Avatar of Tessaract
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    1. Tessaract 7 yrs ago


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God keep me from ever completing anything.

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@Mercenary Lord

He sounds fine! A varied group is a good group, can't be much of a ragtag group of misfits if they aren't ragtag after all. That and 'queer bedfellows' always ends up causing something of interest. So hopefully we will have a varied group from a wide berth of backgrounds. Techies, magical-types, street samurai, inexperienced, and experienced. The works really!

Anyway folks if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them. No promises though! ^_^


What is this?: A RP set in the Shadowrun Universe
Shadowrun?: Think Bladerunner or Neuromancer but with a splash of dragons and magic.
Alright cool, but what is this RP about?: A world-spanning conspiracy, a secret war, and a dead god.
What about the tone?: Serious, but not a constant angst fest either. You gotta be able to laugh in the face of death right?
How big is our team gonna be?: No smaller than three and no bigger than six. Though things change admittedly.
Posting Requirements: I'm just getting my feet wet again so nothing too major. Once a week sounds pretty ideal.


2075, the center is still holding. Barely.

Since the turn of the century, the world has changed in unimaginable ways. The mystical energies of the universe have been steadily rising in power and concentration, bringing magic back to the world—the Awakening. Elves, dwarfs, orks, and trolls have assumed their true forms, throwing off their human guises. Creatures of the wild have changed as well, transforming into beasts of myth and legend. The many traditions of magic have returned— magicians from all walks of life have carved out a place for themselves in the new world. Though many aspects of the Awakening remain mysterious, modern society has learned much about the workings of magic and how to harness it as a force just as important as technology.

The decades that followed the Awakening were years of panic and turmoil, as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse seemed to race across the Earth. Cultures that had never lost touch with their mystic heritage used magic in uprisings against the nations that had suppressed them for centuries. The vast global telecommunications network collapsed under an assault by a mysterious computer virus. Dragons soared into the skies. Epidemics and famines ravaged the world’s population. Clashes between newly Awakened races and the rest of humanity became common. All central authority crumbled, and the world began to spiral downward into the abyss.

But man and his kin are hardy animals. Out of the devastation and chaos, a fragile new social order slowly emerged. Advanced simulated sensorium (simsense) technology helped eradicate the last vestiges of the computer virus. Amerindians, elves, orks, trolls, and dwarfs formed new nations. Where environmental degradation and pollution have made many areas uninhabitable, eco-groups wage war on polluters, and Awakened powers use incredible magic to heal the earth. Central governments have balkanized into smaller nations and city-states, as fear of the world’s changes drives wedges between people of different backgrounds. Vast metropolitan sprawls known as metroplexes cover the landscape; these urban jungles swallow whole regions. Police departments, unable to contain crime waves and civil unrest, have been privatized or had their work contracted out to corporations.

Megacorporations are the new world superpowers, a law unto themselves. The entire planet speaks their language; the nuyen is the global monetary standard; and the highest court in the world is the Corporate Court, made up of members of the top ten megacorporations. The megacorps play a deadly game, paying pawns in the shadows to help them get an edge on the competition. Meanwhile, corporate executives and wage slaves hole up in their own enclaves, safe behind layers of security and indoctrination. Outside the walls of these arcologies and gated communities, whole stretches of the sprawls have become ungovernable. Gangs rule the streets; the forgotten masses grow, lacking even a System Identification Number (SIN) to give them any rights. These outcasts, dissidents, and rebels live as the dregs of society, squatting in long-abandoned buildings, surviving through crime and predatory instincts. Many of them attempt to escape their miserable existences by slotting addictive Better-Than-Life (BTL) chips, living vicariously through someone else’s senses. Others band together, some for survival and some to gain their own twisted forms of power.

Technology, too, has changed people. No longer content with the limitations of flesh, many have turned to the artificial enhancements of cyberware to make themselves more than human—stronger, faster, smarter. Others prefer more natural enhancements, augmented organs grown in clinic vats: bioware. Still others deck themselves out in powerful and wearable computing equipment, and manipulate the Matrix or vehicles as if the optical chips and run-flat tires were parts of their own body.

In the harsh reality of 2075 where profit is the most important mistress, the bigger the metroplex, the deeper the shadows. In the cracks between the giant corporate structures, criminals of all shades find their homes. When the megacorps want a job done but don’t want to dirty their hands, they turn to the only people who can pull it off: shadowrunners, deniable assets. Though only the blackest of governmental or corporate databases will even register a shadowrunner’s involvement with a corporation, the demand for his or her services is high. Hackers slide like whispers through the databases of giant corporations, spiriting away the only thing of real value—information. Street samurai are enforcers for hire whose combat skills and reflexes make them the ultimate urban predators. Riggers manipulate vehicles and drones for a variety of purposes. Magicians, those rare folk who possess the gift of wielding and shaping the magical energies that now permeate the Earth, are sought after to spy on competitors, sling spells against an enemy, commit magical sabotage, and for any other service that their employers can dream up. All these individuals sell their skills to survive, taking on tasks too dangerous for others; many of them illegal, all of them unsavory.

Our tale begins in the Thule Protectorate, formerly Iceland now underneath the banner of the Trans-polar Aleut Nation or T-PA with greater Thule (Greenland). Here we begin in the Free City of New Reykjavik. Built from the dredged up ruins of Old Reykjavik primarily with the help and funding of Saeder-Krupp Schwerindustriegesellschaft, one of the seven founders of the Corporate Court, and one of the strongest megacrops in the world. As a result, Saeder-Krupp has what some would call a special relationship within the city. Anything can be bought or sold in New Reykjavik for the right price and many end up seeking their fortune there looking upon the bounty of the Arctic. You, are a Shadowrunner maybe a Reykjavikian born and breed, or maybe an out-of-towner. Doesn't matter really, what matter is that you answered a job offering, on one of the many illicit forums that types like you use to go steal a data chip from the estate of one Henrik Feuersturm, a corporate type in charge of Saeder-Krupp's operations in New Reykjavik. And soon enough you and your newfound allies end up falling into a corporate conspiracy that might just well change everything.

Just try not to get yourself killed alright?


Hiya! You've made it to the end of the line. I'm Tess, and I'm gonna be your GM for this RP if it actually manages to get off the ground. You may still have some questions, so I'm going to do my best to try and answer them. I'm looking for a small group of people (no bigger than six) that would like to participate in this adventure through the Shadowrun Universe. I'm trying to keep the group small mostly because I've found smaller groups allow the creation of better relationships between characters and I'm a tad-rusty at this whole GMing thing. And if you are wondering if this RP is the right fit for you well if you like high-octane gunfights, mysterious corporate intrigue, morally grey characters getting roped into saving the world, stories of found family and friendship, cyborgs or wizards, or even better cyborg wizards this may just be the RP for you. I truly hope I'll have the pleasure of RPing with some of you!

Another update. Pains me to say this, but some things have come up and to honor prior commitments it seems I won't have time to actually give this thing the love it deserves in terms of actually GMing it. And me half-assing it would only be unfair to you guys and that is not nice. :[ Maybe next time folks, feel free to cannibalize the idea as you desire.

Update for you magical people! Sorry about the relative silence, I've been stuck studying mostly for a fairly big exam I have tomorrow. That being said most of the OOC is completed, just gotta finish up some minor details and my own CS. Should have something up either today or tomorrow at the latest!

Hey look people!

So a heist in a fantasy world eh?

That's the gist of it! Cause why do a normal heist when you could do a subnormal heist?

I've heard of the books before but nope! Name just comes more or less from the definition of the word.

So we have enough people now for me to actually start working on somethingsomething. In the mean time if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask!




There is a city. A city caught between here and there. Both center and terminus, beginning and end, light and dark. It rest at a great convergence, sandwiched between the Storm of Creation above and the Storm of Obliteration below. It is the change between these two extremes constantly building and rebuilding itself. The first city and somehow the last city. A gateway between a myriad of worlds and folding realities. You can cross its expanse in one day if you wish hard enough, and yet it stretches past every horizon. It has been called many names: Hell, Heaven, the Gate, the Labyrinth, the Nexus, and yet most know it simply as Coarse.

Coarse is split into various districts, each controlled by the various guilds. Each of these guilds serving a functional purpose within the city, as well as holding distinct cultural and philosophical identities. At the best of cases the guilds see one another as idiots, at the worst destabilizing factors that must be wiped out. Traditionally guild politics is a delicate and subtle affair. Rarely though war will spark between the guilds, the last of these caused part of Coarse to fall way in the Storm of Obliteration. Not a fun time for anyone as you could imagine. Even more so as it drew the ire of the Platinum Tower.

The Platinum Tower is the heart of Coarse. Stretching impossibly high in the air and always at the center of the horizon, no matter where you look, always watching. The Tower is home to an entity known only as the Outrider. They say he is older than Coarse itself, a left over from some long dead reality. Whatever he is, from his throne at the top of Tower he watches over Coarse. The Outrider has one rule and that rule is to not mess with his city. The guilds failed in that regard - on account of the whole dropping part of Coarse in the physical manifestation of oblivion - and so they were shattered.

We now enter this new period of interregnum. The winds of change whip and swirl about the city. From this disruption of age old hierarchies comes with it chaos, and with chaos comes opportunity.


Who are you? Well, you are a thief, a pickpocket, a vagabond, and a scoundrel. You make your living based upon the misjudgment and misfortune of others, never personal save for when it is. You are one of the many drifters that come and go through Coarse, not aligned to any guild's particular politics or philosophy. You take on whatever job is offered to you, or maybe you do some 'freelance' work whatever gets you paid. Or maybe that's not you. Maybe you are young and naive with dreams of adventure. Maybe you used to work with one of the guilds before the Shattering. Maybe you stumbled upon one of the many portals that lead to Coarse just hours ago and have no idea what is going on.

What matters though is what you've heard.

The Twisting Vault, a grand repository of riches and wonders somewhere beneath Coarse. With the resulting chaos of the Shattering, the retinues of guards kept in supply by the guilds has diminished. If there was any time in all of existence to break into it, that time would be now. The heist of a lifetime, one which would mark you as a god among thieves. And as chance has it, you've just been hired by someone with a very special map. Best be ready for some shenanigans.

Hiya! This is Skullduggery, a peculiar mix between Ocean's Eleven and Planescape. This is not a story about saving the world, rescuing the princess, slaying the dragon, or throwing the evil jewelry into the volcano. (Though, all those events could hypothetically be happening at the same exact time in a place like Coarse.) This is a much more lighthearted story at its center, one where the stakes are as high or as low as you want to make them. Things can get real dark but at the same time you best be not afraid to laugh. Coarse by its very nature is a place where anything can happen. Created in such a way that you as players have as much freedom to put in as much or as little into the world as you want. Do you want to write a morally complex and compelling character? That's cool! Do you just really want to be a wizard lizard that somehow wears high-tops? Rad. Do you want to somehow do both? Godspeed my friend. Coarse is a place where a robot run by the power of love, a talking tree stump, and a gnome that thinks it is an orc can potentially save the world. Cause hey, if you can't tell a good story without having fun with it, why make a story at all?

Hello, my name is is Tessaract with two As cause the other spelling was taken! You can call me Tess though because that's what most folks end up doing anyway! I'm just your average med school student going through caffeine withdrawl. I'm here since I apparently don't have enough papers to write I'm not a stranger to forum based roleplaying though - in fact I had an account on here when I was an angsty fifteen year old; I like to think that I've transcended my edge lord phase thankfully. Site looks different but that's cool feels like a fresh start.

Ummm think that is it. Hope y'all are having a great day and I'll see you around!
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