Avatar of xKarnival
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 84 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. xKarnival 9 yrs ago


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R P G ' S I ' M I N
- Of Beast and Men
- Malleta (GM)
- Lazulis (GM)
- He's Crazy!
- Hellsalem's Lot
- Supernatural London
- Starlit City
- The Boogeyman
- Vieled

*Why am I in so many rp's? Idk...I'm just crazy like that*

Most Recent Posts

In Malleta 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
heh heh well...idk...LOL. I mean not everyone has to see this, he's just more sensitive to all this stuff I guess so this is his reaction. meh. well he thought it was probably not real.

Welp I edited it
In He's Crazy! 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
As he ordered his drinks again, Emi realized that the floor were mopped clean. She then felt a pang of guilt, for leaving him here to clean up the mess himself. Once he had finished with his order, he offered the shirt back to her. Somewhat unwillingly, she accepted the shirt back, letting it hang over her right arm.
"What's your name?" he asked.

"Emi," she replied shortly, pausing a little. She noticed that he looked oddly familiar, recognizing his features from somewhere before. Thinking about it for a second, she realized that he probably went to her school. She then asked, "What is your name? You look really familiar, do you go to Franklin high School (completely made this name up XD)?"
@sakurasan yea i was too but in the second line i was talking about the main char and the other dude. But Fujimotooo lol i love his relationship with midori XD

sorry @Ashura we completely took over this ooc XD
@sakurasan lolol yess XD
I wish she would just tell them that she's a girl already >.<
@sakurasan Aoharu x Kikanjuu
In Malleta 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@ReaptheMusic@Fabricant451@Ebonsquire@Wade Wilson
I started the IC, so you guys can also start posting. :)

@sakurasan When you finish your cs, feel free to join the IC
In Malleta 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
On the way to the town Vince noticed that it started to become increasingly foggy outside. The teacher who sat right across from Vince was sleeping and paid no attention to whether they got lost or not. Since Vince sat right behind the bus driver, when he looked out the front window he couldn't see any other cars nor people around. Also, somehow the bus driver managed to not crash into anything or drive off the road since he barely took the time to glance up at the road when he was driving.

During the ride there, Vince did fall asleep for an hour or so on the way to the town, but he distinctly remembered that they had a different driver. From what he could remember the original driver had ashy blonde hair and his frame seemed frail and skinny. However, he did not remember the bus driver as a red head and a lump of flesh barely held together. Vince decided to cautiously keep an eye on the bus driver, while keeping track of the teacher. However, the teacher seemed like he was out cold, but if Vince listened intently enough he could hear that he was breathing...very faintly.

When a shadow of a building appeared the bus driver suddenly stopped, flinging many of the students forward in their seats. Vince saw the bus driver pull something out and eat it. Eyeing the food he was eating he saw a flash of something bright red. It looked like some kind of raw meat and the smell started to sting his nose. The bus driver then noticed Vince staring at him and all he did was give him a wide creepy grin with pieces of red meat stuck between his teeth. The bus driver then reached towards Vince and Vince felt frozen right on the spot, paralyzed, and not able to move. Vince's eyes widened as the bus driver grabbed his neck, but suddenly a girl in the back of the bus screamed. Vince flinched from the scream, coming out of the paralysis and the bus driver then retreated to his chair wiping his mouth. Everything quickly went black and he suddenly woke up from a kid nudging him in the shoulder.

"Was that a dream?" He thought as he sat up from the chair, somewhat groggy. When Vince glanced at the bus driver, it was the same blonde haired driver he saw when he first boarded the bus. Giving a sigh of relief, Vince relaxed back into his chair as the driver announced to the rest of the bus that they had arrived and gave them information for their rooms. However, as Vince walked off the bus he could feel a prickle on his back as he felt like the bus driver was staring at him. And only him.

The hotel looked...okay. However, there was a strange feeling in the air.
“It’s like it’s haunted or something,” he mumbled to himself. Shoving his hands in his pocket he walked to the hall where everybody would be stay at. It was at the top floor and strangely he felt like he was starting to run out of breath. His lungs yearned for air and he even started to feel dizzy. Leaning against the wall of the hall everything around him started to move, turn, and twist. To be honest, he started to feel like he was going to barf. Sighing, he decided to sit down on the floor, to catch his breath and clear up his vision, waiting for the rest of the students to catch up.
@sakurasanrunning into each other everywhere now arent we? xD
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