Avatar of Tybalt Capulet
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 800 (0.32 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Tybalt Capulet 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Anyone out there trying to write about some sad cowboys and cowgirls? I love me some western, and god is it tricky to find.
6 yrs ago
I've started book 2 of my trilogy! Thanks to those who beta-read the first one for me!
6 yrs ago
First DnD session went awesomely! My players loved it, and a dragonborn was nearly killed by a bugbear.
6 yrs ago
Starting up DMing my first campaign this weekend!
7 yrs ago
50,033 words written! I finished NaNoWriMo!


Heyo! I'm Tybalt, and I'm an alcoholic...

Shoot, I think I'm doing this wrong. Y'know what, I'mma just throw up a character sheet for myself, y'all know how to read those.

Name: Tybalt
Species: Human. But, like, kinda Hobbit, too?
Age: 24
Rank: Peasant, probably.
Personality: Hard to nail down since I'm the one writing it, but I'm a type three on the Enneagram if that's worth anything.
Description: Two arms, two legs, a head, no feathers.
Abilities: Casual to advanced writing. I love a good advanced, but it's gotta be engaging as well as deep. Advanced is an investment, so I rarely keep up with more than one at a time.
Likes: Pirates, Knights, Cowboys, and everything in-between. I don't mind a good romance, but I'm just as happy to have a bro-tp as an otp. I also love anything by Brandon Sanderson, so if we've got some other fans out there, hit me up in the pm's.
Dislikes: This is less a dislike than a personal failing, but I tend to over-commit to too many stories, then not respond very quickly. You have been warned, I guess.

Most Recent Posts

In Book Game 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
"Huh," she said, "You're a surprising as a donkey who can dance, Mister Cravat."

-Shadows of Self (Brandon Sanderson)

Health: 1,500/1,500
Mana: 300/300
Renn: 825

"Oh, well... thank you, Reylan." She noted the icon appearing at the edge of her vision, indicating the appearance of the gift. Custom artwork? Hmm. She reached out hesitantly and tapped the icon, summoning it into the inn with a faint flash. Into her hands fell an impressive, almost imposing piece of artwork. Rendered in wat looked like oils, standing proudly with blade held loosely, was a... very flattering depiction. Of Aster.

The swordswoman felt her cheeks growing a blazing red, matching the ribbon in her hair. She wasn't sure how to respond. She looked awesome in the picture, to be honest. Like a sword-slinging badass, with a katana and a lion-motif dress far beyond her current equipment. Honestly, it was what she aspired to. Her expression, too, was collected, serene, and downright intimidating. Was this how people saw her? She felt pride rising in her chest. She could deal with that.

"Th-thank you, Reylan! This is unbelievable! You're quite the artist! Seriously, I've never seen anything like this. It's like a mirror, but so much more awesome!" Her eyes shone with gratitude. "This must have taken you hours, though..." She suddenly realized that she was speaking over the whole group. She took her seat once more, hiding the painting in her inventory and taking a seat, hands folded in her lap and face pointed directly downward. She roughly grabbed the guild charter, signing it with a flourish that underlined her name and ended with a scrawled aster flower.
@IthradineTeam colors? Silver and BLOOD.
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