Avatar of TheMinorFall
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 354 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. TheMinorFall 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current To those who would be interested, I’ve not been on here because I’m trying to establish a role playing server on discord. If you’d like to join me there, my discord is Kai#2189 send me a message!
8 yrs ago
If you fight monsters for too long, you become one.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Sorry for being absent as of late. But I will be returning in a few days to rp again! See you all then ;P
8 yrs ago
Gearing up to get started with one or two new threads!


As a role player, I like to play my characters in a way that enthralls others. If I can make people care about my character and what happens to him/her, then I feel I have succeeded. My play style is very much about having fun, but its also about challenging others to make choices and grow their characters.

I am a military member without many ways to outlet the stress of life, so I come to role playing to get away and get lost in the worlds we create. I love to write and I have been doing it for years. I'm not afraid to hop into a super serious, super in-depth thread, nor am I afraid to take part in your typical high school RP. If it interests me, I want to jump in and start driving the story.

Most Recent Posts

@Dusksong nice to see you, how were the holidays?
He wasn't necessarily caught by surprise. She was a royal, but her answer did snag his interest. Something about the way she carried herself made him willing to trust her. Even if it was just a sliver of his trust he was prepared to offer. He cracked a toothy side-grin, tilting his head to reveal one cold, useless eye. This was going unexpectedly as expected.

She wasn't consumed enough by conceit to claim a lack of fault like most royals. He had run into many Moroi who presumed the rules didn't apply to them, but she was different. "You misunderstand, your Highness. I'm not reprimanding you. I just want to know your motives." He stepped closer, his authority seeming to radiate from him like an aura, and offered his hand. "If you would join me, I'd like to take you to meet him." He offered.

Perhaps a girl of seemingly similar age would entice the Fallen One to speak on what happened to him and what exactly he is. Desmond was even milling over the thought of letting the thing roam free, under supervision of course. He turned one war toward the Chancellor, "It wouldn't be too much trouble, would it Dolorante?


Orion waited on the cold floor, gripping the bars of his cell as he looked around the room. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be thankful or worried. He was caged again, but a cage was better than that chair. All that open space, but nowhere to move to. He had been bolted to that chair for... how long was it? Days weeks? More? He shuddered and moved away from the bars. The guards had cleaned up his.. mess while he had watched from a corner. It seemed there was more faith in him than seemed appropriate, given the situation. Something felt off. They seemed more interested in him than he was particularly comfortable with, but for the time being, he wasn't strong enough to escape. So he waited...

@Gowi I know you're super busy in the OOC here but I noticed the roster in the Char page hasn't been updated. No biggie, just saying ._.


If all is amended then you are probably good to go. Narc?


Thank you! I'll put him on the Character page then!

@Gowi here is revision three! Tell me what you think! sits in the corner

Thanks to @shylarah for the help and also shout out to my wife for coming up with my fifth mental benchmark!

Fixed some formatting— name header, hiders. Nothing major since a lot of this is pretty simple and easy to review.

Visage: I like this conceptually! "Points!"

Background: Is it fair to presume that their wealth is also the product of their inheritance from their late politician parents as well as any medical insurance claims? I like the idea; short but sweet.

Benchmarks: Reading over your benchmarks I’m going to repeat what I told Crash and to a lesser extent Superboy.

<Snipped quote by Gowi>
So while traits like Enhanced Strength and Fleet Footed really work fundamentally here I’m not sure if Charge and Sunder do since they are more MMO-y activated abilities. Remember that Pariah is the anti-MMO MMO where it fashions itself as more virtual reality simulation than MMORPG. Look at other CS’s for examples or ask for advice!

With your mental skills some notes:
  • Helping Hands should be noted more specifically— is it more physician abilities with first aid and basic alchemy or is it more healing spells/domains? Having an affinity with healing is fine, but remember to note what kind of healing it is!
  • Multi-Class seems redundant to me; perhaps finding a more apt mental benchmark would be better than basically telling me what I already can gather from your healer/tank hybrid concept.

History: I can dig it. We need more people-minded folks given how many Draethir assholes we have. Myself included.

Overall it only needs a few revisions and expansions as far as I can tell. So I hope this review is helpful!

I hope this meets what you were looking for in a revision. I made changes directly to the quote. Some things are revised, som I just took right out. As far as this benchmarks, I honestly didn't expect to have to come up with five lol. That was more than I anticipated. I honestly can't think of a fifth mental benchmark that he would have learned. Halp?

Also thanks for the compliments! I thought really hard for him while I spent two hours trying to get the picture to show up in the preview mode.
That was fast.

Is this directed at me? Lol


@Gowi will this do?
@Gowi drama? I didn't see any. I'll simply follow your rules and enjoy the rp experience. Let's all have fun!
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