Avatar of Yam I Am
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 532 (0.27 / day)
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    1. Yam I Am 5 yrs ago


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9 mos ago
Current This site's like Old Broadway...I'm seeing a young man sittin' in an old man's bar, waitin' for his turn to die.
1 yr ago
I would sooner face outright phobia again than be given a half-hearted apology by the same systems which did nothing in the face of injustice and to now seek to make profit from our suffering.
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1 yr ago
I will never celebrate Pride Month for being stabbed in the leg and shot in the neck while it is sponsored by Chase. I will never mistake complacency for forgiveness nor acceptance.
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1 yr ago
Pride Month is celebrate by those who have never struggled. Those of us who have - those who have been harassed, assulted, detained and debased - have no such pride in it. There is only ire and spite.
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1 yr ago
So sorry if I'm not enthused. It's just that there's nothing to be happy about now, and people just buy rainbow stuff from the same corps who need us kept down to sell them in the first place.


“There was a time when I was master of the universe. As I was staying ageless and motionless before my computer, flying untouched over human frenzy, cities rose and crumbled under my thumb, tiny people ran hurriedly to their death on the roads I had built and time flew at my command.

Then it all stopped, and I had to become one of those running specks. They call it 'life.'”

Nicolas Combrexelle

Most Recent Posts

Damn, we got a party going now.

I'll also say that i'll extend my invitation for some mecha drawings to anyone who requests them: I got some more time now that my exams are done.
Also a question going off of Gisk's earlier one: Is the status of clone tech up for grabs? I had the passing thought of wondering what the status of vat-tube babies, clones, and so on were after reading up on the technology of the setting.

Gisk's comment on being raised from birth would have me curious if making a clone / gene splice baby was a possibility...and if it was, how common it'd be since there's could be the possibility of some corporate vat tube baby arms race going on behind the scenes. Or if some upper class twits just decided over the course of a few decades that bearing and conceiving children the usual way was "degrading" and "for the poors".
Less toy-like than a stereotypical Gundam, less real human faces than Transformers, less stilted and realistic than Battletech. I'm not going to be an exact stickler on the style.

Here's an album of some random mechs I have saved.

Most of the mechs are built on the corpses of alien mech invaders. Depending on the degree of how much of the original scavenged design they want to keep, it can range from human-military-industrial type designs to pretty freaky stuff.

I drew some mechs for an old mecha RP I was in. If you want some drawn for this TP just HMU.
Is she familiar with The Locked Tomb? Space lesbian fiction of the highest quality.

Fuck me, now there's a name I haven't heard in a hot minute...an old pal of mine actually recommended it to me during quarantine - specifically because of its pitch of being lesbian necromancers in space.

I have the PDF of it stashed somewhere on my computer. I'll have to dig it back up now...
<Snipped quote by Yam I Am>

12? 15? Very fucked. The majority of cities have been reduced to piles of rubble. The ones that still stand are abandoned with structural overgrowth. The entire coastline was basically washed away. If you were unlucky enough to live near where a crystal fell, you were effectively turned into crater vapour.

Besides the immediate effect of dropping a bunch of heavy objects, there's also the anomalous weather. Black clouds of crystal dust that jam communications, hazes that block out the sun, things of that order.

Permanent settlement is pretty impossible in its current form. While the mech-aliens aren't plentiful or intelligent enough to be part of an ecosystem or form their own civilization, they tend to be pretty territorial. Any attempt at a large outpost would be stomped out pretty quickly. Basically, think about camping in the woods and a bear just struts along because it thinks you have honey.

In the more pleasant regions, there's still birds, insects, and other small fauna. Not enough time to evolve, but enough for some adaptations.

Basically, it's borked enough that it can't be resettled yet, but still has diversity. Jungles, forests, plains, city ruins, etc. It's not a massive molten slag heap.

So basically, if I make a character from the Bible Belt, he won't notice any significant difference between his life in the pre- and the post-apocalypse. Nice. I think I got a solid idea now.
It's ya neighbourhood goblin coming at you with a mecha RP. Inspirations are pretty on the sleeve for this one. Witch from Mercury (and Gundam in general), Evangelion, etc.

Hey, my girlfriend loves space lesbians!

Though on a scale of 1-20, just how fucked is Earth supposed to be?
Think she's done.

I'd like to vouch for the homie bc the PoW gang shitposted in their interest check like a year ago and they were a great sport about it
I wonder if the GM ever grew out of his edgy phase and ever looks back on his old RPs and cringes.
St. Petersburg

Late August, 1836

Saint Petersburg stood as the Pearl of the Baltic, doubly as the Tsar's most important city. She was a hub of commerce since the days of Varangians and Teutons, Swedes and Urgians, and for a city so busting in life and love did she harbor their tales amiably. Like cities so antique as her, she had held many names and had many betrothed unto her, for her divorce from her hands unto yet another happened such many times. And that's exactly what made it so nerve-wracking to be a Petersburger in days such as these.

Gospodin Jura Pasternak was a reasonably successful businessman hailing from a small town in the Volynian Governate. He spent most of his life studying in Warsaw, learning the family trade from his forefathers before him, under the auspices of many of his glaring contemporaries. His lineage had descended years before unto the history of the Old Commonwealth, where his father had run the small town banks with many his friends and all until their identities long eclipsed them as the years went on - his mother was Jewish, proud and headstrong, fierce of temperament and hailing from Vilna. His travels brought him to the Capital with great frequency, connecting the accounts from across the Baltics and throughout the western reaches of the Empire.

"Gospodin!" A quaint, familiar voice called out from a muffling crowd. A middle-aged woman, brown of hair and demure of stature, rushed up to him. Jura Pasternak recognized her; Mrs. Emma Konstantinova Gagarin. Widowed.

Pasternak had presided in Saint Petersburg for about five years now, and had only made Mrs. Gagarin acquaintance from her late husband and his departed friend. He was shot after the war riots in 1834.

"Oh! Mrs. Gagarin!" He greeted, removing his hat for his introduction. Her face seemed rushed, flushed and red from a lack of air. Jura tilted his face, offering up a comforting smile.

"How are the state of things?"

"Things?" Emma Gagarin responded, aghast as she barely caught her breath just with the one-word response alone. "'Things', good gospodin?"

Mr. Pasternak was taken aback by her sudden display. His feet shuffled about, finding their way even through the awfully crowded street behind them while people buzzed and bemused their ways about their day.

"Yes, madame - how are you? I mean, madame: What are these things that cause you such flight?"

"Oh, great and terrible things, Gospodin," the woman exclaimed, "The Revolutionaries are coming. Mister Voroshilov tells me he even saw the Jacobins organize in broad daylight."

"Vtorak is being held for trial." She panted. A worried pause followed, looking her companion dead in the eye, "And the Tsar will kill him."

His brow cracked in amazement at her news. Jura was perplexed - deadly so, the gravity pulling along his weary face until his cheeks drooped to the cobblestone street.

"Vtorak?" he pushed an intrigued look upon his face. He seemed familiar, the name calling him like a mother to her child. She looked back at him, dumbfounded and irate.

"Yes, Gospodin: Alexei!"

His eyes shot back up at the repetition.

"Alexei Vtorak? He was hanged last week - was he not?" His words were exclaimed and rushed, like the blinding sunlight as one opened the door too quickly. Mrs. Gagarin hurriedly nodded.

"And he is...being hung again?"

"No: The Tsar has ordered him to be shot by six men in the Square of Fotanka."

"Oh...i'm so sorry, Gospodina." he offered, "...if it is any consolation - and it may be crude to say madame - but with that shall his suffering be slight-"

"No! It cannot!" Her words were frantic, hurried and stern like a bull too young to kill, and too quick to stop, "Vtorak has had his trial; He was hung before the mass! And he yet lived!"

It all flashed back to Mr. Pasternak, now: The soon-to-be late Alexei Vtorak was once a well-respected author of local report, a frequent patron of the Griboedov Bank, he recalled. The tsar's men had found him guilty of insurrectionist activity and ordered him to be hung with the rest of the Decembrists.

Vtorak was strung up tightly on that fated day - the 31st of July - neatly in tow with his brothers in coffins, and when he was dropped to the ground, his rope came neatly down with him. Alexei had hit the ground, much worse for wear, and neatly laying beside him was the snapped noose before him, and the screaming of five bewildered executioners.

"Gospodin -" Emma's words were stern, serious, cracking and on the verge of tears almost religious in its experience, "The Tsar has dolled his punishment unto Vtorak, and he has lived. God himself has ordained this man to stay on Earth - can you not see?!"

And in everything went unsaid, she spoke in a soft tone, hushed beneath the busy pattering of feet around her:

"And what shall it say in these days should the Tsar go against the will of God...?"

Jura couldn't hear her speak - and he heard her words move across her lips as she spoke through that congested Saint Petersburg avenue.

He could not - or, perhaps always felt more clearly, would not - do anything to Vtorak once. But perhaps, now, now there was still the chance for justice to be had.

But for the grace of God.
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