Avatar of Tomaru
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    1. Tomaru 5 yrs ago


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I would also be down to enjoy this!

EDIT: My idea would be to have a british transfer student with fist weapons?

A transfer student with fist weapons would be acceptable.
@ERode Hunters exist around the globe, and lineages are of every ethnicity. But, this story will focus on "Not Japan" and "Not Japanese" hunters. It's more or less a fictional version of earth.

Collecting a bunch of abilities from youkai isn't really what I had in mind for this, so I'll have to say no to that.

@Dead Cruiser

Feel free to shoot me any ideas you have while you wait for the CS
Random question- can a magical crystal ball count as a heirloom weapon?

What were you planning on doing with it?
Lore on hunters is posted. More lore to come.
Glad to see so much interest already. I'll have some lore up tonight, and maybe a CS so you guys can start brainstorming.
A darkness looms over this world. When the sun rises, the darkness dances in the shadows. When you walk with friends through the street, the darkness watches. When you fall in love, the darkness smiles at you. When you curl up in bed and close your eyes, the darkness is wide awake. And most people are none the wiser. For this blissful ignorance, they can thank the hunters. Whether they consider themselves blessed with power, or cursed with a life of violence, it is the hunters who stand between us and the creatures that see us as prey. But, even hunters have to go to school…

The Hunter's Club

Welcome to The Hunter’s Club, an RP that will be half shounen-battle, half slice of life. It will take place in a fictional school in a fictional city in “Not Japan.” If you haven’t gathered already, this will be heavily anime inspired. Think Yu-Yu Hakusho meets Nichijou… or something like that. Here’s the gist: you will play a young hunter in high school. As far as the world knows, you’re an ordinary student. The only people who know the truth are your fellow hunters, who form The Hunter’s Club. The club will be given missions to go on, where they fight Youkai that threaten their town. And between those missions, is fun-filled slice-of-life goodness.

As a hunter, you will possess superhuman abilities. Being a hunter is hereditary, and so you will likely come from a family of hunters, though your familial status is open for you to create. Hunters are faster, stronger, and more resilient than normal humans. They also possess a supernatural ability specific to their bloodline. Lots of room for creativity here, but let’s not go making craters. Specifics on what powers are acceptable will come later. Hunters will get an heirloom, which is a weapon that helps them fight the youkai. They have certain special properties, usually complimenting the hunter’s power. Again, more specifics will come. Finally, hunters all possess a limiter that helps them blend in with normal humans. The limiter turns off their supernatural powers so they don’t inadvertently perform parkour flips or judo slam someone when they get startled. It helps them be “normal” students.

Sound interesting? Well, then you’ve got good taste! I’m looking for a group of 5-6 people who can post at least twice a week. Posts should be at least one decent sized paragraph that displays a competent command of English. Missions will start in our home town, but later you can expect to enter supernatural realms in pursuit of dangerous youkai.

Plenty of lore will be fleshed out, but this should be enough to see who’s interested. Feel free to shoot any questions at me in the meantime.

The Lore

Character Sheet
You may format your sheet any way you like so long as you include all of the following information:

Name: (Should be obvious, but feel free to include any nicknames as well.)

Appearance: (Either an anime-styled pic or description.)

Age: (pick a number from 15-17.)

Gender: (Again, should be obvious.)

Backstory: (I know we're anime protagonists, but let's try to have some living relatives, okay?)

Hunter Power: (Should be a broad ability like "fire manipulation.")

Techniques: (These are "signature moves" based on your power. These don't encompass the full scope of your abilities, but they are a few specific moves to help define your specific fighting style. If you watch anime, you know what I mean. Choose three techniques to start.)

Heirloom: (Describe your heirloom and its ability)

Skill: (This is a thing that normal humans can do that you are also good at. Are you a singer? A fisherman? Maybe you cook a mean lasagna.)

Limiter/Charm: (What does your limiter look like? What is the charm for your heirloom?)

Theme Song: (Optional, you can find a good one, yeah?)
I'll try to have a character up for this soon. I'll be making a kitsune.
Definitely interested!
This looks really cool. Still accepting?
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