Avatar of Weird Tales


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9 yrs ago
l love Ben Affleck's desert batsuit


Greetings, I am a member of an alien race from a distant and weird dimension. I happen to have a developed a taste for role-playing on the human internet and I am looking for a good community. I am very interested in joining Pulp Fiction, superheroes, Naruto and fantasy roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

Am I good to go?
I changed his name to Megaman
<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

Thanks. Just one more thing, then. How long do his energy reserves last?

In battle I would say about an hour
@KoL changed it to 1 ton
Name - Walter Chuck Jones
Alias - Toon Master
Powers -
Cartoon Constructs: This ability allows him to create solid cartoon objects and beings which he can use in many different ways. These constructs can have the physical qualities and abilities of whacky cartoon characters, and they also have personalities like cartoon characters and can speak.

Despite their versatility his constructs do have a limited time for how long they can be maintained and will start to deteriorate, or will shatter if too much force is put against them. Also the bigger his constructs are, the more energy he uses up to make them and keep them strong. The strength of his constructs are determined by how positive his emotional state is, if he is too negative then his powers will weaken.
Weakness - any chemicals that can destroy or remove ink can destroy his constructs. also in order to maintain the constructs, Walt has use up more energy to keep his constructs from disappearing, and he will start to feel fatigue if he uses up too much power. Ten minutes is the maximum he can maintain a single construct before he starts to tire out. Another slight weakness is that his constructs can act on their own on occasions and have a few times fought with each other instead of attack his enemies, this is why he doesn't have Tom and Jerry appear together because the last time he did, it was total chaos.
Weapon(s): none
Experience - he has a good amount of experience in crime fighting, but he's no expert.
Appearance -

Age - 14
Brief Bio - Walter Chuck Jones never really saw himself as special, but that never got him down. He was always willing to try and look on the bright side of things. He loved watching cartoons throughout all of his childhood, and tried to use the feeling he got from watching the shows to make others feel happy. But things weren't always that good for Walt, he was bullied at school on a few occasions and was many times thought of as the joke of the school, but he still didn't let it get him down. One day when he had just turned fourteen, he discovered his great powers. His new found powers were the ability to create cartoon constructs and have them do whacky things. He saw this as his chance to become a hero and do some good for the people, and so he named himself Toon Master.

Not long after Walt had developed his powers, him and his family moved to Millennium City seeking new things. Walt at first didn't like leaving his old home, but the stories of the heroes of the city made him excited to see how the city's crime fighters did their job. He is now seeking to fight against the villains who threaten the innocent, and when Walt gets into fighting crime, wackiness is sure to follow. he still attends school, but he has a trouble keeping up with school and hopes that he doesn't fail all of his test because of his hero work.

Notes - his catchphrase is 'I hope you like craziness because it's about to get looney in here'
Commitment - if it's not a work day and I'm not busy then I can post at least once a day

I hope this cs is more acceptable

@Weird TalesI'm agreeing with what Windel said. He's too young, and the Quirk feels less like a MHA Quirk and more like a pure Werewolf. There needs to be modification in this sheet before it can be accepted. As Windel said, most Animal Quirks in MHA are perma-changed. *point to avatar*

What age? There wasn't any specific in the cs
@KoL ouch
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