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    1. Stabby 8 yrs ago


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For reference, I say that as someone that only joined it a few years ago.


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<Snipped quote by Stabby>

Kirina: oh good! Its here!

*After they finish setting our meals on the table, the waiter takes the empty dish of crab dip as they leave.*
I'd say let's dig in?
<Snipped quote by Stabby>

Kirina: hm...

*keeps eating*

*Does the same, and soon enough by the time the main meal arrives the crab dip is gone.*
<Snipped quote by Stabby>

What exactly are you trying to achieve with it? What "straight answer" do you want?

Salvador: Any explanation of why it's power is what it is, what part of me it was an extension of, and what the heck I'm supposed to do to go farther. *Once his foot is healed, Salvador walks over and picks up the Zanpakutō.*
Salvador: But every single time it just threw the same answer in my face.

. . .

Before she finished her question, Nira heard something she wished she could unhear.


Not wanting to look down for fear of what she'd see, Nira internally wrestled with the fact that that pixie had likely just died. She didn't exactly feel guilty after having already killed other things as a means to eat. But its unintended death saddened her, giving her a cold reminder both of how easily things could die and of how easily she herself could die.

This was reality, despite its gamelike elements, and she shouldn't be taking it as lightly as she had been. Having gotten lost in her own feelings and thoughts, she was snapped back to the current moment by the other wild pixie's attempts at mimicking her. The gibberish it made sounded like a cute attempt at speach and the reaction it made showed that it was clearly curious to learn more, even if it wasn't exactly successful. But should she try to teach it? Was she really going to put in the effort with this pixie on the off chance it could hold a sense of loyalty?

A part of her said yes, since she was already socially entangled. But another part of her realized that she likely wasn't at a level where she could handle any mess the pixie might get her into. Struggling with the decision, Nira spoke aloud in the hopes of getting a second opinion without getting the pixie intrigued in another talking monster.

"Hey Femus, I know keeping this pixie around would likely be more trouble then it's worth, but there's already a good chance that it would cause trouble if we tried to lose it and it ran into us again later. So I'm wondering what you think."

Hopefully he would stay out of sight when responding. Otherwise they would likely be forced to put up with or deal with the pixie. And the second one wasn't an option she was entirely comfortable with.

Nira color=a062de
Echo-Voice color=a187ae

<Snipped quote by Stabby>

That's called a zanpakuto, it's both a separate entity and a part of your soul. If you're not able to learn its name, you may as well quit now.

Salvador: Oh I learned the blasted thing's name alright. But the darn thing won't give me a straight answer otherwise until I "Show my true heart and prove myself." Like hell I'm going to bow before a fraction of my own soul.
Samantha: Do I need to put a bullet in your other foot?
Salvador: *Glares but says nothing.*
Samantha: Good. If you agree to watch your language and tone your ego, I'll heal your foot.
Salvador: *Lets out a deep sigh before limping over.* Alright... alright.
<Snipped quote by Stabby>
Yeah. I was a work in progress, so to speak. Even now, The Endless worries that there could be negative side effects to my ressurection, such as the possibility that I won't live for very long.

That sounds like it would suck.
But if the possible problem of not living long is purely biological, I could probably help in that regard. Big stress on the word probably.
<Snipped quote by Stabby>

I suppose it would be easier. You wouldn't need to use ki to do it. But turning air into plasma is caused by heat, so I doubt it would amplify.

Samantha: hmmmmm... guess Ill have to look down a different avenue for that.
Salvador: *Stomps out of the time distorted room and attempts to lodge the Zanpakutō into the ground with a throw.* This bloody sword was a fucking waste of time! Why the hell should I have to prove myself to an object?!
Samantha: *Pulls a gun out from a pocket dimension and shoots Salvador in the foot from where I'm standing.*
Salvador: *Jumps and starts hopping around on one foot.* Ahhggg! For fucks sake why did you do that?!
Samantha: *Holds up a finger for each reason.* Ego, Language, and Temper. We are currently guests here.
Salvador: *Grumbles but doesn't give a retort.*
<Snipped quote by Stabby>

And that's the gist of it. If you focus it within your body correctly, you can use your electric potential to plasmafy the air between your hands, then manipulate that plasma via ki. Or you can use it pure like you are now.

Suzy: Cool.
Samantha: Does the effect amplify if you can already produce an electric current?
*Holds her thumb and forefinger apart and a small arc of electricity sparks to life between them.*
<Snipped quote by Stabby>

Next, try to form an orb out of it in the palm of your hand.

*Samantha is able to do so within a few minutes, but it takes Suzy an hour.*

. . .

To see her wild aquaintence turn around in shock and go for a short tumble through the branches because of it was definitely amusing, but a quick yelp followed by a high pitched squeal from above drew her attention back to the theiving pixie. Whatever Femus had done sounded like it had hurt, but she hadn't actually refocused her attention soon enough to see what had happened. After having already internally winced at the high pitched squeal, she only looked up in time to see Femus flash crimson and to see the theif soon plummet towards her from above.

Weighing her options, she decided to just get out of the way and let the theif plummet past. The last thing she needed was another pixie following her, be it by curiosity or otherwise. Turning to her wild aquaintence as they reemerged from the tree leaves after their tumble, Nira decided to take a good look at them before speaking again and asking the number one question on her mind right now.

Can you understand what I'm saying?



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