Avatar of Theobromine
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    1. Theobromine 10 yrs ago


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I am ALMOST done my post! I promise to have it up tomorrow!!!
EDIT: Scratch that... Tomorrow for SURE though! I have a slight break between exams, so no excuses! ^^;
Hm, we might be able to do without a TS as long as everyone moves things along in each of their posts. xD

So basically the way I see it:
1. Staff Crew: Lily, Carmen, Ryuu, Oliver
After Lily meets up with Carmen and have the emotional moment, everyone can start heading to the assembly. Ryuu and Oliver can probably head to the assembly beforehand to give Carlily some space anyway. :P (Estimation: Really depends on how long the Carlily interaction may take. If Lily and/or Carmen aren't going to the assembly, it can fade off after they meet right?)

2. Infirmary Crew: Kathy, Crash, Andromeda, Eric
If AL accepts that Andro gets patched up, she can rest in the infirmary while the rest of the crew goes to the assembly in about 2-3 more posts. Unless someone wants to stay behind, which if they do they can make a post saying that they stay behind and wait for the assembly stuff to begin before continuing anything else.
(Estimation: Probably just 2-3 more posts? As long as everyone moves things along with each post then that's all that's needed. i.e. Post 1: Andro is patched up. Post 2: Rest of crew leaves, then gets to assembly hall. Post 3: Or if no one wants to rush THAT much, get to assembly hall in this one.)

3. The Wanderer: Edric
He was already headed for the assembly hall so he's pretty much there already. xD

4. The Already-There Crew: Ara, Aurelia, Rain
These 3 have already sat down and are ready for the thing to start so we can push them out of our minds for now. Lol.

P.S. Sorry if I missed/misplaced any of the characters, but that was a lot of posts to read through to organize this. >_>;
Ara (B)

“I’ll take that as ‘not worried at all’ then.” Ara laughed. Rain was a mystery in the strange disjoints present during the conversation, and Aurelia… Well, the girl was just a mystery in that Ara still didn’t know anything about her. Except that she was extremely quiet and not one to really engage in small talk. “People or zombies.” She sort-of clarified.

Though she had been walking more or less alongside Rain, she joined Aurelia in following behind the blue-haired girl as she pushed the crowd aside for them. The few that looked like they had complaints on their minds just earned a ‘try me’ smile from Ara as she passed by. Whether they didn’t actually have any intentions of picking a fight or if they decided to post pone it, no one actually challenged them as they continued into the room.

She waited for Aurelia to take the seat beside Rain, since it was quite obvious by now that the quiet girl intended to stick with the latter, then sat down in the remaining seat. “It’s to listen to some important person give a speech about not-really important things.” Settling down, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the seats were actually quite comfortable. “If they take too long though, I’m probably just bailing.”

Katherine Argall

‘And the fact that I slapped you.’ Kathy thought, inwardly cringing at the memory. She had successfully managed to forget all about it until Crash listed out the less pleasant events that had occurred back then. Not only had she hurt him, she had shown a rather pathetic side of herself as he stitched her hand back up… Shaking her head, she consoled herself that it was all in the past. She was different now. If something similar happened again, she would be able to find a more peaceful resolution herself…. She hoped. Though Crash’s voice was rather quiet, she waited patiently for him to continue. After a while though, she began to have doubts about whether or not he was actually going to finish the sentence and ended up asking the question that had been on her mind for quite some time.

Kathy looked on in dismay as Lily left, feeling quite disheartened at the fact that she hadn’t been able to do anything to help. “I wish I knew…” She sighed. When Eric and Andromeda became visible, she quickly fixed her expression and gave them a smile to greet them. “It’s been a long time.” With Crash’s mumble she looked down at her hands, clasping them in front of her. She wanted to stay and help, but she wondered if it would be better to move out of their way and wait outside. And as she listened to Crash he really seemed to have everything under control. Hearing her name though, she lifted her head back up to meet his eyes. “Oh, sure!” Her expression brightened up as she moved to the cupboards. “I’ll stay and help. I’m sure we can afford to be a bit late to the assembly.”

She had to rummage around a bit, since understandably she wasn’t sure where everything was in the infirmary, but she managed to find the things that he asked for. Walking back over to them, she held out her findings to Crash. “Here’s the cold compress, the… Uh, I wasn’t sure which size you wanted so I just grabbed every bandage I saw.” Kathy had at least 6 different rolls of bandages in her arms. “And as for this…” Her gaze went to the bottle of pain medication in her hand before she looked at Andromeda.

Hesitantly she began, “Er, just a question… Andromeda, do you know if you can take ibuprofen? A lot of human medication tends to be poisonous to other species…” Giving a very apologetic look she quickly added, “Sorry, I really hope I’m not offending you. I don’t mean that you’re an animal in any way but I’ve never helped to treat a gorgon before.”

Katherine Argall

Kathy wanted to make sure that Crash was not making light of his own injuries, but she let the matter slide with a laugh. She had been worried that he would be insistent about leaving the infirmary so she was pleasantly surprised that he ended the exchange with a light joke. She wasn’t quite sure what the apologetic smile he gave her was for, so she merely tilted her head slightly to the side and gave a clueless but happy smile of her own in return.

“Ah, to be honest I don’t remember much about the last assembly. I fell asleep while Brako made his speech so the only thing I really recall was…” She trailed off there with another laugh, recalling how a drumstick had suddenly hit her on the head, waking her up from the rather pleasant nap she had been having. Instead of discussing the memory though, she continued with, “I’m hoping that Criston throws another party though. Hopefully one that will end peacefully.”

The strangely detached manner Lily displayed felt alarming. And when Crash mentioned where Lily had come out of and… ‘Edric came out of there, didn’t he?’ First him, and now Lily… She wondered just what had happened to the two of them while they were in there. She had wanted to ask Lily about the photo but… It hardly seemed like the time to do so. While she was conflicted about how to talk to her, luckily Crash decided to spring to action first. “Illiasriel also needed-” Kathy froze mid-sentence, realizing that the girl she was referring to had suddenly disappeared. The logical assumption to make would’ve been that the girl had walked out while they were preoccupied but Illiasriel hadn’t even been able to walk. “There’s no one else…” She finally mumbled out, wondering if she had actually hit her head somewhere without realizing. It would have certainly explained why she felt so confused about everything. “Lily, do you want to sit down for a moment? I can get you a glass of water in the meantime.” She supplied after Crash.

Ara (B)

Ara shrugged. “Depends. How worried would you be about being caught hunting without a license?” She had an extremely mischievous grin on her face as she asked. The venue to hunt itself was a challenge on its own, but more than that she figured the consequences of illegal hunting would be the far bigger obstacle in their way. Well, that is, if Rain was adverse to her plan titled: It’s Easier to ask for Forgiveness, than for Permission.

Catching that the question was mostly directed at Aurelia, she did not bother supplying her own answer. Although it was less due to respect for Aurelia than it was the fact that her answer was quite boring. She was not very picky with her books, and as a result basically read everything from children’s fairy tales to dry textbooks.

“What?” For the first time, despite all the other strange things Rain had said, Ara looked at the other girl like she was from an alien planet. “You’ve no idea what those are? Either your native language must not be English, or we really need to go out and break free of your sheltered bubble.” Moving onto her next question she answered, “Mostly FPS types. Oh, that means ‘First Person Shooter’. Games where you shoot others.” She clarified, having the feeling that if she didn’t even know what those places were she was probably not familiar with gaming lingo. “Rhythm games are the real fun at game centres though. Since they’re a little harder to set up and enjoy at home.”

Her grin grew when Aurelia gave them a nod. “Great! Accomplices acquired.” She laughed. Mischief she could conduct on her own… But the idea of going as a group appealed her greatly. ‘Take that A,’ She inwardly savoured the feeling of victory. ‘I’m already making friends. Good luck trying to replace my existence with yours.’

“Oh? Is this the place?” She asked as they neared a set of open double-doors. Normally she would have tried to answer her own question from observation alone, but there were far too many students in this area for her to see their destination clearly.


Katherine Argall

A wry smile appeared on her face as he listed the Crash accident count for the day. She would have liked to say that she was surprised he had bumped into so many things in just a single day but that would have been a lie. Really, she would have been more surprised to learn if he ever had an accident-free day. Kathy opened her mouth to answer him when Illiasriel interrupted them. She winced in guilt; she had completely forgotten the girl’s presence since Crash’s dramatic entrance. She thought of introducing the two of them but at the mention of Lily she recalled the photograph she had seen. ‘I wonder if he knows about her new family as well?’ She wanted to talk to someone about it, but it seemed rude to divulge personal information without asking for permission first.

“Ah! Edric?” Kathy called out in surprise, as he suddenly shot through. Although the boy was probably in such a hurry to leave that he hadn’t heard her. She stared at the door he’d left open, wondering what could have possibly happened in such a short amount of time for him to be in such a hurry to leave.

"Or maybe that's the sign that it's time to go"

Raising a brow, she turned her attention back to Crash and shook her head. “You’re not going anywhere until you’ve been treated.” Having had time to calm down, the bright blush she’d had on her cheeks had faded to just a rosy colour on her now-serious expression. She looked down at the digital watch on her left wrist and added, “I hope the person on duty comes back soon… Or we’ll be late for the assembly.”

As she lifted her head back up, the glint of something on the ground caught her eye. ‘Ah… I’m glad Edric didn’t trip on any of this.’ She thought as she looked at all the tools scattered throughout the room. Bending down to pick up the first tool, Kathy glanced over at Crash and warned, “Stay where you are, okay? The injured are supposed to be rest in the infirmary.” She didn’t mention that the primary reason was to ensure that he didn’t add to the list of injuries he already had. Luckily there weren’t too many tools scattered about so gathering everything up really was better suited to be a one-person job. At the very far side of the room Kathy picked up the last instrument from the ground while keeping her back to the rest of the room. Hesitantly she asked, “Crash… This was on my mind for a while but… What happened to your eye?”

@FaithsRose (And @HylianRose if Lily plans to join in?)
Katherine Argall

She blushed as his fingers brushed over her cheek, but it hardly compared to how red Crash’s face looked immediately afterwards. And then of course, more chaos ensued. In a truly Crash-like fashion, he somehow managed to hit his head again in such close succession… Although it looked painful, she couldn’t help but laugh. It was… It was such a relief to see him again.

Kathy shook her head. “I’m fine.” Her eyes trailed momentarily to the pair of scissors she had dodged, but she quickly glanced back at him. “I’m surprised, actually. That you would be so enthusiastic about coming into the infirmary.” She wondered if that meant Crash was finally over his fear of Kiwi?

She looked at his hand and reached out for it. As soon as her fingers closed around his, she couldn’t help but think back to a very distant memory. Back when he still had both his eyes. Both of them were 5 years younger… At the beach, where she laughed and agreed on a date before accepting his hand to get up from the sand…

She bit down on her lower lip. Trying to keep herself from crying. ‘No! This isn’t how I want to greet him again!’ Accepting his help, Kathy got up and felt a few tears fall down her face. But before he could see it, hopefully, she suddenly rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him. “I missed you.” She squeezed her eyes shut as she buried her face into his shirt. She could understand why Crash had reached out to her now. Even though she had recognized him, the reality that he was actually there hadn’t hit her until she hugged him.

… The touching moment lasted an impressive 3 seconds before Kathy realized what she was doing and jumped away, her face the exact same shade of colour as his hair. “I-I’m so sorry! I-” Stepping back even further, she felt her foot slip momentarily on something cylindrical (which turned out to be a pen), but managed to catch her balance in time to prevent another accident.

Feeling even more blood rush to her cheeks, she straightened up and cleared her throat. “S-Sorry Crash… I…” She didn’t think she’d ever hugged him before, actually. At the very least, she had no recollection of it in the past. “Sorry… More importantly, are you alright?” She laughed, more because she was nervous than because she found something funny. But luckily her whirling mind actually managed to come up with a good reason to change the conversation. “Did you need something from the infirmary..?”
Katherine Argall

Kathy had thought that she had heard a muffled, but familiar, voice. Turning to the door, she didn’t have to wonder long whether or not she’d heard correctly. The flash of red hair and the chaos that quickly followed afterwards… There was no doubt about it. But more importantly, at the moment anyway, she had to duck to the side to avoid a pair of scissors flying in her direction.

“Cra-” Just as she tried to call out to her though, Edric suddenly ran away to a different portion of the infirmary. ‘Just what is going on here..?’ She wondered, feeling utterly confused and lost. Normally she would have chased after him to see if he was alright, however…

Looking back at the shapeshifter on the ground, she found herself frozen in place. Having lost her initial timing to call out to him, she wasn’t sure what to say anymore. ‘ Naturally… Just approach him like you normally would…’ Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure what would be normal anymore. They had lost contact years ago and a lot of things could have changed since then.¬

“C-Can you stand?” Finally gathering up her courage, she walked up to Crash and knelt down beside him. After some hesitation, she offered her hand to help him up and whispered, “… It’s good to see you again.” She gave him a faint smile, unable to give her usual bright smile due to her nerves and… Due to the fact that the eye patch on his face had caught her eyes.

Gonna give Nev and Chux a chance to post before I move on with Kathy's. :P
Ara (B)

"I have no idea where I'm going by the way, so feel free to chip in with directions"

“No worries, I have no idea where anything is either.” Ara laughed, and walked alongside Rain. “Hunting? Cool. I don’t have much experience in it, but let me know if you feel like going for a hunt sometime. I’m good with a gun.” Surprisingly enough, she had never actually shot anything alive with her gun before. Her teacher had been able to make plenty of moving targets to practice on, so she had never had the need to try to shoot an animal. And although Ara had picked up on the strange way Rain had mentioned that hunting had been a necessity… She did not comment on it. Yet.

She took on a thoughtful expression and looked slightly upwards, though she continued to pay attention to their surroundings as they walked. “Responsibilities huh… I guess I never had much of those. It sounds troublesome.” Looking to Aurelia, she ended up responding to both the girls at once. “I like to read as well. Sometimes there’s… Nothing else I can do but read.” She frowned and narrowed her eyes, thinking about the Fractal World. But then her expression brightened up again as she pushed the thought aside. Or pretended to.

“Other than that, I like to go around and just visit random places. Cafes, restaurants, game centers, a strangely sketchy-looking pawn shop… I like looking around exploring.” Apparently having thought of an idea, Ara piped up, “In fact, after the boring assembly’s over why don’t we go around and explore this place? Since everything’s newly built, I belt they’ll have some interesting stuff around.”

Sporting a mischievous grin, she abruptly halted for a moment and walked right up to Aurelia. Placing her arm around the quiet girl’s shoulders she asked, “You’ll be joining in, right?”

Anyway how is everyone doing here?

Doing good! :P Until April... The dreaded month of exams. >_>
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