Avatar of XenoCyanide
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 215 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. XenoCyanide 8 yrs ago


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Current Well hello there.
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Suuuuuper fun...
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Why have I only JUST discovered Arcana?
8 yrs ago
Time to get some work done.
8 yrs ago
Tea, Good Tunes (Nine Inch Nails), and a boxer dog who wont stop laying on top of me. Good times.
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Age: 30
Occupation: Adventurer

RolePlays: My strongest is the dark and depraved. Fantasy comes in at a close second.

I've been RolePlaying since I was about 11 years old, starting off with Yahoo! Chatrooms before moving onto Persistent Worlds in NeverWinter Nights. I am a huge fan of RPGs in general (Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Earthbound, Secrets of Mana, etc.) and have recently rekindled my passion for RPing.

If we go by D&D alignment, I tend to play Neutral Evil or Chaotic Neutral characters. I have a proclivity for the weird and macabre (I'm a Lovecraftian) and love to explore character concepts and meanings. I prefer having deep lore and character development over mindless hack and slash.

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I think that with the amount of people we have in this RP, I feel that some kind of guideline needs to be established, otherwise those that have the availability will outpost those that do not and a lot of information can get lost in the process. This will also allow others like @Hawlin breathing room to expand on their posts and add some flair instead of worrying about getting ninja'd and having to go back to edit. But that's my 2 cents. We should put it up to a vote.

Gotcha. So in his post, the being that emerged from the shadows is actually the Warlock, and not simply a beastmaster? Not sure if I read that incorrectly. Going on almost 30 hours of no sleep haha.

I'm a bit confused... Are you co-GMing with Thin or are you just a player?

Also, welcome indeed to RPG.

Nah, I think that purple text on a dark background assaulting my eyeballs came to haunt me first, hahaha.

Looking forward to the shift. Make it a juicy one!
@Heap241 So I have to read that GIANT ass post again?!

Haha. No biggy. :)

The staircase spiraled down what seemed to be a crudely cut circular tunnel, descending into who knows what. Kyle didn't even want to touch on the physics-breaking wall, but, then again, after the Touched were made known, little disturbances began to make a bit more sense. Things and events that made people narrow their eyes and tilt their head. That unknown factor you just couldn't put your finger on. There was silence in the store and Kyle leaned a bit closer over the staircase shifting his head to the side, listening for anything he may discern that dwelled below.

That was, until the woman began to speak again. Kyle clenched his jaw, her condescending tone slowly beginning to wear down his patience. One of the many reasons he chose to work alone is due to the fact that he found most people to be inept and every encounter he has had with them has proven him correct. His gaze slowly shifted over to Anastasia, the thought of grabbing her by the hair and tossing her down the shaft played through his mind. He could even gauge how deep it went by the sound of her broken body hitting the steps.

Dismissing the thought, he looked back down the staircase and carefully placed his right foot on the first step. They had managed to escape the government for now but somehow he felt that he was walking into the mouth of another lion. He had spent years hunting down the Touched, and he was being invited in by one of their envoys? No matter how you sliced it, this couldn't end well for him. But what would he do? He could spend the rest of his life running from the government with their almost limitless funds and technology. The next decisions Kyle would have to make would determine the course his life would take, for better or worse.

Satisfied that there weren't any traps or vortexes that he would unwittingly get sucked into, he began to descend the stairs into the pit.

After what seemed like countless rotations around the spiral staircase the tunnel opened into something that he could have never imagined. Something like this could surely not exist under the city, what with sewer tunnels and underground metro that ran the span of it. However, somehow here this place. The cavern opened to this massive expansion with rough columns chiseled into the rock and all manner of beasts sat atop them. Kyle stopped in his tracks when he saw them, his eyes unblinking. He looked for any movement from the seemingly innocuous carvings but, hell, at this point he wasn't willing to discount anything. He's seen his fair share of movies.

Kyle walked out into the room, two entryways ahead of him split off into what seemed like other rooms and there was a long corridor behind to the left of the staircase, which hugged the wall as they descended. Every footfall echoed across the chamber with a dull sound. Suddenly Kyle felt the fatigue of the day creeping up on him. He had his adrenaline to thank the past few hours but his body began to fight back. Finding his resolve, he marshalled in further across the main chamber.
I'll lay my interest here. I joined the discord chat and I'll make myself known. Looks fun! :)

This is why cats are vile creatures! Haha. Can't imagine the look on one of your faces as you had to extract the piece like some Fabulous Tapeworm.


Haha it's fine. I'm hoping Xen will open up more as the party progresses. You have to understand, the man is old and seen some shizz in his day and tries not to get close to anyone. I'm not sure who'd most likely bicker. I don't assume anyone is doing anything unless they specifically post it, lol.

And anytime. Ran into that problem a bit ago myself. :)
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