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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThreeDawgFO3


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Trevor drew his Ka-bar from it's sheath, took a deep breath, and rushed the walker. The hideous creature wasn't able to let out a sound before it was tackled to the ground and took a combat knife through it's left eye socket, instantly putting the thing down. Trevor sighed in relief as he put the knife back into it's sheath, then felt a sting in his left palm. There was a semi-deep cut on it. "Damn... must have landed on some broken glass." He said out loud as he wrapped it in some cloth from his shirt.

Trevor had been travelling through the city for about 31 hours, and he decided that he should take a bit to rest and get his bearings, as well as try the radio again. The old survival radio had been looted from a survival store back home, and it was on it's last leg. It took a bit for it to turn on, and involved hitting it with a rock (Trevor isn't very tech savvy) and lots of cursing, but it finally started to work.

"If anybody is out there, please respond. This is a distress message sent out to all radios within 50 miles of this point. My name is Trevor Denton, and I'm a survivor, just like you. I repeat, if anybody is receiving this, please respond." He said into the beaten up radio.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Kylie hadn't even heard Hannah approached her from the back. It could have been another walker for all Kylie knew. She was still panicked, she could have died. She could have died and that would have been the end of her. She would have been bitten and eaten and whatever was left would stand up and the horrible cycle would continue.

If Oskar hadn't warned her or if she wasn't carrying a weapon she would have died. And for the first time in a long time she was truly scared. Raiders were different then zombies, sometimes humans could be reasoned with. And with a gunshot to the head at least the death would be fast. But all zombies want are to eat.

Kylie was shaken from her thoughts, literally, by Hannah shaking her shoulders. Kylie slowly got to her feet, listening to what Hannah said very carefully. She felt dizzy, from not only her hunger and exhaustion but now also her panic attack. At first Kylie was not going to verbally respond to Hannah, but figured confirming her understanding would only work with words.

“Yes ma'am...I understand.”

The sounds of the car starting was a sound almost foreign to her. She suddenly remembered when she used to drive, back before the world went to hell. She remembered driving her friends around town, going to the mall or just driving around for fun. She remembered complaining about gas prices. The price of gas didn't seem so bad now.

She looked over towards Hannah, her expression looked tried. She wiped away the tears on her face, leaving behind smudges of zombie remains. “I was able to find some medical supplies for Camella's leg.” Maybe things were picking up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Lily was doubled over in the dark forest, no longer verdant in the absence of luminosity. Night had fallen a while ago and the oppressive darkness was beginning to enshroud them. The only thing that kept it at bay was the small fire that the other raiders had huddled around whilst one kept his solitary guard of the 'bounty'.

Her legs, weak with the effort of walking for endless hours, shook dangerously under her weight. They felt like iron. Their captors had encouraged them to sleep but Lily could not stand the idea of being in an even more vulnerable position around these predators. They had overtly told her that she did not need to guard her private space so cautiously... for now. The raiders were apparently under strict demand to 'not spoil the goods', a phrase that made her feel sick.

She was a slave. A plaything. How did it come to this? Stuck in the middle of a dangerous forest, having to contend with sociopathic rapists on one hand and the unknown number of walkers present among the trees on the other hand. She and Samantha were truly stuck between a rock and a hard place, steadily being crushed by life-threatening harm from every direction.

Calliope had always wanted to join a group, she reflected. It was beyond terrible that, the moment they ended up staying with one for more than a few hours, they were both separated and enslaved. As if she wasn't afraid enough for her own safety, the thought of Calliope's predicament threatened to end her. She felt as if her lungs were constricting her breathing and that she would collapse every time her thoughts drifted off to her younger sister.

She was under the aegis of Levi, a man who had been completely fine with letting them get devoured by a herd of walkers so that he and his friends could escape. He was a vicious solipsist and someone undeserving of the forgiveness she had lent to him. This world had an extreme dearth of good people and an abundance of bad ones who would sacrifice thousands just to save themselves. He had probably already escaped, using her as some kind of bargaining chip or distraction. She would be left alone, trembling, crying for her sister to rescue her...

As vague visions of a possible rescue enraptured her mind, Samantha's face began to swim into her vision. Although her words seemed disembodied and her face blurry, Lily immediately snapped into an extreme state of alertness at the mention of a reunion with Calliope.

The next words, unfortunately, filled her with cold dread. Lily had survived this long without being confrontational; she didn't even know how it was possible for someone with her skill-set to help Samantha. Lily and Calliope had avoided groups because strangers could not be trusted. They had avoided guns because sound attracted walkers. They had avoided physical confrontations because the idea of either of them dying was unforgivable.

Everything that was happening went completely against her modus operandi. Would she have to kill for the first time? Their situation was unequivocally desperate, but how far would she be asked to go?

"OK." she finally whimpered, her light blue eyes wide and fearful, reflecting the crackling fire a few metres away from them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Hannah and Kylie moved back to the Humvee, and its engine burst to life in a series of splutters and heart-stopping chokes. After a few seconds, it settled, and started to idle.

“Ooah,” Hannah muttered. “About time we had some luck.”

The horde had reached the church however, and were yards away from the vehicle. Hannah wasted no time in letting rip with six well placed shots, taking out the walkers nearest them. With the time they’d bought, her and Kylie were able to scramble inside.

Camellia had been laid across the back seats, and she was going a deathly pale.

“Where to?” Oskar yelled.

“Don’t give too many fucks about that, Rennold. Hit the gas and get us out of here,” shot back Hannah. She then turned her attention to Camellia. “Fuck.”

Hannah could shoot walkers well enough, and order people around like your average TV drill sergeant, but first aid was not her strong suit. She looked at Kylie.

“Any idea how to use this stuff” She asked, pointing at the first aid kid. “Because if so, hop to it, Cam is running out of time”

The Humvee lurched forwards, knocking a pair of walkers to the ground, and then it banked hard right and flew on down the road. They were safe, for the time being, after what seemed like a life time of living on the edge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Kylie was glad to be off the road and into the Humvee. They actually seemed safe for once. The car was armored so the zombies couldn't get in, and the car was moving fast enough to out speed the pursuing zombies. It felt good to get off her feet for a moment as she settled into the seat, her eyes heavy. But now was not the time for a nap. Kylie looked over at Hannah with a worried expression. "I...uh...know a bit about first aid. I can see what I can do." Kylie had been hoping that Hannah knew what to do, being all bad ass and whatever. Kylie began to sort through the first aid kit. "I once worked as a life guard over the summer, so I could save some money for college." Kylie pulled a brown bottle out of the kit, reading the label to confirm that it was hydrogen peroxide. Once she was satisfied that it was hydrogen peroxide and not deadly poison or something, she began to unscrew the cap.

"And all of the lifeguards had to take a first aid class, mostly for CPR in case some kid choked on pool water." She began to drip a bit of the solution onto a wad of cotton. "I had to deal with a few scraped knees in my day, like when a pool goer slipped or ran too close to the pool." She sighed. "Okay Camella, this is going to sting, but I need you to hold still." She began to clean the wound, trying to keep Camella still. Once she was satisfied she began to unroll a roll of bandages. Kylie just hoped Camella wouldn't need stitches. She wrapped up Camella's leg very carefully before looking up at Hannah. "This is about as far as my medical knowledge goes, I'm not sure what to do about the bone."

This was a lot harder then treating skinned knees.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Scotsman
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The Scotsman

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Metro pondered the castle comment for a moment. "I guess you could. You fit the description anyway, and as any B-movie executive producer knows, as long as you look right for the part, you get the part. Sure, I'll be your knight! Are you thinking more Shrek or more Sir Lancelot though? Because I'm only taking the job if my ears don't look like trumpets. I'm suddenly realising Shrek and I share a lot of similarities. FYI, I am not Shrek," Metro point-of-factly stated. He remembered the Shrek Is Love Shrek is Life meme's from before the outbreak. Dan had loved them. Cate had not. Frequently she would get on at him for changing the computer screensaver from a topless Channing Tatum (God-dammit Cate) to the image of Shrek with the twisty neck. It would make him laugh for hours, and eventually Cate would storm out the room, tired of the poor quality jokes and puns. She would always come back though, trying to make him an adult but cracking a grin when she least needed to. "I think I'm definitely more of a Lancelot type," he muttered, broadening his shoulders and straightening his spine.

"Sure, sounds like a plan. Although I've already searched the place. Nothing worth grabbing. I notice there's only one sleeping bag though..." Metro joked, winking before he realised he was wearing a mask. However, the hearty laugh would indicate he was, in fact, just joking. "Do you know where you're going though? I don't have a compass anymore." Bashed against someone's head. "Lost my map." Had to stop the bleeding somehow. "No outdoors skills." Video games. "I'm counting on you here, Princess, because I ain't got a clue."

The thought of starting a little book club when he returned to Ellie made him grin. "I'll trade, okay, but if you mess up the corners I will cry. I hate ruined corners," he added as he took Poe's novel in his hands and flipped through the pages. "No pictures?" Metro put it next to Val.

Click! Screeeeeech! Metro grunted. Fresh air cooled the sweat. His hair plastered on his forehead made itching hard, so he ran his hands through it to move it away. Digging in with both hands, he scratched to his little heart's content until his forehead was relieved. For five days he had worn that helmet. This was the first time he had seen with normal vision in over a hundred and twenty hours. Metro rubbed behind his ears, under his eyes, just trying to get the feeling of dry sweat acting like a cast off his face. It was irritating. The cold air tickled his scalp, and the stench of perspiration floating from the mask could've hidden the scent of human flesh from any Zed. He finally pulled, rubbed, and scratched enough to feel reasonable.

Her hand floated out and held itself for a second, maybe infinity, before touching his face. It was like angels were caressing his very essence. Being alone meant exactly that, being alone. No-one had touched him in months uncountable, and now here was Ellie, making him feel as safe as he ever could. Being by yourself can cause damaging effects. A ferocious hatred of people, unusual habits and fetishes, quirky... quirks. For example, about four months since his last exposure to humanity, Metro discovered that if you sat on your hand for twenty minutes or so, and touched yourself, not necessarily in any sexual way, it would feel like some kind of celestial being was trying to comfort him, and trying to keep his hopes up. But it was a lone man stroking his face because everyone was dead. Everyone. But here, now, in the present, his lip trembled, but his eyes remained unflinching. He registered Ellie's words. “Maybe it would be safer if you were though,” he replied, not trying to push her away, but in this moment, all he desperately ever wanted was for her to live long beyond this nightmare, get old, fat, smell of freshly baked cookies, and tell her grandkids how she met some guy whose name she forgot in an abandoned Wal-Mart during the Zed invasion, and he allowed her to be here, telling this story. He only wanted life, if that meant his death. But the moment, and its thought, snapped like a glow-stick and he realised he was being foolish. He would live too. Why shouldn't he? He was Metro, survivor of the wasteland.

He watched as Ellie hid behind the curtain of hair. It was matted and clumped though, so he could see the rising blood glow in her cheeks through the thick strands of hair. What have I done? Have I ruined this? Already? he wondered, trying to think his way to relieving the situation. He continued to watch her as she ducked away, not looking at him as she spoke. He nodded his head gently, then pushed the chilli around in the can. He took little mouthful's as the spicy, rich food tore away at his stomach, as it had only digested plain staple foods like potatoes and some kind of bean (maybe). Like acid bubbling around in his gut, the chilli was. He dropped the can heavily and ran into the dark corner where he vomited up a reddish-grey concoction with the overbearing smell of chilli sauce and stomach lining. Metro wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his jacket and slumped back to Ellie. He poured the contents of the can into her bowl and said, “Enjoy.”

Just as Metro bent forwards, trying to clear his fogged brain, he heard the most enormous clatter. Either it was enormous or the origin of the noise was the acoustic g-spot of the century, but he followed the noise anyway, armed with his knife. It wasn't until he had reached the children's department (his heart twinged; very little was taken in comparison to everything else) that he had left Val on the conveyor belt and his helmet on the floor. Too late to head back now, whatever it was could be on the move. He turned the corner and remembered the thick, dense black corridor at the back of the shop. He edged around until he stood before it, three or four feet before the darkness seeped out onto the floor. Groan's could be heard. The ruckus was deafening. Metro stood, swaying foot to foot, knife held overhand like a spade. A face shone bright from the black; definitely a Zed. Anymore in there though? You got any chums in there? Metro let the corpse struggle towards the almost-tangible taste of human tendon and muscle. Metro lunged with one foot and kneed the cadaver in the lower chest, knocking it off balance. He grabbed the loose grey skin on it's skull and heaved it down, plunging the knife in through the soft palette at the base of it's head. It slumped down on Metro legs, fingernails digging in as it slid down, carving into the living mans legs a canyon of tendon and blood. Metro flung the Zed backwards with all his force, ripping the skull off the spine and sending the bloodless brainbox rolling across the floor. Metro slumped down, pressing both his hands into the gash trying to stop the bleeding. “Ellie!” he yelled. “Help!” Metro looked down at the blood flowing out. “Fucking sunovabitch. Fucking son of a bitch. FUCK.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThreeDawgFO3


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Just before the message went through, the old radio blew out. Curses echoed through the alleyway as Trevor broke the "Indestructible" survival radio on the brick wall next to him. After roughly 3 minutes of constant screaming, he calmed down. If there were any walkers in the area, they had heard the noise he was making, and were likely on their way to him. Trevor needed to get away from that alley. He looked around, and saw a dumpster under a broken window. "Perfect"...

Sure enough, his noise had attracted nearby walkers. Four to be exact. Just as Trevor was getting ready to hoist himself up onto the dumpster, they saw him. There was a loud moaning sound from on of them, and all four slowly progressed towards him. "Shit shit shit shit SHIT!" he said as he climbed the dumpster. Luckily, he was able to make it in time, and he was saved from death for the time being.

Before climbing through it, Trevor peered into the broken window. Just an empty town house. Might possibly have supplies, though he thought as he smashed the rest of the window with his shotgun, and climbed up into it. While it was most likely abandoned, Trevor still needed to keep his guard up. He slung the shotgun back on his back, and drew his knife into the ready position. If anything jumped him, he would be ready for it.

Just as he suspected, the house was abandoned. Not much loot either. All he found was a bag of extremely stale goldfish crackers, some blankets, and a couple of matches. These items, while low in value, could still come in handy. Trevor knew this, and put everything he could into his backpack. He scoured the house one last time before leaving through the front door
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by D Disciple

D Disciple

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Lindsey observed the conversation between the man and the two raiders, getting worried when they kept pointing the barrel towards him. Then her concern turned into question as he started to talk into the walkie talkie. Next thing I know, the basketball is thrown over the fence and he hands it to the girl. As he begins to approach Lindsey, she becomes more frightened, maybe it was a bad idea to untie this man if he can get the guards to do what he wants. Maybe he wasn't a prisoner at all, but just a mole, what exactly did he tell them, did he tell them that she was digging a hole this entire time? All she knows is that she can't trust him completely. She whispers a simple phrase.

"Leave me alone."

Then turns around and lies on the pavement. No one can be trusted, she's all alone like usual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Levi stared at her, completely nonplussed and aghast at her reaction. She had helped to untie him only a few moments ago, so what had happened between then and now to cause her to somehow mistrust him? As he tried to formulate an answer, the repeated thuds of Calliope bouncing the ball against the floor brought him to his senses.

"Did you not hear us?" he asked, frowning at the mess he had gotten himself into. "Look, it's not what it looked like. I wanted that ball to cheer the girl up and, more importantly," he lowered his voice to a whisper. "To prop the fence up."

His eyes darted in the direction of Lindsey's hard work. Her effort, admirable as it was, was still far from completion. With his help, however, they would be able to escape a lot faster.

"Please, you have to believe me." he pleaded, concerned that Lindsey was still not facing him. "I just want to get out of here and I can't do that without your help. I'll be able to open that fence enough for the kid to be able to get out. She'll be able to lift it from the other side and, with my help, the gap will be big enough for you to escape as well. I just need you to come back for me, OK?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by D Disciple

D Disciple

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"Prove it." she mumbles, not budging from her position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Samantha gave Lily a tiny hint of a smile and nodded. "Good. I'm going to call the guard over and hit him where it hurts. If everything goes well, there's going to be a lot of shooting involved. If it doesn't..... Well there's going to be a lot of shooting involved as well." Samantha shrugged and shot a glance over at the guard, who had apparently seen them conversing. She turned back to Lily and looked her dead in the eyes, "I need you to hide when I hit him. Don't come into view until I say it's ok."

The guard made his way over to the girls, a smug look on his face. The smirk made Samantha want to rip his face off with her bare hands. "What are you two talking about over here? Damn females always fucking talking."

"I just needed to go to the bathroom." She didn't want to play it off scared and innocent since she had been acting tough the entire time. She kept her voice firm and didn't break eye contact with him until he was close enough. She let her eyes look past him and widen, her face suddenly portraying fear. The man gave her a strange look before he realized that it must have been something behind him, quickly turning around.

Samantha quickly dropped to a low crouch and stuck her arm in between the mans legs, bringing it up and hitting the man in his area with enough force to make even the biggest man cry. It happened as fast as a blink of an eye, and as the man doubled over in pain, Samantha was quick to grab the gun that was placed on his back settled in his pants. "Always holster a weapon correctly, sir." She checked it quickly to make sure there was a round chambered and placed it back to its original condition, placing the muzzle on the mans back. "Stand up straight." She dug the muzzle in deeper until he complied and forced him to walk forwards. The others weren't fooled by his attempt at a straight face, they had heard his pained yelp and were already on their feet, looking over , trying to see what happened.

With a deep breath, she forced him to walk closer until they were only a few feet away from the fire.

It was going fine until one of the men caught sight of her. Sam's eyes widened and she quickly turned the gun towards him, shooting twice before turning her attention to the man in front of her and lifting her foot, spartan kicking him into the fire. She didn't hesitate in aiming in on the other man who had already tried shooting her, sending three bullets towards him, two hitting in the stomach and one in the chest. The last man was a bit more easy to take out, seeing as how he was fumbling around with her crossbow. She immediately shot him, sighing of relief when they were all dead.

"It's ok now! We have to hurry before the walkers come." Samantha called out to Lily, wincing when she felt something hot on her arm. She looked down and frowned, seeing the blood slowly streaming on her jacket's arm. A bullet had skimmed her, but still left a pretty deep gash. "Damn it." She covered her wound and walked over to a bag that the men brought along, opening it and taking out what was necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Levi bit back an angry retort at her request, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He appreciated that she had every right to be suspicious, but she wasn't going to make any kind of progress by stultifying the possibility of a team-related effort.

"Fine." he replied shortly. "You'll see."

He would wake her at night, when visibility in the basketball court would be obfuscated. This plan was dependent on the incompetency and laziness of the guards but, somehow, he figured that it was not too much of a stretch. The raiders seemed undisciplined, especially when they were making secret drug deals with slaves.

He sat down and leaned his back against the fence on the opposite side, watching Calliope attempt to clumsily throw the ball into the basketball hoop that towered above her. He smiled at the image until his eyelids began to feel heavy, his head slowly drooping to the side...
Levi's eyes snapped open and he gasped, looking around him in bewilderment. It took a few moments for him to acclimate and realise that he had been taken prisoner by a gang of marauding slavers.

"Fuck..." he whispered to himself, upset that sleep had lulled him into a false sense of security and made him forget about his predicament.

He glanced at his side and saw Calliope curled up, eyes closed and breathing softly, her arms wrapped around the basketball. Cute.

Levi got back up to his feet and gently pulled the basketball away from Calliope's grip without waking her. She needed these extra moments of sleep before the great escape but, more importantly, if he and Lindsey were caught, he didn't want Calliope to be punished as an accomplice.

He scrutinised his surroundings carefully, ensuring that the guards in the distance were seated and not patrolling. As soon as he confirmed this, he silently made his way over to Lindsey. To his great surprise, she was already awake. To further add to his bemusement, she was crouched down and looked as if she was about to escape.

"You managed to get it open?" he whispered, hoping he didn't alarm her. "Wow. Some help I turned out to be with that basketball, huh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Wade was a little taken aback by the appearance of the other man, with a name quite similar to the one he shared the dip with, though he was not so surprised. There had to be back up plans for this kind of stuff, and this was obviously Mr. Aldo's insurance.

Wade stood back a moment, then offered the open can of dip to Arlo, "Nice to meet you, Arlo and Aldo. My name is Wade. I hope our relationship can further our survival." He said. It was similar to a business proposal, done by such men who lived gloriously above Wade's stature in the old world.

"I believe we both will have skills that can benefit each other greatly." Wade said. "Where are you guys headed? Sears Tower?" He asked. He had tuned into the radio once, on a vehicle he managed to get working for a little while. He just flipped through every station he could and was lucky enough to find the radio message. Wade only wanted to find a vehicle to take with him to the Sears Tower. Chicago was a big city, and Wade wasn't about to hoof it to the Sears tower. He had the idea that if he hit the back roads, he could avoid the thousands of dead cars on the highways, blocking everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Lily dove into the bushes as soon as the man had turned around, watching the entire scene of carnage unfold before her eyes. Samantha seemed well-trained and efficient, mercilessly dispatching of their captors. Lily clasped her hand to her own mouth to prevent the release of a gasp of fear, her eyes widening as bullets tore into the men's skulls and their former guard's flesh roasted on the fire; the smell of his burning carcass was so strong it felt as if it was singing her nostrils.

She slowly got to her feet, shivering a little as she watched Samantha scavenge through the equipment that had belonged to the raiders. She had absolutely no idea what to do. She knew that she should be grateful to her fellow ex-slave for saving her from a fate worse than death, but the ease and blase manner in which Samantha had executed four human beings was pressing against Lily's mind. Samantha was capable, but she was also extremely dangerous.

Anyone who could kill like that was clearly not right in the head. The choices before her were causing her to panic, her mind clouding with fear: should she run or should she stay? Remaining under the aegis of Samantha would surely help her to survive, but what if she was deemed a detriment to Samantha's own survival? How could she be certain that the fate of the men would not befall her?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by D Disciple

D Disciple

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Everything was going to plan, she's been following the raiders' patrol pattern, just had to wait for the next lap and----.

"You have got to be kidding me."

She looks turns around to see the man from earlier who was talking to the guards. Clearly she couldn't take him out herself especially in her current condition. Still not sure about his motives, she remains silent and begins crawling through the hole she made from the propped fence. With a few scratches she manages to make it through. She looks back at the man, and starts to pull the gated fence farther away to make enough room for him to crawl through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by D Disciple

D Disciple

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God damn site lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Levi crouched down near the fence and gazed wistfully at Lindsey through the chain wire. He knew this wasn't going to work but sheer hope made him follow through. He grabbed the fence and pushed it hard but it wouldn't budge. There was no way he was going to escape the same way as Lindsey.

He shook his head at her and stood up, sneaking over to Calliope and picking her up in his arms. He hurried back to the gap in the fence and set her down on her feet, shaking her gently until she finally came to her senses.

"What's going on?" she asked blearily, looking up at Levi.

"You're getting out of here." he said firmly. "Roll through under the fence, come on."

He grasped the chain wire fence in his right hand and gritted his teeth, shoving it as back as hard as he could. When he could push no further, he grabbed the basketball in his left hand and wedged it under the fence to keep the gap propped up.

"Lay down on your stomach and crawl out, OK?" he instructed to a nervous-looking Calliope. "You'll be fine."

She heeded his request and slowly flattened herself against the floor, crawling out on her forearms. Thanks to her diminutive size and the basketball propping the fence up, she reached the other side unscathed.

"Good work," he said, grinning at them both. The grin immediately faltered when he realised that the hardest part was yet to come; these were two girls, both pre-teens, who had to escape a heavily fortified raider camp on their own. "But now what? How are you two going to get out of here without attracting their attention?"

Despite her young age, Lindsey seemed relatively experienced compared to Calliope. By the looks of it, there was a large age gap between the two, but it also seemed as if Lindsey had not been afforded the benefit of an ever-present and protective older sister like Calliope had. Now, it was the latter who was at the disadvantage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


After taking out all of her belongings, Samantha ripped off a piece of the bottom of her shirt, shrugging her coat off and tying the cloth around the wound. She put the jacket back on and looked at Lily, who just stood there looking scared. "I'm sorry, I really am. It was the only way." Samantha frowned and threw the backpack on, walking over and grabbing her crossbow and ammo. "But we do need to go.... Here." She walked over to the nearest body, not looking at the actual body itself. She knelt down and picked up the pistol, brushing it off and putting the safety on. After getting back up she walked over to Lily, slowly, knowing she was probably in shock due to the sudden killing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Lily stood her ground as Samantha approached her, gun in hand. Although this woman was dangerous and brutal, she was also the best chance that Lily had of ever seeing Calliope again. Besides. Samantha was only what she had to be. The raiders had forced her hand. What did it matter that they were dead when their being alive would have meant a lifetime of suffering for both of them?

"I'm fine." she said, her voice shaking a bit as she held her hand out for the gun. "You did what you had to. Even if there was another way, leaving them alive would only mean pain for others."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Samantha smiled as Lily took the weapon and told her that it was ok. "It's better this way. No one should ever have to go through that.... I just hope Levi and your sister got a chance to escape."

The two began walking the way they had came from, Sam's crossbow in her hands once more. "Ugh. Scarlett knows these stupid suburbs like the back of her hand. She was the more social one out of the both of us. She traveled around Chicago and it's little cities every day. I wish she was here to tell us where we were. Where are you and your sister from?"

The sound of moaning and groaning turned Samantha's face pale. The sound came from behind them and she quickly turned, aiming her weapon. From what she could see, the corpses of the men that they had left behind had become a feast for the walkers. "Come on, let's get out of here a bit faster." She turned and tugged on Lily's arm a bit before picking up the pace into a light jog.
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