Avatar of The 42nd Gecko
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    1. The 42nd Gecko 10 yrs ago


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@KoL Last time he was a student, because he had no idea how the world worked, but was also an adjutant teacher because he was way more combat ready than 90% of the staff and taught combat meditation.
How would Tai Yang's Adjutant status work with the teacher/student thing?


Cydone stood amidst the gore of a half-dozen minions of that whale-giant-monster-thing. Sure, they were stronger and tougher, but that didn't mean a whole lot against a blade that pierced everything. As long as Cydone kept his guard up, and took them one at time by manipulating the battlefield with his wires, he could take them down. But, well, the tide seemed endless, and eventually someone was going to have to do something about that giant monster. Or run away again, but Cydone figured he'd done enough for today.

Glancing behind him while he held his sword forward to ward off a few circling spawn, Cydone looked for the biggest, fanciest looking tower he could find. With a smile, he spotted a decent sized one and jumped up, speeding through the water like it was air thanks to his powers. "Hyup." With a twist, he sent a braid of wire spiraling towards it, cutting the tower's base. But before it could fall, the wires latched onto it, and Cydone reduced the tower and the water's around it inertia, while increasing that of his boots to give himself a stable platform. "Hyah!" Cydone pulled the tower forward, sending it towards the giant monster. Just before the swimming spawn could catch up to him, he reversed the inertia of himself and the tower, letting himself be yanked towards it.

"Truce till it's dead, giant robo-lizard feller?" Cydone yelled at Unit-T as he rode past on his giant tower. Hopefully, it wouldn't vaporize him with the big shiny beam gun, and would keep aiming at the monster. With Antaeus on his side as well, Cydone felt reasonably confident. As he approached the murky blackness, Cydone kept a sensory web of wires out around himself to keep himself aware of incoming attacks.




Cass wrenched open the seal... and was immediately sucked inside. The bumpy ride inside wasn't to bad for a slime, but the impact at the other end where Cass broke through the other seal by hitting it really really hard, was a little less fun. She had to take a moment to gather herself together. But fortunately, even if reduced to a fine mist of droplets, she could still pull herself together fairly quickly, thanks to not having a core like some slimes. "Man, I haven't gotten to do any succubus-ee things today. Just slime slime slime. There'd better be some cool treasure around here." She irritatingly humphed while searching for loot.

@TheWindel Maybe a little.

Name: Ninian Era Wakefield

Age: 26

Appearance: Neither her endless duties as a maid, nor her own blindness have been able to put any damper on Ninian's endless cheer that has brightened her visage as much as her fair skin and hair. It is a pity then, that she has found her way to the Rivianne Solaire.

Backstory: Ninian was born with poor vision and it has only fallen worse and worse with age until before her twentieth year she could not even make out the faintest glimmer of the blazing sun. Some would say it is cruel that she got to see the world, even dimly, before having it stolen from her. That the light of hope made the knife of fate twist all the harsher. Ninian would strongly disagree. It was a generous privilege awarded to her to have seen the faces of her parents before they passed. To have glimpsed the barest slivers of creation's glories was an undeserved blessing.

Blind and poor, without family or skill, Ninian largely relied on the generosity of others, particularly a Devitt family, where she worked as a maid. Despite her inability to see, she served with endless cheer and dutiful labor. She did at least have an excellent nose for smelly sheets and dirty laundry that others might think clean enough. As long as no one moved the furniture about, she could sweep any floor spotless with dedication to pattern, triplicate effort, and feeling the floor for stray grains of dirt. But for all her spirit and gratitude, she was still less useful than a maid with possession of sight. As the Devitt's generosity strained their resources, they sent Ninian to another family, but a few twists of fate and a wrong stagecoach taken has landed her at the Rivianne Solaire.

Inventory: Letter of Recomendation: The Devitt family has written up a glowing recommendation of all Ninian's virtues, that, despite her blindness sharply limiting the tasks she is capable of, those that she can she undertakes with absolute excellence.

Feather Duster: Her favorite feather duster, which, despite Ninian not being all that good at using it for its intended purposes, tickles misbehaving children quite nicely.

Music Box: Her singular remaining possession of her parents, this humble snuff box turned music box is certainly Ninian's most prized possession.

Intro/Sample Post: "There is always hope, my lady." Ninian had put forth her absolutely best, her brightest smile, to reassure Lady Devitt that she would be alright on her own. That Ninian appreciated Lady Devitt generosity so much, even now that they had to be parted. With Lord Devitt's letter of recommendation, she would certainly be alright. Ninian trusted his judgment, and any family he recommended had to be good sorts. Ninian had faith in her future, that it would be alright.

Oh, how hard it was to retain such sentiments when the shrieking wind deafened you and the stinging rain soaked you. She let the coachman lead her through the storm to the door, clutching her hand over her chest as if holding a last lifeline to protect her letter of recommendation. How curious then, it was when the door opened, and she stumbled through from the coachman's shove, that it felt even colder inside the manor she had been sent to than inside the rain. "H-hello? I'm Ninian, Lord Devitt sent me." She spoke as she managed to hear soft steps approaching even over the storm, slowly holding forth her letter of recommendation. But the only response she received was the taste of blood and the floor rushing to meet her, before she awoke with a start.

Other: N/A

Alright, I'd like to officially declare that Cass will take the highway to the palace, and Cydone will fighting retreat from the whale monster spawn, but I can't muster up the will to make a full post out of it. It doesn't involve anyone, so, it's not terribly important.
@thewizardguy We did have an ultimatum on "if Khaine isn't moved by Wednesday, we'll move him out of the way", but other than that, I think you're good. You have until KoL posts today, otherwise Khaine will probably get sidelined.
Still very much WIP.

Calix Falborough

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