Avatar of Song Book
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1639 (0.47 / day)
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    1. Song Book 10 yrs ago
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8 mos ago
Current hello! I have been reintroduced to how wonderful roleplaying is on my mental health and would like to restart my adventures here. expect activities!
2 yrs ago
Hello fellow humans and non-humans alike, I hope we are all vibing well in this liminal timespace that we find ourselves in.
6 yrs ago
This book is too good. Makes me want more kingdom type roleplays. Guess i should put that in the interests section below.
6 yrs ago
Been getting into Airships: Conquer the skies, and reading Promise of Blood. Make od thst what you will
6 yrs ago
Guess which lucky binch tried to catch a bad pass and ended up fracturing a bit in her finger? This binch



Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...)
Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..
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| Tastes |

I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore.
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If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.

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"I do love how they run... as if they could climb the walls as I do. Wasting their strength now is better for me though."

From the waist up, Ethodi looked roughly humanoid enough, the draping fabrics that hung, hid the scaled pattern that traced its way up, fading into skin as it reached the arms and face. Ventral scales carried up the torso and neck thinning out as it reached her chin. Her face was uncannily human in appearance, with large glossy reddish orange eyes, a thin straight nose and darken scales that mimicked freckles across her cheek bones. Thick straight hair was braided thoroughly and pinned up elaborately as to not drag when laying. With grace her hands swirled as she twisted around. Resting upon her own lumped up long body of scales she tastes the air with forked tongue looking for her next meal or a warm spot to rest.
Roughly 28-30 in human standards.


A Naga thru and thru, Ethodi posses a main body of a serpent that fuses near it's head into that which mimics as a human's body. She posses two freed limbs and grasping hands, of which lack most to any scales. Continuing along her entire body is a trail of ventral scales, which of solid darkened color are hardy and tough. This includes trailing up her sudo torso and ending just below her chin and jaw, along her to travel fully horizontally across surfaces if she must. Her normal scales face out to skin around what would be the waist on her sudo torso and form a convenient place for attaching bag straps. There is little real change in size of the body between segments, with the real anatomical changes coming from the arms a bit further up.

Her anatomy is generally snake-like, with ribs running down the length of her body to support the toned muscles underneath. While her torso mimics that of a humanoid species, it containers little more than large lungs and the beginning of the digestive tract. While the size of the neck which holds up the head may seem to be a restriction in meal size, due to the lack of otherwise purpose it contains few structures and is made entirely of stretchy skin. It's short length also helps in that endeavor. Her jaw holds an adequate amount of teeth but two long retractable fangs take prominence, much of her face including her mouth is always covered in a sheer of fabric attached to her elaborate hairdo.

In mimicry with local humans Ethodi wears a light colored chiton closed at the shoulders with golden rings and together around the waist with a braided rope tied to the side of which most easily hung open. It drapes loosely across the torso, and is gathered at both the shoulder points and the waist rope. At total size she measures 12 feet long, and standing, if one can use the term, upright at around 5'5. Around her waist is a small bag full of golden and silver coins.

top half outfit idea i.pinimg.com/564x/98/d7/8d/98d78dccb2…
scale pattern: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/common…

Power Descriptions:
Ethodi possesses a strong paralytic venom, though she is wary to utilize it. Along side this is improved sense through the ability to detect small changes in heat signatures and smell thought an utilizing her forked tongue and extra sensitive smell organ.

Ethodi is as skilled at her crafts of the hunt as she is of the arts. Spending time patrolling her garden for intruders, lounging in the brisk Mediterranean style sun, playing instruments, and weaving. She has also done well in the art of reassurance and hypnosis, luring those in her company into a relaxed state, whether just to be kind or as a method of hunting.

Ethodi is observant and sly, emotionally distant, but sweet and looking forever to find balance in all parts of herself. She often dotes upons those of her fancy, and of her prey, preferring those near her to be collected and calm.

Having made a home from the ruins of an ancient palace, Ethodi now guards over her prized livestock and perfects her arts. Once a reckless child, she was an explorer in her youth, traveling far from her place of hatching and all others of her kind. Soon regarded as a monster by the local people's, she kept mostly to the outskirts of societies until stumbling one day upon the ruined palace and decrying it her home.

She has grown quite fond the the livestock she now is caretaker over, their personalities too are nice to observe. Mahau and wine are some of her favorite drinks, though she is prone to sleeping fits from excessive consumption. She has also gotten into the habits of eating trespassers to her garden. Though there has not been much of either wine nor trespassers near her Palace in a long long time.
Ethodi loathes fires, at least those that reign uncontrolled and with little care so that they rise smoke that smothers the clean air. She hates trespassers and liars most of anything with theifs running a close third.

She shows little fear towards many creatures with exceptions towards large birds.
With a long unsegmented body with little natural armor outside of a thick sheen of scales, piercing weapons aimed properly can easily cause damage to her even if slashing weapons do little.
Can't believe you've revivified the place again @Dark Light

May throw a new character in the ring. trying to get back into storytelling again
Once upon a time a long, long time ago the world was brightly awashed in the colors of electric lights and sondered with the smoke of fuel burning vehicles and factories. Man had built machines to make goods and services, to improve the lives of others. Yet in their foolishness, they sacrificed the nature of the world they had come to dominate. While some had forseen the future devastation, others rallied against these notions of reflection. Looking instead to continue the ways of life that had so far led to their happiness. In all of Mans failings in these distant years it was that of their failure to protect the nature of their world that had doomed them to failure.
[H2]A God's Living Heart[H2]

Beasts of man, beasts of metal, beasts of the the gods. Gigantic yet blind to the world they inhabit. Whose glowing cores pushes puffs of hazy sky from their innerads as they transverses the countryside in a forgotten journey. A patchwork of earthen soil and machinery, crystals powering stone, To move their sturdy frames. Glazed eyes locked forever on the horizon as they follow the cyclical aptterns that have defined the borders of the world for a millenium.

Can i just say i love the thematic dividors and will be marking this to read more in depth on a different day as it is currently wayyyyyy too late for me to be trying to read such things.
The settling into the Apocalpse was a soft decent. Soft only due to the steadiness that the world as we know it collapsed in on itself. As the pressures of war, famine, drougt and other natural disasters raged on, the populace protested. Governments as we knew them began to crumble, militaries deflunked, their soliders unwilling on mass to abide the horrid deeds and the horrid will of their superiors. The populace rose up, as the world caved in. In the flame there brewed a world reaching group whose ideology of rebuilding aociety meant starting during the collapse.
The Verdant Group, whose name came from the Oasis their compounds became in the anarchy that sprung around them. They provided seedsx equipment, classes on survival and prosperity in self sufficiency, and most importantly gave place for a greater sense of commhnity to fester.

As the world carved in kore and more, these oasis lost contact with each other, amd many like much of the world succumbed to the collpase. But those that survived, made it clear that the new way to progress forwards again and prosper is to go about this whole civilization thing differently.

But any future was just a hope, in the chaos humanity reduced the global population dirastically,
Will be testing everything here because its easier than managing a new om string for ideas and stuff.
In Writing Mad 5 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery
It was now we began to expand our reach of influence on thsoe in our surrounding such which we would be payed hommage in our eternal comforts and such that in our work they instead will toil and benifits of then such trickle onwards back down so that their own burden be levied and our efforts in further expansion and intellectual beginnings blossom and suceed.
In Writing Mad 5 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery

His eyes thundered and swirled,
with genius,
and the fire
of heavy rains,
fog over the blue,
A downpour.
enough to drown me alive,
if I don't swim to stay above,
the raging of his sea.

For those few minutes,
I was a sailor adrift in his storm,
The flashes of light,
the inspiration in his words,
the deep blue fury,
of his disappointment.

Both unable,
and unwilling
to look away.
From the waves
and clouds.
Falling back in love,
with his rain.
when the lightning struck,
Light in his sea.

This builds off an earlier poem and changed the theme a bit towards a prompt of a color.
In Writing Mad 5 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery
Head in the clouds

The world was soft today,
drifted down from the senseless shapes,
and pushed through by winged forms,
to form whisps once-again.

The classroom was loud,
with sounds of distractions frowned upon,
by teachers,
who are more gentle and softspoken,
to get my attention.
Though the scenes outside,
hold my more significant intentions.
To pay attention.

Darkened shapes,
heavy intentions,
the release,
the let-down,
the bell rings,
as my thoughts drift back away,
from the scene outside to the empty class,
in which I sit.
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