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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor knew he said sorry far to much, Even when there was nothing really to be sorry for. "I suppose. I am told I say sorry too much even when there isn't a thing to say sorry for." he whispered. He felt her hand on his head and tried to relax.
"Ah oh I see," He replied. "Thought you were about to do something gruesome because I've seen everything."
He realised he should stop apolizing if he could. He wasn't any good at that,
Really he was just very worn out and weak. He wanted to be sick again. But he seemed to be trying to ingore that.

He looked around when he heard Tamar yell. He looked at her "Ah I suppose, but not always. I can always cure illness. But I'm not just called the Doctor for medical things I can do, its because in general I help people and plants and well the whole universe." he tried to explain.
He smiled gently at the little girl. He was good with children and missed his grandaughter and children that he had many years ago. He even missed his cloned daughter Jenny, who the Doctor was sure was dead.
"Ah my name? Well that is a serect." He chuckled "The Doctor is my name as far as anybody needs to know. " He knew the child was curious. He knew children never could help that. He was smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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Soul Hunter

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Tamar grinned and looked to him "Like Seclusion…hide your name" she grinned at him before Seclusion did walk in ruffling her hair "Honestly, such a hassle Tamar have you seen Kana anywhere?" she asked her and Tamar shook her head "Gone to get herbs?" she questioned "Maybe, i'll go searching fi she isn't back by evening, she's our village elder after all" she said to her and Tamar nodded "Go keep an eye on brother?" she questioned Seclusion "Yeah go keep an eye on brother, call me if he keeps burning stuff otherwise they'll end up being no feast at this rate" she muttered and then settled down to read again picking up the book she'd had previous to all the commotion. "You finally smiled properly" she said to him "Tamar is so curious at times, makes me wordy she'll end up exploring too much and get hurt" she muttered "This universe isn't really safe for us anymore after all"

The evening was quick to arrive and once again festivities began Seclusion checked on just how well he was to see if he'd be able to come or not "Think you can hold some food down?" she asked him softly "If so you can get changed and come join us for the feast, if you do come don't eat the glowing flame they'll only make your body ill I'm afraid" she explained to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was looking at her "Ah Tamar is fine, Honestly... I am used to children, I was a father and grandfather once, long time ago." He looked at her. "Your brother is not good in the kitchen I gather." He grinned.
He was looking at her . "Ah I do smile, just is hard when posion is in my system making me feel so sick and have been through a tough time. But I do smile." He was sitting up in his bed.
"I do hope Tamar is careful too," He didn't want anything to happen to such a sweet girl.
He was tired and soon was asleep. He knew that he needed sleep if he was to be feeling better later.

When she came to check on him, he was sleeping, But he woke soon as he heard her voice. He seemed to be less feverish. He was looking less pale too. He felt very weak. He knew he would need to eat to get his strength back.
"MMmm I think so," He sits up. The Doctor winces from his injury and slowly gets up.
He was looking at her, He smiled widely when he was on his feet "Allons-y!!!" He walked out with her "Glowing flame... dont eat. Got it, doesnt sound eadible anyways." He was walking by her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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"You said you were once a father an grandfather right, I hoped to be one quite some time ago… but like I said I lost someone very important to me so it's not possible now" she smiled a little and ruffled her wings "and they are edible, it's the reason we are called vultures by several races, it's because they are the souls of the dead that wonder, your body won't be able to handle them so it's best to warn you beforehand" she said bluntly. "Anyway you'll need to get changed and then come out, I'll show you where the feast is after" she went back to waiting outside and sure enough once he was ready she showed him where it was, there were flowers scattered everywhere and Kana was soon found. "Kana I was getting worried also the Doctor is joining us of the feast he's well enough and he does need to eat something,, plus he's most likely getting board staying in bed all day" she said and the old women nodded "Ok then but know your limits" she said sternly to him.

Seclusion showed him to the centre of the small village where there was an assortment of food a lot from several different cultures which only bowed how well travelled such a small race was. Seclusion picked her way through some of the different souls and settled down eating as if it were an apple, although that was all she could eat there. Tamar had piled food on her plate and sat beside the Doctor before beginning to eat and grinned up at him "Try some" she said "Eat to get better, hmm.. green stuff good for that" she grinned at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Ah... yeah and had a cloned daughter recently as well but she died." The Doctor replied. He was looking at her. He was still interested to know more about her race. He was coughing slightly still.
He nodded a bit more. He gets changed before joining her. He looked like he was still sick, even if he was doing better. He knew he would probably need to spend one more day in bed.
"Ohh so good to be out of bed finally." He was looking at Kana, He smiled "Ah good to see you are safe."

He didn't want anything happening to Kana. He walked by them. He was looking at all the food. He was hungry a bit. But not as much as he normally would be. He puts a small amount on his plate not wanting to push it.
He begins eating. He notices that he is able to eat it without feeling sick soon as he does. He is glad hes able to eat. He seemed to sigh in relief. He was still shivering and wanting to be curled up in blankets. "I can help clean up after if you like." After all they had done for him, He wanted to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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Kana smiled "That would be nice we can always use a few extra hands" said Kana smiling at him. Seclusion had raised her gaze to the sky and a serious look appeared on her face. "Seclusion something wrong?" asked Kana noticing she'd zoned out. Snapping to attention she looked to them "No… it was just me" she frowned. Several of them there had rather big appetites only seclusion seemed to not be eating the food, only the flames although she still went through quite a bit. A rather tall bold man came over "Seclusion, you can eat a little you know that right?" it was her father, he held exactly the same coloured mismatched eyes "I know, but it all tastes the same to me" she spoke bluntly. "and it's nice to finally meet you Doctor, I'm the head here, although my daughter does take charge a lot of the time" eh chuckled "we've been busy with preparations for the festival after all, this is the final day a feast under the full moon" he smiled "Do enjoy yourself…" he moved his attention to the kids "Oi, you lot be careful not to fall down from there, you can't quite fly either" he walked over and caught one of them "I told you to be careful" he chuckled.

Seclusion looked to the Doctor thinking a moment "You've travelled a lot right, care to share some stories with us?" she asked him. kana smiled noticing the usual curiosity sparking up again, "Oh we do love to hear stories from other places, it's not often guests appear after all and a lot of us can't travel either" she said and seeing as he was feeling a lot better it was a chance for him to talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Always happy to help." The Doctor replied. Having at least a bit more strength he was sure that he could offer his help. He knew still been sick being on his feet may make him tired fast. "I still feel like I was trampled on by Jadoon but I doing better than before." He was grinning. He looked up at her father "Nice to meet you," He smiled a bit. He was looking at Seculsion wondering what was up as well.
He decided to not bother her about it.
The Doctor knew he could help in alot of situtions, but did know when he should just stay out of things.

The Doctor was looking at them "Yeah I travelled alot. Usaully with companions, Its not as fun travelling alone and I like having people to talk to , I havent talked to anybody really since I had to leave Donna." He sighed and bit. He really was going to miss having somebody to talk to and keep him out of trouble when he was better and left the Utopians. He tried to not focus on that. As he had company for the given moment.
"What would you like to hear, I have done loads, " He wasn't sure where to start. He knew he had so many trips. He had seen the beginning of the universe ,the end and everything else in between. He eats a bit more food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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Seclusion thoughts "Well, surprise us then Doctor, we've been to many places why don't you tell us about somewhere new then?" she asked him watching his behaviour again as she picked up certain traits, she paid attention to detail especially when it came to people. The feast went on through the night with entrainment ranging from dancing to singing to plays and music the elders told stories and the Doctor was even invited to tell another one later on. It was a lively event but when the dawn began to appear it was time to clean up. Seclusion picked up Tamar and asked him to do some for her while she put her little sister to bed.

Hurrying back she looked up again and sniffed the air something was going to happen and she could sense it, good or bad she wasn't sure but something was to happen soon. "Oi, Doctor that TARDIS of yours has fallen asleep" shouted one of them. "You won't be travelling until she wakes up then" he laughed and Seclusion shook her head "More like he won't be leaving until he's 100% otherwise that would be very poor care from the doctors here" she frowned before she helped with putting away everything, it was a lot of work and it took until mid morning before everyone could get back to bed in order to rest for a few hours before they would get back to their normal lives here in the village. Seclusion made sure he went to bed and gave him another dose of the anti-dote, a less potent one though to ensure it was definitely all out of his system. "It's not as potent so you won't feel ill later on but it'll get rid of any poison that remains also show me the wound on your shoulder, i better make sure that it's still not infected" she said to him and once she had a look and nipped her finger tips with her own teeth and small threads stitched up the wound "Ok then, that should keep it closed and reduce the pain, the other stitches that were done weren't permanent and these ones will vanish once it's completely healed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor smiled "Well alright." he knew they must be excited to hear about his journeys He wasn't sure what ones they would enjoy. He was feeling sure that they would enjoy most stories. He shared as many of them as he could. His journeys with Rose to the parallel universe. Even the times where had lost companions in the end due to things that happened. He even spoke about when Jenny had been created, tears slipped at some moments,
But he did smile at other memories, Even some of his adventures with Donna caused a tone of amusement and joy to show through. His best trips had been with the ones he cared about.
The Doctor helped them clean up, he was tired by then. His eye lids had been dropping.

He smiled upon hearing the TARDIS was alseep "Ah the old girl deserves a break not to worry." He yawned. He was sure that he would be told he needed to rest and recover more. He was missing travelling.
Though he was far from well enough to travel. He yawned a bit more. The Doctor was too tired to remember about his medicine. He was glad she did. He was looking at her. He takes the antidote. He rubbed his eyes.
"Hopefully I'll be well soon, I hate been drianed and sick." He was sure that he never wanted to be posioned again "Never getting posioned again or sick, at least not if I can help it." He curled up in covers when he was in bed.
It had been a long day, He was soon asleep and slept for awhile after that. His body needing to rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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"You be back to normal in a day maybe two at the very most but your condition has picked up dramatically, just get some sleep and we'll give you some of the antidote to take with you encase you end up going back there again" she said to him. She made sure he hung his coat up and then headed to her own home and slept for a good part of the day waking up late evening she brought him something to eat a much more substational meal than the porridge like meal last time. "You're definitely looking better that's one good sign" she grinned

Sure enough he was better after another day of rest in bed, The TARDIS had also woken up the machine seemed to have a new life to it after a few days of rest as well. Seclusion had prepared a few bottles of antidote for him, they also said he was welcome back there at any point although reminded him to remember the co-ordinates for the place since they were pretty hard to find. Tamar handed him a few of their native lilies and grinned up at him "Be careful, no coming back when poisoned again Doctor" said the small girl wagging her finger at him before she started to giggle Seclusion shaking her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was glad to be able to travel again. Though he would miss them. He did hope he could visit again. That depended if he could find them, but also whether he was free to. The universe always needed him.
He was looking at the sky and thinking of what he would do. He had no companions. Nobody with him to tell him where to go. He was afriad to ask anybody else to come with him.
He didn't want to loose anybody else. IT was too painful.

"Thank you again." The Doctor replied "For everything." He took the antidote with him. He hoped nothing would happen to them. He ended up hugging them all. He had basically started to consider them friends.
"Take care." He smiled,
He headed to the door of his ship and grinned "And may we meet again some day."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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"Oh I'm sure we will Doctor" said Seclusion "For time is something very funny, as is travelling but you always meet people more than once regardless of the situation" she said to him "and for crying out loud make sure you don't ever have to use that antidote" she said bluntly to him.

Few days later…

At that time the TARDIS started to twist and turn as if it were panicking about something. Soon enough it landed back in that same small village that he'd been taken to when poisoned. But there was one difference, instead of the flowers budding and the beautiful atmosphere that had filled the air the scent of blood fell heavily on anyone that suddenly entered the place. Few building stood the only one usable was the library which was protect by and ancient barrier, knowledge was important after all and it stored something else very important. But no one had made it in time, the place was nothing but decrypted buildings and burning out flames. Humans walked amongst the place and looked amongst the bodies. "She not here, where is that girl, we need that power source" yelled the commander. "Well think of it this way there are a lot less of these vultures left" said one of them almost joyfully.

Amongst the bodies a pure white wolf covered in blood lay there, playing dead. But once it was out of sight it trotted off towards where the TARDIS was, she could smell it. Sitting next to it she waited and then tugged on the Doctor's trousers and looked up to him "There is someone still alive, please help her" she said to him knowing he'd help after all the name implied such things. Hidden away in the shadows collapsed in an old church like building covered in blood she look almost dead. her silver wings once reflected moonlight were dull and were coated with blood which seemed to completely stain the feathers. At her side was her youngest sister Tamar but she was long gone. Deadly lead him to where she was after he'd agreed to follow and nudged her gently it took a while but eventually she got a reaction out of her "Thank god you're alright Deadly" she said moving a hand to touch the warm fur of the old wolf before her. Raising her gaze a little she saw him "What are you doing here Doctor, shouldn't you be off exploring?" she questioned full of sadness knowing everything she'd once known was lost, she couldn't sense any of them anymore, not a single soul.

But then the humans found them "We found her there's someone else here as well" radioed in one of them before he moved over to Seclusion but a fierce growl erupted from her throat and Deadly moved biting the man's hand as if telling him to leave her alone "Thank you sir, we've been looking for this one, her heart has enough power to run this earth for years without using fossil fuels, her wings make quite potent medicine as well" he said cheerfully. Too injured to move both her wings were broken badly beyond the point of repair, she and deep wounds all over her but still she snarled and even Deadly tried to ward him off and then their commander came and words feel from her cracked pale lips "Why? Why did you have to kill us off, what did we do to you, we were looking for somewhere else… we just needed time so why?" she asked "Because you're vultures, you were putting the people at ease and with our resources running low we needed to capture the one power source that we know works, we discovered it in that war after all didn't we Calla, such an appropriate name as well the flower for weddings and funerals, this would've been your 30th anniversary would it have not, but instead you'll be burying your loved ones again just like on your wedding day" he almost laughed as tears fell from her eyes "Stop it… just stop it already how much more must you torment me, you've taken away everything I've ever known and tried desperately to protect. If you wanted this heart of mine you could've just asked for it, I would've torn it out of my own chest just as long as you let my race live on, there were only us left" she said and suddenly the shock fell on the man's face "What… do you mean?" "You've just left me living here, we can hear another utopian's soul from miles and miles away we can tell if they are alive and so far…. there are none, it's silent not a single one but mine sings anymore and well… I might as well be half dead" she said coughing up blood and falling into her knees, one of them was readying a knife to cut her open, seeing this she really felt this was the end now. Her wings moved over the being once known as Tamar as if she was still subconsciously protecting her younger sister. Her gaze looked to her knowing she was gone but she refused to give up on her, as if hoping that at least her sister would live through this, the protective broken wing that now lay blood stained over her younger sister. Deadly looked up to the humans and still tried to protect Seclusion as they just stood there waiting for her to take her last breath. "Finish her, she's not going to die anytime soon" they said as one of the humans soon aimed their gun at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Whats going on... hey!!" he was trying to talk to the TARDIS senseing her panic. He knew there must be something wrong. Some danger ahead. Was somebody in trouble. The time lord knew he would be there to help. He could never leave anybody, if he could help that was there had been times like Pompei when he couldn't stop what was going on.
Sometimes he knew as much as he wanted to change things, He couldn't.

His face filled with dread as soon as he saw where they were when he stepped out . "Oh no.. not them" He looked around. He was seeing the choas and blood.
His eyes soon were fulled with rage and sadness. They hadn't deserved this. He could over hear the men speaking. He didn't like what they were saying. He was looking around for any signs of life.
The Doctor was running. He looked at the wolf and followed. "Alright I'm coming."

Upon seeing Tamar he was even more angry "She was just a child!! how dare you." he growled at the approaching humans. He looked to Seclusion. "The TARDIS.... she sensed it and came here in a panic... I guess we weren't soon enough." He was looking up at the humnas. He did like humans. But some of them sometimes were so cruel.
He stepped infront of Selcusion "Don't you dare harm her." His eyes were filled with rage. He hardly ever had got this mad. But so many lives had been lost. He would make sure Selcusion wasn't harmed. "You want to speak to a higher authorirty.., there isn't one. It ends with me!!" He growled to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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Soul Hunter

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Seclusion looked more than a little shocked to see him there she rose to her feet with a struggle letting Tamar's body fall as it had been cradled by one of her bloodstained broken wings. The guns soon feel to pieces. "What do you want man, these creatures are abominations man. Look at them, the children have nightmares of such creatures" he said Seclusion's words were the next to be heard full of hatred "We stayed but of your lands for centuries, endless centuries" she said leaning back against the stone wall behind her. "Damn do we have any other guns?" shouted the general "Get out of the way Doctor we know who you are, we do't want you dead either, but she has something and we need it and we can only get it from her once she's dead" he said "and that child you so angrily pointed out would grow up to be just like one of them, just like that impossible being you are trying to protect, a creature that feeds on the dead" he said angrily "They feed of our children…" Seclusion raised her gaze "We have not touched your kind for 600 years general, not even I dare to and I can't eat solid food like the others instead we prey on animals, to keep the peace" she shouted but felt as if she was slowly ebbing away and raised her gaze to the sky once more.

Deadly moved forward and spook next "Humans, why do you not listen, have they not kept their word to your ancestors, so why for just a single power source if you had asked…we could have even helped you find alternatives" she said to them and sighed before she looked to Seclusion and whimpered as she fell back down to the floor slowly stitching up her worse wounds now but lacked the energy the do it properly, just focused on stopping the bleeding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Abominations... No... every creature in this universe has its place. I don't hate you humans, but you have done far more wrong than any utopian." The Doctor went on . He was clearly still quite angry, An angry time lord was never to be messed with really.
He knew that he didn't tolerate any of this.
"Humans only fear what is different and think its alright to kill that creature, You don't have the right to wipe out a race." He was standing there. His eyes full of fury.

"I thought I had enough of an influence in the past to let you know right from wrong. But I should have known there would be the select few that would think differently."
He had his hand firmly on his sonic screwdriver. " This ends here, No more weapons and nobody else dies," his voice was raised. He knew Selcusion needed help.
He needed to get her to the TARDIS so he could help her. He then glared back at them "You even killed the young, a inocent child. No matter the species, children shouldn't be harmed, " He was angry. He knew that if that had been his own child or little sibling he would have been even more furious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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Soul Hunter

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"We didn't know they were the only ones left, we thought there would be plenty" he said but this time Seclusion gave a fierce growl "That does not make it right, there are plenty of you humans are there not" she growled, her anger was one that seethed rather than explode. She'd just lost everything in a mere day, so her thoughts were far from rational now. "Leave… leave before your necks are the next things my threads cut" she said in a very dangerous tone. "I'm in no mood to show mercy either, I have bodies to burn" the general spat "You're not burning their bodies we know their wings can be used to make medicine as well" she growled "Only when alive, dead they are a potent poison, they'll kill you humans within seconds" she said snarling at him. "The chemical compounds change when a body dies, which is why I must burn them, leave" she said once again but that dangerous tone still laced her voice, she could and would kill them all at this rate.

Deadly snarled and began to chase some of them off as best she could by snapping at they're heels and ankles. She was quick to get back up and stumbled over to the general. "Leave now general, I'm the same rank as you so you better listen, threads creeping along the ground towards his men "So leave" her voice becoming very harsh. The general sensed the danger "see what I mean Doctor?" he said "Shut your mouth soldier and get off my territory" a snarl rising again. Once they finally agreed to leave on the threat of death Seclusion sat back down and looked to him "See told you we'd meet again, just… not in the best circumstances" she said hid in her emotions from her face but the piercing eyes reflected a deep sorrow and sadness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was glaring. He mainly let Seclusion speak. He was still rather angry. He wanted to say a whole lot more. He knew that sometimes he did have to learn when to not say a thing. He was feeling like he couldn't do much. He knew that he hadn't been able to save all the lost lives.
After while he looked at her "I didn't want to meet again in a sitution like this, I only hoped I wasn't too late." He was feeling so lost. He closed his eyes. He knew how it felt to loose so much. "I am glad your alive, "
He knew that the best he could do was offer her to come with him. He watched as the humans left.

"I know you have lost so much , But you can come with me." He wasn't sure how much that would help. But he knew her home and family had been destroyed "You don't have to. But I don't want you to be alone and homeless."
He was looking into her eyes "Since I'm late thats all I can do to help."
The Doctor knew that she would be so upset. He walked over and hugged her. "I am sorry for your loss." He really wished he could do more "If I can do anything for you. I am here." The time lord had sorrow in his eyes, He couldn't believe Tamar and the others were gone. He had gotten on so well with all of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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"Some things can't be changed no matter how much you try" she said to him she watched him as he gave his offer she didn't have anywhere to go so that was the best offer. But she was even more surprised when he hugged her and listened to the next words he said, that only brought on her tear more burying her head into him as she cried in silence aching all over she still had one more job to do. Moving she looked up to him "Can you help me me one last thing?" she asked "I need to burn their bodies, they plan to come back for them, I can't let that happen. Otherwise they won't be able to live on" she said to him as she was still repairing her own injuries she had to do this otherwise it would cause so many problems.

Moving away she began to get to work creating small beds of wood for the dead. Tamar was first, She still picked the girl up as if she were living she nudged her gently to kiss her sister's cheek. "Sweet Tamar, it's time to sleep" she said softly a small flame left the body and found it's way to the Doctor "Listen to it, she has some words for you, that's her soul" she explained and got to work putting the bodies onto their beds individually. Deadly tried to help as well but was less successful. each of their souls rested on the side of the beds, each and thoughts to be heard. Some were sorrowful and full of sadness but others were full of hope and happiness. Tamar's was the most personal though "Doctor you came back, I knew you would. Come tell us some more stories again they sound like such wonderful adventures I wish I could come with you but Sister said I'm too young to be traveling and to wait a few hundred years before such thing, but that's too far of and now impossible. So I've decided i'll travel with you in spirit brother said he'll join as well to explore the wonders and chaos of the universe" said the voice before it went to Seclusion and spoke in the ancient language. Seclusion gave a final sigh before she lit a small fire blowing on it it turned a beautiful bright blue and then was used to burn the bodies of the dead all lying there as if they were simply sleeping, she cleaned them of blood and repaired their wounds preparing them for their eternal sleep she picked up each soul and took it to the old well in the centre. "This well, is connected to the world of the dead for us, where the souls can rest in eternal peace." she explained quietly glad she'd patched herself up enough to carry out her final duty to them all. Deadly nudged her softly "There was nothing that could have been done" said Deadly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was looking at her when he pulled away from the hug. He knew how much it hurt to loose family. He wasn't sure he could ever make her fully feel better. He was still thinking he should get her to the TARDIS.
He let her cry and looked at her "I know how it feels to loose so much, but I doubt that I can make much of this better." He was feeling sad as well. He looked at her when she asked him to help. "I can do that for you, I don;t want them getting the bodies and you do need to heal." He walked over and prepared to burn them. He knew that she would be going through a hard time,

The Doctor had tears in his eyes when he heard Tamars voice. She was too sweet and gentle to die. He didn't want this to happen. " Oh Tamar I am so sorry." He whispered. He didn't know what he could have done to make it all better. "I did say we would meet again didn't i? I just hoped it wouldn't be like this." He knew that at least she was safe from been taken by the humans.
He was crying. He really had taken a liking to all of them.
The time lord truely felt sorrow. "I really never wanted this."
He was listening to Seclusion as she explained everything. Seclusion was his friend. At least he saw it that way. "Its times like this, I don't like the actions of humans. This was beyond cruel and I don't approve of genecide of a species" he knew they were both probably the last now. He would keep her safe if he had to. He was helping her .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul Hunter
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Soul Hunter

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Seclusion nodded "I know, but think of it this way, they'll be safe now forever, nothing can hurt them no longer we were…. a forsaken existence. With Time Lords gone we were hated by others, that's why we accepted you so readily, you are one of that race that accepted us" she said. "That's also why I know who you are and I know you know exactly what this feels like" she sighed. She was very skilled and hiding the true emotions. Right now she wanted to scream and cry until her tears ran dry but that wouldn't help anything. "Unfortunately… this is the way they work, they get rid of things they fear and vultures are something everyone fears" she sighed and ruffled her hair.

Once it was done and there were nothing but ashes Seclusion gave them the final song before she left Deadly at her heels the entire time before she paused and looked back to her wings "Ah, damn… I'll have to regrow them again" she muttered as they fell from her back finally, she looked surprisingly human without her wings. She let him take her to where the TARDIS was and raised an eyebrow as if it has said something to her "I see…" she said. "Doctor why is your TARDIS scolding me?" she said.
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