Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eira, Mercy. South-East block.
Mech pilot: Medium armour, 2x.50cal, jets & supportsys.

There options were very, very limited. Gaville, a former mech pilot himself, had said that his guns were of little use against his assailant. Eira had no reason to expect that hers, of a similar if not identical make, would have any greater effect. As it were, Mercy was already seriously damaged, and would require significant repairs when he returned.

Except that he would not return to base.

She hated it, but she would have to leave Mercy behind. There was no way he'd fit in those sewers. Despite her attachment to the vehicle, her personal designing, the painting, and the recent first "test run", he was just a machine, and her life—as well as that of her two companions—were far more valuable than a hunk of metal. Her superiors may rage at her return, but now firm in her resolve, she decided this was the only logical route she could take that wouldn't end in pointless sacrifice.

Goodbye, and thank you.

Alongside Gaville and Roman, she positioned the mech in front of the sewer grate, facing their oncoming foe, and activated the floodlights to hopefully blind the enemy. Her gas mask already on, she quickly began to gather her things as she activated the release hatch at the back of the mech. The pressure releasing, she holstered her pistol, rifle, knife, grenades; she snatched up her radio, flashlight, technical kit, and her own black box; the latter two of which she stuffed into a large backpack she carried with her.

In but moments, she had gathered all her needed items, and swung herself out the back of the mech to join the two men. The sewer grate opened, she motioned for the other two to go in ahead of her. Just before she herself entered the sewer, knowing full well their attacker was fast approaching, she pulled out a fragmentation grenade, pulled the pin, and tossed it into the cockpit of her mech. She wouldn't want any of their enemies to get their hands on their bunker's tech, common as it may be, and if she was lucky, the fuel for the jump jets might just ignite, as long as the reinforced ammo feed didn't protect it from the inside out.

With a final goodbye, she dropped down into the sewer, activating her flashlight. Taking out her pistol, she passed it to Gaville. "I'm Eira, by the way. Nice to meet you," she said sincerely, with a half-smile tainted by worry, though masked by the gasmask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Central Apartment Complex

Junko Heizen


The fog.... It was messing up her aim. How it does that was beyond her comprehension and knowledge, but at least she knew shooting about in the fog would do no real good. The western team would have to do without overwatch on her side; it was simply too dangerous for her to keep shooting at shadows.

A song blared over the air suddenly, filling the empty rooms and corridors with noise, followed by a barrage of bullets down the corridor, smashing some rounds into the dusty door of the room she was in.

"Junko! I don't know where you are right now, but we got a pair of U-ARM on the ninth floor in the main hall. Kiku is down. I'm wounded. We could use your firepower!"

Junko piled up near the door, giving a peek around the corner to find two men climbing up a hole at the end of the corridor. Good thing she had simply ducked into the nearest room she can find. But still, this wasn't what she was geared up for. Perhaps she should find a carbine or an SMG to replace her pistol if she ever gets out of this mess.

A barrage of gunfire broke the silence once again, before a grenade exploded.

While she would have dearly loved to throw another grenade at the men who had just grappled in, it was a bit risky to do so when she had no idea where the rest of the others were, so she simply crouched out the door, and aimed down the corridor with her rifle, ready to fire the last two bullets in the magazine, if any of the men didn't seem dead enough, and then duck back in the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

South-West Block - Nathaniel

"Alright, fuck this, we're getting out of here!" Nathaniel drew his pistol and flipped off the safety, knowing that his rifle was probably spent and lacking confidence in his ability to reload it quickly enough to matter. He fired a few quick shots at the wolf creature eying them from atop the APC, then motioned for the biologist to follow him. "Run!" Nathaniel led the way, hoping Daniel would provide rear cover for them.

He heard Brucey's plan through his radio and decided it was their best bet, and he added his own piece for the squad to here. "Coming through with the VIP, cover us!" Nathaniel angled around the mech's flame, running to try to get back behind Brucey and make use of his covering inferno. He spotted the new arrivals as well, which he hadn't quite realized were there before now, and figured they'd be helpful too. Nathaniel held his pistol at the ready as he ran for the relative safety of his fellows, hoping he could react fast enough to anything that came his way and that a few pistol rounds would be enough to make it back off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 30 days ago

Central Apartment

Matthew looked at his wounded arm and Kiku before licking his blood. He then directed an eyebrow at her before shrugging once more. With a final glance to the surrounding, the mutant followed the rest of the group inside. It didn't take long for him to lag behind the group as he paused a bit longer than the rest to check for any objects he could pilfer and carry without being burdened by it. His search was interrupted by a loud song and a hail of gunfire sounded throughout the hall. Without waiting any further, Matthew rushed towards the location he heard over the radio. He reached the opposing end of the corridor the team was in as another set of gunfire followed by an explosion sounded. Peeking through the corner, Matthew would see the result of his team's action against the people coming from the opposing end. Assuming that the team would be in the same room or at least near the room he saw the sniper peeked out of, he decided to add up several more bullets going down the corridor. His positioning would meant that while he can make sure that he can avoid friendlyfire, his accuracy would be even more awful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

South-East Opposition Territory: Roman Cassidy

"My name is Adam Caville, by the way. I was with Carolyn's squad when it was hit. After ejecting from my mech I recovered the black box in hers and took off as fast as I could... What are your names anyway?"

Taking a moment to wrap his head around the situation, Roman looked for escape routes. "Eira, looks like the sewers or the apartment. Your mech, your call." Focusing again on Caville, he responded with a quick "Roman Cassidy."

When he realized that Eira has taken the intiative and made the choice to abandon her mech, Roman turned on his radio. "Attention. This is Roman Cassidy with Eira Mairwen. We just made contact with pilot Adam Caville from Carolyn's squad and are now retreating from the fog, into the sewers. Carolyn's black box is in our posession. Repeat, Carolyn's black box is in our posession." Glancing at the nervous Caville, Roman gave an assuring nod and began preparing for the sewer. He made sure that his shotgun's infared was working, knowing that it may come in handy while they're underground.

After Eira finished destroying her mech, Roman walked to the sewer entrance and turned to his companions. Knowing that they didn't have much time, he spoke quickly. "Runnin' away from things is my bread and butter, so I'm takin' charge while we're in the sewer. I'm front, you're middle, Eira guards the back. Stay between us, keep an eye out for threats, protect the box." Clearly enough said that it was immediately understood and needed no confirmation.

As he entered the sewer, Roman heard Eira say "I'm Eira, by the way. Nice to meet you,"

Turning out of simple curiosity, he saw Eira give her pistol to Caville. Unholdering his own pistol, Roman held it towards Eira and said a simple "We all need to be armed, Eira."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

South East - James Wolff

(I'm assuming that we're on the first floor?)

The situation had started to go down the shitter. It seemed as if everything was going smoothly for a bit, but then again fate seemed to have other ideas. The Sergeant got caught off guard after going off by himself. James could help but think "Hypocrite. You told me that no one should go alone." Still, there was the matter of the Goleyeith's transformation into smaller ghouls of some sort. It seemed that the mutants were able to speak, or at the very least mimic. James was hoping that it was the latter since the prior would imply that absorbing people enabled the mutants to retain the knowledge of their prey, which was very bad news. The group had to go back upstairs and regroup with the others, but the most disturbing part was that something had managed to climb to the third floor... without them seeing it. The thing with the chainsaw had somehow gotten up there without any stairs. That was a very large concern as well. Hopefully, Morai was still alive, but the chances seemed stacked.

James whispered to the group. "We need to move, and rejoin the others. Stack up on me. I'll take point. Move quickly and quietly, and be sure to check your sectors. Don't leave any corner unchecked or else we're screwed. Plan is to get to the third floor, help Morai if we can, set up a firing position at the base of the stairs so that we have visual down the hall, and I'll try to see if I can rig one of my rockets to set up a delayed explosion to collapse the stairs... with us ideally on the forth floor on the others before it blows up and preventing those things from climbing the stairs. If you need to shoot, then aim for the legs if center mass doesn't kill them. We need to buy time. Now, if you don't have anything to say Captain, then I say we move." James then began to move silently, but with haste with his gun ready and his eye down the thermal sight, ready to pop anything that didn't seem human.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

South West-Marvin Walters

Marvin was at first quite happy with the successful shot, but that feeling faded when things quickly escalated from bad to worse. He knew that they wouldn't have much time before things spiraled out of control. The biologist had to be evacuated now. Luckily it seems that he had already been extracted from the APC, now it was just a matter of getting him to safety...easier said than done. This was going to be especially difficult now that the (presumably) alpha wolf had arrived, and the fact that the wolves were likely faster than the people on foot. He started on a plan, but didn't have much time to think, so went with the first plan he came up with.

He then shouted through the speakers "Liam! Get over there and escort that biologist. Everyone else that can hear me, do that too." He then pushed a grey button that started the loading process for his HE missiles, then pushed the green lever, disengaging his WP Gyro, allowing him to start walking over towards the biologist. His plan was to reach somewhat of a halfway point between his current position and the APC, thus his compatriots could help him if things went sour, but also wouldn't be in the thick of the soon-ensuing battle. Then he engaged the Gyro again, and aimed for the wolves. First, he fired a Laser shot at the nearest wolf (discounting the one atop the APC, since it was already being fired at), then pointed his sights down. Soon, he figured, the wolves would start charging at the group, so he readied to fire his missile at a group of them. When he fired, he wanted to hit the alpha, but knew that getting a large group would likely be more important if he had to choose. He knew he would want to fire at their feet so that they would likely sustain at least some damage when the missile hit.

He took a deep breath, and put his other hand on the green lever. Once he fired the HE missile, his usefulness in the battle would diminish significantly, so he prepared to bolt out of the combat zone with the biologist once the missile was fired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GourmetItalia
Avatar of GourmetItalia


Member Seen 3 mos ago

South East - Peter Táo

Scowling, the specialist retrieved his flashlight and bayonet before quickly mounting the objects along the lower assault rifle muzzle. The entire mission had devolved into a master cluster fuck and for whatever reason, something had managed to find its way to the Fourth Floor. Peter wasn't certain what fate awaited the others, but prayed to living hell that they wouldn't be cut off on two sides. Additionally, the eerie voices proved as a chilling reminder to what could potentially happen to Washington's residents if failure happened and as the mutants staggered their onto the ground floor, their presence only served to anger Peter as his thoughts rested on Kelsey and his daughter back in Bunker Washington. The grim situation was rife with potential mortality and if he didn't know better, he was certain some god forsaken entity wanted them dead ... or worse ... eaten.

There was also clear incompetence within Chicago Bunker's Upper Counciller Echelons and the only reason for why he and the others had even entered this shit hole stemmed from the decisions of an as of yet unnamed, ADAM Counciller. Peter doubted less than a quarter of all ADAM Councillers even touched a weapon, let alone engaged in a single patrol. As always, the worst disasters always started with a Counciller and a compass; next came unqualified and untested officers, an over-estimation of ground forces, and the notion that everything on paper should have been taken for face value. If they survived this incident, questions would definitely hammer the existing administrators and high ranking, hierarchical governance officiaries within Bunker Chicago's Upper Echelons.

For now, the present situation dictated a demand for competent enlisted and mid-echelon soldiers to perform above and beyond their required obligation. Washington Frontal Assaulters were good on at least fulfilling most of those promises, even if they fell in battle and as such, Peter's presence required utmost vigilance against an increasingly hostile environment. With a scowl, the Washington native tightly maintained a firm grip on the rifle handles as his New York companion outlined a balsy counter-measure to collapse the stairwell after they'd regrouped. Without another word, Peter swept the perimeter and unholstered his ADAM issued pistol before offered offer it, butt first towards the Captain. If they were going to last a little longer, fielding a Tom Cruise certainly proved a step up from wasting valuable military assets.

"Captain," Peter hissed, "He's right, we gotta move up to help Sergeant Morai. If we let those assholes get up those stairs, it's all over. Stay close to us, keep a good eye for anything and, and uhm ... I hope you're a good shot because we're all gonna need whatever covering fire we got!"

Rising, Peter offered the Captain his pistol magazines before he quietly darted his way up and within close overlapping proximity of James' reach. His finger wrapped around the trigger as he prepared for engagement, however, as a veteran soldier, Peter maintained his fire discipline to locate or dispatch any additional targets or threats. Upon reaching a firing position, the Washington soldier fell into a crouched posture, squinted, and aimed down his sights towards the straddling mutants.

"In position and ... I'm still spotting 5 tangos plus Franken-freak by the first floor entrance," the specialist hissed, "Move, move, move!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

South-West: Daniel Anders

Feeling the door become pried open, Daniel reels in the hook and spots the form of the biologist and the lamb, Alice. Instead of looking down at the Russian man, who indicated they should leave and that they should flee and that they should take the USB if he were to die: but Daniel didn’t care much for the prattling man. He had a headache and things were still going to shit. Wolves were starting to surge down the tower and, should they start running all willy-nilly, there would be more casualties.

He indicated to the floor with one of the Power fists’ fingers, highlighting the flesh of the Chainsaw wielding mutant to the biologist. He hoped the man figured out the message Daniel gave: gather the samples, leave the rest to us.

His fellow fighters were getting into the thick of things, to be sure: Wolves were attacked at multiple different angles and Daniel was in position to be the final bodyguard for Alice. His mech was more suited to close quarters combat than any other, and he at least had a chance of winning a fight against a mutant wolf, should it rush for the biologist.

However, time wasn’t on their side. They needed a plan of action that didn’t lead to chances. As long as no one rushed off, he had a final stratagem. He flicked his radio on, so that everyone in the near vicinity could hear. “Everyone in the South West sector, set up a perimeter around Biologist Alice. Do not leave his side and do not attempt to lead him away: we are going to call in a more secure evac.”

He let the message sink in, before he widened the radio’s frequency to be about a mile longer. He was calling in an evac, although it wasn’t the Chinook they were calling: they had another armoured vehicle to call in. “Sergeant Donovan: This is Daniel Anders of the South west recovery team. We need immediate assistance and evacuation for the prime target. Do you copy? I repeat, We need your tank here Donnie, get the fuck back here and help escort the lamb away from the wolves.”

He didn’t wait for a response as he launched a gout of flame in the direction that the Red-furred Alpha had previously occupied. He was hoping to zone the creature away, more than anything. He doubted he’d get a lucky hit, but he might intimidate the Bear-sized wolf for a while, at least until he gets a response from Sergeant Donovan.
Central Apartments-Kiku

She didn’t remember getting into the corner. She barely even remembered getting shot. One minute, she was half-heartedly strolling down the patrolled corridor, the next, she was huddled in a room, trying to rip her gas mask off as she vomited up chunks of crimson blood. [i[‘What a waste’[/i]

Everything hurt. Not the waking-up-having-slept-on-your-arm kind of hurt, but the Oh-god-my-arm-is-basically-hanging-there kind of hurt. She tried to move the mangled limb, only to quickly evaluate it as FUBAR. Black would kick her ass after this, should she survive, that is. The woman had been told constantly to be careful and to keep her excitement in check. She’d ignored that advice, and now she was useless.

There were Medkits in her reach: hers and someone else’s. She ripped them open and poured the content on the floor: looking up to see the small kid saying something. He absorbed some of the blood: her blood, off of the floor. “Yeah, I do. Drink up kid, don’t let it go to waste.”

On the floor was a number of different packaged medical items: pills and syringes and gauze and bandages, mostly: as well as a bunch of devices she didn’t have a clue how to use. She grabbed the bandage first and tried to use it: but quickly discarded it when she discovered how difficult it was to bandage up anything with one hand. She grabbed the gauze next, pushing it against some of the more profusely bleeding wounds. They stuck to her skin and started to stain red with blood flow. She didn’t have too long before she’d probably go comatose from blood loss, if she didn’t hurry up.

Touching her side had hurt though, she grabbed a package of painkillers next, ripping them open with her teeth and downing the pills. She grabbed the package from the second med kit, silently thanking whoever had left it for her, and downed the second lot of pills.

She applied more gauze to her wounds, covering most of the wounds that were on her chest and slowing the bloodloss. The last part was the most vexing: Needles. She had been working through all the checks that Col. Black had told her to do, should you get shot “Stop the bleeding, inject the coagulation injection, and take painkillers.” Black would have to forgive her for screwing up the order, this time.

She ripped open the packaged syringe with her teeth again, and lined up the needle with the artery on her neck. One advantage of being a murderous bitch was that she knew human anatomy well. She stabbed the needle into her neck, face scrunching up in pain as she looked at Abimael. “Hey kid, if I fall asleep, can you make sure to wake me up?”

Now, having patched herself up well enough, Kiku was resolved to get a bit of redemption. She didn’t like being a damsel in distress, and she didn’t like getting shot. Her first action was to reach for the ammo of her rifle and slide it over to Kai. He could use it more than her: although she kept the pistol for a dire situation.

Then she grabbed the other bundle of fun that every soldier came with: A small green pineapple. “Hey, Fancy lady!” She was shouting in Alyss’ direction, hoping to get her attention as she lifted the pin of the grenade to her teeth: yanking at the pin. “Hope you play Baseball!”

Then she threw the grenade in Alyss’ direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

"Have the peace the world denied you." --Brucey, Page 1.

(NOTE: Post was written quickly before having to move out July 1st. If there are errors it may take me a couple days to address them due to intermittent internet access until July 4th or 5th, if any at all. Thank you for your understanding.)
Central Apartments

The next few seconds would prove key to getting out of this situation alive. Thus, here it started.

Kai's grenade sailed threw the air and without any ability to duck for cover, the medium armoured U-ARM agent hid behind the heavily armoured one, whom brought his arms over his waist and went down onto his knees, bowing his head. The grenade explodes, and the shrapnel has utterly no effect on him, though a howl of pain would make it clear that the medium armoured one had been injured in some way.

Kiku's grenade toss was noticed by Alyss and with reflexes that could only be described as supernatural, catches and throws the live grenade at the enemy. The second grenade lands behind the heavily armoured U-ARM soldier. "AMERICA FORGIVE M--" Is the last thing the medium armoured U-ARM soldier can scream before the grenade explodes at point blank, shredding his leg and putting several pieces of shrapnel into his chest and neck, killing him instantly.

Matthew's inaccurate spray of bullets doesn't seem to hit anything, perhaps he should try aiming.

Junko turns the corner to see a mechanical arm reach over the edge of the hole in the opposite wall. A head peeks out as she aims down her sights, a mechanical eye greets her sights and she squeezes the trigger, the round barely missing as the third U-ARM agent ducks the moment he notices the scope. Those were cybernetic implants: U-ARM wasn't supposed to have those, those were only a very recent technological discovery by Washington bunker, the specifics kept secret by the Council of ADAM. However, it was not all for naught. Retraining her sights on the heavily armoured soldier as he stood up she fired again. While the armour on his chest was a little thick to be punched through with bullets, her round managed to find its way through his left knee, blowing through the armour and shredding into the tissue and bone. Blood starts to seep through the newly made crack in his knee pad as he limps into a room on the right side, next to the one Kai, Kiku, and Abimael were located in.

The cybernetic soldier manages to quickly pull himself up and scrambled past his dead friend to a room on the left, next to the one Alyss was located in. They had a brief moment to either run or make a brave last stand. Abimael was absorbing the blood on the floor that Kiku had left in the room, and it almost seemed to empower him somewhat, make him look stronger. Kiku's work with the med kits completed, though the painkillers would make her feel woozy. Still, the spines on her back now tingled with caution looking at Abimael. She could almost sense that he had grown stronger, as could Kai detect this.

A voice crackles to live on their radios. It was Jenive. "Me, Matthew, Junko, and our mystery woman friend can cover Abimael's escape. Kai can help Kiku and Abimael out before U-ARM gets to do whatever it is they're planning." There was heavy breathing on the other end of the radio. Jenive's injury was causing her a great deal of pain. "Once you are all out of there, I can get Junko to safety with my jet pack, and our... Mystery woman... Has her own." She takes a deep breath. "Ready..." Alyss seems to ponder the plan for a moment before nodding in agreement with it, motioning for Kai to help Kiku up and out into the hallway while she quickly reloaded her pistols.

With any luck, they would all get out alive. Maybe.
South West

Liam follows Brucey's plan to the letter, as does Nathaniel. Despite the conflicting orders it seemed to be absolutely no concern for the biologist to leave the potential biological samples behind. Perhaps he already had his own, or he didn't think it was worth the risk. Either way, Annie ran after Nathaniel, as the wolf atop the APC leaped for the torso of Daniel's mech, having been largely unaffected by the low calibre rounds of the pistol. With his compatriots fleeing and his attention focused on attempting to coat the area the Alpha had been in, in flame, he found himself at the mercy of the wolf's merciless assault of claws and fangs. As a claw manages to finally rip through the heavy armour into his cockpit, inches away from his chest, a laser blast knocks the wolf off the top of the APC with such force so as to rip it from its claw, orange liquid splattering the consoles inside the mech and Daniel himself. Presumable, he reached for his gas mask to prevent death, which left only one sound in his ears. A dreaded one for every pilot.

"Pilot chamber compromised, console damage detect, reactor compromised, reaching critical mass. Pilot must eject."

Daniel's attempt to radio Donovan yielded nothing but static. How unfortunate that the fog still seemed to retain its anti-radio quality.

The laser shot from Marvin was sufficient to save Daniel's life, but not the mech. Still. His HE missile read off as ready, and as more wolves descended from the top of the bio-tower, which had consumed almost half of the APC already, he had an easy shot at them to delay reinforcements, at least for a few seconds.

Brucey's sweeping pattern of fire, combined with covering fire from Liam, was sufficient to keep additional reinforcements at bay. Both Nathaniel and the Biologist as a result make it behind Brucey, though sufficiently far enough so as to prevent him from stepping on them.

Cannon shots from a tank start to pierce the fog as a static radio signal manages to come through in morse code. Loosely translated, it stated: "E-V-A-C-H-E-R-E-M-O-V-E-B-A-C-K", even Junko would be able to hear the sounds of a Chinook and a few vehicles moving onto the street in South West, just outside of the fog. Likely flat trucks for the mechs, and the Chinook for the soldiers. All they had to do was run.

Moving back they would also see the desecrated remains of a mech, along with a blood stain in a ripped open cockpit. Sam was dead, and his mech beyond salvageable.
South East

Derek nods in agreement with the plan, though his movements belied uncertainty. He was a pilot, not a grunt. This was not his forté by any stretch of the imagination, even as he accepted the pistol and moved up to the third floor with everyone else. James' thermal scope would spot two figures moving towards the staircase, both running, though one carried a large, strange weapon, likely the chainsword, and the other carried a shotgun. Morai bursts out from around a corner, looking at the trio holding at the staircase he immediately jumps towards them, and lands on his back, remaining on his back so they could have a clear shot. The mutant turns the corner and immediately receives several pellets from the shotgun to its knees, slowing it down immensely as every conceivable manner of pain rained from James, Peter, and Derek over Morai's head and into the creature. It took almost fourty rounds before it finally fell onto its knees. Even then, as they all ran out of ammo in their clips, it wasn't dead. It did however seem at least incapacitated while it regenerated, orange liquid bleeding out of the several holes in its barely recognizable female form.

Morai scrambles back up to his feet and moves for the trio, panting as he does. The med kit work from earlier was keeping him on his feet, but no amount of med kits could make up for the wizened look beneath his eyes, or the beginnings of gray forming in his hair. While he wasn't elderly, he sure wasn't young anymore. He looks at James and manages an exhausted chuckle. "Maybe... I should take... My own advice... More often."

Peter would spot a few of the white humanoids ascending the stairs to the third floor at that point. He still had enough ammo to gun one down, though two more quickly took its place. Derek stood up and backed partway up to the fourth floor as he fired every round in his pistol and started reloading. "Hey y'all don't know 'bout you but we should get a move on 'fore those fucks make me join in their little shit parade!"

Meanwhile, Georgia and Carolyn were quickly working on an explosive. A few giggles between them, and Georgia produced forth an explosive with a small christmas light on it. "SPARKLY PLUG!" She yelled into the radio as Carolyn snatched it from her. "Explosive is ready, we can get out anytime now."
South East: Sewers

Adam nods in response to Eira's softness. He takes the pistol offered and checks to make sure it's armed, though his inexperience with firearms showed immediately. He knew the basics, nothing more. "A pleasure." He responds as Roman introduces himself, Adam repeating himself to Roman as well. He took his position in the middle as requested. Roman's radio attempt got a response, from a politician... Ryan Dufont, the council member of ADAM who ruled over Bunker Chicago, responded. "This is Ryan, all of our local air-power is focused on others asking for help, however, if you can get through the sewer system, you'll reach an underground outpost of ours. From there we can easily get you home. Set one of your radios to frequency..." The sounds of papers being flipped through could be clearly heard through the radio. From the sounds of it, he had a lot of them on hand. "... One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. You will hear a light buzzing noise. The louder it is, the closer you are. It should be... South, generally. Once at the outpost you'll be taken above ground and driven here... That is all." Ryan then cuts out the transmission, leaving them there to figure out what to do.

Adam looked around the sewer they were in. Presently it only went south, though a couple hundred meters in the distance, it looked like it split off south-east and south-west. Above them was, of course the sewer grate they had came from. Behind them, the sewer line devolved into a clusterfuck of bio-tendrils and other such incomprehensible monstrosities a mere half a kilometer away. It seemed to pulse and whisper, though for the two non-mutants, it didn't really mean anything beyond the fact that it was unearthly. "Alright... Well." Adam says as he clears his throat, neither his gas mask or voice giving away his emotional state of mind. "If it's... Generally south... Ahhh... South west? Anyone want to try that? I've never heard of a sewer outpost before."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eira. South-East sewers.
Mech pilot: Two pistols and backpack.

Watching as Caville fumbled with the pistol and Roman passed her his own, Eira reconsidered their choices of armament. Though she herself had little skill when it came to plain old human combat shooting, she felt like maybe the man would feel better with something a little less tactical. Unslinging the rifle, she checked to see that it was ready for use and switched it with the pistol she had just passed over. "Here, take this. Take a little less aiming and a little more praying, if you know what I mean."

Eira now held one pistol in each hand, both armed for combat. She'd already received decent training in the art of dual-wielding with Mercy, and only hoped it wouldn't be too hard to translate those same talents over to these far smaller and far less powerful guns.

Now that they were in the sewers and Mercy was naught but a big hunk of scrap metal above them, the young trainee was feeling far more anxious. It was one thing to be attacked when in a giant metal suit of armour, and another entirely when all you had was soft human flesh. I hope Roman knows how to handle himself down here, because us pilots sure don't.

At least there was some hope of salvation, if a bit uncertain in where it was to be found. Two more paths to take, another decision. "They look pretty much the same to me," muttered Eira. "Lead the way, Roman." She would follow him whichever way he took, and make sure neither she nor Caville fell behind or strayed. But at the same time, she made sure to glance behind her as often as not, making sure nothing was stalking them from the biomass north of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

Banned Offline since relaunch

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kiku-Central Apartments

In truth, Kiku didn’t much know how successful her little plan for vengeance had been. She saw that the Ninja-lady was as much of a ninja as she’d expected, because the grenade went soaring towards the bad guys. After that, things just started to get a little hazy. Perhaps it was the blood loss, or the pain, or perhaps it was the fact she’d just downed two medkits full of painkillers, but things started to seem a little…distant.

The world took on different shades as she watched Abimael continue to “drink” the last remnants of her blood, which now danced between scarlet and orange and sometimes an odd shade of blue. She was glad that things didn’t hurt anymore, but for some reason, she was unbelievably hungry. She tried to move her arms, but felt herself lacking the strength in one arm and lacking any feeling at all in the other. She should probably be a bit more worried about that…

…Just like she should be worried that the sword guy was pointing a gun at her. She opened her mouth to say something, anything really. Just a ‘Please don’t shoot me’ or a ‘I’m not the one you wanna kill.’ All that came out was a slight whimper of pain. She was too doped up to speak and just trying to force her lungs to make words was agony. She didn’t know what organs were shot, but her lungs were hurting from the laboured breaths, more than anything.

The gun was put away though, and suddenly she was hoisted onto the stranger’s shoulders. The sound of a pistol clattering against the floor would have been evident, as Kiku was disarmed by her own inability to do much of anything. She was spent, all she had left was a couple daggers now, and another grenade, but she doubted she’d be popular if that was her choice again. Once lucky, twice stupid and all that.

On Kai’s shoulders, she didn’t move. Didn’t even say much, either. The coagulants had done their job and she wasn’t bleeding very much anymore, so at least she wasn’t a messy load, as much as she was just a mess.

Thoughts drifted away from the Shadow Zone, and the fact she’d been shot. Instead she tried to pick at some happy memories, something worth remembering…She came up blank, so instead she focused on the kills and the sex and the other things that made her feel alive. She could do with feeling alive right now.
Daniel Anders-South West

He’d made a mistake.

All of this time, all of the mission objectives prior, all of the risks he’d taken to try and keep people safe, and this was when he got punished for it.

He was a trained pilot, and thankfully he didn’t have any particular attachment to his Mech. Some people got so obsessed with the suits they occupied that they couldn’t decouple themselves from them. Thankfully, Daniel was not that sort of pilot.

It took him all of three seconds to eject himself via the escape hatch. One big red button, followed by ripping the Rosario from the dashboard and Daniel was leaping from the mech and sprinting towards the cavalry. He was saddened by the loss of the Chainsword engine, and he felt the odd ‘squelch’ of something fleshy under the soles of his feet, but he didn’t have time to stop and see what it was. Instead, he reached towards his sidearm and his Grenades. Yanking the pin off one without breaking his side, he lobbed it behind him without stopping or even looking were it landed. If it slowed down a wolf or two, he’d be glad for the use.

After that, he just ran. Ran like the devil was at his back and ran like his steps would carry him into salvation: because that’s what they were doing. The difference being that ‘Salvation’ was not being killed by a bunch of mutant dogs and living to get his ass chewed by the Asian doctor for fucking up at the last moment.

Although if that Heathen Brucie gave him jip after all the fuck ups that Daniel had to endure before this, he would likely plant a foot upside the Australian’s head. No time for that bullshit, thank you very much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GourmetItalia
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

South East - Peter Táo

The previous minutes fell into something of a whirlwind, yet the F.A.S. Trooper's gaze remained fixated upon the most pressing threats. Any hesitations would have instantly cost precious time; a precious commodity they sorely lacked and as the chainsword wielding mutant fell, the specialist immediately swung towards the approaching, stairwell-climbing mutants. His finger squeezed the trigger as his aim pointed towards what appeared to be legs. Disgusting as all hell as he thought as he emptied his rounds into an unfortunate mutant. Regrettably, that still left the remaining mutants and their advancing positions screamed of a mortal close-quarters encounter, something Peter earnestly wished to avoid.

“Come on you three, we really gotta fucking move,” Peter shouted as he rammed a fresh clip into his rifle, “We can't stay here and I've still got visuals on freddy-mutes moving up the stairwells! Fire and maneuver if you have to!”

Steadily, the Washington native rose and proceeded to climb the stairwell as he eyed both the chain-sword and nearing mutants. For a moment, time seemed to slow as he attempted to carefully advance above and past James whilst swivel aiming down his rifle sights. As he climbed, his vision narrowed upon the advancing mutants before his finger once again wrapped around the trigger ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Central Apartment Complex

Junko Heizen

Bullets came from the opposite side of the hall, splattering everywhere and hitting nothing. It was that man she almost shot for an enemy before. Perfect, another person to throw bullets at the enemy. Another gun was another gun, regardless of competence, and he could just make the difference, even if he was just serving as bait while she lined up a shot.

She exhaled, pausing a moment as she lined up a shot down the corridor. A third head popped out of the hole, his mechanical eye meeting her gaze like a rabbit caught in a spotlight. Vladimir jerked backwards as she pulled the trigger, ejecting the spent bullet case with a soft ting. Mr Rabbit went down his hole, perhaps expecting her to shoot, or just by pure reflex, avoiding her shot. And if she wasn't mistaken, he had some sort of implants on him.

Another shot, Vladimir again barking out another piece of metal, this time tearing into the armored man's knees. He would have been very troublesome, until he took a bullet to the knee. He was still armed however, and she had no desire to waltz in front of someone still capable of shooting his gun.

With her magazine spent, she ducked back into the room, ejecting the spent magazine as she did so. There was a droning sound coming from somewhere south of them, but she can't really tell what it was. Evac choppers? Enemy reinforcements? The brass parade? Not that she had the time or luxury to think about such things with U-Arms down the corridor.

Jenive's voice came through the radio, sounding a bit... pained. Was she caught in the first barrage of fire?

"Me, Matthew, Junko, and our mystery woman friend can cover Abimael's escape. Kai can help Kiku and Abimael out before U-ARM gets to do whatever it is they're planning." Junko could clearly hear her breathing heavily through the radio.

Her magazine slipped into place with a soft click. Having reloaded her gun, she picked up the chainsword and shoved it through her rear pouch's straps, using it as a makeshift harness for the weapon. Not exactly ideal, but it does free her hands for her rifle.

"Once you are all out of there, I can get Junko to safety with my jet pack, and our... Mystery woman... Has her own. Ready..."


Junko ducked out of the doorframe again, training her sights down the corridor, ready to shoot anything that looks even slightly threatening, be it an arm or another leg, from where she saw the armored U-Arm soldier limped into.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James - South East Sector

James fired the last remaining rounds in his clip at the approaching mutants as he tried to cover Peter's fighting withdrawal. The plan seemed to be relatively simple. Leap frog while moving back a few meters to the stairs as the other person covered you. Then once you moved a little you would turn back and provide cover for the other person. As he fired, James yelled "Sergeant! Get up the stairs and cover us as we get up the stairs. They're going to be right on our asses. So, that shotgun is going to come in handy. Captain, go upstairs and please coordinate the evacuation. We'll try to hold the stairs for as long as possible." Then James' gun ran out of ammo. He yelled "Reloading!" as he began to reload while moving back towards the stairs. Once he reloaded, he decided that right now was probably the most critical point in this mission for him. That was when he pulled a grenade from his vest, pulled the pin out, and threw it at the approaching mutants. With a quick dive to the back of the stairs, James yelled "Fire in the hole!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Brucey - South-West Sector

Bruce flicked over the song as he continued the sweeping retreat. "Fall back. Churchy, follow sensible orders next time," Bruce barked. Gone was the joviality and even sometime madness that seemed to be everpresent with the Aussie. Now he'd gone back to cold crisp and clear tone all to familiar to anyone with military service, "We'll discuss it later." Bruce said as he kept up his sweeping fire pattern as he began to advance rearwards more quickly, working to keep from favouring the damaged leg, the limping-lurching motion annoying as he watched the rear sensors for any obstacles.

Bruce watched the tank rounds come out of the fog and hit and clicked his mic in morse code.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

South-East Block - Georgia

Georgia licks her lips, black eyes almost flaring with colour with the blinking light of the rigged sparkly plug. "Go, go, go. I got this," she shivers and holds the sparkly plug in her hands, getting ready to set it for a delayed explosion. "I'm fast, really fast right now. Can set and run." She beams and grabs the radio, announcing over the line to those defending, "Incoming sparkly plug behind y'all. Once I get it set, run 'cuz its gonna be Christmas." She seems rather chipper at the thought of giving these other mutants a present. A present of the best kind. Bright lights and loud bangs. With that, she gives Carolyn a big hug before darting off to set the bomb.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

South-West Block - Nathaniel

There was nothing left to do but keep on running toward the promised evacuation, so Nathaniel did just that. He had to fight off a feeling of elation. They were not safe yet, despite the promise of rescue beyond the fog, but he was already wanting to celebrate. He'd taken the first steps onto the path of his destiny, and the biologist following behind him was apparently key to that. Perhaps Annie had learned something or found some sample or artifact that would guide him forward. Nathaniel would have to talk to the scientist later to figure out how he fit into the grand scheme of awakening divinity.

Whatever the case may be, he had to fight himself to stay vigilant and focused on the task at hand. Nathaniel kept his pistol ready in case of nasty surprises from the fog, but he hoped it would not be necessary. He made sure to keep out of the way of the tank fire and anything his allies might be shooting, and he glanced back regularly to make sure Annie was keeping up, but other than that he just kept on running, heading for the Chinook he could hear waiting there to pick them up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 30 days ago

Central Apartment Blocks

Matthew noted that the bullets exchange was over as soon as it started. It was good news for him as he disliked the position where he can't take shots without being detected and shot at. Nevertheless, it looked like he had to continue if what the U-ARM plan involved demolishing the building he's in.

"Me, Matthew, Junko, and our mystery woman friend can cover Abimael's escape. Kai can help Kiku and Abimael out before U-ARM gets to do whatever it is they're planning," one of the women said through their radio. Was she in shock or something?

Matthew checked the bullets amount in his current magazine, replacing it with a new magazine if there were left than 5 bullets left in it.

"Once you are all out of there, I can get Junko to safety with my jet pack, and our... Mystery woman... Has her own. Ready..."

"Alright," he responded as he trained his rifle down the hall and back for any sign of U-ARM.
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