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    1. Su 3 yrs ago


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Just a big ol' nerd with a distinct lack of hair.

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Darya watched as Benning buzzed over and stuck her in a matter of moments. The aches in her joints and a the burn of a scrape here and there subsided. It was nice but unneeded. She made a mental note to go over his treatment parameters later. The doctor fired a round at the great beast, who was now being peppered on all sides by the group. Slim trails of crimson began to slide down its face and sides as it roared in frustration. After a few more moments, it let out a chilling howl. The sound reverberated through the entire campground as if it was a gigantic instrument. The smaller wolves howled in response, adding the piercing quality of their ghostly song. Darya blinked and they were gone. She glanced a bushy tail disappearing behind a tree. They had fled. It almost seemed to good to be true. The party waited a few moments with baited breath, expecting the beasts to attack from a different angle. But nothing.

Darya sighed and lowered her rifle, taking stock of the camp. The ground was ripped up and any park benches or tables had been destroyed in the chaos. But there seemed to be no injuries or at the very least minor ones. She gave a grim chuckle.

"Not bad team, if you're injured come see me. If not, get some rest. We leave at first light tomorrow."

Darya saw to those who were injured with Benning's help and laid down on her sleeping mat. 'Sammy would have most certainly enjoyed this place', she thought with a wry grin before sleep overtook her.

The next morning the party packed their things and set off once again on the I-5. The sun had barely cleared the horizon by the time they began picking their way past burnt out cars and the skeletons of those unlucky enough to be caught outside of a vault. Despite their excitement from the previous night, the I-5 was as quiet as ever. Eerily so. Traveling in the republic ensured you'd always be harassed by geckos, scorpions, and raiders. Sometimes all three at once. But up here any wildlife they saw kept their distance. Aside from the wolves, of course. It was noon when they finally stopped, the ruins of a town about a mile ahead. Darya looked at her map. The NCR scouts didn't annotate any ruins on the way to Medford. She scowled.

"Hey, Gail." Darya called over her shoulder, "Do you think you can scout out these ruins? I want to know what I'm walking into."

@Eviledd1984 Don't sweat it, I'm about to get a post up right now

Hey no worries, its just a RP. Obviously your health comes first, take all the time you need.
There was an old saying that was fairly common among many militaries of the galaxy.

No plan survives first contact.

While Kaya found that to be true, this plan had impressively gone to shit. He remained on overwatch, providing support to the distraction team by dropping a drell here and there. There was all kinds of distinct chatter over comms but he didn't let it distract him. In fact, he stopped to take a quick sip from his canteen. But as he did so, a strange sensation washed over him. For a split second, everything was upside down, inside out. He choked on his liquor as he was brought back to reality, his head swimming. He saw his comrades fleeing from the ship. Then he saw the Locust burst from its lair, surrounded by-

"A swarm." Kaya muttered to himself, a cold hand squeezing his heart. Back on Erinle, he and his hatchmates were raised on horror stories of the collectors and their swarms, stripping people down to the bone. Kaya never thought he'd see one in real life. Yarik gestured to him below, Kysar and Solveig behind. And the locust far closer than comfortable. The salarian slid down the dune and sprinted to reach them, firing pot shots at the monstrosity with his pistol. Kaya glanced behind them as they ran and saw a drell get ripped apart by one of the swarms. Fear quickened his steps. But the swarm moved much faster than they did and it was obvious they would be upon them in a matter of moments.

Panicked, Kaya searched desperately for somewhere to take cover. He didn't have any bitoics or special armor and everywhere was too open. Except...

He spotted a metal barrel with a slightly ajar lid. Just big enough for him to squeeze into. He wasn't actually gonna dive in a barrel was he? Kaya risked another glance behind him. The swarm buzzed angrily, mere meters away now. Yes. Yes he was. Kaya sprinted towards the barrel, collapsing his sniper rifle and stashing it on his back. He dove and hit the rim painfully, knocking it on its side. The buzzing was getting louder. He scrambled inside and grabbed the lid, flipping it so he could hold onto the handle. He pulled on it to create a seal and held on for dear life. Seconds later, he heard the swarm slicing and biting at everything around. The noise of them striking the barrel was amplified inside and Kaya closed his eyes, using all his strength to keep the lid in place. Then it was over.

Kaya waited a few moments before he heard the tell tale laugh of their krogan ally, no doubt charging the collector head on. Kaya crawled out of the barrel and looked around, yelping when he saw the locust was only a dozen feet away. He sprinted from the barrel to Kysar's position, extending his rifle and scoping in on the collector. It was time to do what he did best.
And post is up! Consider the alpha wolf as a sort of mini boss character. While fighting him, you can control what he does, so long as it doesn't affect other players (unless you agree to collab with someone)
Darya zeroed in on a wolf at the edge of clearing and fired. She was rewarded with the trees being painted red. They had taken down a good number of the wolves already, with help of a few mutants and a drone. But even more lingered just beyond the tree line, gazing at the party with their many eyes. She heard Jack make a few quips about their enemy. Darya wondered if she could keep those quips going while their throats were being torn out. Despite the diversity of their skills, they were outnumbered. And bad. Darya's brief pondering was violently interrupted by one of the wolves charging her flank. How could something that big move that damn fast? She turned to shoot it but knew she would be able to bring her rifle up in time. The wolf's jaws were already upon her.

She raised her robotic left arm just in time for the beast to clamp its jaws down on it and send them both tumbling across the campground. It was all Darya could do to keep the monster from flinging around like a ragdoll. It's breath was rancid with a tinge of acidity, as if it exhaled radiation instead of carbon dioxide. Darya scrabbled at her thigh for her smg, finally finding it's handle and ripping it out of the holster. She jammed the barrel into the wolf's neck and pulled the trigger. A shower of blood shot out the other side and the beast's vicious growling turned into a pained gurgle and then silence as it collapsed on top of Darya. The woman could feel it's blood soaking into her clothes.

"I'm too old for this." she realized out loud before shoving the corpse off her with great effort. Darya struggled to her feet and scooped up her rifle. There was still too many of them. Then a loud rumble cut through the forest. Darya looked to the north and her heart dropped into her stomach. A six eyed behemoth stalked out of the woods, covered in bristly gray fur and scars. It was at least as big as a small pick up truck and its teeth had to have been as long as Darya's forearm.

"That's the alpha! We need to kill that fucking thing if we're gonna get out of this alive!!" Darya shouted to the others as she scoped in on the monster.
Been a crazy week, I will get a post up either tomorrow or Saturday.
I've made a post on the first page, a quick lore update on all the prevalent factions as of 2284. If there is a faction that isn't there that you would like to see, let me know and I will update it.
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