Avatar of Xistina
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Elafhteria
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 81 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Xistina 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -- George Bernard Shaw


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Welcome back, @Lady Squee. I've been away myself, something like four months since I last visited here. Once the official page is up I'll link it.
Okay. Individual families it is. I already have most of the intro written. I should have it up within a couple of hours. Will post link once I do.
Great! I'll set it up. I have a question for all of you @AbysmalDemon,@Nallore, @StuartM, and @Dirty Dan. Would you guys like to play as one family unit, or introduce your own family unit?
Good! If we get at least two more interested I'll open the official page.
Okay, so I worked up an intro and included a breakdown of how things will develop in the five weeks of the onset. We know for a fact that the new series starts five weeks before the original series, and that it took five weeks for the world to crumble. We'll be following that same time line. What will be different for us is that we'll be set in New York instead of LA.

FEAR. It took five weeks for the world we know to end. A pathogen highly contagious and all but undetectable enter earth’s atmosphere. It seeped into all of creation - invisible, odorless, and tasteless it tainted all. By the time patient zero felt the first sore throat millions of people were already infected.

Week One – Hospitals reached capacity. And the panic begun.
Week Two – Quarantine zones were established, resources were rationed, and transports come to a close.
Week Three – International trade discontinued. Oil wells dried up. And the stock market collapsed.
Week Four – Power failed, store shelves emptied, and the water tap ran dry. Hunger and despair set in.
Week Five – Chaos.

The walking dead gave way to the widespread outbreak of an unknown disease. Millions were infected within a single day after coming in contact with the contaminated. By Saturday, thousands of people had checked into hospitals across the nation, many of which were already past capacity and unable to assist any of their patients. They complained of intense pain, migraines and hallucinations and some began to exhibit mild bouts of violence. It wasn't until a patient killed a nurse and attempted to eat her flesh that people began to realize what they were dealing with.

What followed soon after was the swift collapse of our society. Within a few weeks, quarantined zones took over major cities and transportation to and from was shut down. Power went out, supply was lost, men and women who were sworn to protect were no where to be found. By week four, everyone had taken to looting and killing as they established the new rule of survival of the fittest. This was the onset of the walking dead.
Hello (Still accepting, go to OOC page)

With the new Fear TWD coming up this month I thought it be cool to run an RP based on the new series. If you haven’t heard, the new series follows the drama of a broken family, struggling through the unfolding events of the onset of the outbreak in LA. What is intriguing about this is that we’ll see, for the first time, the events that lead to the breakdown of society as a whole. And that is what I want our RP to be based on. We won’t be explaining the virus, I think the mystery will remain equal to the series, the RP is about people, which is the heart and what we love most about TWD.

In my head, the way I see it working, I play the government, the CDC, FEMA, and the generals trying to contain the situation. Mainly I will be the news and your source of information regarding all things government. You, will play the people that will shape the RP, telling their stories from their perspective, as society crumbles and a forced evolution begins to take hold - survival of the fittest mentality. But, though the government is functioning at the start of our RP, it will not be consistent. Because this is not about them, it is about the people.
@MokleyGlad you like it! From the moment I read what you posted about the Ruse I imagined them as being like the Kami in Shinto religion. I am working on the magic part of the CS, but will probably have it up tomorrow as I am too tired to write.
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post this but time has been against me. This is still a work in progress. I'm only posting it because I want you to know that I am still very interested in this RP and so that you can review what I have and decide if you want me to make changes. I only need to complete how magic works, as I noticed you changed the CS.

Working on my CS I should have it up soon for GM to dissect and approve.
Wow nice turn out so far.

@Mokley - Like Darkraven said, usually in this type of GM and player dynamic you provide the obstacles and the general direction for us to move forward. The times I've used this similar method, I drop little crumbs here and there for the players to pick up, and depending on how they react I move the story line forward.

I want to talk about my idea for weapons and harvesting regarding my people. My character's people don't use metal, instead they use wood and harden amber, and their favorite weapons is the mace. Additionally, my people's science is derived from nature and the teachings of the Runes, and to a large degree of magical origin. In their quest to enhance the use of magical energy they developed amplifier gloves, magical gloves (opposed to a staff), to facilitate the use of magic spells. On that note, magic needs to be omnipresent so that it can be accessible by everyone, but not everyone can wield magic without the proper training and education.

Since they are in the jungle region they have abundant resources. Additionally resources are harvest from the grown by prospecting - by way of magnetic energy - which pulls up the resources up to the surface. This technique is used to create nodes, and the nodes in turn provide the resources to harvest. Resources are generally tide to the seasons and weather, so my people have learn to name the seasons and developed a system to clock the resources and pinpoint when and where they are available.

One more thing I wanted to mention is that magnetism can be used to travel - it works something like a pulse train portal - locating these magnetic flows in the regions can help one travel long distances. But you need a magnetized amber to activate them. The amber works like a conductor, but if it overloads it can shatter. Magnetic flows are permanent and can only take you from point A to point B - meaning there are only two for each region that can be used to travel back and forth to the same spot. (Of course this is only an idea and needs approval by GM to be used)
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