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Kytra had sat wordlessly through the briefing, taking in her role in the upcoming operation. It was rather sooner than expected, but then, sudden missions and short downtimes were not that uncommon in the Alliance.

She was somewhat surprised when the Sullustan Major pulled her over after the meeting, half expecting that there might’ve been a task for her in her capacity as a noble, but that was not the case. Instead, he lectured her, in such a way as to say he was not confident at all in her leadership. It stung.

She scowled as she replied, but otherwise maintained her cool. “That is the spare, for when maintenance can’t keep up and one of the craft is stuck in pieces when we have to launch. But I can choose replacements.”

“I know that is what it has been in the past, though it is just something that is needed for now. When we meet with the fleet I’ll try and requisition another extra Y-Wing so that you still have a spare. I know it’s not easy to deal with leading a squadron while losing people, especially people who’ve been with you awhile.” As Chuckles approached the two of them, Nae waved him away.

He begrudgingly turned around and left.

Nae turned back to Kytra. “If you need help with the squadron, or even just someone to talk to. I’m here.” .It wasn’t unprecedented for Nae to make such an offer, while it took him time to get to know someone and trust them. Once he did the cold exterior tended to disappear, Kytra had earned that respect through fire.

Kytra’s expression softened as the Sullustan spoke. This was more like the understanding Major she knew. “How do you do it Nae?” She said, some of the energy draining from her voice. “How do you hold yourself together so well as your comrades fall around you?”

She looked up for a moment, her gaze unfocused and distant, remembering Verena and all the others she had lost in her time leading the squadron. She looked back at Nae and spoke again.

“I used to rely on Verena to keep my spirits high, but now she is gone.”

Nae sat in one of the neartime seats, and beckoned Kytra to join him. “I do it, because it’s my job. Don’t think it doesn’t affect me, I lost two recruits at Anaxes and my squadrons seen as many roster changes as about anyone else. These people look to us for guidance and support and that’s what we must give them. Sometimes it’s not hard, though remember that every life lost is for a cause, a cause that they believed in with all their hearts. We go on to finish what they started.”

He had seen the squadron in action, and the mention of Verena made sense. Kytra was the mind, Verena was the heart. Kytra would have to change herself in the coming days. “Just remember that Verena died for what she believed in, and as you would put it. Is one with the Force now, take comfort in that. You have the strength Captain Alde to lead these people, otherwise you wouldn’t have a position of command in one of my squadrons.”

“You’re right.” Kytra stated, sounding somewhat less dejected than before. “I do my house and our cause a disservice by allowing events to overtake me.” The words were inspiring, but it wasn’t the complete turn around that the holos often showed. “I’ll do my best.”

She sighed and stood. “Thanks Nae.” She said, turning to leave.

“That’s what I’m here for Captain. See that your squadrons ready for the fight, and that whoever you chose to field that bomber knows what they’re doing.”

“I will.” She stated and left the briefing room.


Thranta Squadron Common Area

The mood was subdued as Kytra entered the room. She looked at each of the members of her squadron in turn, trying to get an idea of their state before they noticed her. Yasinda was sitting staring out the window into space. That wasn’t unusual, the blue Twi’lekk was a very private person. Tolth was reading reports, but had a tenseness to his form, and he gripped the datapads just a little too tight. Kal and Dain were playing Dejarik in silence. That was a bad sign. Lieutenant Kal Barizan never played games, and Dain was never quiet.

“Thranta squadron.” She said to get their attention. Kal leapt up out of his seat and saluted her. Tolth and Dain looked to her (Dains hand quickly adjusting the Dejarik board while Kal wasn’t looking) and Yasinda merely turned her head a little. She saluted back to her Cathar lieutenant casually, not one to stand on formality, but making the effort for the regulation obsessed Kal.

“Command has another mission for us.” Silence. Harrowed looks.

“I know you’re all grieving. I understand. Verena was a good friend to all of us. I don’t want you to view this as a mission. I want you to view it as a chance to strike her killers, and honor her memory.” She thought that had an effect, but she wasn’t sure if she could manage the kind of inspiration Nae could.

“We’ll be carrying Ion torpedoes for capital ships - real bomber work.” That definitely got a reaction. Kal’s maned jaw was set more firmly and Dains eyes twinkled.. Yasinda even turned enough for Kytra to see her face.

“We’ll also be welcoming a new pilot to the squadron, flying the extra with me and Yasinda. Kal, you’re now the second flight leader.” She avoided saying ‘replacing Verena’ though they all knew that was what was meant. “Will there be enough time for the new one to adapt?” Tolth said, putting down his datapad.

“You will help him and make sure he is Tolth.” She replied. “Now get up and make sure the techs put your ships back together right!” She exhorted. “If your ship overheats mid flight you’ll have to deal with Verena’s ghost and me - just like she always said!”
They certainly could. I might even attach Thanatos Thale to them eventually.
Lana is rather in need of an enemy - though, if you don't want to be that enemy @ZB1996 you don't have to be.
This is the perfect moment, it seems, to ask how he feels about mages!

Zanna is accepted. Go ahead and put her in the characters tab.
Kind of a short post to start with but I figured I'd get it out there tonight before I fall asleep on my keyboard.
Kytra Alde - Before the briefing

The hangar was crowded. It always was. Thranta squadron, though the smallest in number of craft aboard the Keep, took up more space than Mynock squadron. The craft were large in their own right, but Y-Wings were notoriously maintenance intensive, and always surrounded by technicians, spare parts and supplies, that increased their hangar footprint considerably.

Today however, it was even more severe. Three of the squadrons craft were damaged from the previous battle - and in order to keep the squadron operational, repair crews had been assigned to them with priority. Kytra sat in the cockpit of her craft now, forgoing the relative silence of her quarters for a place she felt comfortable in… And a place too loud and chaotic for anyone to come and ask her how she felt.

The battle had caused more grief to Thranta squadron than the damage to the craft. It had taken from them Lieutenant Verena Aldamar and her ship. Verena had been one of the longest standing members of the squadron and Kytra’s second in command. That alone would’ve been a significant blow to the squadron, but it was worse than that. Kytra though a reasonable starfighter tactician, had never been much of a leader of men. Verena had had the charisma she lacked, and while Kytra was the squadron’s mind, Verena was its soul. The loss was keenly felt.

She had run out of tears for her friend. Now she had to write a letter to Verena’s next of kin. She had been staring at the datapad unable to find the words for half an hour now. This was the worst part of leading her own squadron.

“Hey!” A yell from a goggled human in the messy garb of a technician yelled up at her. “Hey! Flygirl! You need to check some systems!” His shouting roused Kytra from her reverie. She put down the datapad, taking the excuse to focus on something else. “Alright, what's first?” She spoke loudly to be heard over the cacophony of the hangar. “Check the left rear deflector projection strength and the power coupling efficiency to the left engine!” Of course. The left wing had been hit on the retreat after the last battle. She ran a quick systems check, and after a few minutes diagnosis relayed the result “I’m seeing fluctuations in the rear deflector. You should take another look at its alignment.” The repair crews were good, but even good repair crews made mistakes when they were rushed and crowded. “Power flow to the engine is good, but its running hot.” The cooling systems were the eternal bane of the maintenance crews. There was always a problem somewhere with them. The reply from the technician confirmed Kytra’s suspicions. “Yeah, that was the next thing I was going to ask you. We had to bypass the main line with three new lines. Main line is shot and we can't fix it without a complete strip down.” Kytra nodded, then after a moment replied, somewhat stroppily. “I need more cooling on that engine. Work something out.”

All she got back was a sarcastic “Yes your majesty.” From the technician. It was something a disturbing number of the crew had taken to doing whenever she asked for anything, in reference to her occasionally demanding nature and royal lineage. It wasn’t technically the right formal address for her station, but then, that was the point. She let it slide, mostly because she knew if she asked for it to stop, it’d just be said behind her back. It was then her comm link activated and the beeping of an astromech came through. She was needed in the ready room. It was another mission.
@TheDuncanMorgan Its fine. Its been a busy few days for me anyway.
Character Name: Kytra ‘Duchess’ Alde
Age: 30
Species: Human (Alderaan)
Gender: Female

With blue eyes, pale skin and dark hair (moderately long but kept tied almost all the time) Kytra looks every bit the typical Alderaanian. She stands at a meager 5’4, and typically shuns the bright orange flight suit of a an Alliance pilot, in favor of muted greens and browns.
She does, however, have a number of more stately dresses amongst her belongings, befitting her station as Alderaanian nobility, but only wears them when a mission requires her to play the part of the noble.
The Rodian pictured here is Tolth Amadis, one of her squadron mates.
Rank: Lady Alde, Captain / Squadron Leader
Role: Pilot / Squadron Leader
Unit: Thranta Squadron
  • Extremely talented heavy Fighter / Bomber pilot, able to push the Y-Wing beyond its limit.
  • Decent shot with a blaster, able to reliably hit her mark.
  • Moderately skilled Slicer.
  • Learned in Alderaanian, and to a lesser extent, Galactic History.
  • Moderate diplomatic skills.
  • Moderate infiltration skills.
  • Formal education in painting.

  • Idealistic. Kytra believes that plans will go without problems and that most people are inherently good. She will often choose not to see people's flaws, or account for them in plans.
  • Low pain tolerance. Injury is a relatively foreign thing to Kytra, and she does not deal well with physical pain.
  • Glory Hound. Kytra wants to be remembered as a great hero of Alderaan and have a statue of herself at the Grand Library of House Alde. As such, she can get swept up in the moment and act quite recklessly if she thinks it will make her a hero.
  • Thrill Seeking. Though this flaw has been tempered with age and experience, Kytra still enjoys going fast and flying dangerously.

  • R2-S8 - ‘Gizka’ an R2 series astromech droid. Gizka is often found in a new paint scheme every week.
  • Slicing tools
  • Mechanics tools (including larger ones stored on the Y-wing)

History: Born in 30 BBY on Alderaan to the House of Alde, Kytra is the sixth and final child of Duke Alde, making her the least likely to inherit anything at all. Kytra’s life has been marked by this low familial standing, not so much in a negative way as simply having very few expectations assigned to her, a state that grew even more pronounced when, despite the Alde lines tendency to produce Force wielders, she failed to show any signs of affinity for the Force. Thus, her early life was spent largely between either the excellent education the house provided or wandering through Alde libraries, reading about the many heroes that have come from the House in times long past. A youth spent daydreaming of heroes and heroism left her an idealist from a young age.

Kytra was eleven when the Galactic Republic became the Galactic Empire - just old enough to understand the distinction, and while her elders certainly did not encourage interest in politics at such a young age, her Alderaanian education ensured that she could understand some of why they all felt such foreboding at the idea. It affected her little at this time, for she was young and Alderaan saw little change. All the same, the seeds of her joining the Rebellion were planted.

Kytra’s adolescent years saw her become more adventurous, sometimes even being described as thrill-seeking. She learnt to pilot and service landspeeders at a fairly young age, and later even learned to ride the majestic Thranta. As her schooling came to an end, she briefly took up sport hunting, though quickly decided that the killing of largely defenceless animals with blasters was not nearly as fun as it had seemed. Even while all this was going on, she never lost interest in the wealth of information in the grand Alde libraries, though in later years she did not simply read the stories, but tended to search the computer networks of the library for information not publicly available, picking up some slicing skills along the way, though this got her in trouble more than once.

Throughout this time, she heard a great deal about the political situation in the galaxy from her family and many others on Alderaan, generally sharing in the views that many on the planet were taking on, the view that the Galactic Empire was oppressive and certainly not a good thing for the galaxy. Her thrill seeking nature, restlessness and desire for heroics reached a head in ten BBY, shortly after her twentieth birthday. As far as she was concerned, there was a definite enemy in the Galactic Empire, and in fighting them she could go down in Alde history as a hero - perhaps even one of the heroes that restored the glorious Republic. Lacking the Jedi skills that would make her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, and lacking in ground combat skill or experience, she chose to exploit one of her few real combat applicable skills - piloting. Using the entirety of her trust fund, she purchased a BTL-A4 Y-Wing Starfighter and an Astromech to assist in piloting it.

From there, it was not hard for Kytra to join the Rebel Alliance, as the anti-empire sentiment on Alderaan was strong. Many Alderaanians had been part of the Alliance since its beginning, and using her familial contacts, it did not prove hard for her to find the right people to talk to about signing up. The Alliance recruiters were, as always, overjoyed to receive a new fighter pilot, however lacking in experience she may be, especially since she was supplying her own ship.

Initially, Kytra stuck largely to piloting, gaining valuable combat experience flying with both mixed squadrons and dedicated bomber squadrons. Eventually however, she suggested to the command of her cell the idea of following the example set by Princess Leia - to make use of her status on the well respected world of Alderaan to open doors that might otherwise be closed.

The first mission where she operated as a noble instead of a pilot suffered a number of complications, and though ultimately successful, she found herself in the midst of firefights several times. After this, she received training for both light combat and infiltration, doing moderately well in both, but never showing so much skill as to make it worth transferring her away from her squadron on a permanent basis.

One year ago, she was promoted to squadron leader and assigned to the Nebulon-B class frigate known as The Keep. Leading Thranta Squadron has proved a challenge for the idealistic Kytra, and every loss they suffer hits her hard. She still occasionally utilises her noble titles on missions as well, though rarely, for every time she does she risks discovery and sanctions against the House of Alde, who are far less untouchable than mighty House Organa.

During the battle of Anaxes Thranta squadron flew as support fighter-bombers, holding off from the initial battle until called in to either assist Lightning Squadron in gaining air superiority or eliminate hard targets on the ground. It was expected that they would be unneeded, but when the Imperial reinforcements arrived, they were called in to assist the ground forces. Thranta squadron destroyed an Imperial landing craft and several ATSTs, however they were then overrun by TIEs and forced to withdraw at cost of a single Y-Wing and damaged to three of the surviving fighters.

Transferred into the lead of.
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