Avatar of Winterwake
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 91 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Winterwake 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
When it comes to roleplay, I find that there are few things more beautiful than when characters unexpectedly evolve into entirely different people over the course of a story.


My time with the guild must come to an end, it's been a short but relatively enjoyable one. This is me just stopping by for the last time (6/12/2017) to say goodbye to past and present RP partners!

"This sword, forged in fire and ice. The runes that trail its blade can be seen but by my two eyes.

As if written in the snow, the lies, shall melt away. By the wheel of sun to cross the sky this day. Shadows may lay heavy upon the earth.

But the truth, cut deep in stone, will last 'til the heavens comes tumbling down upon this world."

Historical reenactor, Avid roleplayer, Writer, HEMA practitioner, Gamer, Painter.

I'm an experienced Roleplayer who has been roleplaying for 13 or so years, mostly in MMOs but also on the tabletop and via text among other things. Roleplaying, creative writing and history are a few things I am quite passionate about. I like to think that I am quite flexible when it comes to style of roleplay and the setting in which it takes place, that being said I have a bias towards Fantasy settings and tend to prefer deeper narratives.

To name a few of my other hobbies aside from roleplay, I enjoy historical reenactment, gaming, worldbuilding, writing stories, HEMA and LARP, painting, cosplay and making things.

A bunch of my favourite settings are Dragon Age, Guild Wars, Bloodborne, Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, Pillars of Eternity, Warcraft, Warhammer (40K and Fantasy), Fallen London/Sunless Sea, Darkest Dungeon, Cthulhu mythos, A Song of Ice and Fire, Runequest/Mythras, Dungeons and Dragons and Hillfolk.

Low fantasy
High fantasy
Dark fantasy
Bronze age
Iron age
Dark age
Cutthroat/Grimdark worlds
Post apocalyptic
Group roleplay
Grey characters
Deep characters
Original worlds
Original characters

Modern slice of life
Unoriginal characters

Discord: ᚢᛚᚠᚺᛖᚦᛁᚾᚾ ᚺᚱᚨᚠᚾᛊᛊᛟᚾ#7316

Oh yes, one more thing. I should probably mention that I'm not a nazi, and the fact that Norse symbolism and the "viking" image are often used with bigoted connotations disgusts me.

Most Recent Posts

@Timemaster@Nymeria It's up to you two how we handle it as you're both locked in a scene together, I have no idea what timezones everyone are in. My philosophy is that all RP and character development opportunities are equally as important even the little things like sitting and talking in a bar so I don't like to cut anything short, but seeing as this scene was approaching its natural conclusion it mostly depends on if Nymeria wants to carry on RPing or not. We could split things up and have the characters go their separate ways for the time being, or come back and carry on where we left off next time everyone is online. It's up to you two entirely.

Other scenes with different players are of course, unaffected.
The Siren's Pride Inn

Ryker of the Barrows and Alexandra "Siren" Flores

Miguel smiled and clapped his leather-clad hands together once, barking boisterously "Excellent, welcome to the Band of the Blue then, Ryker and Siren. 'Tis good to have you with us!" leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table again as he adds "I'm hoping to get at least a couple more before we leave, but tell me, how long-...". Stopping talking mid sentence, Miguel frowned ever so slightly at the prospect of Alexandra making a scene as she rose and stated that she would 'solve this'.

He remained silent, however, and turned to look over his shoulder at the Siren as she made her announcement to the patrons, and followed up with her performance. He paid attention, listening intently to her song but preferred, apparently, to occupy his eyes by glancing around the room and gauging the other patrons' reactions to her music. Though the small, individual gatherings weren't the liveliest of crowds they were most certainly an appreciative one who enjoyed the song. The round of cheers and free drinks following the applause only reaffirmed their appreciation.

Miguel looked up at Alexandra and stopped clapping as she returned to the table at which he and Ryker were still sat, stating "This'll be a good trip, I reckon." He then looks at Ryker, adding in a far more jestful tone of voice "Is she always this dramatic, my man?" before grabbing a hold of his cup of cider which he raises in a brief toast shared between he and his companions "To you two joining the Band of the Blue". After raising and finishing the cup he places it back down, wipes his moustache off on his sleeve and says "Now then, what was it I was saying before, hm?"

"Oh, aye. Of course. Yes." Miguel leaned forward and leaned his weight upon his elbows, looking at Ryker but addressing the two of them together "How long until you two reckon you'll be set to leave Averine city? Chances are if we fight anything it'll be beasts, bandits and Dregs so you'll need pikes at the least, might want armour and crossbows as well, arquebuses if you can afford them."
@GeekFactor@Timemaster Thanks people! I'm doing my best, forum RP is quite different from the kind of RP that I am used to, but I think I am getting the hang of it. Even if half the time I write half an emote in past tense and the rest of it in present!

The Siren's Pride Inn

Ryker of the Barrows and Alexandra "Siren" Flores

Miguel nods, opting to answer Alexandra first as she was the one who addressed him first. He took a moment to study her features, seeming somewhat troubled or perhaps almost offended at the implication, still, he plays it off with a hearty chuckle and a shake of his head "The Band of the Blue never break the laws of the land or take from lawful citizens of the Empire. I can tell you that now. As for Aester, hm, I reckon it won't be too out of our way for us to pay them there a visit!".

The boisterous captain smiles and leans forward again, taking the chance to shovel some of the food he was brought into his mouth and wash it down with a hefty swig of his drink, a dry apple cider. "As for the pay, well, that depends on what kinds of jobs we find out there. There're plenty of caravans heading eastwards, we can join them as guards to cover the expenses of a one way trip but I can't promise we'll find anything else while we're out there. Unlikely, but it's happened before. Either way, all the money the Band of the Blue earns as a unit will be split equally between the lot of us."

Another woman enters the inn, a tall, broad shouldered and heavily muscled Velucian with a bruised face, broken nose and split lip, the woman has a thuggish look to her and carries a naked dagger tucked into a cloth band around her waist. Miguel looks up glances towards the door and consequently the newcomer as it closes behind her again and the newcomer frowns at him, quite soaked, the relative dryness of the Siren's Pride having distracted him and the party from the fact that the rain had only gotten heavier since this morning. The woman makes her way past the trio on the other side of a dividing table to take a seat with the two large men in the corner and is greeted by them in turn.

Miguel looks back at Ryker, and then at Alexandra, remaining silent so that the two have a chance to speak for themselves.
Eastern Farmlands


Davian kneels to give the dogs some attention, first he ruffles Coby's ears and jestfully comments "You've gotten fat, boy, yes you have." before greeting and cuddling Nell in the same manner. He ruffles their coats with his hands as he looks up at and addresses Emirien. "Trouble, eh? My reputation as bringer of chaos precedes me." he says as he gets up, brushes some loose strands of hair aside and flashes Emirien a smile. "As to what brings me around. Well, I figured I'd head north into the woods and hunt some game bird." He points northwards, past the cottage towards the forest and adds, without missing a heartbeat "Thought maybe you or some of your dogs might want to join unless you're too busy. Looks like this decent weather is going to hold up into noon."

The Siren's Pride Inn

Ryker of the Barrows and Alexandra "Siren" Flores

The mercenary captain, after following Ryker and Alexandra to their table takes a seat, removes his helm which he then places onto the table in front of him and leans forward, resting his elbows upon the tabletop as he idly twiddles his moustache. "Righto, my name is Miguel Vito, some folks call me the Beast Eater." He says, chuckling at the last part.

"As you heard I'm looking for a few sellsword types to bolster the Band of the Blue, we've a job coming up and I won't lie, it's going to be a long, dangerous one that'll probably take several months." He pauses briefly at that to gauge the reactions of his companions, eyeing them briefly though it is clear he fully intents to continue talking. "We'll be taking a caravan eastwards along the Imperial Road to the end of the Empire taking odd jobs along the way, then we'll double back and make our way through the forest on the journey back. During that time we'll be looking to capture Dreg slaves and bring them back to here where one of my boys will auction them off. Once again, Miguel pauses briefly and leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest as he does so. "You said that your name's the Siren, right? And what about you, my man, what is it I should call you?
Eastern Farmlands


The approaching man waved and called something, most likely a greeting but even when raising his voice he was barely audible. He kept a constant pace upon his approach and didn't look in the least bit threatening as he meandered closer at a lazy pace, and when the curious dogs approached him to investigate he let them smell his hands and gently patted their heads in greeting.

Once within obvious earshot he spoke again, quieter this time but still raising his voice slightly to ensure that he is heard "Ho there, Emmy. All's well this morning I hope?" he asks, raising a hand and scratching the back of his head as he comes to a halt within comfortable talking distance of Emirien.

Averine City Docks

Ryker of the Barrows and Alexandra "Siren" Flores

The mercenary captain nods, barks "Come along then, you two." and beckons before turning and striding proudly up one of the alleyways which one without the know of the city could easily get lost in, but all tend to converge into roads and main streets eventually. The side streets in this part of the port were dank and badly lit, with overhanging buildings which seemed poised as if to topple and crush those who walked below at any moment, still, such constructions offered those walking below limited protection from rain and wind.

The mercenary captain seemed to know his walk, and walked with purpose, a jolly bounce in his step. As they walked, a well kept and undoubtedly well guarded house or apartment occasionally drew the eye, some of which had gardens and fewer still were even made of actual stone. This style of stone houses became more and more common until the three left a side street and found themselves in an open street just outside of the Delucian district.

The sign of the Siren's Pride inn, with the name in a stylised black fond above a painting the old Empress' battleship swung like a pendulum in the wind as the mercenary captain entered and held the door for his two companions. Inside the inn a few small groups sit dotted around tables, a pair of bouncers armed with oak cudgels stand on opposite ends of the room, the closest one nodding at the captain, Ryker and Alexandra as they enter. "Let's find ourselves a table and order some drinks, then we can talk business. Aye?" He says with a single clap of his leather-clad hands.
Eastern Farmlands


Life in the countryside was slower paced than in the capital city, though that doesn't mean that it's any easier. The citizens of the Empire living this far east of the city on the borders of the forest where the farmlands begin to come to an end live a life of quiet, idyllic wholesomeness. Far from the rush of the city but close enough to enjoy what comforts it provides, while also avoiding the constant hard manual labour, the thread of deadly monsters and bitter climates found further east. That is not to say the place is without its dangers, for when problems do arise experience will tell they will do so anywhere.

A mile north of the East Imperial road, which is the main road leading to and from the capital this side of the city sits Kettlebrook, a quaint old rural village with an even quainter name, and if one were to continue north from Kettlebrook along a small dirt road one will find Emirien's cottage. Fortunately for Emirien and the villagers, the rain cloud looming over the capital doesn't quite reach this far east, and those who make their home in Kettlebrook and the neighbouring countryside may, for now at least, enjoy a calm, cool, if slightly misty morning

Is is along the road leading north from Kettlebrook that a young man in his early twenties with a head of tousled brown hair and patchy beard, dressed in a coarse sky-blue linen tunic and brown breeches and armed with a wooden hunting bow and iron seax makes his way towards Emirien's cottage. A man she may recognise upon his approach as a hopeful and adventurous jack-the-lad from the village, Davian Swan.
Averine City Docks

Ryker of the Barrows and Alexandra "Siren" Flores

The mercenary captain had made his way over to the doorway of one of the many warehouses by the wharf, standing under the cheap wooden door canopy to save his armour from the rain. As Ryker approaches and addresses him, the man reaches up and removes his helmet to reveal his face. He is in his early fifties, red cheeked with a jolly demeanour and impressive black moustache with tips waxed and trained so that they curl upwards as if mimicking his smile.

"You're as bad as I am, man, spending all our money on swords and daggers, only to end up with none spare to buy a good hood!" he says, following up with a hearty chuckle. He leans back against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest and adds "Aye, as it happens I am looking for hunters." just as he is addressed by an approaching woman.

He grins a toothy grin, his bright eyes flitting between Ryker and Alexandra. "Would you look at that, two of you already and it isn't even noon. Good, hopefully this means I don't have to make my pitch twice!" The man pushes off from the doorframe and looks up at the sky. "How about we head indoors and have a talk there? There's an inn just around the corner, or if you're up for a walk we can head to the Siren's Pride further north, nice and cozy that one." he adds quickly, his expectant gaze falling upon Ryker first and then flitting between he and Alexandra once again.

Velta Burr

Ships continued to make port and set sail, however no sign of a slaver vessel crewed by any of the Burr brothers showed itself, but that is not to say it would not still do so, the docks themselves were huge and very busy and with ships from all over the Empire making their stops.

Caravans coming and going by way of the farmland to the east of the city gates were rarer, but also offered slavers the best means to capture valuable Human slaves from the barbarian tribes, or better yet Dregs from the Dreglands to the north and west. One such caravan carrying an assortment of slaves happened to be making its way towards the city gates now, but unfortunately for Velta it was neither owned by nor had any association to the Burr family, nor was it indeed carrying any Sethkra'Vesh children.
@Timemaster Oooh. Flowery rumours, we'll see where those lead. Go ahead and post it to the character tab. I was about to write up a response to the two most recent posts, if you plan on posting in the IC today let me know soon and I will hold off my response until you do so I can reply to you at the same time.
@Nymeria Hey there Nymeria! Coincidentally I was just reading your intro thread and was going to invite you here.

As for your question, I'd reckon Silver Shields is out because of the strict rules and all that, yeah, but I have no problem with you joining Pathfinder's Black Sun band, but as I'm not sure about the exact specifications of that one and have just been given a rough idea you'd have to talk to him about it!

Alternatively, you could make a band of your own up, and your character won't necessarily have to be the leader of the company/guild/etc if you're into the idea of playing someone who's prone to rebel against the rules set by someone else.

Alternatively alternatively:
A gigantic, self-proclaimed captain of a new company of mercenaries dressed in a gleaming steel half-plate and matching barbute helmet patrols the wharf, calling out to all who will hear him: "The Band of the Blue are seeking able bodied men and women to hunt monstrous beasts to the far east in exchange for coin!"
I posted this in the IC part of the thread not long ago, so if you'd like for your character to be a current member or a fresh joiner that's also an option.
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