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@RumikoOhara That one's in like five months.
8 yrs ago
I beg to differ.


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I appreciate it but you don't have to bump my thread for me.
Sorry, going to have to pass.
@Takumi Enishi I... don't really know what that means?
This is a resubmission/mirror/re-ad/what-have-you of an interest check that I posted in general. I prefer going in-depth with detail, settings, lore, and posts when I can (though I'm not a stickler for length, as things can get busy and I don't always have a lot of energy these days). That being said, I'd like to shake the rust off and try running an RP again, since there aren't too many that have been tickling my fancy recently that aren't already full by the time I get to them.

As the title says, the RP ideas I'm thinking of starting are as follows: Animorphs- based on the book series from the mid/late 90's/early 2000's, Bionicle- the Lego set line from 2001-2010 (aka the original storyline), and Azure Striker Gunvolt, a videogame series by IntiCreates which is somewhat of a spiritual successor of Mega Man X/Mega Man ZX, involving super-powered humans, with some elements similar to X-Men, Final Fantasy VII, and fast paced action, with some social awareness that was usually missing in Mega Man games.
I'm willing to accept people who are unfamiliar with the settings and inform them as they need. (In fact, not knowing how things go with specific detail would be helpful for an Animorphs RP, as it would make the characters more genuine.) Just to make this clear, we will not be playing as the pre-established characters from any of these franchises. Instead, each RP will be removed from what the "normal sequence of events" would be in one way or the other. (It's way more fun that way)

So, full disclosure, two of these are reduxes/reboots of previous RP's, those being Bionicle and Gunvolt. I was in an Animorphs RP years ago, and I sort of got a double nostalgia shot thinking about it, so I decided to give it my own shot. I won't be mirroring that RP, but I will be borrowing the concept for the CS being in first person, as I feel it added an interesting depth and feel to the characters. For those who are interested in more details, the old OOC's will be linked below.

General Interest Check
Bionicle RP OOC Example
Gunvolt RP OOC Example

Feel free to bring up any questions, comments, concerns, etc.
I'm interested, but also pensive because I don't know anything really about Singapore culture, and also some other reasons that are more personal, also not sure about a character idea, so we'll see.
I appreciate it but I can't tell if you're expressing interest or not, @Aristocles.
Which is why I asked to see your playing llevel of interes for Bionicle.

Oh. Oh oh oh I get you now. Minor confusion there- this will be a character focused RP with original characters and an original story based in the Matoran Universe of the first iteration of Bionicle. We're outside of the arena, friend.

Inika/Mahri is the best of the Bionicles.

Mahri were fun, though I found the Inika base a bit uninteresting to build. I understand why they did it the way they did, and I like the mask aesthetic, but other than the weapons, they're a bit plain feeling. I like them as characters though. Also, Cordak blasters are like, easily top two Bionicle weapons.
@reaping Adder I'm not sure exactly what you mean.
Welcome to the guild! Hope you find some friends to write with.
Howdy. I want to get back into things and shake the rust off, and I've not had much in the way of finding RP's that aren't full that I'm interested in, so I'm making my own. I'm looking for higher end writing, usually mature themes (while avoiding the gratuitous gore and excess that the "meme" of 'mature content' seems to carry with it)- things will happen, and I'd like them to be handled in a tasteful, real way, that focuses on characters and character development.
That being the case, I'm wanting to start a roleplay based on either the Animorphs book series, the Azure Striker Gunvolt game series, or the original Bionicle mixed media series. I can't really decide which, so I figured I'd see what drums up the most interest, as they're each fairly obscure based on my understanding/not many people are very familiar. More details are available at request, but I didn't want to make this too long, as it's only a general check. I'm willing to accept players with little to no knowledge about the setting(s). Sometimes it works better that way, and I'm always willing to explain.
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