Avatar of Yevin


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current I am sort of back? I'll be popping on when I have time but replies may not be a thing. I'm hoping things will settle near the end of this week.
11 mos ago
I'm moving across country next week, so you won't hear from me for a bit. I expect to be back on the 24th.
12 mos ago
I will be on vacation starting tomorrow. I'll be back Sunday but expect replies on Tuesday. K cool see ya later ~
1 yr ago
Mm, yes. There's nothing like being sleep deprived and drinking a soda in the morning.
1 like
1 yr ago
I know we need the rain but goddamn does it bring my energy down. I want my hot, sunny days back!


Hey! Welcome! Thanks for coming by.

18+ | Casual to Advanced Writer | PMs Only | Discord Available for OOC
Feel free to PM with any questions you have

18+: For maturity and also for more adult themes.

MxM: This is my jam. I rarely deviate from it.

Casual to Advanced: My typical posts can run around 300-500 words, sometimes less if less is needed. My typical intro posts can run around 500-1,200 words. I expect the minimum from you is 3 paragraphs.

Creativity and willingness to speak OOC. I do have a discord for OOC chat if you prefer. I do love building worlds and things. It's kind of my favorite part of RPs. But I also don't really like being the driver for everything. So, please bring along your imagination and let's get freaky.

PMs only for RP.

Most Recent 1x1 Check

Fate & Destiny

Fantasy | MxM | Enemies to Lovers | Fated Mates

My List of Ideas

These are constantly updated.

Yevin’s Ideas

Another Idea Int Check

Most Recent Posts

Oh boy oh boy oh boy

I was pre-Guildfall. I had experienced Free, Casual, Advanced, and 1x1 before the site crashed and only recently came back (like a month ago or something). That said, this opinion may be outdated (5 years outdated) but it is mine and it holds the reasons why I do not meddle with most of this site.

I participated in 1 free RP and it was hell. I had barely made my character and the rp was already well on its way on the adventure of which by the time I was ready, was 5 pages long (it had been active for maybe 12 hours). I tried politely stepping out, giving up my spot, and was hammered by other players demanding why I felt I was better than them. I hadn't even posted; I was so overwhelmed and couldn't keep up with the pace. It was so chaotic, I had no idea what was what or who was who or even what the goal was anymore. But I was the asshole for leaving and got chewed out. So. Never again.

I spent most of my time in causal and met the greatest people there, participated in the best rps with imaginative worlds. It is the best place, in my opinion. I have not returned because I can't handle a group RP right now. My time is limited and I need it for items I've committed to already.

Advanced is filled with elitists. I tried joining some rps to "play with the big boys" so I can improve my writing (you can improve only so much with others on the same level as you, I felt the need to challenge myself) and was rejected many times and most in not-so-nice ways that really killed my confidence in writing. So, f*ck advanced never again. I took some classes and courses instead to improve my writing.

I live and breathe in 1x1s now. But I'm rather choosy and tend to go to you rather than set up an advertisement. It is a mixed bag, though, and you have to set up boundaries, limitations, and expectations right off the bat. That said, I have a few people who I love to RP with and tend to go to them first with ideas before I branch out to new (new to me) players.

I have had no experience with other parts of the site and have little interest in them.
In Hey 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Oh, wow. Thanks, guys. Didn't really think people would respond to intros.
In Hey 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself

You cannot hide your true nature from me.

In Hey 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Apparently my account is marked as possible spam and so I need to make a forum post.

After 4 years, I’m sort of back.
In Missing 7 yrs ago Forum: Character Sheets

Sa'di. Cousin of Medea. Current fiance to Tchalla, prince of Lions. Devious & silver-tongued. Proud & competitive. Compassionate & kind to a limited few. Loves a good joke. Advanced flyer. Greatest magic-user in history of Mushin but not openly known to lion clan. Loves to tell stories and dance when drunk. Uses sarcasm to distance self from others. Head of 13th house but many question the validity of the house since tradition states 12 houses within the Mushin clan.
Remarkably blue eyes which is not common among Mushin.
Half Mushin. Many question his other side because the origins of his mother is not clear. Spitting image of his mother.
Has never killed another human.

Master of bow and arrow. Master of pole fighting (redirecting).
Cooks. Speaks Mushin and Common, possibly others. Not lion.
In Missing 7 yrs ago Forum: Character Sheets

Medea. Sa'di's cousin. Oldest of the family. Holds grudges. Angry. Cold-hearted. Very open with contempt for the lion clan and for some members of the mushin clan.

[no name yet] Sister of Medea. Quiet. Soft-spoken if she speaks at all. Youngest. Fragile. Is never seen without sister below. Appears distant.

[no name yet] Second sister of Medea. Talkative. Curious. Cannot keep a secret long. Is never seen without sister above. Adores cute things.

Adiya. Mother of Medea and others. Natural host. Generous. Follows older traditions of Mushin. Mistress of First House. Aids Master of First House but does not make final decisions. Enjoys her jewelry and often has her hair dressed with intricate pieces.

Sahib. Current leader of Mushin clan and Master of First House. No longer a warrior. Now is a crippled old man who appears to have a hard time keeping up with the present. Sword has been cast aside for a cane made from a particular tree's roots. Adiya tends to his final days. Was once thought to be the last of magic-users. Used to be the greatest magic-user but now can barely do anything.

In Missing 7 yrs ago Forum: Character Sheets

The great marshes and forest the mushin reside in.

A piece of their city

Another image of the marshes with some cliffs where their winged mounts typically reside.

Mountains where they produce their precious metals.

Sa'di's house. The 13th house of the mushin clan. (has some importance)
I've been busy. I'm sorry. I don't know if I can re-continue our thing here. I just popped on b/c I suddenly remembered this site. I wanted to check up on you guys and also apologize.
Yes, they are.
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