Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.56 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

@Seirei No HaiLancer Artoria is a Arthur from a non-existent singularity in this universe. More over her statistics line is rather ridiculous. If you want Cu you may have him. However Gae Bolg is nerfed to non-instant kill status.
Again @Tenma Tendo might have berserker I don't remember. If he says he doesn't then I'll allow you to try, and send up your berserker. If Leonidas isn't a good enough lancer just look through the wiki.

You will also need to play a master no one here has a free slot to make a master for you.
@Seirei No HaiThe only other option is berserker I believe. I'm not sure who has that class It may be tendo i've forgotten. If I may make a recommendation I would just play Leonidas he's a solid lancer if not defense oriented.
@Seirei No HaiOnly black faction. We have an opening for lancer as he has not been on in ten days.
yes there is.@Archangel89
How would you like us to proceed with our characters at the moment Hitman. Lars, and Andrew will be lax in whatever they do if I don't have a direction. I can send Andrew out but Lars is literally meant to be a walking talking brick.
Alright it's been four days no ones been talking to me besides Tendo. Should I kill this Rp, or do I force start it with who we have?
Having left Stein's class Lars wondered if there was a particular point behind it. In the end their mission was simple: hunt, and take down enemies of the DWMA. His being here by choice, or not was irrelevant that was his given mission and he would seek to take it down. Resting under a tree he pulled out a notebook, and slowly started to scroll through the words on the pages finding the whole thing somewhat pointless given how much he had already learned as a younger boy on how to hurt specific types of individuals. If you could hurt them, if you could make them feel that pain then fear would follow. Fear led to panic. Panic was death.

Many of the other students were right to stay away from him usually. He was not a talkative person, and he preferred to keep it that way. His partner Andrew endeavored to make him open up he found little point in it like the book he read. Like the book Andrew held many informative tidbits on things they specialized in. Unlike the book it didn't talk back when he told it to shut up, and get to the point. He wondered....was Death fully aware of whom he had introduced into his academy? Did he have some sort of end goal for him? He had met the being once who ruled over this city. He was golly...and the biggest pain in the world. Friendship? Comrades? Pointless mental functions that only sought to have people lean on one another. What was the use of friendship when it was just a way for two failures to cover for one another. Andrew was a 'friend' if only by the purest technical term. He was a partner, and an ally. Taking anyone else into his line of thought meant that Lars would play favorite. What if one of the other students got captured by a dangerous, but heavily wounded Kishin? What if he cared about them? He would hesitate, and he may lose. Better to cut through the 'friend' to save more.

After all what was worse than living a pointless existence? If one were to live with the fact that if they lived just so others may die? Or if all others had rejected them? People were social constructs. Lars had endeavored to learn more about the 'feelings' of others. They may be useful someday. A childish smile. A hug. A pat on the back....a dagger always in hand. People never suspected their best friend. Or the happy go lucky maverick. That was a mistake. A friend one day could be an enemy the next minute. Liabilities...possibilities. To be a top ranked hunter Lars would need to find out more about others one day. If only to find better ways to hurt them. To accomplish his mission. To make life worth living. Be it as a mercenary, or a armed civil servant. He was still a child soldier either way.

Lars was poked on the cheek suddenly as he turned his head to look at his weapon right next to him, "Is it brooding time already?" Andrew chuckled a Lars stared blankly at him. "Yes." Lars responded simply. "Alright I'll leave you to your thoughts then dark knight." Andrew said coolly as Lars grumbled out, "Grey Knight." the meister told him. "It was humor Lars." retorted his weapon as Lars sighed, "You know I hate that.
Now let me 'brood'."

should we move characters over to the character tab? My pair is finished.
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