Avatar of Suku
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    1. Suku 9 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
See my talent! Hear the thundering applause! Thus, praise! Golden Theater! "Imperium of the Maiden's Flowery Words" (Laus Saint Claudius)!
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7 yrs ago
If you love twintails, anything is possible.
7 yrs ago
I have my regrets, But I was true to myself through everything, and that is all that matters.
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8 yrs ago
Hast thou exerted all possible efforts?
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you know you have my interest clocku
Hilde Wandering Valkyrie

"This is just fantastic I am basically stuck on this island unless I can find someone willing to brave the terrain." Hilde muttered to herself in frustration as she continued onward she continued onward asking about pilots willing to take her and all getting the same answer of no. "DAMN IT IT ALL" She screamed in frustration she was unable to find a way off this island and her rank meant nothing so there went that option. Her sister left the island and she was stranded here for now cursing her luck Hilde continued forward hearing a few rumors of a crashed airship. Seeing no other option she headed out towards the general location. Hopefully the pilot of said airship was alive and well cause this was her only lead she had in awhile on getting of the island in the direction she wanted to go to.
Maria To hell and back?

Maria sighed as she looked around things quickly went to hell and a hand basket and she was currently lost.She so far managed to avoid detection but knew it wont last. She had a duty to those still trapped to offer them haven and or a way out though so far Haven was the best bet. Having fortified the audio and rec room she went out in search of other knowing not where to go or if she will but she had to do her best. Considering her current location was on the first floor the obvious choice would to try and get onto the second floor where the students may be. With these thoughts in mind she headed up carefully and slowly making sure to keep an eye out in case something odd was to happen. "I better get a raise out of this" she muttered to herself as she continued onward.

Okita Wounded Assassin, Kuremi lost student.

Kuremi was recovering but still let Okita take control it was for the best she was injured and Okita was a trained professional a famous character in legend. "Shinsengum...." She muttered to herself knowing Okita would be the only one to hear her. "Indeed I am Souji Okita manslayer and captain of the Shinsengumi" She said as she walked forward the wound on her side causing her to slow down but not stop. She had to find a way to the nurses room on the first floor there she would be able to bandage it at least. Or so her thoughts was as she head out her sword gripped tightly in her hands as she used the wall as a crutch.
@The Irish Tree
"Ah thank you!" Hilde said cheerfully thanking the small warrior for his help. It wouldn't have done to lost her funds for the journey so early on. As she took the sack and stowed it away more carefully. "My name is Hilde may I ask you for yours?" She asked she was sure her outfit and the shield slung on the back already screamed what she was but she hoped it would remain a secret for a bit longer. Didn't want to get her position away so easily which was kinda hard considering they stamped the symbol on basically everything. "I am new here having never really left Niflhelm so thanks for helping!" She said as she grabbed her stuff to head to the nearest Tyragrande station to look for information on her sister. "I am sorry to cut it so short but I must go I need to do something you see so please pardon my rudeness." She said as she bowed in apology quickly before starting to look for the office to gain information from.
Kuremi watched in horror as a bow was aimed straight at her face. In fear, she collapsed and crawled back “I don't want to die not here!” She exclaimed as she crawled backward unable to do much more else. Seeing the stone thing turn away Kuremi took the chance and quickly entered the closest door she found and barricading it to the best of her ability. “I don't want to try anymore,” Kuremi whispered she was at the end of her mental rope as she fell to despair what was the point anymore she failed she couldn't save her grandfather and she was unable to save her fellow students they were able to take care of themselves more than she could herself. “What's the point I'm nothing but a miserable pile of secrets” Kuremi continued as she huddled into a corner. “Is that what you really believe in?” A voice echoed in her head once more. Kuremi hearing that was disheartened even more but the more she thought about it the more it was right was she really ok with this? Was it really what she believed in. “No…… I’m not,” Kuremi replied she was lost and confused it was clear she didn’t know what to do anymore. “I Don't know honestly” She whispered once more she was confused her grandfather was more than likely dead and she failed to protect her classmates what was left? Everything she set herself to she failed what was left beyond watching the world burn?

“I have had enough of this foolishness stand up and fight!” The voice yelled in her head “A single loss does not mean every sacrifice was in vain! A single mistake does not end a war! You lost cause you lacked the power to accomplish the ambition you set for yourself.” It continued giving a sort of rousing speech. “The willingness to give up that’s just the sort of freedom I will never understand.” It continued leaving Kuremi lost “Ambition is pointless! To find what was lost, knowing that it will be lost again. What's the point then!” Kuremi yelled in frustration and anger everything she tried failed what was the point. “This is what we call despair it brings with it a sense of loss and feeling of hopelessness.” The voice said and Kuremi despite wanting to disagree knew it was true she lost all hope and welcomed despair in the end. “Though that's fine I guess I will lend you my power.” Kuremi was lost but she knew she needed to stand up and fight for herself. “Than I suppose I can lend you my power for now so say it the words of power that will grant you everything needed for you to seize your victory.” Kuremi nodded at those words “Include Assassin” she said as her own voice seemed to resonate with the other as a single katana appeared in her hands. “Kojiki Kiyomitsu” Kuremi muttered the blade felt so familiar yet so foreign in her hands still she now had the blade she needed to cut down a path of her own.

"Soldiers of stone will be your end are you ok with that?" A voice echoed in Kuremi's mind. Her thoughts were racing miles a minute what the hell was happening this... this couldn't be happening she placed others lives above her own grandfathers. "A cold decision but was it the right one?" The voice asked once more in her head worry built in her head. "Hmm, a failure than worry has no place here." The voice stated as it faded from her mind. She had enough of this of the dang stone soldiers and of the dang voice questioning her every action! She knew what she had to do she had to protect those in front of her. These odd weapons her fellow members had was odd but she was the president of the student council she would stand and protect them even if it meant her death. Broken broom handle in hand she charged she knew what she had to do. "Good there may be hope for you yet but victory teaches little compared to a failure." The voice said once more sounding more coaching than before. "Find safety I need to check on the others that is my duty!" She exclaimed as she went forward she would need a better weapon than a broken broom handle though to fight stone soldiers.
Kuremi looked on in horror as her grandfather burst in screaming and she was forced to watch as stone crept up his body. Part of her wanted nothing more than to run up and do something anything but at the same time, she knew that there was more at stake. She had to be strong so it was with a heavy heart and tears running down her eyes she turned "go escape I'll catch up later!" She yelled at the remainder of the student council. As she grabbed Noboru by the back of the collar "forgive me for this" she said as she quickly pushed him out the window along with Aoi. "Steady breath and calm yourself a shaky hand leads to defeat" She muttered under her breath remembering the kendo lessons her grandfather gave her long ago. First things first she needed to defend her fellow students she alone would shoulder that burden as student council president. Her hand grabbed the mask and placed it a comfort that cost her some time but one that made her feel better about herself.

Kuremi looked there was a lot of the stone soldiers pouring in and she had little room to react. It was clear she had little choice as she backed towards the window. Her hands feeling around before finding purchase on a broom handle. Instinctively gripping it tightly in her hands she stared onward at the enemy using shelving around the room as makeshift shields."I-i-i-i-m Sorry grampa ill come back I promise...." She muttered before taking a swan dive out of the second story window hoping someone was done there to help just in case. Tears flowed freely down her face her hands still gripped tightly on the broom using it to find purchase to slow down her landing as she found purchase the head of the broom getting caught in a guard railing before snapping allowing Kuremi to land roughly on her feet.
Kuremi Kurokage/Student Council Room

Kuremi shuffled through the papers all the while listening to each and everything that was said "If I may interject we also got requests from students to hold a musical event at some point. Perhaps this would be a good time to try it out?" She asked not looking from her papers as she started to swiftly write down on a document and placed it in the outbox next to her. The meeting was interrupted as the loud music began to play from Kuremi's phone. Causing her to blush as a result as she quickly answered her cell. Her grandfather had been in a bout of good health felt well enough he said he was walking to the school to visit her with her favorite mochi. While also telling her to be careful cause of the chaos that was happening around town. "Sorry for that" Kuremi said her blush evident on her face as she motioned for the meeting to continue. She was glad her grandfather was feeling better perhaps this time they would be able to to take him home soon instead of him being cooped up in the hospital all the time. "If ideas are needed we can also turn to other suggestions from the students in the box as well," Kuremi said. It was there for that reason after all.

@The Irish Tree

Fight! - Skathi

Skathi knew things was going to be going a pain as the worm creatures that was in front of her now was going to be a pain and a half to get past. With a somewhat feral growl she slashed at the closet worm creature that the primal summoned? Its cry of pain gave her pause wondering how it was possible. She charged forward her claws leaving trails of dark energy as she fought to the best of her ability through the creatures. Trying to reach the stairs all she had to do was reach her bow and things can go a bit easier from there. Her goal in sight as she came closer and closer to the stairs her attacks only slowing down the creatures at the best. But it was enough for her to get to her goal as she started to run down the stairs in search of her bow.
Kuremi Kurokage/Studen Council Room

Kuremi let out a loud sigh as she stopped her horseplay and leaned forward elbows resting on the table her fingers interlaced as brought her face closer her nose just peaking over her hands. "We come here today to discuss this impromptu meeting assigned to us by the school board on hosting a festival to boost the reputation and morale of the school. As you know this festival is only a few months away from the sports festival which means we have to hurry on this as well. I hate to say it but the odds are stacked on us. Remember our duty is to the students, not the faculty or the school board our first duty is to make sure the students have fun at this festival. Many will disagree with me but I want you all to list ideas. If you would please write down the ideas Noboru-chan" Kuremi said looking at her VP she let out a sigh as she started sifting through the papers she had in front of her desk this was going to be a long day.

"We may be here for a while again I am sorry to ask you of this but I have gotten food that will be delivered here in a bit along with some refreshments again I am sorry for this. In other news, there are a few papers in front of you listing the requirements of the faculty and school board. It must be safe, promote the school, and incite moral within the student body. These are the main requirements they want of us. On the sheet after that is a list of student requests I have gathered and shifted through via the suggestion box I implemented." Kuremi continued her hand went to her mask and took it off placing it gently on the desk showing just how serious she was about this situation. "Look I won't beat around the bush we are bound to fail in this somehow but we must do our best as is our role as student council. After we get this settled we also need to go over club budget once more due to some equipment repairs needed for the judo club, the baseball club and oddly enough the occult club." Kuremi looked around the room at the others waiting for a response she knew what she did will be hard but she was positive they could push through it.
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