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5 yrs ago
*Lies in a gravestone reading 0.21*
5 yrs ago
AND I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD, posts will be coming out by the end of the week
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5 yrs ago
Been a rough week, but will get my replies out by the end of the weekend
5 yrs ago
My body has been awake for 24+ hours and I'm probably going to be awake for another 24; let's get posting
5 yrs ago
Finals are almost halfway done but oh well - slower posting due to that, back on scheduel next week
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[ UTC -8 ]

Group Roleplays

Heavenly Steel // Black Peace
[ Dark Fantasy ]
[ O P E N ]

1 x 1

Interest Check
[ O P E N ]

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Here's the CS that OwO provided in the interest check

Also glad you like the character @OwO! I'll likely be tinkering with them up until Thursday, but the core spirit of a parental character keeping in line her chuunibyou goddess and her followers should remain the same.
Also I've been thinking of a few plot points we could dive into so that we can start building some plot.

The first if you want to go full intrigue is some sort of attempted sabotage on either or both Hudvalri and Qaeltine officials all gathered in the lovebird's nest with all the details something that we can hash out a bit here before going full forward with it.

Another point if you wanted to take the roleplay on a more exploratory/action route is that I've been doing some world-building in my head and thought it'd be a neat idea to go full on with the idea of dragons being giant mobile nexi of magic thus leading to the idea of one dying prematurely being a Very Bad Thing. Considering there's been a relatively recent dragon death in the town of Etanclif, I was thinking it'd be a neat idea if that death had turned that town into essentially being covered in nuclear fallout. The current method I've thought of at the moment of how magical dragon death fallout is treated, at least on the Hudvalri side, is to find a dragon egg which will basically absorb and eat all that magical energy. I imagined the town itself being more Qaeltine, so it'd give us a neat chance to explore our world a bit more. It'd also give the neat potential of Aeris obtaining her own dragon companion.
I mean there's nothing saying that you still aren't going mad, just that there was a slight color change.

Also do feel free to take whatever small liberties you'd need with my character in order to have a smooth post, like having Lokkir help with the binding or having them do it themselves if you'd like. I know how annoying it can be at times when you're writing something and you're blocked from not having any control over a character. I'd also like to think that i can trust you enough not to do anything too drastic with any of my characters!
Hope you didn't mind that I changed Lokkir's colors a bit, wasn't too happy with their old one
Lokkir looked at his wife for a long while and blinked once, then twice, then-


A giggle escaped his lips, bubbling and bouncing like a babbling brook as it bounded abound in their shared room, melting away the grim atmosphere that he had shrouded around himself. Eventually his little laughing fit subsided and he turned to face Aeris once more, this time with a small, but genuine smile on his face.

"Amber. Mine is amber."

- t h e n e x t m o r n i n g -

The rest of the night passed with little fanfare, unless one counted aimless small talk between a Hudvalri prince(ss) and a Qaeltine princess counted as something momentous which in some cases, it might have been. But between the newly appointed husband and wife the only momentous thing about the whole affair was agreeing how dreadfully tiring the whole day was. Thus it was to the surprise of absolutely no one when sleep quickly descended upon the pair.

It was unfortunate then how brief Lokkir's rest was when he opened his eyes and saw that the world was still dark. Even looking at the blinds that covered their windows saw no sun peeking playfully behind cover. By some strange occurance however, the grumpy grouch realized he had found himself laying on the floor once again. The grouch sighed and placed a hand onto the too-soft bed and pulled himself up, letting the quilted Qaeltine blankets fall down around him as he came face to face with a quietly ticking machine on his bedstand. If Lokkir remembered correctly, the tick-tocking device before him was a time teller of sorts, a clock that depended on no sun or stars to divine the movements of the heavens.

In front of a Hudvalri who had never learned to read such instruments however, it was just a quaint hunk of metal, his eyes squinting at the clock's shifting face which only threatened to give him a headache. Deciding on the more sensible solution of peering behind the blinds, he saw that it was only at most, very early morning.

Despite usually being one who delights in awakening with the dawn, he inadvertantly found himself grumbling and grousing as he shuffled back towards the comfortable mountain of quilts that he had shed earlier and sank deep into its warmth. Sleep did not find its way back to him however and he eventually extricated himself from his cocoon with a sigh. Having nothing better to do, he sought to find his wife which wasn't a huge endeavor, even if they hadn't slept particularly close together the night before. It was still, after all, a single room.

Lokkir found Aeris still peacefully asleep. Resolving to let sleeping beauties lie, he slowly turned around, but stopped when his eyes caught the sight of her right stump. A small wave of guilt washed over him as he remembered their talk last night and it continued to follow him as he quietly gathered up a few things before making a small nest blankets at the foot of their bed.

At some point, a familiar niggling feeling prodded at the back of his mind as Vedr sought access to his thoughts. Instinctually allowed his bondmate in, letting their thoughts flow and meld together. Lokkir's face was serene as Vedr's cool presence washed through, though it quickly turned to one of confusion then absolute disgust as Lokkir forcibly shoved the dragon's consciousness out of his own. The distintive smell of ozone briefly crackled as Lokkir's hand sparked once more, this time much less violently than the display showed last night. As the disgruntled prince shook away the electricity that sped across his hand like an errant bug, Lokkir could have sworn that he heard a sparkling snicker as the lightning dissipated.

Settling back into a meditative state among his quilts, Lokkir waited for Aeris to wake. When she did, he allowed her some time to properly rouse before clearing his throat to catch her attention and presenting her with a long and wide piece of cloth.

"Morning. I was wondering if you could help me with my bindings today. You know, just because you're likely to be the one helping me with it from now on. After all I can't have just anyone touching me so carefree anymore since I'm a married man now and all," he laughed.

"It is... it's um, likely a bit difficult with one hand though so, you can - if you could use both hands it would likely make things a touch easier."

I hope I made all the skills and magic cringey enough.
I'd like to throw my hat into the ring and will hopefully have a character up tonight. Not familiar with Danmachi, but I'll hopefully be suss out enough to make something coherent with my wiki-fu. Character concept so far is a big ol stronk person and will be claiming Hecate for my familia who I'm reimagining as the biggest chuunibyou.

Bumpin' and Explorin'
I've really got nothing to add, but if you put up a Minky post I'd be happy to respond to it!
Looking forward to it!
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