Avatar of Xiro Zean


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2 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

Most Recent Posts

>Was totally prepared to finish up a CS
>Realized he had finals the next week, and a bunch of shit to turn in before then
>Crammed for the next few days
>Woke up this Sunday evening and realized that he hadn't turned in a sheet for Gaea before judgement day

Ffffffffffffff- The tea is ready.

That being said, hope you guys have a fun trip through this. Hopefully I can hop in at a later date or something XD
Oh yay, open OOC. Gonna get to typing out dat CS
Nah, Marina is just going to be short and not very… er… “developed” if you catch my drift. She isn’t going to be a twenty-eight-year-old masquerading as a ten-year-old.

Loli body, adult mind. Gotcha. I can already sea all the puns and jabs my pirateer's gonna be sending her way XD
I started working on this to prepare. No real information yet, but hey it's a CS.

If this girl is a legal Loli, I swear... XD

Gonna be working on an idea as well. Of course, which one I use is determined by the mermaid waifus (or lack of), but what is entirely certain is that pirateering is the name of the game.
Aether weapons are more powerful and usually have elemental properties. Ice axes, lightning spears, etc.

I thought that Aether was limited to Wind and Water only(?)

Most ships that sail the seas have sails and an aether engine, these engines provide momentum up water boundries, protect the ships from beasts and can even hide the ship if its being stalked.

The engines are powered by aetherite, crystals found in the water that have strong aether in them. Aetherite can be used to power ships and create aether-forged weapons.

Hmmm. How does the engine protect the ship and hide it? Magic, I'm guessing, but how does the application of it play out? Does it blast the beasts with pressurized water or something?

I'm guessing that aether-forged weapons are greater than their metallic counterparts, but how much? Is it just a durability difference, or do they have special abilities tied to them because of their aetheric nature?
A r i n
Paladin // Level 3 // Neutral Evil

"Some say that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Well, they've probably never known what true power is,
but I'll see the truth of the matter, myself."

Is Aether restricted to Sun and Moon, wind and water respectively?

The Aetheric Engine. How exactly does it work? I don't need a scientific explaination for this magical object, but I'd just like to know how exactly it aids the ships in this world.

Adding onto that: Ships. How advanced in seafaring tech are we talking here?

I'll have to consult with the world codex about cute mermaid girls. I'm going to go with a maaaaybe since this setting is more anime than grungy Kevin Costner.

I await confirmation on waifu. It will determine whether or not I run goil or boi
(Also, you just HAD to skip over me sandbagging that movie, didn't you)

I had to instantly reply after seeing waterworld. The "paper scene" was all I could think of.

This rp is based off of many fantasy stories and games that deal with a more beautiful post-apocolypse: the waterworld theme!

I'm interested, btw.

Also if there are no mermaid waifus I'm starting a mutiny first chance I get
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