Sorry about that, hoping to change for the better soon.
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6 yrs ago
Okay, time to be honest with my partners. There is no crazy life issues keeping me from posting. Im just addicted to the new God Of War.
6 yrs ago
Okay, so for the past month or so, ive been getting ready for a con to help kids. The con was today, and successful, and now i can relax and start posting tomrrow after some sleep.
6 yrs ago
Internet is acting up. Will try to post tonight.
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Hello, I have been RPing for a few years now, and I am always looking for someone to make a story with. I like 1x1 rps, but will also play groups. I am a male, and like for my main character to be male, but I will also play female if needed. I am also pretty good at playing a few characters at once. I will add to the bio when I think of something to add :).

Most Recent Posts

Name: Moon Knight

Secret Identity: Marc Spector

Age: 38


Moon Knight:
Mr. Knight:

Expert Pilot
Skilled Detective
Interrogation Expert
Weapons Master
Master Martial Artist

Moon's Might:
Increased strength, endurance, and agility depending on the lunar cycle

Spector was once a heavyweight boxing champion, then a Marine turned mercenary, who was working with a small team to protect a doctor in Egypt. After discovering a tomb full of riches, and used as a shrine to Khonshu (the moon god), one of the teammates turned and murdered the doctor before leaving Spector and the doctor’s daughter to freeze in the cold desert night.

Soon, a tribe found the duo, taking them to a place to recover. Spector had a vision of meeting the moon god, who declared him as his avatar on earth. Spector took a white cloak and left the resting spot to hunt down Bushman and the other traitors.

After completing his mission, Spector returned to America, and after some smart investments, gathered a small fortune. He uses this money in order to supply his crime fighting.

Spector created four identities to help with his crime fighting ways:
* Steven Grant- a millionaire who can be seen at parties, talking with the other “better” people to gather information on the government and other higher-ups.
* Jake Lockley- a poor taxi driver who talks with the normal citizens, and using their info to hunt down street level crimes.
* Mr. Knight- a man that wears a completely white tuxedo and mask, Mr. Knight acts as a detective, using the information he has gathered to help police, and find ways into crime scenes. Mr. Knight can also be seen taking care of small crimes, such as muggings and drug/weapon deals.
* Moon Knight- the loyal avatar of Khonshu and the hero that handles the large crimes, this is the identity that Spector takes the most, roaming the city in search of answers.

Because of the numbers of personalities that Spector has, he suffers from split personalities/multiple personalities disorders. He has had a nervous breakdown from it once, and is currently in therapy to help fix it. Or at least that’s what he tells his therapist. He is, in fact, trying to learn to control all of his personalities.
The city has been at odds since the “Defenders” had stopped the Hand. Most criminals had started staying quiet, only a few still causing trouble for the city. Sure, the citizens love that there are “Heroes” to watch over them, but the “higher-ups” hate it.

They say that those who are not elected protectors should stay out of the way, and use the Punisher as an example of an “insane vigilante”. Again, this is what they say, but the citizens believe that the government are upset because they don’t control these heroes, like they do with those who signed the “Sokovia Accords”, and are trying to act as if they care.

So, the mayor has started issuing these new weapons from a private company, called Advanced Idea Mechanics, of “A.I.M.” for short. A.I.M. says these weapons will help keep the heroes, villains, and citizens in check.

The people stayed quiet about these new weapons, until a cop wasn’t paying attention, and a child got ahold of one grenade, killing six people and injuring many more. A.I.M. has stayed quiet about the event, and this event has become one of the biggest court cases in the town’s history.

But who is A.I.M.? They seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, and their weapons are much more dangerous than the “Super Hero Tasers” that the agent told the mayor. And now, while A.I.M. has said nothing about the incident involving the child, gun dealers in alleyways seem to have gotten ahold of these weapons, selling them to whoever has the right amount of cash.

We are still accepting, but it is first come first serve. Some people have already asked to play certain characters, so if you wanna play some, please pm me or ask me on here so that I can let you know if they are available or not.

Do not post your character in the CS until I give you the okay.
@Afro Samurai

I did say Blade, and I’m glad someone is interested in him because he needs more love.
@DC The Dragon

Yeah, I don’t either, but I wanted the option to be there for someone who wanted to play him.

I’ll start working on the OOC and such, should hopefully have it up at some point tonight and will tag you all in it.
@DC The Dragon

I’m aware of that, but a good hero team needs a powerhouse or two. I didn’t just want Cage and Jones being the only powerful characters, so Blaze and Namor seem like fun choices.
@Burning Kitty

Okay. I gotta go help my grandfather, then I’ll post the actual rp. I don’t mind Logan having adamantium, since we can say it has something to do with vibranium, and just say he was part of some “shadowy group” instead of saying Weapon X.
@Burning Kitty

I’ll let you play as both, but only if someone doesn’t call one of the characters before you finish the character sheet. Deal?
@DC The Dragon

After looking the character up (as I’ve never heard of him), I don’t see any issues with you playing as him if you would like.
Sounds good. If we get at least one more person interested then I’ll post the rp and we can start working on characters and such.
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