Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allen found himself and the two beautiful lassies approaching a Cabin. At first the darkened wood seemed unimportant compared to any other before they came to the front of the structure and Allen could see clearly. Over the front of the cabin sat a large Greek Symbol, the only Symbol he knew by heart with little more then a glance, which represented Hecate. Allen looked over the cabin with a blank expression before forcing a smile to look over the ladies and the now returned Austin.

"I thank you kindly, Ky, Astrid. You have both been a big help. I hope I didn't cause too much of an out-of-the-way trip for you two. I feel kind of silly not knowing where the Cabins were, I am sure the Satyr could have showed me at the least. There wasn't major need to bother you two." He spoke with a deep, formal bow before dropping his pack at the base of the Cabin and looking them over with a soft expression. "I guess, I just kind of settle in now? I am not all that sure of what to do honestly. This is the first time I have been in a social establishment..." He spoke while his last words seemed to drift off in a semi-sorrow tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake
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Drake The Pompous

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Austin woke up that morning, if you could even consider it waking up, with a terrible crick in his neck. He seriously needed to find out who his godly parent was before he flipped his shit on all of the Hermes cabin. Whatever. What was today again? 31st, he thought. He wondered if demigods even celebrated Halloween. Maybe some of them did and he didn't look like a total weirdo when he dressed up.

Austin was up before most of his cabin mates. He stretched his arms above his head, intertwining his fingers and cracking his knuckles. He then flipped his dirty blonde hair out of his eyes. He stood up from his place on the floor. He still thought park benches were more comfortable, but it was nice to be surrounded by fellow mischeif makes and such. Austin pulled out his backpack which was safely stored in the bottom of his sleeping bag. 3 or 4 people had tried to rob him last night. None of them came near him again.

Anyways, Austin pulled out a black T shirt, socks, boxers, and a dark pair of jeans. He was glad no one else was awake, because that meant he didn't have to wait forever for the shower. He quickly showered and brushed his teeth and all of those things, and he only once had someone walk in on him. Sadly, she wasn't all that attractive and Austin was already foaming at the mouth. They both shared a curt nod and said nothing. When Austin was finished, he walked out and apologized for her walking in on him and how he should've locked the door and other bull shit that wasn't likely to happen.

After that, Austin headed over to a corner with a chair that he had hung his leather jacket on when he had first gotten to the cabin. Luckily no one had taken the jacket and he didn't keep anything in the pockets after he took it off in here. He pulled the jacket on and then pulled something out of his backpack just in case. A couple of things, actually.

He quickly walked outside, his secret safe within his jacket pocket and under his hands. He saw a gathering of girls kind of in the middle of the cabin area, you could say. Either way, that's where he was headed first. They seemed to be dressed up, too, from what her could tell, so Austin pulled out his cat ears and slid them casually on his head. All he needed to do now was switch his sneakers for boots. He stood sort of awkwardly outside the congregation of girls and heard "...alcohol to drink and I really don't want to be stuck here with you three... No offence Ky, you too Syl." as the girl, he thought her name was Arianna, walked away.

"Happy Halloween, ladies," Austin said, casually, giving one of his trademarked, patent-pending, no you can't use it, cocky smirks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, be- The alarm was cut short as Thane brought a hammer of a fist down onto it, knocking the device to the floor with reckless abandon. "I'm up, I'm up." Thane groaned rolling to the edge of his bed, his sheets falling in a crumpled mess at his feet as he swung them down to the ground. Thane arched his head back letting out a long, slow breath as the images of his dreams filtered through. Since Ate's game was cut short, memories of the day had flickered through his mind whenever his eyes were closed for a moment too long. Ate's game wasn't what had unnerved him so, however. It was his father's actions that left a lasting impact on Thane's mind. The door creaked upon, drawing him from his trance, Erin's ever cheery disposition making its way into his cave-like room. The only light within his room came from the gaping door to the living room that Erin had left open as she made her way in, making her more a silhouette than a girl before his weary eyes. “Bad dreams Thane? Oh well, happy Halloween! Hurry up and get ready, you know this is my busiest day of the year.” she said to him as she closed the gap quickly, her warm palms on his knees, his breath cool against his burning skin, her lips like a roaring flame to the touch. He returned the kiss to her cheek in a half-hearted effort, still confused by their relationship. "Nothing worse than the usual." He smiled duly, pushing himself up as she made her way out of the room, her face visibly red even in the darkness of his room, "I'll try my best not to disappoint." Thane closed the door behind her, stripping out of his briefs as he made his way across the room into the bathroom, cranking the shower on near full blast. He needed a good scalding shower to clear his head.

Stepping out of the shower, Thane quickly toweled off and went for the box of makeup he kept beneath his sink, plopping it down on the counter and giving the mirror a wipe with his hand. His snow-white hair was plastered to his skin and after a few minutes of toiling and waxing it was tightly combed back and meant to stay there until his next shower. He went for the make-up next, applying a creme base to his face and neck, making his skin as white as his hair minus the two black lines that cut down from his hairline to his eyes. Once that was done he emphasised the black lines, creating long thin diamonds that stretched from the center of his cheeks to the peak of his hairline, the diamonds being cut in half by his black eyes. Thane added the final touch of obsidian black lipstick to his lips and then sealed and stowed away the make-up box beneath his sink before moving to his room. There he found a pair of boxer-briefs, black and white checkered pants, and a long white button up that he would wear with black dress shoes and gloves. "But doctor, I am Pagliacci," he muttered, laughing softly at his own joke as he made his way through the cabin and then out into the open.

Thane's costume wasn't as... provocative as some of the others, nor was it completely plain and enthused like the boy he didn't recognize. He walked up to Erin, brushing his hand against her wrist as he stood next to her, "Perhaps I should be wearing high-heels and show a little more cleavage. I'm feeling a little overdressed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The sound of a loud saw rang off through the air of the cabin. Jack's body convulsed in his bed, covers tangling themselves around his frame. He shot up quickly banging his head onto a metal pipe that ran across the top of the bunk above him. Groaning Jack lay back onto his pillow hand over his red forehead. "Who the fuck is already cutting stuff. It's Halloween for gods sake." Moving to stand up, the twisted blankets around his waist prevented him from properly standing up and he fell straight out of his bunk on his face. "Uhhhh."

After finally picking himself up, getting dressed, and yelling at the person that was cutting a beam in half with a chainsaw so early in the morning Jack headed into the basement where the nice shower was located. Really it was the chemical shower in case you got something on your skin or in your eyes, but hardly anyone used it so it was much nicer than the one upstairs. The hard steady stream of water and steam felt good running down his muscles. It eased the tension that had built up during the Ate event. But that was not a thought for his peaceful shower, today was his day to shine. Halloween. No one would give him a second look when get changed. When he skeletored out as Astrid so kindly put it.

Stepping out of the shower and quickly rubbing himself down with a shower, Jack looked in the mirror. It was a tad bit strange that they had a mirror in the cleansing station, but that was one of the farthest thoughts from his mind. Staring into his dark brown eyes he reached up and touched a lock of his long brown hair and pushed it back into its place. His eyes slipped down to look at the eye-wash that was beneath the mirror. When he looked up he no longer saw his moose brown eyes, his long hair, his beard, nor even his skin and muscles, in place of all his human appearances was a skeleton. A naked skeleton looking into a mirror. Reaching up he ran his bony fingers over his chin, "Yes, yeah this will do." Turning away from the mirror he hurriedly dressed into his costume, ready to put on some scares for the rest of the night. Looking back at his newly uniform self he said, "Did you know the sparrow flies south for the winter?" Laughing at his own joke he turned and walked out of the shower room. Almost immediately Jack nearly tripped over Astrid sleeping form. Her chair was pushed back away from her desk and her face was planted solidly into her computer. Looking at the shining screen he could see the page was filled with the letter "e". "Oh she is going to have fun with that when she wakes up." He moved to walk away, but smelt something before he could. Turning back he looked at her strangely and saw he finger had burned a hole in the desk while she slept. Rolling his eyes he patted her on the back to prevent her from burning down the cabin. "Wakey wakey sleepy head."

Exiting the cabin he saw a congregation of campers crowded around the Hades Cabin. " 'This the gathering of all ghouls and creeps?" Already he could see poison ivy, a cat, a mime-looking-guy, and... was Syleste a ram? A cute ram at that, but really a ram? She was blind he suppose and looked through the rest of the crowd. His eyes landed on Erin. "Wow, it's like we were made for each other huh?" He tried his best to grin at her but failed miserably due to his lack of muscles, and skin, and a face in general. "You look great Erin. Really everyone does here." He paused for a moment, "Even the cat."


Looking up groggily at what she expected to be Jack from the sound of his voice she freaked out at the sight of a skeleton. Still not used to his alternate form she jumped up falling out of her chair. Watching his receding form from the floor she shook her head. Usually Jack didn't change so early in the morning... Unless it was, ah yes, Halloween. In that case it was a truly magnificent costume. Her's didn't look quiet as real because, well it wasn't. Slipping into the shower room that Jack had just left she pushed on her costume and checked herself out in the mirror. She had to dye her hair black and white to give the full affect, but it turned out pretty good in the end. Plus the costume fit her personality quiet well. Maybe not the tattoos, or the piercings, but the rest was definitely her. She just hoped that someone recognized her as Clara Lille.

After applying that last touches of makeup to her face she walked out the shower. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glance at the screen of her computer. There was 506 pages of straight "e" lined up. "Oooooh my god, computer your soooo lame." She groaned in frustration and nearly pulled her hair in anger before remember her costume. "I have no time to deal with you, you idiot." She spoke to the computer half expecting it to jump to attention and start deleting all the "e"'s. When it didn't she sighed and walked up the creaky stairs and outside to see what was going on.

Making her way to the general group of people she walked up behind someone in green ivy. Edging a little to the left to get a better look she saw it was Ky'. "Hahah Ky' you look great! Poison Ivy right?" She reach over and gave her a gentle hug, careful not to wreck any of the carefully placed vines. Pulling back she looked up at her and nervously asked, "You do know who I am right?" She had the need to get her older sisters approval for some reason. She was the only one that it happened with, not even Jack could make her behave as she was. Weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Faris had been up before the sun came out the morning of Halloween. Nightmares of the cold would wake her and she’d huddle further under her heavy blankets, end up sweating, and then find it ten times harder to return to the lull of her dreams. Under her eyes were faint dark circles from the last two nights of minimum sleep, ever since they’d been pulled out of Ate’s game. Each night she’d check her phone next to the bed to make sure she was where she was supposed to be, and the time, wishing it was morning yet. This morning she decided 5am was fine to wake up at, and slid out of bed. Pulling on sweats and a sports bra, tying her long brown hair up into a ponytail and pinning back her bangs before lacing up her sneakers, she left her eerily quiet cabin and began jogging around the camp.

Her mind began mulling over random things, like how her brother had left and now the Ares cabin was rather lonely. About how she’d yet to really connect with any of the others. Though she knew she was cool with Gaspard, that was what, one person out of how many? Hopefully the party that was supposedly tonight would let her interact a bit more. Then again, some of the people here just plain annoyed her to death.

She ran until she saw movement about the camp in the sunlight, and then just jogged back to her cabin. She showered and changed into her costume for the day, a Wonder Woman get up featuring a leather jacket, leggings, dark red corset with gold accents, faux metal arm bands, and a starred headpiece with combat boots to complete the appearance. Considering her long dark hair and curved figure the choice suited her, and she used a bit more makeup than usual especially under the eyes before reemerging from her cabin. She shifted the jacket on her shoulders and wondered to herself what everyone else would be. Probably sluts and skeletons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(( oh damn, double post... ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


“It would seem we think alike, yes. As for being made for each other? For that I cannot say, only that perky witch of a Goddess can really say for sure.” If Jack could have blushed he would have. "Th... that's not what I meant by that... I mean I didn't mean to insinuate..." It would have been quiet a comical scene seeing the skeleton with its jaw just hanging open, completely speechless. The whole situation caused him to loose his concentration, Jack felt his skin began to slip back over his bones. Glancing down he watched as skin creeped up and cover his hand. Looking back up his good-natured personality coming back to him, "Dang it Erin, you made me lose my concentration." His grin broke out, this time lips peeled back from his shining white teeth, "What ever shall I do? I'm human again. I look nothing like who I'm supposed to, though I suppose the detective part remains." He laughed a little to himself thinking about how just a little while ago something like this would have been a miracle. Now he was beginning to control his disability. Hopefully soon he wouldn't even have to think about it when changing back and forth.

“Jack! Have you started clearing out the storage shed yet? Recovering or not, you’re not going to get out of being punished for letting Astrid get drunk the other night…” Jack's dark brown eyes darted away from Erin and landed on his 'only-slightly' older sister. "Cleaning out the storage shed? Oh yeah, I was only busy with my paralyzing fear and being abducted by a goddess. Didn't help that she was the one to cause the situation either." His words were light despite their meaning and he reached over and pulled the little red into his embrace. Before she could overreact to his words he said, "Nut-ball you know I'm joking." Looking back at Ky' he nodded to her letting her know that he would get on the shed as soon as he could. It was still hard taking orders from Ky' as Jack had also tried running for Cabin Counselor. Unfortunately he hadn't won, though as far as counselors went Ky' wasn't bad.


Astrid fell slack under Jack's arms, "Ugggg Ky' your such a fun killer! It's Halloween, lighten up." She tried to put the blame on Ky', but she was really just trying to avoid the subject of her doing manual labor. Pushing herself away from Jack rolling her eyes at him. "Come on guy, you call this a Halloween event? We're freakn' half-bloods, lets put on a show. Erin isn't this usually your forte? Where are all the dead, you know besides Jack." She received a playful smack on the back of the head from him for that." In return she stuck her tongue out at him. "I've been here for what 17 years now? 'Got bracelets up my entire arm for it. I think it's time we throw the party of all Halloween Parties." Before Ky' or Jack could say anything she quickly put in, "Not a drinking party or anything, but I think some of us could use something to take our minds off the recent events." While Astrid hadn't been part of the Ate project she did hear about it through the grapevines and sympathized all the victims.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fieryfly


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Caien Cobb

After the whole running around in a dumpster thing Cai really wanted some long sleepy mornings. But it seemed he was not going to get more than one, because the next day was the day. The day that was fun wherever in America you were. The day that you could dress up and do awesome things without anyone blinking twice about it. It was Halloween. Which meant a couple of things actually. First, and foremost, he had to find a good costume. Secondly, he got to do all kinds of stuff. And yes, it was finding a costume. He didn't bring one or something so he would have to... find one. But hey, there were enough kids in ther Hermes cabin. Surely some of them must have some interesting stuff. He himself only had that iron bar that Jack had given to him, if that hadn't been stolen. Cai's hand searched below his bed and he was relieved when his fingers touched the cold metal. Speaking of Jack, that guy had it so easy on Halloween. He just turned into a skeleton and everyone would be amazed by how good it looked.

Maybe he should have drunk more milk.

He rolled his eyes at his own thought and forced himself to get out of bed. Space in the cabin was cramped and the atmosphere was busy eventhough it was rather early in the morning. Cai decided to start his scavenger hunt now. He knew what he wanted and surely in this camp full of fighters he should find what he needed. He was a son of Hermes all right, so it was only appropriate that he would dress as an epic thief. In bed he had pondered about who he would chose. There were quite a few different people he could chose between. But then he had remembered how his mom and he had stayed at a place with a gameconsole once and he had played the shit out this one game. Thief. Garrett. He wanted to be that guy.

So he set out. The basic black clothing was easy because he wore black quite often. He stole the boots from some guy in the cabin. They were nice and comfy. A little bit too wide around his calves but that was okay. He used the armory to get some awesome leather straps and basic leather padding. The kids from the god of forgery would probably not be happy if they found out that it was Cai who had taken away random parts and a quiver, but hey, they would have to live with that. From a black cloth he found somewhere in the corner of his cabin he fabricated a hood and a cape. Now it was just his face whiter and his eyes darker.

And black hair.

Cai decided to disregard that fact. He didn't want to color his hair black. He happened to like his blond locks. Besides with the hoodie over his head, you wouldn't be able to see it anyway. In the end he checked himself out in the mirror. He didn't look quite like the guy since he was shorter and way less buff, but the basic costume was there. He was an epic thief now.

Quietly he snuck out of the cabin and made his way to the group of people. Super stealthy - according to himself - he sneaked behind the guy who he thought was named Austin. With a quick move he snatched the ears from his head and casually walked to the other side of the group, placing the object on his head. "You guys look amazing." He said in the general direction of both the boys and the girls. His eyes lingered on Thane. "Did you make those costumes yourself? I mean everyone except Jack. He is the luckiest guy with Halloween I swear."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake
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Drake The Pompous

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Austin appreciated the defense Ky had given him against sexy skeleton chick about his costume, though he kind of deserved it. He figure though since Hermes wasn't the most honest, leave your crap alone kind of guy, his kids weren't much better. He didn't want to get anything valueable stolen, even though he's positive by the time he gets back to the cabin his boots will be missing. He'd get his revenge though. He always did. It was a talent of his. Plus, they were given to him by an old... friend. They had deep sentimental value.

Austin shot daggers at the skeleton kid, though. "I'd like to see you try to keep anything valueable or cool in the Hermes cabin," He honestly wanted to say something much more colorful and use a gesture that was much more... insulting, but there were ladies present and if he didn't keep up with chivalry, well, what kind of demigod would he be? "Oh, and watch dogs, bad ass game right there. Y'look just like Clara," Austin said to Clara.

Austin took notice of the new member of the group. He looked familiar, too. Probably because he was from Hermes' cabin. Wouldn't surprise him, since Austin felt his ears come off of his head only moments before the other guy showed up. He looked him up and down. noticing the boots. "Hey, Garrett lookin' dude, give me back my ears, and put the boots back where you found 'em when you're done," Austin said. He wasn't positive those were his boots that he was planning on wearing today or not, but he knew they were similar. "Please," he added a few moments later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


“I don't understand your reaction, you know I’m just speaking the truth. Aphrodite is the only one who will be able to tell you whether or not we are destined to be with one another; why don't you go ask her if you’re so curious to find out. Though leave me out of it, those whom reside in that cabin do not always see eye to eye with me; for example the other day they attempted to see me wearing a floral print dress, and I in turn almost succeeded in seeing them having their flesh torn piece by piece from their bodies as they burned down in the Underworld. Jack shook his head nearly rolling his eyes "I... Aphrodite... ugh, nevermind Erin." He straightened his back standing tall above most of the people around him, his hair falling about his eyes.

“Stop being such a tease and kiss the guy already; geez Erin, you can’t keep leading him on like you are.” Eyes widening at Arianna's bluntness he couldn't help from feeling a bit choked up and not knowing how to respond to a comment like that. Sure he liked Erin, but he didn't want it to go this way. This just made him feel, awkward. Every part of his body especially his hands felt out of place, like they didn't fit in anywhere. Unsure what to do with them he resolved to stuffing them in the pockets of his long coat.

Erin looked at him, “Jack, don’t expect an apology from me, you know it is not in my nature. Besides, I have done nothing wrong.” Frustration built up in him at this point and he muttered to himself, "It was a joke, a freakn' joke. Don't take it so seriously."

Ky's eye narrowed at his comment and he noticed some of the girls edge back nervously. Jack didn't really see the need to as he had never seen Ky' as a huge threat. "You are not the only one in this camp to have suffered under that bitch's torment, Jack. I was in the infirmary for months after the crap my friends and I went through. From what I heard you just walked around in the same place that I was trapped in first. I had to bust my way out of there with a leg that was broken in three, ribs that were bruised and a cracked skull. I had to save Derek, then I faced one of my biggest fears and I swear if you think that I don't understand what you all went through... Then I obviously haven't done my job right and I have nothing more to say to you right now." Anger built up in him just as easily as it had in Ky'. Before he could respond, however, she was already moving away, dragging Syleste along in trail. "Seriously? You know she was one of the first be a pawn in Ate's games, and because of that she lost almost every one of her friends... Why are you so hard on your sister anyway?" He snapped at this point, blowing up on Erin. It wasn't really her fault, but with the latest tensions he couldn't take it anymore. "Ky is not the only one that has had a tough life. I'm a bloody cursed skeleton!" At this point fire was spreading up his body quickly burning off all his skin, fueled by his anger and frustration. Soon all that was left was his skeleton flames burning in his eyes. "We've all lost someone along the way, it's what comes with being a half-blood." His voice was raised almost to the point of yelling and his hands clenched at his side. If there was skin he was sure that the knuckles would have been white they were clenched so tightly. Anger emanated from where his pores would be and he could feel fear in the surrounding campers. "I don't need this right now," turning his stalked off towards the sea, footprints of fire being left in his wake.


Astrid watched scared at Jack's outburst. The level of anger that could be felt from him caused her fear to spike, both for herself and for him. As he strode away she called out, "Jack, wait..." He ignored her too filled with rage. She started after him, but hesitated thinking it would be best if he was on his own right now. He needed to blow off some steam. She sighed conflicted on whether she should go after Ky' either. Her siblings were so... stupid sometimes. Ky' should have known that Jack was only joking, as it seemed only she could pick up on, and Jack shouldn't have blown up on Erin either. Her thoughts clouded her mind, making her completely oblivious to the changes Erin was making around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Truth be told Thane had spent most of his time with the crowd zoning in and out. Large groups of people never were his strongest point, his pseudo-introverted nature making him better suited to quiet, more secluded places with small more intimate groups of people. Everyone here seemed to be out for blood, completely unreasonably bunch, the whole lot of them. His eyes rarely left Erin in this small grouping of people who was often times the epicenter of most events happening in the camp, with today being no exception. Her comments directed at Skelington seemed to be undoubtedly pointed with her completely shutting down any notion of the two of them being made for one another. Thane couldn't exactly complain about that, now could he? It was the cacophony of voices that followed Erin's input, as well as the outrage produced by the skeletal boy that bothered Thane though. Erin's leaning into his side, giving him a heads up that they'd head out now that she was done welcoming hell up to the Earth was enough to make him happy to have emerged from the cabin. "Thane, come on. I'm starting to get bored just standing here. Let's find something to waste the time until the festivities tonight shall we?" she said coolly up to him, eliciting a nod and a muted grunt from the bottom of his throat.

Thane draped an arm around her side, his hand resting just above her hip, his spindly fingers pressing gently into her top, the warmth from her seeming to radiate through the fabric. Thane made no comment to her about where they were going or what they would be doing, not wanting the others to be able to find them later on or to have rumors spread through the camp about the two of them. He was sure that with how friendly they'd been acting recently that there were already some suspicions about... romantic entanglement between the two of them. It wasn't a rumor Thane could necessarily object to, but it wasn't one that he wanted to spread out of respect for Erin. Intimacy had always been the root of all worry with her for as long as they had been close and it certainly hadn't changed overnight, not that he couldn't notice the mild warmth the had been growing between the two of them these last few weeks. After Ate's attack, it seemed to bring down Erin's wall, or at the very least part of it. The horror in her eyes when he arrived and turned the figure of what he could only assume to be her abusive ex was still burned into his brain, the image replaying whenever he dwelled on Ate's game too long.

Thane shot a glance back toward the crowd, making sure there were no obvious followers before he final spoke, feeling free to speak now that they were entering the shade of the wood that surrounded Camp Half-Blood. "I can't help but notice that lately, things between us have been..." He started, unsure of where exactly he was trying to go with this, unsure of what the implications of his words would be, "well... different." His fingers peeled back from the fabric of her shirt, his hand sliding down her side until it met her hip and left her person altogether. As he spoke, he kept walking, his pace slowing considerably as the crowd became less and less visible through the wall of trees. "Ever since Ate captured us, the air between us has been different and I'm not sure if it entirely makes sense to me." Thane turned to face her, no longer walking, and put a hand to her hip, taking a step toward her, the distance between them no more than a few inches at best. "You're the most important person in my world, Erin. What am I to you?" His voice was a whisper as he leaned in to her, the tip of his nose practically touching hers, almost as if he was daring her to lean forward.
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