Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Asa felt the airship dock, and he slipped out quietly, somewhere in the middle of the crowd. Hurrying away from the mass of new students he fingered the fang hanging round his neck for comfit, although he would never admit that to anyone. Avoiding making eye contact he skirted around a noisy girl, and a faunus who she seemed to be hugging. Asa finally got a look at the place he would be spending the next four years at, tall and magnificent, not his first choice; but rather his only. While gazing at the school, Asa caught sight of a kid, sitting on the wall. Nice choice, he thought, contemplating whether to climb up as well, high places were always the best. Flicking his tail and twitching his ears was the only outward sign that he concentrating deeply, pondering if it would count as invading the boy’s territory. Wait. This was the human world now. The most the boy would probably do is ask him to move, or move on himself. Suddenly wondering when he had started over thinking things, Asa twitched his tail once more and, with a short run-up, leapt at the wall, scaling it with ease in a matter of seconds. Plopping himself down beside the boy, Asa surveyed the teeming congregation of new students. “Quite a lot of them, aren’t there?” He said, voicing his thoughts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Seilber, or Silver as she often went by studied the landscape as it slid by slowly beneath the airship, several thousand feet below, clouds drifting by lazily. The deep, thrumming rumble of the ship was a comforting, steady layer to all the cacophony coming from the chattering teenagers around her. The faint sting of lubricants from the machinery warred with the various odors of teenage bodies of human and faunus alike. They'd be out of the canned air of the ship soon, and on the ground again, confirmed with the holographic pre-recorded speech of one Glena Goodwitch appeared over the windows. Idly she filed it away for later as she stood near one of the bulkheads of the ship, lightly touching on her Semblance, graying her out to mostly match the bulkhead. It wasn't an invisibility illusion, but almost like a chameleon, for now. It took the least energy, and it mostly helped her escape easy notice. As the ship touched down, she could feel the strain starting to take hold, sapping her strength. She stayed as still as she could, trying to escape the notice of the other students as she studied them. How long would it take her to unlock this place's secrets, she wondered. That was the job. Maybe she'd learn something here, but for the most part, this was a temporary assignment, right? Right. Hopefully. Maybe. Lost in thought, she peeled herself off the wall, letting her Semblance drop while heading for the exit. She could rest in the main hall. The headmaster would be giving a speech there. If she could avoid running into anyone... She saw the kid with the big sword, and the mountain man, slipping away to the side. She'd seen another Fox faunus like herself, maybe she could catch up to him? Who knew what she'd run into between the ship and the hall though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Silus yawned again, his elongated tongue coiling out into the air during the movement. Some girls that had been milling around looked at him with a mix of curiosity and fear. One looked positively turned on by the tongue. Silus waved at them, a lazy smile gracing the slightly tanned face of the faunus boy. His arms stretched out again, he hated being stationary for so long...made his muscles all crampy. As he began to step forward and continue to walk he felt a sharp jolt from behind him. He spun on the heel of his foot to turn to the source of the sudden disruption. Turning to find a man with long hair and a katana strapped to his person. Silus kept his lazy crooked smile upon his lips and gave a short shrug, his tail slowly flicking and curling of it's own accord. "No harm done there" The Reptile Faunus said, his voice peeling out from his lips with a slight accent that offered the idea of nobility "besides...always enjoy meeting people that are cute" he winked at the man before turning once more and continuing on his way. Aside from the whole 'scales and tails' thing that Silus inherited from his family...this was another thing. The infamous and voracious Kuroi appetite for...affection. Silus was glad he had been given the male chromosomes at conception. The appetite had gotten more than one Kuroi Woman in trouble. Strolling quickly, he found himself watching the graceful movements of a fox Faunus seemingly attempting to avoid notice. His eyes narrowed, moving to her and giving her a tap on the shoulder "now now...why the sneaking around here?" he grinned a lazy grin at her and waited for a response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Seilber started slightly, with a small 'yip' of sorts at being tapped on the shoulder. She hadn't expected anyone to notice her movements so quickly. Straightening, she turned a little and regarded... Another faunus warily. She relaxed a little despite the bit of scaling she could see. Reptilian types were rare, only ones she knew of were the K.. Kuroi family. The vixen tilted her head slightly, one ear twitching some in a look that was a throwback to the canids of old. "uhh, sorry, just trying to get through the day," she said quietly, perhaps a little shyly. "I... I'm not really sneaking around. Just .. Rather have the lay of the land, who's who before I talk to people," she added hesitantly. It was a little rough, dealing with people while being an introvert. She studied him for a few moments more. Predator, definitely predator, she decided. And while she seemed shy, she was too, and her body language shifted, one foot dropping back slightly, turning her to present a narrower target, a subtle thing. Shoulders drew back, and her muscle tension changed slightly, ears perked and alert, silvery tail swaying with minor changes in her balance. It wasn't a full on fighting stance, just a level of readiness that even she wasn't aware of. At the same time, her nose tingled lightly from the wind shifting, bringing a little bit of pheremones to her, which caused her eyes to dilate a bite, and she felt a litlte warmth suffuse through her, easing her back down, subtle things mostly. "So, what are you doin' watching me," she asked. --- Salvia studied the rest of the students during the trip, noting a couple fox faunas, a lizard faunus, a boy with a huge sword, another with a curved single-edged sword called a katana. There was a mountain of a man with a spear, but as far as she could tell it didn't collapse. His loss. There was a wolf-like or canid based Faunus over there, and a feline-based one over there. At least a few humans too. It was nice to be in mixed company. As she studied the male fox faunus, she noted the mask that looked much like the White Fang masks. Her eyes narrowed as she looked him over, then glanced around. The fox girl was gone, even on a sealed airship a few thousand feet off the ground. Oh... No, she'd changed colors against one wall. Weird. Once they'd landed, she made her way out of the ship as well. Salvia was excited, her heart racing with anticipation, that moment before a good fight, or a dizzying plunge off a cliff, or when a powerful storm was moving in. A small grin had spread across her face, unable to fully contain her inner exhuberance, but she quickly admonished herself. The grin faded but she still felt as though she were bouncing on her toes as she walked, resisting the urge to run. But no, she wouldn't do that. Better to absorb it all as she looked at the sights, the sightlines, and studied those around her wordlessly. That way she'd remember all of it, including the important things, and the little tiny things here and there. Idly Godspear tapped against her thigh as she walked, hanging from a leather thong on her belt, almost like tapping on one's chin as they thought. This was going to be an interesting place, and she'd be spending the next four years here. She'd have a lot to learn, and a lot to do. When she got out of here, she would be a Huntress, or she wouldn't. Either way, the school would make her stronger, and she'd be able to take on more challenges, even on a global scale? Maybe. Best to get to the opening address in the main room, everyone was headed there, and while it was pomp and circumstance, she knew that it was necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

### Pim Teagarden ![enter image description here](http://oi61.tinypic.com/m245g.jpg "enter image title here") He watched inquisitively as his gaze caught sight of a faunus, though, he wasn't hundred percent sure what type of faunus he was. He had a silver hair, a grey bushy tail and cute ears. Pim was marveled by the boy who was so unique and different. At least to him. Faunus were especially alluring to Pim. Sometimes, he had wished that he was a faunus, but alas, we cannot always have what we want. His eyes widened as it came near, nearly leaping over his head and scaling down the wall and until he plopped on the ground with a thud beside him. Pim smiled gently and unclasped his hands, placing them on the wall and pushing against it to propel himself upright. Pim responded to his question casually, **"Indeed. There are quite of lot of them, or rather...us. After all, we are all in this together are we not?"**, Pim retorted cheekly, looking down to the Faunus and smiling pleasantly. He swiveled his body around to follow his gaze and walked in front of the faunus, squatting in front of him with his flute still in hand. Pim looked at him with pretty and welcoming eyes, analyzing the boys ears and tails. Pim reached his dainty hand out slowly and lightly rubbed his hands over the boys left ear gently, feeling the fur and tickling from its softness. He looked to the boys tail and had to drown out his compulsion to touch it too. He drew his hands back and clasped them together once more. **"Your ears are so cute. I kid you not, I'd always wished I was a faunus. Your so lucky"**, he said in a cheerful and affectionate tone. He paused and gazed up at the wall oddly, thinking about the boys unusual movements prior. He shook his head and looked back at the boy...**"What kind of faunus are you anyways? A squirrel perhaps..."**, he said in a playful and teasing tone. **"Oh! And the names Pim, Pim Teagarden"**, he added in a chirpy voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

"So basically get to know some people. You could have just said that you know." He said while scratching the back of his head. nice turned around and looked for anyone they could talk to. At the moment, most of the students seemed to be to preoccupied with one another. Nico tail flicked around back and forth slowly, this change he wa making for Nahbi was only to be kind, nothing else. Nico readjusted Ragnorokwhich was hanging loosely on his back, held by black straps. "We'll, do have anyone in mind?" He asked." And ,my name is Nico."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cyrul walked at a casual pace, keeping up with his new acquaintance as they headed to the main hall. Cyrul was, surprisingly, looking forward to Ozpin's speech and he wanted to get there quickly so he'd get a good view of the Hunters that were undoubtedly amazing if they'd secured a place as Beacon's staff. He looked around a bit as well, taking in the amount of students that would be attending this year and turning to Vincent. "Lotta Faunus this year. Here's hoping that's a good omen for the future. Maybe soon we can stop pretending to have equality and, y'know, actually have it." He said in a more serious tone than previously, not really caring if anyone overheard him. He doubted anyone would care, but even at a place like Beacon there was still racists and bullies aplenty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The boy had touched his ears. Asa wasn’t sure how to feel about that. The boy’s hand was soft; no one had ever touched Asa’s ears before, not gently anyway. "Your ears are so cute. I kid you not, I'd always wished I was a faunus. Your so lucky" The boy said cheerfully. _I’m lucky?_ Asa thought, he’d never seen it that way, he swished his tail, at least as much as the ground would let him. "What kind of faunus are you anyways? A squirrel perhaps... Oh! And the names Pim, Pim Teagarden" Asa took a deep breath. _Here goes nothing._ “Karmozijn.” He said, forgetting for a second that that wasn’t his name anymore, and reaching for his neck, but, finding only the leather string to grasp he slid his hand down to the fang and started rubbing it again. “Asa Karmozijn.” He glanced Pim, and then, noticing people were starting to move towards the school, pulled himself up, and offereing his hand out to help Pim up, growled softly, but not threateningly, “ And I’m a wolf.” Flicking his tail round just enough to flick Pim’s hand, as if to say _coming or not?_
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Silus watched as the Fox Faunus turned, eyes following hers as the looked him over. The usual suspicion of his form clouded her face before something seemed to glint behind her eyes. She recognized his traits. Knew his family. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. Silus modified his usual posture, taking a more open stance to show less aggression. He smiled at her appearance, the cocked head and ears eliciting a response in the back of his mind. He listened and watched as her own posture changed. She seemed more and more scared of him, her profile shrinking and the want to see everyone before they see her. The posture change was subtle, her body reacting like cornered prey. Sikus sighed, knowing this to be either an effect of his appearance or his family. He honestly didn't know which one annoyed him more. Silus once again let a smile crawl across his lips and offered a hand to her "just watching for fellow Faunus. ..and you seemed the most interesting" he grinned a slightly lopsided grin and continued "nevertheless, A pleasure to meet you...my name is Silus" he said gently "we should head in to the hall" his head gestured to the large building "would you feel more at ease with a person you know or by yourself...miss..." he waited for her to finish his question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yasuri blinked.. and then blinked again severely thrown of kilter by the lizard's strange comment. He shook his head and looked around and saw the lizard now talking to a fox fanus. The fox seemed to be intimiadted by the lizard but the lizard seemed to have no ill intetion and asummed a harmless stance. A strange interaction he thought most fanus liked each other for some reason. Regardless if he sat around here like an idiot for much longer he would no doubt be late so he hurridly began walking past the pair into the hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gamerdude369


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*"I'm heading to the main building for now. The principal's speech starts soon so I suggest you do the same,"* answered the man, clearly wishing to leave the conversation. Zedong didn't want to push the issue. Everyone does their own thing, and he got the answer he was looking for, and off to the main building he went. As he looked around he couldn't help but feel good. Everyone was going through a life changing event, and they all knew it. Feelings of pride were weaved into everyone's mind as the reality hit them that they had made it, that this was the start of the rest of their life. Zee could sympathize, even though not much was known about Grimm, he would walk out of here with more than he started with, as well as a reputation. It was then he realized that he needed to be careful how he acted. First impressions would go a long way, toward students and teachers alike. Then that would carry over into his career, and what jobs he could take. He never had to care about what people thought of him before, so he figured that would be the best course of action, do nothing. The main hall was quickly filling up. Most people trying to crowd to the front of the room to get a good look at the Principle, Ozpin, as well as whoever else would be speaking. Zedong decided to stay at the back of the room, leaning against the back wall, letting his weapon stand against it as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nodding Nero walked with the human for a while, but sighed at the comment on faunuses. Turning around he took the mask back off and let it fall to his hip. "Yeah, most places... We faunuses get the worst possible treatment. But thair are better places, places where we don't rely on terrorists to get better treatment. No we dont have equality, if we did then my dad would have gotten treatment instead of being allowed to gamble himself to death." He said, getting closer to his new 'friend'. "If we had gotten equal treatment then I would have been taken into child services, not allowed to live with my criminal father until his death. And maybe then I wouldn't have ended up... Never mind. Look, just look around you and you will see something. No matter that their are more of us here then ever before, look at how you humans are still in the majority among the other students. Look and see the dirty looks they give us, then tell me that this is a progressive wonderland. This can be he'll for us, no less then any other Damn place on this planet, and more then several places I could mention." Nero looked at the other guy and sighed, putting his mask back on. "No matter what, don't think we're equal. We can never be equal, not within our lifetimes. In your human history the only time you came close to excepting people so different, it took a war and hundreds of years. We aren't even close."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nahbi nodded to Nico as she looked around, though it was anyone's guess if she was actually _listening_. People seemed to be moving forward to the main building, and not wanting to be left behind, she walked forward. She only remembered at the last moment to look back at the faunus and jerk her head forward with a smile, motioning towards the hall. She only paused for a moment to take in the grandeur of the high ceiling and the multitude of students milling around her. Some of them looked so... _serious_. And most looked like they knew how to swing around their weapons, wicked blades blinking in the light of the hall. For the first time since she left her home, Nahbi felt unsure of herself. These people were supposed to be her peers? It wasn't like she had any formal training... heck, she'd never even _seen_ a real Grimm before! And just as quickly as the feeling had bubbled up inside her, Nahbi quashed it under layers of confidence she didn't always feel. Turning, she scanned the crowd, looking for her next friend (victim). She saw a likely candidate leaning against the back wall. He was tall, buff, and had black hair, with golden eyes set against fair skin. Most impressive of all though, was the spear, longer than he was tall, leaning against the wall next to him. _I bet I could take him._ With that (likely inaccurate) thought, she bounced over to him and leaned against the wall beside him. "'Ssuuuuuup." She drew out the word, looking up at him from the corner of her eye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

### Pim Teagarden ![enter image description here](http://i61.tinypic.com/m245g.jpg "enter image title here") When the boy told him his name, Pim chirped, his eyes blinked open wide, and then he fell into a brief fit of laughter. **"Thats brilliant"**, Pim said aloud, almost falling over on his ass from the momentum of his laugh. "**Honestly, that really is a brilliant name.**", he added teasingly. Pim began waving his face with his hand as if it was a fan to calm himself down and when the boy continued, he nodded. **"That is much easier. I'll call you Asa then"**, he playfully chimed. Pim followed Asa's gaze and it seemed people were going in. When the boy stood up, he reached out his hand and Pim gripped it, allowing the balance of their hands to pull him up the rest of the way. **"Thanks pal"**. Pim said quickly, giggling as the boy said he was a wolf faunus and flicked his tail at him gently. "**Yes yes I'm coming...**", Pim said in a teasing tone, following the boy inside for the introductions that would soon begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Nico waited patiently for Nahbi's realms to his question, she sure was taking her time. nHe would have loved to just walk away and relax we're no one would find him, but for some reason he just couldn't do that. Maybe it had to do with the lions' pride or whatever it was called. Nico looked around the general area, although he had said earlier that he did not car for the view, he was not gonna lie, this place was nice. Plenty of trees, flowers, and the school it's self looked great. Nico looked back up and saw Nahbi motion for him to follow her , and he did, at a slow pace, he was not going to run her side. By the time Nico caught to Nahbi, she was already inside the school, the place was packed with all kinds of students. Tall, short, old, young, mature, immature, faunas, this place had it all. On stage was the Headmaster, Ozpin was it, he could not really remember what it was. Nico was about to ask Nahbi but she had disappeared, he looked around and found her next to a tall guy with a long stick...no spear( he was still really sleepy). Nico made his way over to the man and looked him in the eye, Nico still had a sore spot for humans, but he tried to be kind to them when he could, like Nahbi for example. " Nice to meet you." He saiid politely but with a bit of an edge in his voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cyrul looked up at the sky in contemplation at Nero's words, though the sight was soon interrupted by the high ceiling of the main hall and he looked back down, managing to get a spot towards the front. He seemed to be in silent consideration for awhile before finally deciding it was probably best to just change the subject outright, but just as he opened his mouth, Professor Ozpin, standing in front of a microphone on the stage, cleared his throat and the room went silent for his official welcoming speech. ________ Ozpin looked over the crowd of children that had gathered, the new students of his academy, as they slowly quieted down. His piercing eyes were hidden by spectacles, which he adjusted before finally speaking up. "You are all here because you are warriors. Perhaps even great ones. You have the potential to be the greatest defenders of the kingdoms the world has ever seen, but all I see when I look at you is wasted energy. You will learn here, not just from your teachers, but also your teammates and even yourselves, but ultimately only you can decide whether you will succeed on the path to greatness, or fail along the way. Have a good evening." His entire speech was monotone, barely changing his voice throughout before the almost sarcastic "good evening". After he turned to leave, the beautiful Glynda Goodwitch stepped up to the microphone and began her speech, which was more of a first days explanation. "I recommend you take the rest of your day to make new friends and get acquainted with the school. Make sure to put your belongings in one of the lockers in the locker rooms, and finally gather here to sleep for the night. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gamerdude369


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lost in thought Zee didn't notice the young lady approach until she was upon him. Giving her the once over, he noted several things about her including her style, choice of weapon, as well as the over sized hair clip resembling a butterfly. Most of all he noted her greeting, which said a lot about her character. Instead of greeting him properly, she decided to go with a more eccentric approach, drawing out her hello and mimicking his stance. Her playful nature was apparent, but he knew that even playful things could be scary when they had to be, after all, this was a school of combat. Returning his gaze to the stage he stood quiet for a few seconds. "Nooooootthing muuuuuuch," he replied, with a smirk. Moments latter another followed, a Faunus from the look of it. Out in the wild that made no difference, he thought everyone was equal so long as they pulled their weight. But two years in the city showed him that not all people thought that way. It didn't change him. It was harder to read the boy than it was the girl. His tone struck sour but the look in his eyes wasn't all that serious, distant even. "Well met," he greeted the Faunus. As he attempted to strike up a conversation the room fell silent as Ozpin took the mic, and Goodwitch soon after. "Quite the speech. Must have forgot his index cards in his office. Or he doesn't like us. What do you think?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blatantly not careing about the speech, Nero looked to see the reactions of his peers. He put his mask around his back and peered at people. The family was strong, and these children were nothing. Even if he was younger then all of them, not that the schools knew, he could really do a number on most. Really he couldn't wait for the test, which he had gotten a bit of a peek at from the family's connections. They had said that the test would be on of strength and wits, involving room raiding and battle. He was sure he could handle it. When ospin had talked about failure being in thair hands he smiled. He couldn't fail, not if the family had anything to say on it. He really didn't have any positions beyond his clothes and weapons, and of course his mask. In the back he saw another Fox faunus, cute. She was a red fox, more common then his black bit still nice to see. Leaveing his 'friend' he decided to go and talk to the girl, she might be interesting. Once the crowd thinned a bit, following goodwitch's speach, he walked over to her. "**Hello,**" he said to the girl once he was within speaking distance. "**I'm Vincent Nero, but you can call me Nero. Your a Fox faunus like me, that's not to common. And it's fairly rare to see so many faunus traits, like our shared ears and tails. Do you mind if I cut in and speak with you?**" He asked, bowing slightly. "**I'd like to meet more of our kind, I'm not friends with many of the faunuses I HAVE met.**"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Timothy reflected on principal Ozpin's speech as he headed over to the locker area. He rather liked it, in fact. It carried none of the usual ungrounded optimism and instead carried a realistic view of the new students gathered in the hall. He could agree with the points that professor Ozpin had made. Certainly, there was potential in all of the students, but the results would ultimately be reflections of the efforts of the students. Ozpin's speech made Tim think about what he wanted to do in life. In all honesty, he was only at Beacon because a while ago, he realised he had nothing else to do in life. He couldn't avenge the deaths of his family because the perpetrators were all dead. The incident left him with no friends and an alien environment, as well as making him nearly emotionally dead. So on top of not having any friends, he couldn't make any new ones. He had no aspirations or dreams on account of trauma. But one day, he took up his sister's greatsword and decided to be a hunter, because that was his old aspiration and he had nothing else he could do. Getting to the locker, Tim put away his great sword. He couldn't walk too well with it, it wasn't collapse able and he probably wouldn't need it anyway. He also put the rest of his stuff away, because he wouldn't need it either. All he kept were the clothes he wore and his map to navigate the school. That done, Tim set out to explore the school grounds, beginning with the communication tower.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nahbi listened to the headmaster's speech, captivated just like the rest of her classmates. _Maybe staying at the back wasn't the best idea…_ she thought to herself as she went on tiptoe, trying to get a look at the great Ozpin. Nahbi, a wasteful person by nature, was unperturbed by the man's curt words. She practically bounced with excitement though, when Glynda Goodwitch took the stage. When the introductions were done and instructions doled out, she heard the student next to her say something. "Nah," she said with a smirk back. "Old fuddy's just pissed because he knows he's past his prime. Can't keep up with the whippersnappers anymore." With that she pushed off the wall and turned to face him. Crossing her arms, she said, "Nahbi," as an introduction, and "Nico," with a head motion towards the faunus behind her. She looked around to see other students making their way out of the hall, either towards the lockers or to explore the school. "Guess we should claim a locker before all the good ones are taken up."
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