Avatar of SmileyJaws


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4 yrs ago
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost... "
6 yrs ago
True friendship is calling your friend on his fart and embarrassing him in front of the person he likes.
6 yrs ago
The status bar was a mistake.
6 yrs ago
O Spam, thou art changed!
7 yrs ago
Bad banter, worst banter, sad.
1 like


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Just posting to let you know I'm still interested. I've just been away unexpectedly for the past few days/week.
If you're still taking on players, count me in.
@Lady Selune I understand the sentiment. Official GW/FW models for either of those regiments would be out of this world.
@Gordoth Okay, sounds good. I'll start working on that CS tonight at some point.
@Lady Selune I actually own 750 points Elysians that have been sitting in a box for the last year or two waiting for assembly. RIP Elysians, Forge World broke my heart when they discontinued them.
@Lady Selune Sure is, love me some Death Korps.

Edit: Just seeing now the last activity in this RP was nearly two weeks ago. I'll stay my application in case this has died
Double post, blame my ISP.
If this is still accepting then you can expect a CS from me in the next couple days.
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