Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Mikhail, he was one of the few to hear Walker's telepathic speech. As far as Walker was concerned, he was one of those who trusted him, had faith. Saw past the weakness and the blood flowing in rivers and saw Walker's true talent...at least, he liked to think Mikhail saw it. Best damn tracker in the muttpack, doesn't matter who else takes that role for themselves because they are "BIG UNT STRONK" enough to actually kill what they find. Walker sees it first. Human and wolf, Walker always sees it first and puts the clues together.

Mikhail has the patience to listen to Walker, and he has the sense to take Walker's observations into consideration. As a reward of sorts, Mikhail is able to hear Walker's warnings first and can choose to warn the others if he felt like it because, to be frank, Walker didn't. He always got so...angry, so angry, as a wolf. A dim voice in Walker's head told him he'd be better come the morning, but he felt like someone was stomping on his foot constantly and laughing in his face.

Walker peered at Mikhail steadily as he asked again why Walker fought the change. And Walker's voice came out into Mikhail's mind, clear and calm and sorrowful, a smooth mixture of English tones that always carried a weariness and grief in their syllables. "Again, Mikhail...I fight it because it ruined me. We claw over our body and leave marks of our disgust with each other on our flesh. I've told you once, I'll tell you again...I'm sitting on the back of a monster, and tonight I lost grip of the reins."

Mikhail offered to hunt. Again, he probably saw the rabbit meat on his paws and knew the answer, but he tried anyways. He said something that intrigued Walker a little. The others see him as family? Walker hardly ever sticks close to the muttpack unless they approach him, but..they still love him like a brother? Walker wondered if it was true.

Mikhail left Walker to ponder over it. He crashed into the bushes and howled, going wolf just as Haven's voice started to approach Walker's head - and was cut out just as quickly. A wall of silence, a clear signal that Walker would not talk, and a gut instinct in Haven that says Walker didn't hear her. Walker shuddered in pain. He felt the hot blood on his shoulders, still oozing, still running. Walker pondered for a bit.

A few minutes later, Walker's dark coat melted into view a few metres away from the muttpack, his sad amber eyes calmly observerving the introduction of Niall to the muttpack, and Mikhail rallying the pack for a hunt. This was rare, really rare, for Walker to approach his muttpack as a wolf.

For some, especially the younger ones, this may be a pleasant surprise as it's common knowledge that Walker is constantly worried his 'lone wolf' attitude is alienating him from the muttpack. He doesn't talk about it, but it's clear by the way he tries to fight out of his shell every so often to prove he still likes the muttpack - moments like this one, for example.

Walker shifted his weight awkwardly and dipped his head. He trembled a little, his tail brushing between his legs (Walker wasn't good at hiding his emotions as a wolf) before the thick wall of silence lifted.

For the first time, Walker let everyone save for Niall into his head to talk to him telepathically. He waited nervously for insults and threats whilst hoping for words of encouragement and happy greetings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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((Pathfinder, I'm going to have Luca lose the little race. It will lead to some fun shenanigans later))

Luca trotted through the forest at full speed, towards the sound and the smell of her muttpack mates. She could tell Garret was right behind her, quite literally at her tail. Her endurance was quickly running out, but the desire to not wash the dishes tonight made Luca move along as quickly as she could. She could see the pack in the distance, and sped up. This would prove to be an unwise decision, as her speeding up caused her to quickly loose steam and speed. Garrett ended up winning by about half a body length. Dang. Dishes duty.

Luca layed down on the forest floor, panting and overworked from her sprinting race with Garret. However as soon as Mikhail made himself known to the group Luca was immediately back up to her feet, tail wagging and back arching excitedly. If Garett was Luca's self proclaimed 'mother' of the group then Mikhail was obviously the father. He was the founder of the little group of ragtag mutts, and in Luca's eyes he was the leader as well. She knew the point of the mutt gang was to prevent one person from rising in power, but Luca still admired Mikhail's leadership qualities. She also trusted him greatly, he was a good man to get even back when she was a dangerous and violent mutt.

She leapt about for a few moments, her tail swishing happily. “Hunting! Hunting! Hunting! I'm so excited! I'm starving!” Her voice was full of childish joy. Hunting was one of the greatest parts of being a wolf, and it kept any violent tendencies at bay.

But then a strange new wolf was introduced to the pack. Luca immediately settled down, quickly keeping behind Garrett. Luca was extremely distrustful of new wolves, especially male wolves who looked rather strong. Even if he was related to a member of the pack, she still didn't like the look of him.

Then a new smell filled her nose, blood. But not only that. It was the blood of a rabbit mixed with the smells of a friend. Walker. It smelt like he had just eaten, which Luca couldn't help but be a bit jealous of. But she couldn't blame him, or stay mad, there were many times Luca went off to hunt without her pack mates. “Walker! Walker!” Her voice was back and excited as ever. “Hurry Walker! We are gonna start a hunt soon!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

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Rhyle was startled to see a new wolf approach everyone else and her ears twitched forwards in curiosity. She wasn't really very wary when it came to new wolves, she was self confident in her speed and in her agility and in her judge of character. Even if she didn't know enough about Niall to actually judge him just yet she knew enough about Svan to know she'd take very little nonsense and she trusted her... So, the fact that she was irritated but not outright aggressive meant that Rhyle wasn't all that concerned. Still, it wasn't her place to admit new people... not that anyone really had a PLACE but she didn't feel comfortable stepping on Mikhail's toes... He intimidated her a bit with his unshakable calm. Still, she greeted the stranger.

Nice to meet you... I'm Rhyle.

She bumped her shoulder against Leo's, This is Leo...

She would let everyone else introduce themselves in the meantime she sniffed the air and, having grown impatient with politics of the group, she flicked her ears again, hearing someone else approach and catching the familiar scent.

She perked up as Walker slinked into view, looking like he expected to be pounced upon. She seated herself and cocked her head at him, It's good to see you Walker. You gonna track for us tonight?


Mikhail watched as Niall stepped into view and greeted Svan, his stance remained relaxed though he watched the new wolf closely and took in the way he moved and carried himself... You could tell much by another's character this way, or so Mikhail felt. As the stranger greeted the rest of them Mikhail listened to Rhyle's happy welcome and then responded as well.

Welcome stranger... I fear these are hard times you come to us in. As Svan's brother you've the benefit of the doubt but if you plan to stay with us for a time, I should like to explain these things to you... At a later date of course, the others are desperate for a hunt... You are welcome to join us, if it is alright with Svan.

He watched as the others greeted Walker and would have been smiling if he'd been able, it was a wolfish grin rather than one of approval... but it was all he could manage in this form.

Thank you for coming Walker... it is good to see you among the group. As my... As Rhyle has said, would you like to track for us tonight?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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Garret was running right behind Luca as the pair raced to the others. The race was friendly, intense, and fun however Garret was losing. Luca was always a better runner than has as she could always attest but lacked stamina and Garret would always win in the distance races. However she seemed to be keeping a steady lead as the two plowed through the forest towards their destination. As the pair reached their destination, Garret made an inward sigh as he resigned himself to dish duty but couldn't help but feel a little proud seeing her go. It was actually a little disappointing to see him win when she tripped herself up on the final stretch.

Seeing as she gave a valiant effort, Garret decided to giver her a little help with the dishes. What could he say? He was a softy. As he panted in place from their race, Garret made a silent nod of greeting to the others as he regained his breath. Sitting down on his haunches, Garret took stock of everyone present. Heaven, Rhyle, Svan, Leo, and Mikhail. All present and accounted for except for Ivan and a new addition to the pack, it felt good for him to be surrounded by the closest thing to a family he had. No, they ARE his family and he would be damned than to insinuate otherwise. Giving a happy bark at Luca's antics as she jumped about in excitement, Garret was about to go and calm the young girl down when a newcomer made himself known.

As Luca put herself behind him, Garret went full "mom mode" and put forth an aggressive stance. Heckles raised, ears forward, legs stiff, and a snarl plastered on his face. Garret was the very image of a protective parent. Giving a low growl, Garret put himself more firmly between the new guy and Luca before everyone else started making friendly. With Mikhail and Rhyle being friendly towards the new guy, Garret relaxed a bit but didn't the stance completely. While he trusted their judgment on these kind of things he didn't trust this guy, maybe given time he could but for now he would remain at arms length.

Sensing some movement, Garret was expecting the entrance of Ivan and the newbie but was pleasantly surprised to see instead Walker breaking through the bushes. A little tense, Garret said "Howdy Walker, don't see ya very often wolfed out. Its good to see ya man."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Leo kept staring at Niall, his body still rigged. He heard Rhyle speak to him, introducing herself as well as him. He looked at her as she bumped his shoulder. He returned the favour and bumped her shoulder as well. He listened as the others introduced themselves, no longer needing to do so and looked at Mikhail. The man, or wolf, greeted the stranger kindly and offered for him to join the group on their hunt as well as allowing him to stick around. Leo supposed this was where Mikhail and his father made a good mix. His father would be less accepting of the stranger and wary of him around the others but would take him in. Mikhail would make him feel welcome and Ivan would make him feel like at anytime he could rip his throat out.... Leo didn't fully understand how the two men managed to become friends....

His attention was drawn by Walker's arrival. He looked at the wolf and merely nodded his head, not saying anything, knowing well that he did not like the telepathic link they all shared. He turned his head to the group as his father and sister arrived. Ivan looked over the group, So, this is why we are introducing ourselves.... Ivan looked calm but Leo could see himself preparing for an attack or to attack. His dad seemed to always be on edge. He glanced at his sister. She shared the same black fur of himself and his father. She seemed to be staring directly at him, which unnerved him.

Ivan looked at his daughter, speaking to her alone, Natalia, this is my... family, He felt as though those were the wrong words to use. His family was Leo, Natalia and, at one time, Abigail. Natalia could very well act negatively toward the word. However, she seemed too hyped on the endorphins to even care. He looked to the rest and spoke, Well, everyone... This is my daughter, Natalia.

He then looked over to Walker and in a similar fashion to Leo, merely nodded. Respecting his dislike of telepathic communication.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cow Horse Chic

Cow Horse Chic

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Svan watched the others carefully, taking in each reaction to her brother. He was not one for respectful approaches generally, especially when it came to her. Mikhail was right, her brother had shown up at a very risky time but he was a good fighter and if he intended to stay and it came to that he would be beneficial to have around. She looked at her brother and spoke directly to him, blocking out the rest of the wolves present, 'You are not the cause of this mayhem following us are you?'

She flicked her ear towards the sounds in the bushes and as walker appeared she was a bit startled. He tended to stay away from their little group though he tagged along. He was like that odd cousin that lived far away that came in only on holidays to prove they still existed. She wished he wouldn't beat himself up over being a wolf. There was nothing that would stop it or cure the virus. It only made things worse to deny the wolf inside you. Being at odds with your wolf was not a good thing. Developing a peaceful harmony was the goal generally. 'Walker, it is good to see you joining us. Wolves aren't meant to hunt alone. That was about as encouraging as Svan got. She wasn't much on chatter or even nagging people. She was very reserved and polite for the most part.
Niall watched the others, particularly the one the most defensive males. Clearly no one had taught the females to protect themselves and that they were a hot commodity. In Europe males were dragging their daughters away from their mothers, changing them and then using them as bargaining chips in politics. He hadn't seen any of it on this continent yet but he was sure that it would come and when it did they would have to be fiercely guarded if they wanted to keep their freedom. That was one of the last things their father had done. He had changed Svan the moment he knew for sure it could be done and she would survive. She still bore the scars in her human form, a set of four scars two on either side of her shoulder where it meets her neck. He would never forget the horrible first time she had changed.

Svan had been the most blood thirsty creature he had ever seen. He figured now that it was from all the years her wolf had been locked inside her without being able to even communicate with her, tell her it wanted and needed to be let out. She had been nearly impossible to catch and hold down until she was calm enough to have some sense about her for what she was doing. If Svan was intelligent her wolf was a genius as far as evasion and stalking were concerned. One moment you could be stalking her and the next you would be laying on the ground.

When Mikhail spoke to him he understood immediately the situation, rumors of his sister were not the only rumors he had heard. 'I may be more wild than most but I am not without restraint. Your problem is a rogue, not a nomad from Europe. I don't intend to stay unless my sister wishes that I do so, I will however join you in your hunt tonight. Lead the way.' He did not answer his sister, his answer to Mikhail would serve well enough for her too. He had nothing to hide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Haven had felt her message to Walker go unreceived, but she didn’t mind. It was hard for her to get down as she always saw the brighter side of life and was too naïve to know any different. She introduced herself to both newbies as they approached, giving a happy bark to Niall and then again to Natalia. She was happy to have them. More friends so who wouldn’t be happy? She still had a silly tongue hanging grin on her face when Walker approached, making their group complete and quite large. Come on Grampa, hunting time she teased once more, prancing happily as if there were no tension at all around any of the wolves near her. One two three ready set go! she sent out to all of them, darting out as she saw movement nearby. It was just a butterfly though, but that didn’t stop Haven from trying to nip at it in the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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The look of Walker's surprise clearly told the pack how unexpected the welcome was. He revelled in it, lifting his head up with pride, content solely with the fact that his pack -did- respect him after all. Even Svan made a semi-accepting comment, and that was all Walker could really ask for of the she-wolf. However, it was Mikhail's words that really made Walker's day - he felt as if his chest was going to burst. It was, by far, one of the happiest moments in Walker's life as a werewolf.

Aaaand then he spotted Niall and Natalia.

His head lowered down and his lip twitched involuntarily, briefly revealing his teeth. There was no growl, but his hackles raised and his body tensed up. Despite the silence from Walker (It was one thing for Walker to open up his telepathic barrier, but it was foolish to even think that Walker would reply) his body language did the talking for him. Never before had there been a clearer demonstration of "I don't trust you and stay the hell away from me" stance, but then again, what else would you expect from Walker?

At the very least, however, he trusted Ivan and Mikhail, two of the strongest, to keep these new ones off his tail. Briefly, he dipped his head in subtle apology to Ivan for getting all uppity about his daughter, hoping that he'd understand that it was natural for Walker to assume the worst possible outcome and prepare for it instead of getting caught unaware.

As a show of respect for the muttpack's decision and to avoid any further conflict, Walker inhaled deeply, a myriad of scents becoming separate and categorized into different animals in the recesses of Walker's mind. He opened his amber eyes and surveyed the surroundings, completely ignoring the muttpack, and picked it out - some upturned dirt, a few broken twigs, perhaps three metres away from where Walker stood.

Walker flicked his tail - he found the muttpack's prey for the evening, and expected them to follow him if they wanted a meal. Walker trotted off, passing the hoofprint of what appears to be a large buck judging by the depth of the print and the distance between each track.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

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Mikhail's gaze softened on Natalia, she was obviously still quite new to the Change.

Welcome Natalia, we will give you a proper welcome after the hunt...

He noticed Walker's reaction when he noticed Niall and Natalia, but the other wolf settled down a bit once he saw that Natalia was Ivan's daughter and that Niall was going to be kept an eye on even if they were accepting him into the hunt. Also, despite what Niall might think, Mikhail did not take risks when it came to his pack... and he knew well how 'useful' female wolves could be. For this reason he did not plan to let any of the females run without a male, he knew Ivan wouldn't allow Natalia to run alone with a stranger in their midst.

Luca, you will team with Garret. Rhyle, you are with me. Leo, you are with Haven. Ivan, I know you'll take Natalia. Svan, I do not wish to push but please... As much as I wish to welcome your brother with the circumstances as they are... Please team with him tonight. Let's go, Walker has a scent.


Rhyle gave a wolfish groan when her father paired them together, however she did understand why. As the pack took off after Walker, she remained at his side... sniffing the air. She knew Walker or Svan would probably see the deer first and then the fastest would take off to chase it and drive it towards the stronger members and distract it by nipping at its legs. The stronger members would then be the ones to break off and run in the shadows to take the prey down once it was driven towards them. It was a very efficient way to hunt and they'd managed taking down a bear before due to the size of their pack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Ivan stepped in between Walker and Natalia, who was looking around at the group curiously. He didn't growl but he didn't give Walker a too amused look. A moment later, Walker dipped in apology and Ivan appeared to relax, only slightly. He watched the wolf caught a scent and started in the direction of the prey. He looked at Mikhail and nodded at him when he started pairing them, leaving him with his daughter. He turned and looked at his daughter, who seemed a little wide eyed. He hadn't spoken to her through their link since she changed, he guessed hearing someone else's voice it in her head was a little shocking.

He gave her a wolfish grin, Come along, Natashka.

She followed him without arguing about what her name was or wasn't. He ran at a slow pace, following in behind Walker. He would probably end up hanging back this hunt, allowing Natalia to watch over actually partake. He would have to teach her to properly hunt on a time that would not lose the family their dinner.
Leo chuckled and nipped lightly at Rhyle, Daddy wants to protect his little princess, he teased her before he trotted off in the direction that Haven chased a butterfly in. When he caught up to her, he jumped in front of her and bumped her with the top of his head, This way, Haven, he smiled at her, with a wolfish grin. He started to lead her in the direction that the others head, I see you are quite excited for this hunt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Haven barely noticed Walker’s reaction to everyone or him catching a scent and starting to follow it. She wasn’t paying attention until Mikhail’s voice entered her mind and said she was paired with Leo for the hunt. She had no problem with it, seeing as how she got along with everyone in the pack as far as she knew. She was still slightly distracted by the butterfly, darn bugger kept flitting out of reach, when Leo headbutted her lightly but got her attention. She smiled sheepishly and nodded as she trotted alongside him, knowing because of her they were probably bringing up the rear. Yeppers! I was alone most of the day so seeing you guys and being able to be in wolf form well, it just makes me excited, she said, the upbeat attitude clear in her voice as she looked around, glancing back to Leo every now and again so she didn’t get so distracted she wandered off from him. Growing up with hardly any socialization had led her to always get so excited when other people were around. When she was little she would even shake slightly. Kind of like a puppy she thought amusedly to herself. She hated being alone since she had met the pack, but everyone had been kind of busy earlier today when she hadn’t had any plans. When she was alone without any plans sometimes she fell back into wanting to turn to other things to occupy her time that weren’t good for her. That’s why the pack was almost like a crutch for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Luca showed visible excitement when she was paired with Garrett. She hopped up slightly, her tail wagging. She walked with a skip to her step as she walked over to Garrett. She nudged his shoulder with hers, practically the wolf version of a fist-bump, with a wolfish grin. She was quite glad to be paired with Garrett. Their strengths covered each others weaknesses and their personalities meshed well together. Garrett was strong and Luca was agile. She had fast nips and he took large chomps. And with total trust for the older wolf this was likely to be a successful hunt. Luca silently reminded herself to thank Mikhail once they were fed and human again. She also gave out a soft chuckle when she heard Leo's teasing towards Rhyle, having to pair with the father of the group. Luca saw Mikhail as a father to her as well, since she really didn't have a dad anymore. But it must be tough for Rhyle. Luca took a look up a Garrett before bumping his shoulder again and following the scent.
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