Avatar of WeirdoWyvern


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Beginning to get sick. My posts are gonna be slow for a bit
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11 mos ago
Having a fun summer day of a pool and drinks with my bff and partner. 😄 the evening plan is more drinks and watching the original animated barbie movies to laugh at how awful they are
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11 mos ago
Finally feeling creative again!
2 yrs ago
In an emotional slump, will be back once I am doing better
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2 yrs ago
This weekend I will be preoccupied with a Renaissance faire I'm going to. may not be on to much


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Giving out a sigh Miann leaned forward and poked at the fire again
Giving a shrug she put her give back on "if you can go ahead." She said and laid back and looked over at wrath "come on, at least tell us what kind of food you like, so we can get stuff that all of us like"
Miann poked at the fire they made with a stick sighing as she sat up "I'll start, I'm miann, trained spy and assassin. I don't really have a life anymore. All you need to know is to not touch me. And if I'm wounded don't tend to my wounds." She carefully removed one of her gloves and picked up the rose he got earlier, watching it wither away before tossing it into the fire "my body is poisonous"
Miann put her hands in her pockets as she followed behind him, rolling her eyes "little games to let us all get to know each other" she said with a shrug, stopping to pay a vendor for a single flower
Miann tightened her grip ans looked into her eyes, hers shining with determination. "Auriole is right, plus they're going to make us all work together, we mag as well get used to each other on the way"
She smiled kindly at auriole and walked by her side as she looked at her map, anger flaring in her eyes "I think we should work together to get these things. I know mine is in a tricky place" she said and picked up her pace to grab Elias' arm
Miann nodded and walked along with them looking at the only quiet one "my name Miann, nice to meet ya. I guess I'm sloth now" she said and gave a smile, offering a gloved hand and looked over at the other two
Miann finished dressing and put away the small daggers in hip holsters before walking out to the courtyard, seeing the sunlight for the first time in ages. She loved it. Smiling she moves a little more nonchalant as she got a little closer to the others. "The sun is enough blessunf, Gilly, just let us loose!" She walked close to him. It felt great to stretch her legs finally, she needed to keep moving as she followed Genevieve towards the exit
Thank you so much.
I'm sorry I ask this but could we possibly put an order to the posts? It's getting a little confusing when everyone is posting in odd orders.
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