Avatar of TheDarkTemplar
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  • Posts: 3254 (0.90 / day)
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    1. TheDarkTemplar 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Let's get this shmoney fam
7 yrs ago
How's it going guild? Its ya boi, lack of interest.
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7 yrs ago
More than 71k members of the UIC and growing!
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7 yrs ago
jump man 93- bruh
7 yrs ago
Looking for an RP to join, something medieval sounds good.
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Looking back at this bio years later...the cringe is insane.

Most Recent Posts

@dragonmancer quick question, what happened to the goblins?
@InkIsDorian still accepting, the actual rp should be up by either tonight or tomorrow. I'll put a link up here once it's ready. Till then, hold back on making a character till it's up. Those who already have were in discord with me so they know pretty much what I need in terms of character detail.
Hey everyone, I posted the CS as well as one for your species should you wish to make your own.
Both. Characters run the chance of space battles, anomalies, planets with high gravitational pulls, all this can leave you stranded on a planet where you have to survive the elements and npcs till you can find a way to escape. Outside of that you can run into npcs or other characters where combat is possible so yeah it has both.
With each of you in your own pod you each choose where you want to go. Once you find a way off your starter planet you each choose where in the galaxy you want to go by way of star map and I'll create a post for all of you, everyone gets a unique adventure unless you all band together to follow the main questline.

Shall we begin?

Your story does not unfold on a simple planet, nor a solar system. You are far too important for that. The decisions you make will echo across the galaxy for eons to come. Your journey begins on the planet Faren V, a prosperous world located in the Habira System.

Whatever your reasons for being on such a world were, you all have arrived at the same fate. Awoken within an escape pod hurtling through an unfamiliar solar system with no memory of what came before, you have mere minutes to examine the planets before you and choose where your journey truly begins. Will you survive and search for answers? Or was this all the perfect opportunity to start life anew?

all according to plan heheheh
A Meeting of Queens

a collab between TheDarkTemplar and @LadyRunic

It had not been long after Evelyn fell asleep was she woken by the sound of knocking upon her room door. Grabbing her sword she approached slowly, making sure her steps were as silent as possible. Gripping the handle she yanked her chamber door open and raised her blade only to hold back upon noticing her visitor's visage was shared with Alysse. She had expected that they would exchange words again but not so soon after their last. Lowering her sword she began to close the door while whispering, "One moment". Quickly changing back into her robe and veil she exited her chambers, leaving Bartuc behind to rest. 

Clio, Alysse's Third, bowed respectfully. While it no doubt rankled the Ironteeth witch, her leader had spoken. It was not wise for any underling to defy their coven's leader. It could cost rank, coven and potentially life. Alysse was a reasonable witch, but even she had lines that should not be crossed. "Milady sends her regards, and resquests you to her chambers." Turning she gestured that the woman should proceed her. Speaking quietly as to not be over heard, Clio moved her head closer to whisper to the Prophet. "She does not wish for you to be taken a fool."

"The meaning of such I suppose will be revealed upon my arrival." Evelyn's eyes quickly scanned the halls checking to see of there were any interlopers before making her way through the halls with Clio. Plans had begun to formulate within the mind of the veiled mother. Schemes and conspiracies of such cunning she'd been taught to construct by her lord. All within this keep had a role to play, and she would see each properly compensated for their part. 

Neither Norae nor Dorae appeared before the Vieled Mother. There was no need to stop the woman, their misson was to stop those without their leader's invite. Opening the door Clio, bowed the prophettess into the common room. Within ten women lounged about on various chairs, couches and lounges. Cat-esque eyes peering at the interloper in their domain, assessing the danger to their leader and not making a move to hide it. Anise turned her attention back to the window after a moment. The rest twisting about to relax in the luxurious requirements. Alysse longued in the largest and softest of chairs, her second in command, MIna, at her right hand. Several weapons lingering with easy and obvious reach of her. "Ah... Lady Evelyn." The lead witch purred. "Welcome to the abode Lancelot graciously appointed to us." She gestured about with a finely boned hand indicating her sister. "My coven- Blackwater- sisters." Clio poured a goblet of wine, offering it to the woman after taking a drink herself to prove it's trustworthiness. "There are two others of us, but they are making sure we are not overheard nor interrupted less we wish it." She quirked a eyebrow, with a inviting smile. "I did not wish for you to mistake one who might do you harm with one of us." She knew her sisters were feeling alarmed. They did not like her bringing a stranger so close. But her job was to look for the best of the coven. Enemy or foe. She wanted this woman close.

Evelyn's eyes went across the room as Alysse spoke, she could already feel the growing whispers within her mind as her lord began contemplating their next step. "I must admit my friend, I did not expect our next conversation until at least tomorrow. Nevertheless, it is a welcome surprise.", her words were gentle and to a degree sincere but the veiled mother was never one to trust fully on a first encounter. As she spoke her mind reached for Bartuc, imploring him to wake and come to her aid should she need him. "To be truthful, I did wish to discuss something of importance while we still had some semblance of privacy tonight", Evelyn took a step towards the window, peering out to inspect the status of her cultists outside the keep. It had been some time since she arrived and new armies gathered around Lancelot's castle, their numbers dwarfing her own. 

Gesturing for Alysse to accompany here by the window, what exposed regions of her face gave a look of seriousness and concern. "Tell me, what do you see before you when you look down at the castle gates?", her voice void of the warmth it once had. 

The Night Witch rose from her chair. Her Second following like a shadow. "Why take time waiting? Unexpected things tend to pop up, and I thought it might be the wiser notion to fly into the maelstorm with a firm plan." Anise moved to the side of the window, still a steady guard incase any threat appeared that way. Her gait was as graceful and sure as a cat. Casting her gaze down towards the armies, her frown grew slightly. "Those men, women. Whatever the race be." She flicked her fingers is a almost dismissive gesture and several of her sisters cackled softly in amusement. Their sort didn't overly care what they mated with to produce their daughters, only that they were strong and-generally- handsome. "I see those for the bleeding and the rutting. I also see problems. Threats to my coven and our hold on our lands." She raised a brow at the Veiled Mother. Careful keeping a serene look of concern upon her face. "What is it you see? Down there, and up here?" It was bold, perhaps a tad too much so. But this woman was in Alysse's domain, and her coven about her made her so. She could not relax her position unless her sisters questioned her. Not that they made a habit of that.

"Below us I see opportunity, same as here. The nature of these two vary greatly however. I cannot divulge much but be assured I am of no threat to your coven. Know that there are plans in place to see each of us to our deserved reward. Stick close to myself and Bartuc when this crusade begins, I would not have my ally far from my side", there was never a moment where Evelyn was not planning for the future, never a moment when her thoughts weren't focused on how to gain an advantage. Whatever everyone elses reasons for joining this crusade, Evelyn's were solely to regain the throne, eliminating any threats to it wherever they may be. 

Raising a pale brow, the witch listened to her sisters shift restlessly. Oh, there were plans. The whorls of Fate that the Triple-Goddess whispered through. Gesturing sharply with a flick of her fingers she leaned against the sill of the window. "Nor would I. So long as the partnership is benefical, and respect is maintained." Alysse gave Evelyn a poliet smile, a geniune one. "Give us that along with continuation of our blood and our bloody wine." She inclined her head in a solemn nod. "I believe you will find what you lost." Her witches would bend to noone but her, nor would they accept anything less than a equal partnership. They were a prideful people. Though this woman, Alysse found herself very much wanting to seduce this woman and discover more about her. Though wisdom warned her not to.

"You have my word, as bride to our lord and heir to Tyrvald, when this is said and done, your kin shall find safe harbor in my kingdom", Evelyn bowed deeply, a smile on her face as she turned back towards the door with Clio and Serrafina as her escorts. 

Alysse bowed just a deeply, and was far past sorely tempted to give wisdom the offending finger. Evelyn was a lovely woman, veiled and all.
posting tonight, @LadyRunic you wanna do a collab?
Here, working on stuff and was waiting for the timeskip to the mission but I'll post something now.
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