Avatar of soren
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1944 (0.52 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. soren 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Anyone wanna do an amalgam universe RP? OCs and established combinations welcome
4 yrs ago
So I've got some superhero characters I'd love to play in a group rp. Anyone got one I can jump into?
4 yrs ago
Super hero, anime, multiverse, and fantasy based role plays anyone? Seriously pm cause I wanna writing
5 yrs ago
bored af right now
5 yrs ago
Awesome. I've been let down again. Why do I try with anyone? No one in RL treats me with the same respect I give them. To them: next time you want me at a family thing. Then I think I might be busy.


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@The Fool lol no hate. Meant hat but oh well got a good laugh
@Stern Algorithm lmao!! I hadn't even noticed the typo
Well I need to find something new and fairly consistent. Any ideas?
@Shadow Dragon as much as I hate to say it yeah...
I'll throw my hate in the ring and see what happens

Name: Jericho Cromwell

Alias: Allomancer

Appearance (general and costumed):


Powers:Metal manipulation- can manipulate metal into any form of his choosing. Metal senses- can transfer his awareness through metal and to metal. Metal animation- can give his creations a sudo-life, living only if they are commanded to do something by him.

Skills:Art, arc welding

Previous occupation: Arc Welder

Backstory: Growing up has was told stories of grandpa Willy who served in WW2 and was chosen for some elite group. Grandpa Willy told him the rest if the story while he was in the nursing home. The parts that everyone thought was the start of Willy loosing his mind, little did they and his grandson know but willy was telling the truth. Until he had turned twenty he never believed truly that his grandpa had shaped metal with just his hands and no welder or heat. But when he made a hand print in some metal he was working he suddenly took stock in things his grandpa said. Over the next few years he realized that he could shape metal with his hands and turn it to a liquid with his mind. Finally he took up the mantle of Allomancer. Any metal could be bent to his will. His favorite thing to do when chasing criminals was to make metal creations come to life to capture them.

Personality: Usually easy going but easily angered when something he doesn't like applies pressure to his nerves.

Likes: Art and metal works

Dislikes: war, rude people, wasteful things, big corporations

additional information:

Sorry it took so long but here we are. Also working on finding an appearance and costume
Still accepting?
Well shit..looks like we lost another one. Imma be honest I'm a bit discouraged and
Frost weaver still stood in the doorway as the man holding Jocelyn spoke and everyone else was either talking or making up their minds. Price didn't care much about him really, well he was concerned but he had orders to make sure Jocelyn was ok and that the demon didn't fly off the handle. Right before he was about to reply he saw him collapse. "Well this complicates things a bit for you. If anyone objects it will be me. Cause well I'm not dropping either of you off being unconscious. Walking over to him and Jocelyn laying on the floor he took a small device from his pocket in the suit. Standing over each of them he pressed the device's top and a caccon of light encased each of them. Just then Price heard the incoming projectile alarm then it went off. Narrowing his eyes he left the two caccooned and went to cockpit. Maneuvering the ship had looked down. A man had fired a flare and it had hit the ship. He then ran a scan. The man was S.H.I.E.L.D but he also had the particles on him that were ment to transport him. Odd he thought to himself but changed the transport area to a small holding cell. He knew that Athena didn't care for his allegiance but Price made the decision to carry him with them. Activating the transport the man was moved from the roof to the holding cell. "Hello newcomer, apologies for the lack of hospitality but currently you are wearing a hostile label. If you'll give me a bit to take care of some injured personnel I'll be back to you shortly. With that he clicked the microphone off and went back into the hangar bay ignoring the others. Levitating the two up and out to the med bay he set up the automated system. This would examine their powers and take care of each individual. He then left and went back to the hangar. "Alright everyone if you need medical attention head through the doors I just came through. Anyone else make yourself comfortable unless anyone else has any objections? He waited as he knew not everyone had spoken up.
The next morning after everyone had gotten some sleep Chiron and Redwood met Syrus at his cabin.

"Syrus can we come in?" Redwood asked as he knocked on the door. Chiron got into his wheel chair as the door opened and Syrus still drying his hair offered them inside. "Good morning my..." Redwood started to say as the door closed and the environment changed around them to a grassy meadow with a huge tree. "...my my boy." Gapping he looked at Syrus as he took the towel off his head.

Syrus looked at him and laughed lightly. "Its mothers magic at work. The area inside the cabin is altered by the mist to my desire. If the door opens or reverts, if someone uninvited comes in it reverts, and if someone I don't trust is hear it reverts. Basically it's just for atheistic appeal, but today it will serve a different purpose." Suddenly the scene changed to an area in the distance of New Rome. "I will use this room's magic with my own to teleport to this spot outside New Rome so that we wont have to worry about me being completely depleted. The only thing is we won't be able to return this way, if we need to come back here that is. I'm not sure where the quest will take us if we are going to stop..." His voice trailed off as he heard voices at the door and a knock.

"Ah must be the other campers for the quest. I did tell them you wanted everyone to meet here but didn't give a reason." The scene around them dissolved as another knock came at the door. Redwood opened the door and welcomed the children in. He closed the door but the scene didn't change Redwood noticed but didn't say anything.

Syrus watched as the other kids entered and waited before he said anything.
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