Avatar of Tati teh Pteri
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 65 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Tati teh Pteri 5 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current merri christler, f0lks
1 like
5 yrs ago
My life is like a tootsie pop. It's kinda boring for a while, and hurts after a while, but then it's really sweet and nice.. and then, everything just sucks again -_-
5 yrs ago
Oi m8s, I got an asylum casual interest check up. I can't link it, because it's too many characters ;-; , but it's 'A Place Named Westwood'. If anybody wants to join, go ahead and take a look :3
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5 yrs ago
So, for the first time in years, I'm actually going to a doctor on Tuesday. They're probably gonna want to take blood. I'm a bit freaked out. Wish me luck ;w;
5 yrs ago
Naming stuff is hard ;w;



Most Recent Posts

@SUN @vertigo17 @Canidae

Should I post the thread soon? I feel like it's been long enough, but I'm not sure...

Let me know what you guys think!
Okay, thanks!
Oh.. Sorry, man! I'll fix it. Thanks for letting me know
@Canidae @vertigo17 @Polarize Wow. I've been kinda worried this wouldn't quite draw interest, but I'm glad to see I was wrong! Yes, I am still interested, and would be grateful to have any of you on board :)
@Spike … Well then. That's really cool, actually. Good job!

Wesley came across the same weapons vendor, and picked out a few boxes of bullets, and a swiss army knife. He handed four silver, and three stone Bitts to the vendor and walked off. Now all he needs is a canteen to hold the water he has, and about a weeks worth of food. Oh, and a bag big enough to carry it all.

| Meanwhile, with the mayor |

"Ah! It's a delight to see you again, young man. How may I help you?" The old man greeted EQUIP, giving him an overly-friendly, exaggerated smile. He motioned him to come and sit opposite to him at his dusty old desk.

Chapter One: Where It All Began


A new day has begun in the town of Gallievale.

Today, a young man is preparing to set out on a quest far from home, but not before stopping by the local market to pick up some food, water, and bullets for his trip. People wander about the open market, chatting with shop keepers and lugging around their bags of goods. It's quite busy this morning.
Everything lore-wise has been fleshed out, now I just need people.

I shall sit, and I shall wait :p
I'm gonna be posting the first IC in a little while here, just a heads-up
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