Avatar of The Angry Goat
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  • Posts: 374 (0.15 / day)
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    1. The Angry Goat 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current you can never really tell if a person is looking out from behind their own eyes, or if the eyes are being piloted by tiny mice in swivel-chairs.
6 yrs ago
If you have Ghosts, You have everything
6 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
You aren't a true historian until you want to die because you have to properly cite 70 different footnotes on your 20 page paper at 1 AM the day it is due
7 yrs ago
Prayer does nothing. Demand change from your representatives. This is the ONLY country where mass shootings are a regular occurrence.



College student at a state college in the American Pacific Northwest. I am studying history to go into an education masters program, and then hopefully go teach high schoolers, also going for a political science minor since I keep taking polysci classes :V . Positive Nihilist, leftie, enjoy in depth discussion of topics/fun tangents, also enjoy being left alone... depends on the day. I also am not a fan of capitalizing the beginning of a sentence. why does it need a capital letter? there's already a punctuation mark before it! (he says as he continues to capitalize the word "I")

Other interests include:
-Overwatch: support/Junkrat main. #freefuey
-Combat Robotics: and if you're like me and are too poor to actually build shit but want to pretend you've made something anyway, check out ARC (http://s10.zetaboards.com/Drowning_City_Forums/index/). /cross-forum plug :V
-also in the vein of robotics, I volunteer through the FIRST (for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition community. FIRST puts on a lot of really cool robotics based events for schoolchildren, and I do encourage you to check out their events and/or get into volunteering if you're into that sort of thing. it's also a gigantic commitment and probably not as much fun for people who aren't as into it as I am :V . still, go take like 3 minutes to watch this, this shit is so cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjDSCT96K2w
-Hearthstone (fuck cubelock amirit I definitely dont love cubelock or anything)
-MtG (and by that I mean I dick around with a group hug commander deck with my friends)
-I play Sheik in one of the Super Smash brothers games but I forget which one. pretty sure it's not melee :V

Most Recent Posts

You know what sucks? Jail. You know what sucks more? Inquisitor Jail. You know what sucks the most? Fighting back when a guard beats you up and then getting fucking ganked by 5 more rushing to the guy's aid.

could have taken them too, if I had some better food and some sort of bed, the now bruised and battered Abe thinks for at least the eighth time since being shoved into one of the solitary cells, too much of a "danger" to be in with the larger groups right now. That was the real frustrating bit here - there was no one to talk to! The water pooling in his cell also sucked, but that was more or less expected at this point, really. Still, it would be so much better if something - anything was happening.

Well. Maybe not another visit from an Inquisitor. he shudders.

effort and accessibility of a CS are two sides of the same coin. Don't let your creativity run rampant at the cost of no one being able to quickly review who you're supposed to be.
Edited my post to better follow some of Voodoo's plans

The party was, for the most part, moving outside. Sirgala was staying – after all, someone should protect the healers, right? She smacks another zombie in the head as it moves, curious, towards a table leg on the ground, and then moves for another one that was “sneaking” up behind her. She swings, and nearly hyperextends her arm as the mace sweeps through only dust. This then happens to every other zombie in the tavern.

Nimue, looking a tad bemused, was controlling the orbs causing this. And had killed the zombies.

All of them.

well shit Sirgala thinks, pointing at the priestess. “you can clearly protect yourself, at least against those things. I imagine I am needed elsewhere. Protect the Halfling… and maybe pick up a few fingernails or pieces of hair from the zombies, if you have time. They could be of use to me later.” lots of magic users here…don’t imagine any of them will be opposed to enchantments…and to detect magic…you need something that has been touched by it… she thinks as she re-focuses to hear the halfling asking her to stop for a moment, and "Swab this on the inside of your cheeks. Do NOT swallow until the taste begins to pass, and see me after this kerfluffle is over." Sirgala looks at it. Weirdass brown paste. She looks back at him, squinting suspiciously. She looks back at the paste, shrugs, and does so what's the worst that could happen, she reasons, then almost doubles over gagging at the flavor as she moves outside.

She almost immediately re-focuses on battle, and two scenes – the girl on the horse, and the two elves. There was also the gnoll and apparently a fucking angel fighting a minotaur in a circle of flame but she didn't even want to worry about that right now. While both were precariously perched, the elves could clearly handle themselves. The girl…

The girl clearly was not prepared for what she was getting into, and Gala dearly hoped someone would give her a talking to when this was all over and done. Separation from the group was idiotic in the least, but doing so with what appeared to be no plan at all? nothing short of suicide. She sighed “oh, child…” but deigned to move to help the elves. They were so close to the cultists. Take them out, the threat stops – hopefully in time.

She runs towards them, bashing at a zombie with her shield as it reaches out to her, then vaulting her mace into the head of another. Approaching the duo, she yelles to them “press onwards,” as she pauses to crush another zombie – mace to torso, another hit to the legs, smash the edge of the shield into the neck. “rush the summoner. He can’t control them and fight us!”

Sirgala then transfers her mace into the gauntlet of her right hand, and draws a javelin, hurling it at the summoner, then moves her mace back to her left hand and presses onward through the sea of corpses, clearing the path as quickly as she can.
@The Angry Goat You guys can still talk to your friends and each other, but your bodies are under the command of Extant.

talking's for nerds!
The Warden - - Episode 5 - - Thrall of Extant

All things considered, that mission went rather poorly. The target they were supposed to save died, the villain they were supposed to capture disappeared, and Batman was angry at Ravager for some reason. He'd have to ask the Question about this Illuminati theory at a later date, he seemed rather passionate about it, might be a good way to connect to him. There seemed to be even more guys here than there were at the opening event thing. At a certain point, doesn't this get to be a bit of an organizational nightmare? he wonders, as this new person with a funny helmet comes onto the scene, yelling something about an "Existant" (whatever that is), and then sneezing on people.

Then the Extant fellow really did show up. bit of a flair for the dramatic, really he thinks as his allies age around him, and he is turned into a creature even more monstrous than before. vines ripple out from inside of him and burst from his stomach. His skin greens and grows even more spines. his face distorts as vines move up through his neck and fill his mouth, bursting out like many thin tongues. his legs and arms become fully engulfed in plant matter, as the vines exploding from his mouth encircle his face and begin to grow leaves. Now, with only his eyes still left exposed, the transformation reached its conclusion. In a rather large bit of pain at this point, the unwilling conscious of The Warden mostly peters out for now, as he began to terrorize the elderly. Someone ain't getting his scout badge today.

shooting out vines, The Warden latches himself to the rafters and begins crawling towards Ravager, reaching for her - before her energy sword breaks off a vine. He recoils in pain, and it shocks him back awake. This makes little difference, given his current state, though The Warden is certainly doing his best to slow himself down as he continues to chase around others, eventually lowering himself downwards upside-down from the rafters and bringing himself face to face with the elderly Gypsy.

Meanwhile, the cut off vine begins to crawl towards Ravager.
huuurg I kinda want to do a guy with some cool tech stuff but I also dont know if I can manage another RPG
My crotchety old lady is gonna get one hell of a headache, isn't she...
@Archmage MC He'll probably use some form of a paradox to distract her. "What would happen if Pinocchio said 'my nose will grow'?"

to which the only correct answer is "it won't matter once I've punched your face in" :V
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