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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You may, simply as you are at Area 51.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

OMG, LIVER! I was about to use one of your NPCs when I got accepted! Funny. lol

Is it possible for you to get onto the IRC later so we could talk about my plan? Perhaps we could work the post together. I was planning on bringing my character up to the gates, and having her stopped by the guards (Among other things) and then eventually brought to the general or something like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiverisGood
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LiverisGood Area 51

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Do I have to download mibbit to use the IRC channel that's listed on top of the page?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Do I have to download mibbit to use the IRC channel that's listed on top of the page?

I've never had to as I use mibbit by using the browser. Also, hey LiverisGood and long time no see. What happened to you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiverisGood
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LiverisGood Area 51

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The IRC client loads forever. Nothing happens. All i get is "Sorry if this page sticks, please keep trying" and I refreshed several times. Using chrome at the moment.

Stuff came up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The IRC client loads forever. Nothing happens. All i get is "Sorry if this page sticks, please keep trying" and I refreshed several times. Using chrome at the moment.

Stuff came up.

Try using this Link
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiverisGood
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LiverisGood Area 51

Member Seen 11 mos ago

<Snipped quote by LiverisGood>

Try using this Link

It's the exact page i was trying to get in before. Same response: "Sorry if this page sticks, please keep trying"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Liver, I've had the same exact problem. You have to go to mibbit.com and connect there. Search #Aftermath at the top right, and look for the one with the same exact spelling. There will be several other #aftermaths that are not the same one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

as Sep mentioned, @LiverisGood, you are very much welcome back.

We're back from our vacation now, and hope to get things moving even more in Relics.

If people have things they want to achieve, we're open for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There's been a slight change @LiverisGood I've taken over working on Othean lore and the Relic Constubalry is no longer a factor. Due to the fact that under the old King evokers were criminals. The Constubalry is an idea that me and Ellri decided worked in Idris but not so much in the more liberal Othea and as such the relic constubalry is under Kheris' command but in secret, and if you are an evoker you basically disappear. Then either become a shadow operative or have to get handed over to Idris.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edited the LoreDoc so it has the basics on the Knights Hand which is the replacement of the Relic Constulary and the Gellor Shadows, as it's a refined idea and it works with what I have in mind for Othea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiverisGood
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LiverisGood Area 51

Member Seen 11 mos ago


I'll make the appropriate edits sometime tomorrow. I will also resubmit an updated character sheet to accommodate the new lore changes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

excellent to hear, @LiverisGood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiverisGood
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LiverisGood Area 51

Member Seen 11 mos ago

[hider=Amy Lockwood]
Name: Amy Lockwood formerly Amelia Beauchene
Age: 25

Gender: Female

Faction/Allegiance: Othean military

Relic Description:
A ring where the band is inscribed in an language long forgotten. It cannot be taken off. The bridge of the ring appears to be able to fit a gem. This ring allows Amelia to evoke the elemental powers of fire. To do this, the ring convokes the powers of the spirits nearby. For fire to grow, it must consume. In a place such as a tundra, the ring will likely fizzle out smoke at best. So long as she can see the object, the flames can appear at any distance. However, the further away her target the weaker the flames will be. Amelia believes that the missing gem may increase the power of the ring and she has her suspicions that the better her mentality the stronger the flames. Without the elements associated with fire, Amelia is fairly certain the ring is mostly powerless. Mostly.

She found her ring when she cut opened the stomach of a large sea bass.


1. Raised from nobility, Amelia can be stubborn to an unreasonable degree, especially if things do not go her away.
2. She is eager to prove her worth which can be taken advantage of. She can be overambitious.
3. She has a phobia of cats.
4. Hotheaded at times

Horsemanship- She was trained until she could handle a horse on her own. Affectionately calls her mount "White Hare".
Swordsmanship- Trained with the longsword
Cooking- Making new recipes is always fun to do! That and it is important to learn how to cook when you no longer rely on servants to do that job. The joys of independence.
Nobility's Education- Growing up in a noble's household, she was taught to read as having an illiterate daughter would bring shame to the family. She hasn't paid too much attention during music and dance classes though.
Leadership: Despite the sexism in the military, she has become a capable leader to the grumble of naysayers.

Biography: Amelia Beauchene was born as the third child of four and the only daughter of Markus Beauchene, a nobleman of Amaryth and politician. Growing up like many noblewoman at her age, she had certain expectations to fulfill. She was taught what proper manner and etiquette she should have. She was taught how to dance and entertain at social settings and to be meek and submissive to her future husband. At the age of seven, she was betrothed to another boy that she never met.

Amelia yearned for something more. Much of the lessons pertaining to how to become a proper lady bored her mind. Like all noble children, she was taught to read and write and she find herself immersing in fables to pass time. She eagerly listened to her eldest brother’s war stories much to the surprise of her father. She took archery lessons to heart and she enjoyed equestrian lessons. At the age of twelve, she got her father to consent to get her a tutor on swordsmanship in exchange for taking her other lessons more seriously (she tried to do the bare minimum).

Tragedy struck when she was 14. Her mother, compassionate and ever encouraging of “Our little Dame” passed away from a terminal illness. Within a few months she finally met her betrothed, Joseph Cormac. He was three years older than her and fair but his disposition struck her as vain and impulsive. Their first encounter ended badly when she slapped her future husband in the face after he gave humiliating and hurtful commands to one of Amelia’s playmates and closest friend.

The blowout that followed sullied their family name creating a rift between her and her father though she was to still wed to Joseph. For the next two years, she was isolated within the manor by her father’s orders though her lessons continued. Two years later, her father remarried to Eliza Halfor who had three children of her own, all of them younger than her.

She did not get along with her stepmother who always seemed to antagonize her at every chance. To avoid embarrassing her father more, she would keep a tight lip and put up a polite façade. Her stepsiblings rarely talked to her either and avoided her as if they were told to do so.

When she was seventeen, a family incident occurred at a dinner party. This resulting fallout ended in the disownment of Amelia Beauchene and her expulsion from the place she called home. Her arranged marriage was annulled and given to one of her two stepsisters.

Suddenly thrust into a society foreign from her own, she had to adjust quickly. The question was how? Wandering the streets penniless, the second brother approached her. He did not lent her money, telling her that she must earn it but he would provide shelter at a shack near his home. The second brother put her to work at an inn disguised as a peasant where she was known as Amy Lockwood and became an apprentice cook, interacting with the commoners as a waitress. Sometimes, the favorite eldest brother came to check up on her but could do little else because of his military obligations.

The inn proved to be a great experience for she met all manner of people there and eagerly listened to traveler's tales. For nearly a year, she worked at the inn doing the very chores her maids would once do. One day while she was gutting a king sea bass, she found a strange ring inside its gut. Without hesitation, she put on the ring, guts and all before she realized what she done. That was how she found her relic and set the kitchen on fire.

For the unexplained and mysterious fire, the inn was shut down for repairs. She used this time to test out her relic in the woods, discovering that she could shape fire as she willed. However, the further she attempted to ignite an area, the weaker and harder it was for her to call the fires out and it was near impossible to call out fire in the rain. As the final repairs were going on, the oldest brother told her to consider a military career as she was already trained in the basics of fighting and her adventurous spirit would make it a good fit for her.

After some deliberations, she went to the nearest recruitment office and applied to become an officer much to the disbelief of the recruiter as women in the army, much less one applying to train to become an officer, was quite a rare sight. The eldest brother promised to pay for the tuition anonymously and in secret if she someone did make the academy.

She passed the written preliminary exam to get into the Officer’s Academy but just got passing marks for her physicality (she never felt more thankful for the year and a half doing physical labor at the inn). She knew that the men there would be larger and stronger than her and to compensate for that, she’d need to both strengthen her body and use her lighter frame to her advantage during spars. The Academy was full of naysayers that only spurred her on to push her body to her limits and become the top of her class.

The Royal Relic Constabulary informed the school that they were looking for relic holders. Inquiring on what they do, she was shocked to learn that they were hunting down evokers and handing over to the Dominion of Idris. With this knowledge, she made no attempt to call forth her relic power.

She met another female officer in training to her surprise and joy, a year older than her. Before their relationship could amount to anything more, she suddenly left the academy under the pretense of family problems. She learned that night that she was hazed badly by the other men. This callous and sexist attitude infuriated Amelia and she vowed that she would not quit no matter what happens.

She surprised many of her detractors, especially her mentors. This was partly thanks to her earlier education and also her determination to make something worthwhile for herself. Though she wasn’t the top of the class, being a woman and doing above average, especially during spars, singled her out. It wasn’t long before she became isolated once more and had to deal with unwanted advances. She also did not write to her brothers, out of fear that her identity would be discovered and that her brothers would in trouble for communicating with her.

When she was 23, she graduated with the lowest commissioned rank of Lieutenant and given command of the Red Lion Battalion, Third Platoon. The men under her command have expressed a mixture of emotions at their young and fair officer: anger that a woman was higher ranked than them, respect it was the first time they’ve seen or heard a woman become an officer, and confusion.

Lt. Amy Lockwood’s first task was to reinforce the southern borders. The guard outposts there were understaffed and they could not afford to defend both the roads for safe passage and town from marauding gangs of thieves. She did so successfully albeit with the deaths of 6 of her men and several casualties. Given the honor of executing the remaining thieves or throwing them to jail, she opted to leave the choice to the local constable instead feeling that the weight of their lives would be too much blood on her hands. He chose to execute them the day after and Amy learned a valuable lesson. No amount of washing would remove the blood on her hands. Such was the cruel nature of her job.

The next two years, she spent her time on the southern borders keeping the peace. In several instances she saw agents of Idris transport so called evokers over the borders. Two months prior to the King’s festival, she had received orders to return back to the capital to meet up with her battalion and provide extra security around the capital.

Personality/motivation: Amelia has always had a flair for adventure and she was fiercely independent even as a child. Growing up, she would always wanted to join her brothers on an adventure (mostly running around the estate with their imagination running wild). Feeling confined and bored of the "noblewoman customs", she often rebelled against her father's wishes to become a proper lady. Leaving her identity as Amelia Beauchene, she became Amy Lockwood, an up and coming officer of the army with no connections to her former life in the hopes of finding her true calling.

She isn't one to immediately distrust people. All people, even the bad ones can do some good in their life.

Amelia has conflicting feelings with her family. Her father had other plans for her that she did not wanted, namely marrying her first cousin. Amelia had other plans and after much begging, she had her first taste of swordsmanship at the age of twelve. Her mother died of natural causes when she was 14 much to her grief. Two years later her father married another noblewoman. She has a sour relationship with her new stepmom as she believes she is the reason for her being disowned and she finds her unbearably snobbish. For the reasons above, Amelia has grown distant with her father though she does not mind her newfound freedom.

She has no problems with her two older brothers. One is an banker and the other is a civil servant former military man. She has one younger brother who has pursued a rather hedonistic lifestyle to her chagrin. She's made little contact with her step siblings. No one else knows about her relic except for herself.

Final Point - Spat at her step mother's face after she made incendiary remarks about her mom and her in a private conversation. Promptly left the room afterward.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@LiverisGood, with the current BBcode system, using [img=url] tag doesn't work. you have to use [img]url[/img]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She was taught how to dance and entertain at social settings and to be meek and submissive to her future husband. At the age of seven, she was betrothed to another boy that she never met.

Doesn't make sense in Othean Culture. Women have basically equal rights to men, perhaps meek and submissive may pass in certain families but arranged marrages don't happen, if they do it's below board.

The Royal Relic Constabulary

No longer existant, as I said before it is now the Kings Hand which operates in secret, if you were identified however you would either be offered to be trained and become a shadow in secret or you would be imprisoned if you refused to serve and worst comes to the worse you'd be handed over to the Dominion.

Inquiring on what they do, she was shocked to learn that they were hunting down evokers and handing over to the Dominion of Idris.

This bit doesn't make sense, the last King was totally in the pocket of the Order yes but Othea has been practicing with the Order of Idris for a period of time at least since before your character was born being raised in a noble house hold even if the religious shift was a new thing you would most certainly have known pretty early on.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hmm, I just wondered. I noticed sexism is everywhere in the roleplay (Not you guys, but I mean as in the lore and stuff, where the characters are), but is racism a big thing too? I have another upcoming character, and I'd like to know a little more about that, so I know whether or not to make her more mistreated than the other slaves, or just the same.

Also if a huge group of slaves some how got a hold of weapons, and took arms against their captors, and after the battle everyone was slain except for one person who they find knocked out among the carnage... would it be obvious that person was an Evoker?

Can this next Evoker's Relic power be a secret this time? I'm willing to share all of Luitgard's secrets now, but I'd really like this new character's ability to be a secret (Even to her), ;) And for those wondering once they see it... no, it's now a Werewolf, but you're close.

Don't think I'm giving up on Luitgard, I'm just going to be writing this new character (As well as a few others) alongside RPing Luitgard. Since the approval process takes so long, I thought it would be smart to start writing up my other characters as soon as possible... so as soon as I need them, I don't freeze the RP in suspension until I get them accepted.

Also, a few more questions for another (Well, two, but one's more of a side-kick) character.

Would a clock-work golem created by the power of a Relic (Which controls dirt, mud, water, metal, ETC, to create golems)? Or would I just have to settle with a solid hunk of metal that is formed? Trust me, I have balances for each type. All of the other types of golem can reform during battle, and take much more hits... but are fragile, and can be destroyed in one smash much easier. They're also more susceptible to other Evokers. The iron type (The clock-work version) has to be pre-built before it can be controlled, or the hunk of iron one could only be molded at the start of the magic. The strengths are, well, IT'S FLIPPING METAL! And the magic holding it together is kept inside, so it's much more capable for long-distance/long-term. Weaknesses... it's flipping metal... where the heck are you going to find that (They can't just grab any sort of metal they want. They already have a specific set of it ready for use, and if they lose it they'd have to build up another one)? It also can't reform and move around as easily, so a sword coming it's way will just have to take it, thus cutting the armor, and damaging the magic inside. It would also be slower than the others, and not be able to climb due to it's bulky build. It might also get stuck in mud more easily, or really deep snow. Maybe rust from rain. He's also a big hulking piece of metal, so he wouldn't be able to fit through small tunnels/doorways.

A friend also suggested a crystal golem... but I'm not sure how that one would work. Probably similar to the iron golem... perhaps that's what the assistant uses oftentimes? But, there aren't really crystals in this world... so not sure how that would form.

The water golem would also be pretty neat. It would be able to stay underwater, put out fires, reshape it's body really easily. Most likely blunt weapons would have little effect on it. It might also be able to water the plants around the house... lol. Or as a last resort to rehydrate someone. Problems would be... well... not doing so well in the desert. Possibly high heats would also be bad for it. It would also shrink when it's been out of the water for too long.

Sorry, don't want to get too into details here. But yeah, comments from everyone is appreciated, ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

You act like details are a bad thing. :p In my opinion, conversations like this are a healthy thing for a rp like Relics and allows players a chance to get more involved with their own thoughts, opinions, etc. Just give me a bit to read, digest, and reply though the GMs' words are final however I can't resist talking about stuff like this. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

No clockworks. We said no to that earlier (to someone else). As for the principle of golems: The energy required to construct such, let alone power such, is immense. Anyone capable of creating such would need access to a lot of "juice". Since it wouldn't be fired up irregularly, using the moons wouldn't be reliable (they're powerful, but ebb and flow). Thus the only truly powerful source left is blood. You'd need a lot of blood to fuel such. In other words, you'd be very visible for the trail of bodies left behind. Or you'd have to be very good at cleaning up. People tend to take offense at the sight of numerous bodies in association with a single individual. Or they take offense when people start disappearing without explanation.

At this point in the RP, the only group probable to be able and willing to fund an evoker that needs a lot of blood is the Kalnachi inquisitors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Hmm, I just wondered. I noticed sexism is everywhere in the roleplay (Not you guys, but I mean as in the lore and stuff, where the characters are), but is racism a big thing too? I have another upcoming character, and I'd like to know a little more about that, so I know whether or not to make her more mistreated than the other slaves, or just the same.

I think, in a slight way where a person is born and their loyalties might affect how they are treated in the other nations which is a type of racism. Most cause there's so many different types of humans that from my understanding, like in Kalesia, skin color is less of an issue compared to where you come from or what you practice. That if that was an important thing, then it could limit pictures used for PCS in my opinion as well as ideas. Though I can't image any of the nations naturally looking at everyone in a pleasant light. The closest would likely be Kalesia, though if someone's lazy and gains without earning anything by themselves than I can see most Kalesians frowning and becoming prejudice towards individuals rather than the whole. This makes it a changeable factor in some ways if the PC chooses to.

Also if a huge group of slaves some how got a hold of weapons, and took arms against their captors, and after the battle everyone was slain except for one person who they find knocked out among the carnage... would it be obvious that person was an Evoker?

I doubt it really as Evokers, unless their change is like Angie's where it occurs over time, look like any common human. That's why Idris has so much trouble seeking out and eliminating them, else it would've been impossible for anyone to hide from them. Though some nations might jump to the conclusion that s/he is an Evoker due to the circumstances which is common on our own history really.

Can this next Evoker's Relic power be a secret this time? I'm willing to share all of Luitgard's secrets now, but I'd really like this new character's ability to be a secret (Even to her), ;) And for those wondering once they see it... no, it's now a Werewolf, but you're close.

You'll have to tell the Gms, namely to help with balancing and such. Though that also makes it harder for anyone to help you completely with ideas and such unless you let them in on the secret, namely as it's easier to keep smaller secrets like hidden connections, relations, etc than powers.

I wouldn't mind a Werewolf, as I find mimic being a serious form of flattery as someone liked what I did and chose to put their own twist on it, though that would've made 3 already. Variety is the spice of life really though currently if this keeps up, we're likely to have a wolf pack on our hands. XD

Don't think I'm giving up on Luitgard, I'm just going to be writing this new character (As well as a few others) alongside RPing Luitgard. Since the approval process takes so long, I thought it would be smart to start writing up my other characters as soon as possible... so as soon as I need them, I don't freeze the RP in suspension until I get them accepted.

Also, a few more questions for another (Well, two, but one's more of a side-kick) character.

My advice, finish Luitguard and rp with her for a while rather than making a half a dozen PCs. Mainly we don't want you to risk getting overwhelmed with characters or worse, should RL creep up on you and life becomes busy than you might end holding up others without meaning to. I know cause I've seen and had it happen to me before. :p Though you could still write out the ideas, have the Gms look them over, and slowly intro them into the rp as time goes on like a side project.

Would a clock-work golem created by the power of a Relic (Which controls dirt, mud, water, metal, ETC, to create golems)? Or would I just have to settle with a solid hunk of metal that is formed? Trust me, I have balances for each type. All of the other types of golem can reform during battle, and take much more hits... but are fragile, and can be destroyed in one smash much easier.

No clockworks. We said no to that earlier (to someone else).

As for the principle of golems: The energy required to construct such, let alone power such, is immense. Anyone capable of creating such would need access to a lot of "juice". Since it wouldn't be fired up irregularly, using the moons wouldn't be reliable (they're powerful, but ebb and flow). Thus the only truly powerful source left is blood. You'd need a lot of blood to fuel such. In other words, you'd be very visible for the trail of bodies left behind. Or you'd have to be very good at cleaning up. People tend to take offense at the sight of numerous bodies in association with a single individual. Or they take offense when people start disappearing without explanation.

At this point in the RP, the only group probable to be able and willing to fund an evoker that needs a lot of blood is the Kalnachi inquisitors.

I can see that being possible, save the clockwork bit, else it would be more like Steampunk rather than fantasy medieval. Mainly I think it would take less energy to focus on 'animating' something small instead of creating a golem completely from scratch and give you some wiggle room. Though it shouldn't be of sentient intelligence but rather requiring commands, simple ones that are about 4 words max.

I suggest starting off with something small, taking less power to recharge, and could be 'turned off and on'. Maybe a small doll or ball could've been the Relic and could be animated as well used as the combative/defensive weapon? A ball might seem harmless, but having something whizzing among your feet, trying to trip you, smacking you in the shins, etc is very distracting when you're trying to catch/kill Evokers. As time goes on, the ball/toy could possibly gain new skills like maybe transforming into more offensive form though keep in mind the more drastic, the more energy needed for it. I would guess something along the lines of size changing into a crushing boulder like thing would take quite a bit of fuel compared to developing wooden spikes on the surface at will.

They're also more susceptible to other Evokers. The iron type (The clock-work version) has to be pre-built before it can be controlled, or the hunk of iron one could only be molded at the start of the magic. The strengths are, well, IT'S FLIPPING METAL! And the magic holding it together is kept inside, so it's much more capable for long-distance/long-term. Weaknesses... it's flipping metal... where the heck are you going to find that (They can't just grab any sort of metal they want. They already have a specific set of it ready for use, and if they lose it they'd have to build up another one)? It also can't reform and move around as easily, so a sword coming it's way will just have to take it, thus cutting the armor, and damaging the magic inside. It would also be slower than the others, and not be able to climb due to it's bulky build. It might also get stuck in mud more easily, or really deep snow. Maybe rust from rain. He's also a big hulking piece of metal, so he wouldn't be able to fit through small tunnels/doorways.

Roan's claws can cut through basic armor so he could easily rip out its heart in a way. If heated and cooled rapidly it would also weaken the integrity of the metal depending on what it is and making it easier to damage it. However, for normal NPCs who aren't equipped to dealing with Evokers, or Evokers without any established abilities to combat it, it would impossible to beat unless they killed the Evoker.

A friend also suggested a crystal golem... but I'm not sure how that one would work. Probably similar to the iron golem... perhaps that's what the assistant uses oftentimes? But, there aren't really crystals in this world... so not sure how that would form.

The water golem would also be pretty neat. It would be able to stay underwater, put out fires, reshape it's body really easily. Most likely blunt weapons would have little effect on it. It might also be able to water the plants around the house... lol. Or as a last resort to rehydrate someone. Problems would be... well... not doing so well in the desert. Possibly high heats would also be bad for it. It would also shrink when it's been out of the water for too long.

Sorry, don't want to get too into details here. But yeah, comments from everyone is appreciated, ;)

There's jewels and gems, which are classed as crystals in a way. In addition there could've been an Evoker who created a crystal material which could've saved your PC time and energy, but I still think the small animated object would've worked best. In addition shaping the golems would take massive energy as Ellri pointed out, both in creating, animating, and retaining its 'life'.

That's just my thoughts but might want to check with Ellri if it's possible though before having your heart set on it. Also, Ellri don't eat me. :P

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