Avatar of Tenma Tendo
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
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  • Posts: 726 (0.28 / day)
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    1. Tenma Tendo 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Just heard the news about Woojin from Stray Kids. I'm so devastated and literally shaking. This feels like a really sick joke, but I hope he and the other 8 members are okay. #ThankYouWoojin
5 yrs ago
For any kind of wound, there's always some kind of medicine or treatment.
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5 yrs ago
Remember kids, never let anyone convince you to take college physics over the summer! :'D
5 yrs ago
i don't know what to put in this now...
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5 yrs ago
No posts today or tomorrow. finals.


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@Holy Soldier Okay, I finished my prompt. I had major writer's bock when it came to writing my idea out, but hopefully it's okay ^^;

Obariyon blinked in confusion when the boy on his knee began poking her cheek. She opened her mouth as if she was about to bite his finger before remembering that she wants something from him. Be nice...be nice...
"O-Obariyon..." She mumbled softly, her face developing into a pout. But this only lasted for a while as Obariyon immediately perked up when the dark haired teen claimed that he could help her get to the top of the stairs.

"Bari? Bariyon!" She chimed happily as she hastily padded over and up onto the boy's back before speaking her iconic catchphrase, that being her name. The demigirl let out a dreamily sigh as she gripped tightly onto her generous helper's clothing, remaining almost entirely still as she waited for them to get going.
Okay, here's what I have. Let me know if there are any problems and I'll fix them accordingly.

@Holy Soldier Nah, other than Gluttony, which you've already taken, I wanted Pride, so I'll be working on a CS right now! But one question, are all the Sins human or can they be a different species? Are there even different species? (sorry if you already have this question answered, it's like 3 in the morning where I live)
@Holy Soldier Hello hello, just wanted to know if Pride was taken or not?

Edit: If someone already has them, then don't mind me, lol
@Gummy1295 lol, thank you ^^ And I just used RNG since I had no preference.

@Fury Panda So when you say I can't do any more actions with Eden, you mean I can't have her attack or do anything at all? Or do you mean something else. I'm also assuming I can rp for Inari, yes?

Date: September 5, 2028; 12:00AM
Location: BBS Atop "Seattle"

Eden smiled wearily as she helped the messy haired boy to the best of her ability. Although now wouldn't have been a very good time to be doing such, Eden understood that having too many people blurting out ideas in such a tense situation would only make it harder to come up with some sort of plan. The smile, albeit off putting, was enough to show that her efforts weren't in vain, and that's all that mattered. As the messy haired boy moved to go and get what sounded like pills, her eyes moved over to the only other girl in the car and the one that was closest to the boy that was previously snatched, as she presented the idea of using a piece of metal from one of the broken chairs to pry open the door. And while Eden thought the idea was much better than anything she could have put together herself, she couldn't help but look worriedly at the other girl. She was clearly injured, judging by the scrapes of what use to be a t-shirt wrapped around her hand and waist. It didn't look like her wounds were in need of urgent medical attention, but Eden couldn't help but stare until her attention was forced to another dark haired boy that was right next to the other girl, expressing the same amount of worry that her face was conveying. He mentioned the possibility of an emergency button for situations like this, but Eden was pretty sure if the boy with the glasses hadn't spotted a button of that kind, it probably didn't exist; which was more than odd and a bit frightening when taking to account how much humanity has trusted and let technology take over their lives.

She watched silently as the other fancily dressed boy pulled at a sharp and long piece of metal, probably misshapen from when the bony claw ruthlessly broke into the car via the window, and hurried over to the door, Eden squeezing herself to one of the outer chairs to give him room to walk past. If this was any other situation, Eden would have probably congratulated them for getting the door to open, but even with their side objective cleared, the main one still remained. A wave of nervousness washed over the brown haired girl as she quickly stood and grabbed a knife with her small hands, taking a quick peak at what the car ahead of them had in store. From what she could see, the car in front of them looked exactly the same as the one they were in, minus the broken window and messed up chairs. There were still no people, however their luggage, much like her own, was still there. What did that mean though? It was impossible for everyone to just up and leave without a trace? How come they were the only ones left behind? And why had everything seem to stop moving...?

Eden had been so caught up in her thoughts that the suspicious tapping coming from above meant nothing to her. It was only when the tapping was coupled with a deep gravely voice from above that rang in her eardrums that Eden jumped in surprise, covering her ears as a defense mechanism. She had been so frightened by the sudden evil, almost demonic, voice speaking to them, that she was completely halted in her tracks, sandwiching her head in between a flat palm and a balled up fist which was still holding onto the knife. The tears that had dried earlier returned in full force as she was bawling as this point, her eyes shut tightly as all she wanted to do was curl up and die at this point. She was in so much distress that all the voices and noises around her sounded muddled, only the sound of her heartbeat was clear and consistent. She had thought that if she blocked out everything then nothing would be able to hurt her, but unfortunately, that made her the next target.

It happened faster then she could open her eyes; a claw, the same claw from before, gripped onto her shoulder and pulled her up through the now open roof without so much of a scream escaping the girl's mouth. She was completely petrified at his point, now staring at the monster that had a hold of her with wide eyes. She had imagined what the whole body had looked like after its claw made its first appearance a few moments prior, but what was right next to her was unfathomable.

Everything from the heights to those still in the car became meaningless as Eden's heterochromic eyes were enveloped by this...this thing. An amalgamation between a human and a spider was probably the best way she could explain what was in front of her. She wanted to move, get out the way, maybe even use her knife to free herself, but her body didn't listen. Her mind was screaming for her to do something, but her body just wouldn't respond. Was it because of the pain? Or maybe it was the fear...both? Eden couldn't tell as the same voice from before hissed at her to remain still before baring it's fangs and leaning in towards her neck, a green liquid, possibly venom, leaking from its fangs.

At this time Eden remained almost entirely still, her eyes now closed. Had she passed out? Or maybe just accepted her fate? It was quite uncertain to the girl herself as she waited in baited breath for her demise, someone to help her, or her body to finally respond to her mind's pleas.



...Why hadn't anything happen? Eden was about to open her eyes to see what was going going on, but another voice stopped her from doing so.

My, my, dear...is this really how you intend to end your life?

The voice as clear, but taunting. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, as if the world was waiting for her response.


Come on, dear, how foolish of you to avert your eyes from those who put their fate in you...

Eden furrowed her brows as she felt her head begin to ache at almost unbearable levels. She couldn't speak so much as respond to what this voice was trying to get from her. Despite how much it hurt, she did understand that her whole family shipped her off to Seattle in order to make a name for herself. She couldn't just give up before she was even given a chance to try. Not to mention there were the others just below her that worked so hard to get them to safety...was she just going to give up on them too?

Your family...the ones below...everyone will be sacrificed for your incompetence...your lack of power...your weakness...

Eden had no words for what she was hearing now. It was all true. It wasn't like she had the power to anything in a crazy situation like this...

Alas, I can grant you the power you need to survive, continue your life, and save the ones that blessed you with their lives.

You already hold a sufficient catalyst...

You only need to form a contract with me...

Eden blinked in confusion, the darkness or her inner mind revealing a familiar object in front of her. She...and everyone that's helped her so far, could survive if she just took this?

I am thou...thou art I...

pierce the heavens with the catalyst you hold dearly,

and scream out your will to survive, or forever hold your peace!

What other choice did Eden have? She wanted to live and see the future that her family's laid out for her! Although in her mind, she reached out for the heart shaped locket, her actual body finally moved and grabbed hold of the lock around her neck.

Just as the beast was about to take her life, Eden's eyes snapped open and she screamed at the top of her lungs the one word that was bubbling in her throat ever since these strange occurrences started happening.


An almost blinding blue light enveloped the monster and Eden as the stagnant wind around them began to pick up; it had been so bright, that where the edges of the blue light met with the dim red light below turned a stark purple. The light remained for a few more seconds before dimming, and revealing a beautiful woman dressed in white and adorned in gold. Her skin, as bright as possible, while her hair was the starkest white that Eden had ever seen. The much larger woman's nails were extremely sharp and long, while nine white tails poked out from her gown, one of the tails wrapping around Eden's waist. And while this woman was the embodiment of beauty in Eden's eyes, what really got her was the woman's, no kitsune's, eyes. She had one blue eye and another golden one.

Eden had been in so much shock that she forgot the monster was even there until the woman now beside her smiled and pointed to the monster still latched onto her. Finding a new sense of power swelling within her, Eden clutched the knife in her hand and brought it down on the claw that was still latched onto her shoulder. As she did so, the woman next to her puckered her lips and blew in the monster's direction, an icy cold wind developing before turning more into a sea of sharp icicles. Although the cold did seem to be affecting Eden, seeing as she lowered her head and shivered violently, the fox woman kept a firm grasp on her until the monster let go of the girl whether from the knife wound or the extreme cold. With her tail, the fox woman lowered Eden back into the roofless car, placing her into the arms of the dark haired boy with glasses. She jutted her head forward, as if telling them to get moving to possible safety and that she would hold this monster off for as long as she could.

Obariyon let out a quiet sigh as she brought her left leg up, only to put it back down with a huff. There was no way she was doing this, and she knew full well that she wasn't without the help of another.

Puffing up her cheeks angrily, Obariyon was about to give up, until she spotted a girl with a ponytail walk right past her. At first, she was going to call upon her for help but it look like she might have been in a hurry, or maybe even trying to ignore the yokai herself? Obariyon didn't feel as if she did anything wrong, but she was definitely getting vibes that she might have done something...

It was only when another 'girl' came by, addressing the girl with the ponytail that Obariyon picked up that they were probably here for the same reason. The 'girl's' attention was then brought to Obariyon, who shuffled back a bit when 'she' knelt down. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but this 'girl' had a rather boyish face, aside from the pretty eyelashes and round eyes. 'She' even seemed to have a cowlick (was that what they were called?) that was amusing to the yokai. This would be the one to help her!

"O-Obariyon!" The little girl chimed as she pointed up the stairs before holding her arms up to the 'girl'. She clearly wanted to be taken up there, but was too lazy to do it on her own. She only hoped that this 'girl' was strong and kind enough to do it.

"O-Obariyon!" The little girl jumped up onto the back of an unsuspecting man, probably walking home from work or a convenience store. The man seemed unfazed at first by her added on weight, but as the man continued down the street, his breathing became extremely labored while his steps were now few and far between, much to Obariyon's disappointment.

She had definitely lost count by now, how many people she's tried to go home with, and none of them have been able to make it. It was surprising to see that this man was still standing, but judging by where they were, she might've accidentally led the man to walk to the middle of nowhere...well, except for what looked like a shrine in the far distance.

The Yokai arched her eyebrows curiously at the sight of the shrine, her expression remaining stoic for the most part. What was this man trying to do? Maybe get some help and possibly exorcise her? But the shrine had to be abandoned, right? It just had to be! She wasn't going to let herself go like that! Not when she hasn't done anything wrong! Obariyon slowly began to sway back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until the man couldn't carry himself anymore and collapsed under the weight.
"...B-Bari..." She hummed successfully as she stood from the man's collapsed body. As her bare feet touched the pavement, the girl couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan. Her feet were going to hurt walking all the way back... Luckily, before she began her oh so long trek back 'home', Obariyon caught sight of what looked like people walking in the direction of said shrine. While she got that people visited the old and run down place often, the magnitude of people a little alarming. And seeing that it was probably faster to go to the shrine than to go back 'home', Obariyon chose the former and scurried off in the direction of the shrine, curiosity and laziness getting the better of her. Again, she hadn't done anything wrong, so even if there was someone waiting to get her, she could explain herself..right?


Upon making her not so sneaky way up to the shrine, Obariyon was halted in her steps at that sight of possibly her worse enemy...stairs. She couldn't even describe how long they went on for; well, in her eyes at least. All Obariyon knew was that it would take her a few days to get to the top and that's only if she tried! The slightly defeated Obariyon could only stare up at what was possibly a new home for her, a set of stairs being the one thing separating her from a possible hub where she could climb on people's backs and get them to take her home...
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