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Dang it. I can't get Pokemon: GO to work on my cell phone. WHY???
8 yrs ago
Where are all of the Xmen games? Deadpool just came out on video and Xmen Apocalypse is about to come out. I was expecting more hype.
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There's no way to add @Chronos Hybrid as co-GM to an Int Check, but he's helping me with the story and playing as the Captain.

If you have any questions, just ask.
The newly renamed "Terra" came out of hyperspace and made its way into orbit of the planet it was named after, being sure to hide itself from the local's scanning equipment and long-range visual detection. The locals were not yet Kardashev-1 and, while they had been to space and even had a small orbital station for research and many satellites of multiple types, they had not yet left their star system of developed any form of FTL, and so fell under the United Protectorate's mandate to protect without interference. Anthropologists had gathered enough data on the locals and planet that the UP was willing to test a few of them to see if they could defend their own world. This was especially important now that they had more than just cultural interference to worry about. As the crew would find out once recruited, a violent and ancient race had been awakened, and the UP and its allies would need as many ships and crew as they could get to stop them from dominating the galaxy once more.

Terra used her sensors to locate the captain and activated the nearby speakers. "Captain." she said, "we have just entered orbit of the planet, and I have synthesized multiple copies of my avatar to attempt to recruit the locals we identified as potential candidates. They all appear to have untapped potential in useful areas, and shouldn't be too attached to remaining on the planet."

Near the docking bay a dozen androids boarded a dozen shuttles, all identical, and a few minutes later left for a dozen locations on the planet below. The ship was designed to run on a small crew, despite its size, with robots handling most of the manual labor and the AI providing Sapient guidance when needed.

Many humans were identified by the United Protectorate's Anthropologists on Earth, humans which have enormous potential but no serious ties to Earth which would prevent them from leaving it for months or years. Terra, the ship's AI flew one of its avatar bodies in a shuttle to a remote location where she would meet them and attempt to recruit them. She told the humans about her mission to find recruits to help protect Earth and many other worlds from an invading race, and prove that she was more than she appeared to be by revealing that the woman they interacted with was an Android and that it possessed a particle beam pistol which was beyond this planet's technology. They would have 24 hours, one local day, to say goodbye and get their affairs in order before going to their "new job", as many told their friends and family, in space, which they wouldn't mention.

They were all promised that once aboard they would receive a medical implant to track their health and allow the ship to treat any medical issues they had, and would be trained in science and technology far beyond that of Earth. They would also be offered implants which could let them learn psionics and implants which could let them mentally access the ship's computer and control other networked technology, though those implants are not mandatory like the medical implant.

Once all crew had proven in VR trainers that they had at least some basic skills in a technical area, ship to ship combat, and interpersonal combat, they would set out for Setrin, a UP colony and military academy around 200 lightyears from Earth.

The mark was a club on Persephone owned by a retired Alliance Captain. It was a middle class lounge style bar, the kind of place respectable Alliance officers and business people would go to relax after a long, hard day of telling other people what to do. It was the kind of place that would dislike Serenity's crew simply because of their politics.

The plan was simple enough, though. The club was running a "Battle of the Bands" contest this weekend to find new talent to perform there, with the winner being guaranteed at least 10 Saturday nights over the next year. Some of the crew had entered as "Mourning Serenity", a low-key band which wouldn't draw suspicion when their "Manager" Malcolm Reynolds started wondering around the club asking questions. Badger had informed them that the owner kept a safe in his office that held over ten thousand platinum every night, the club's income, which badger would split with them 50/50.

River, the lead singer for their "band" began to sing, distracting the club-goers and staff long enough for Mal to slip away.

We will basically be picking up Firefly where it left off. Three months have passed since the "Miranda Incident" and the Alliance has started to crack down on anti-government "radicals" and Independence sympathizers.

I'd prefer to only control NPCs, but will control unclaimed crew if I need to.

River's telepathy will be limited to surface thoughts and feelings.

We'll be Serenity's crew, maybe with a few additions.

Taken Characters:

Malcolm Reynolds:
Zoe Washburn:
Kaylinette Lee Fry:
River Tam:
Simon Tam:
Jayne Cobb:
Inara Sera: (Maybe isn't crew, or is with a customer currently)
New Crew 1: (NPC from the show)
New Crew 2: (NPC from the show or OC)
New Crew 3: (NPC from the show or OC)
@Chronos HybridCool. I'll PM you so that potential players don't read the discussion. Could ruin plot elements.
@Chronos Hybridcool. What kind of plot do you want to go with?
I was hoping to play a ship's AI in a sci-fi world. I had two ideas for plots, though I'd like to come up with a final plot along with my co-gm, who would hopefully play as my Captain. My two ideas were:

1) Andromeda RP where we are fighting off the Nietzchean invasion in the war that caused the Commonwealth to fail.
2) I am an Alien ship that was sent to Earth to recruit people to fight off a conquering race. The United Protectorate watches over primitive worlds so that people can't interfere with them too much, and, from time to time, recruits people from the primitive planets under its control. If they can make it to one of the UP base worlds with the ship, they will be accepted into the formal training for crew, and be able to keep the ship to defend their world. Last time this was tried (150 years ago) the crew died because of mutiny and explosive decompression, and the ship was reassigned to a different race.
Corona tried to relax as he waited for people to clear out enough for Heka to open the portal. He felt like he was forgetting someone and looked around to check on the members of his team. That's when he realized that he didn't see Protiv. "Protiv!" he called out, but didn't get a response. He had to act quickly. Yes, he had to be with the team that went to Cable's, as he knew them and they would trust him enough to run. Other people didn't. "Sal," he said, running over to his assistant that was about to lead a group of former prisoners away. "Have you seen Protiv?"

"No," Sal responded. "He wasn't here as far as I saw."

"Damn it." He responded, "How long until the SS get back there?"

Sal checked his Ipad. "The alert went out but there's no response to it. It will be at least an hour before they can get a robot out there, and he can handle any humans."

Corona pulled out his phone and tried to call Protiv, but there was no response. "See if any human passing mutants want to be part of a stealth team." he said. "We'll need to get someone back there to get him back before SS gets him." Running over to Heka, he asked the sorcerer "I'll need you to open another portal back to the prison when we return. That should give Sal time to get a team together. Protiv didn't evac with us, and isn't responding, and I need to send a team in to pick him up or arrange for pickup."


Corona stepped through the portal beside a log cabin. A man with a cybernetic arm was cutting wood by the light from a standing shop light, but when the portal opened he walked over with the axe slung over his shoulder. "Kyle?" he asked, dropping the axe and running over to hug his cousin. "It's been four years. What are you doing here?" As he said that, a middle aged Asian woman ran out of the house. "Kyle?" she asked and ran over to hug him as well. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine Miss Lee." he responded.

"Oh, just call me Jubilee." she responded. "So, what brings you here?"

"I just received word that Sentinels are inbound. You might have a few minutes, but we need to evac you and any refugees you have."

"We just dropped the last of the refugees off with the Underground this afternoon." Jubilee said as Cable ran inside.

"Forge! Dazzler! Sentinels incoming!" Cable yelled as he entered the front door. "They'll be here in a few minutes!"

"But I don't detect anything." said Forge from a room just off the main one. "None of my sensors..." An alarm went off. "Sentinels incoming." he said, then stared at the screen in shock for about a second before snapping out of it. "At least five of the big ones and over a dozen small ones, plus five personnel carriers." The rest of his speech was a series of expletives as he removed the harddrive from his computer, put it in a briefcase with several others and waved his hand towards the remaining hardware, causing it to spark violently as all power settings were maxed out within it. He ran into another room and then ran outside, followed by two rotor drones with lasers mounted on them. "Let's go," he said, running past Cable as Dazzler ran down the steps, hair wet as she was still in the shower when the warning came, while putting a speaker collar on.

As she and Cable left the house, though, several MK1 robots started to land around them, with MK2 and personnel carriers visible over the treetops.
@KaesusI'll try to post tonight.
@mattmanganonthat's fine.
@mattmanganonBoomerang has been petting Corgie for several weeks. Good thing he has a force field.
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