Avatar of Xanadu
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 103 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Xanadu 7 yrs ago
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Xanadu | Xan | That asshole | etc
21 12/13/1997
University Student: History & Philosophy
Forum Based RPing for 8+ Years
Who Art Tho?

The man known as Xan
Hello there! You can call me Xanadu through originally on Old Guild I was known as Fa11ing Phoenix. I'm a University student that lives on the East Coast of North America studying History and Philosophy with aspirations of either becoming a History Professor or working in the Digital Humanities. I used to be really into forum based roleplaying when I was younger starting out on Neopets before moving to Max-Dan-Wiz and finally ending up on the Old Guild.

As I entered college though, I found it hard to find time to allocate time to writing posts when I have to write essays for grades and the like. Recently though, I've decided that for the sake of my own mental health that I have hobbies beyond work in an attempt to help keep myself sane. And thus I have returned with the expressed intent of continuing to do this weird collaborative writing experience that I love so much!

Current Projects
RPs That I GM:

RPs That I Participate In:
  • N/A

Genres that peak my fancy
  • Fantasy: [High | Low | Urban]
  • Sci-Fi: [Mechs | Science-Fantasy | Space Operas]
  • Historical [Westerns | Wuxai | Chanbara]
  • Punk [Steam punk | Diesel Punk | Post-Cyberpunk]
  • Fandom [DC & Marvel | Dragon Age | Mass Effect]

Fun Facts
▶ I play the Kantele, Tenor Sax, and Clarinet
▶ My favorite color is Orange

Most Recent Posts

In 'Ello 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Здравствуйте Один! Очень приятно с вами познакомиться! Ça va bien. Comment ça va?

Bonjour Monsieur.

Well, I'm not one to argue with dragons, they have teeth and fire, both of which don't agree with my complexion most of the time.

And thank you everyone for your greetings! ^_^
In 'Ello 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Introductions are hard. Wait did I say that out loud? Shit conceal don't feel!

Howdy folks, people call me Xanadu, and I suppose you can as well, though Xan also works. I'm an 19 year old industrial design student currently based out of the east coast of North America. Time is currently in excess and boredom mounting, so I'm here to kill some time and maybe have fun. Taking a cautionary gaze around the Guild, I'd probably call myself an advance writer mostly because I'm more at home with longer posts that I can sink my teeth into. I'm new here, but I have about nine years of experience at this point with forum-based RPing having moved around from site to site a lot. You guys probably know the drill, forum dies so you gotta find a new home and what not. Though the Guild from what I have gathered seems to have a track record of staying around, so that might be a nice change of pace.

Ummmm... Fun facts that you might like to know:
▲ I speak French and Russian along with English.
▲ I used to be the captain of my high school's fencing team.
▲ My brother threw his copy of Neuromancer at me when I was thirteen, and cyberpunk has been my jam ever since.
▲ Though honestly basically anything is my jam really beside slice-of-life.
▲ I have an unnatural love towards Alan Moore.
▲ I occasionally kiss men, and ladies, and basically everything else.
▲ And I'm still not sure if a hot dog is a sandwich or not.

Aite. Well, I think that's enough stuff to count as an introduction right?

Hope to see you all around, and hopefully I'll have the pleasure of writing with some of you!

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