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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

Akuma didn't even finch as the projectiles came his way, hardening his tendrils and merging them in front of hi to form a dome-like shield of iron-like toughness. After the barrage had ended, however, Akira found himself blocked out from the battle area by a dome of thick ice. It took very little time to figure out who did that, and it pissed him off quite a lot. He leaped off the building he was on and landed on top of the dome, noting how thick it was. It was solid, he'd give it that, but he doubt it was solid enough for what he was about to do.

He selected an are in front of him, and rose two tendrils up above him, the bloody appendages forming into a large sphere, which he soon compressed and placed right next to the top of the dome. He focused intensely, increasing the acidity and putting a great deal of energy into what he was about to do. He took in a deep breath, then jumped up high with the assistance of his other, focusing the entirety of his attack downward as he shouted it's name. "Burning Blood Massacre!" For a moment, there was nothing, but the the condensed sphere exploded downwards in a barrage of solidified tendrils smashing into the ice dome. The force that came with this attack and the acidity of the blood, allowed it to easily break through the dome, the tendrils exploding through to the other side with a echoing roar. This also caused a chain reaction, causing the a good deal of the ice to crack and fall apart, creating a bunch of falling debris to crash into the field below.

Akuma was amongst said debris, using his tendrils to propel himself from one falling piece of ice to another until he landed with a roll not that far away behind Ria.

"I hope you saved a piece of that copy-cat asshole for me, Zero, I've got a score to settle with that cannibalistic, clay-tossing creep. If you've taken care of him already, I at least hope you made it painful. You can call me Red Devil, or Red for short, but I have a feeling you don't give a shit." Akuma, his identify hidden behind his mask and his voice modulator, said as he got up into a standing position, replacing the upper two tendrils on his back with his own blood. He only had one more Burning Bloody Massacre left in him, and he'd make sure the next time was right in the freak's face.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ACHTUNG
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Priscilla actually being useful for once today

Walking outside onto the ruined streets after she was dropped off by that shy girl, Priscilla took a moment to breath in after what she admittedly considers a surprising event. It did leave her a bit miffed.

"Bloody nora... Well at least SOMETHING happened today"

Looking down the road wrecked by just two espers, one that can manipulate the very Earth in which she stood and one that can chill the very air she breaths. Yeah this world has some fucked up shit.

"Ah damn and blast... Sorry Edvard, my curiosity takes precedence over caution this time around..."

"Right... need to get there fast..."

With a deep breath Priscilla poked awake the powers she had so far only used to charge phone batteries and fiddled with internet reception. Her ability to manipulate and harness the Electroweak force.

With information pulled straight from the blabbering of Physicists, She quantum superposed her entire being to a point just outside the makeshift fight ring the espers had made for themselves.

She found herself on top of a building overlooking the icecapped box of earth. Off to her side on top of another building she found the giant of a boy and the shy girl who's looking worse for wear.

Now what is a doctor to do in a situation like this? Well a normal doctor would call the authorities and what not, but she ain't exactly normal. Instead she yelled at the top of her lungs across to the two...


And with that she superposed a first aid box along with an energy drink right next to Kotori and Sasaki before going down to ground level and taking care of the wounded on her side of the makeshift fight ring.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ahh, well shit." Jack threw his hands up, "You've got me. Have mercy, please!"

Jack's tone was easily recognizable as "sarcastic" as expect from him with a tinge of anger. He plan just went to shit with the arrival of people that weren't suppose to be present. He had spent a good deal of time and his other people's blood on this plan to work exactly as he wanted it. He didn't want to spend extra energy on all these new problems.

However, he already had a back up. While dragging up the stone and dirt for the creation of his walls, several underground utilities got dragged up as well. Namely the gas pipes. He smiled as he felt the ice traveling up his legs like a growing plant. With a swift move, he burst all the gas pipes around him, the flames easily melted the sphere of ice around him. No ice can withstand fire, not even Ria's.

The ice vines growing up his legs were already preventing him movement of his feet, but not the ground. While the ice was growing like a plant, he smiled as the cold went up his legs. Unlike plants, the ice only grew up, not down. With the sphere containing him gone, he forced earth under his feet. The ice easily broke as he created a thin plateau for himself.

He smiled as he spitted out the little ice bomb forming in his mouth. It exploded the second it left his mouth, right in front of his face. But his Terracotta Armor ensured nothing bad would happen. Smiling widely as his armor regenerated, "Now. Time for my parting gift to you.

He swung his arm up and along with it, hundreds of earth, stone and clay golem rose from the ground. As they all turned to Ria, Jack asked, "What do humans treasure the most?"

As the hundreds of golems began to pile on to Ria, Jack dug straight down, forcing stone to break and dirt to part if it was in front of him. He traveled for a long time, dodging pipes and buried cables, he created a tunnel with more turns, dives and climbs impossible for anyone to follow if the end of if hadn't already collapsed.

He finally returned home, his White Chapel awaited its master with open arms.
"Sempai, how about we stay here?" a voice rang in his head.
"Yes, Yui. I'll turn this place into our new home for all of us." Jack whispered word that had left his mouth once, long ago, "For all of us..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tsukuyomi Yayoi

This is bad she thought doing a standard divination lead to some less than pleasant results. Knowing that there was people injured she quickly put on her large bracelet and moon clip in her hair. Come on Hakurei she muttered time to get moving we need to help somehow I dont know how but we must. "Understood than get up and get going already" Tsukuyomi heard her ai companion say smirking she brushed her light purple hair a bit before running out. Following the obvious trails do destruction it was easy to find the direction in which she had to head. Though at least she was nearby the main part it "thank the gods for small favors" she muttered as she continued to run.

"This is not good" Tsukuyomi said as she surveyed the scene before her. No time to spare she thought as she quickly ran towards the closest person that looked injured who seemed to either have a very loyal body guard or a close friend. "Please let me see her there are no visible signs of injury but mental strain is showing on the face I can at least alleviate some of it." She said to the large person before getting on her knees. "Praevius853 "To guide and protect the lost" Fifth Spell: Shirou Tensou" She exclaimed before she grabbed multiple multiple ofuda from her pocket and quickly throwing them causing them float around before a white glow appeared. This is the best I could do she said before grabbing the ofuda that flew back into her hand and setting out to heal the next person. Though she did spare another glance and saw that her mental pain that was troubling her was somewhat lessened that was good she thought one more person to help with applying first aid to the injured she hoped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Everything sounded distant an muffled, as if he was under water. His head felt as if it was being pounded on with a hammer and his throat burned as if he downed fire. "What the hell happened." He mumbled to himself despairingly as he brought his hand to test of his forehead. He tried to open his eyes, but the second his cracked them open, the light burned his irises. "Shit, where am I here?" he mumbled to himself gloomily. Ray struggled to sit up, the clean white sheets falling off his body as did so. He slowly looked around the room lamentablely, the bright white light blinding him slightly once again.

Your in the infirmary you twit. Understanding ripped through Ray like a butcher knife was cutting through raw meat. What the hell happened? How did he end up in this situation? Ray raked his hands through his black hair, he unfortunately could not understand what was going on. He had to have been injured, although he could not exactly pinpoint the affliction itself. All he felt at the moments of a pounding headache, and the unnerving feeling of confusion. [i]So you remember nothing, that's bad, what could have gotten past you? "Mister, can beat everyone!"[/] Ray sighed, there must have been a logical explanation for this situation.

The walls and and ground suddenly shook, which startled and excited him at the same time. The random tremor would have scared anyone, but this shaking gave him an opportunity to find out what he was doing inside the infirmary. Your also member of JUDGEMENT, that's another reason. Ray jumped out of bed, suddenly feeling much better than before. Ray sprinted out the room in his infirmary gown and into the school courtyard. He noticed a classroom wall busted down, which made Ray a bit mad. "Destruction of school property." Ray mumbled to himself as he ran past the destruction.

Ray eventually reached a large earthen wall that reached up high into the air. Ray scowled, he could hear the sounds of a battle on the inside. Ray reached under his gown and into his pant pocket, taking out his yellow gloves and brass knuckles. He put the brightly colored hand coverings and his weapon. "Seeking Ring." Ray said to himself quietly as he grated his knuckles against each other. A waves were emitted from his knuckles, a wave bounced off the wall and hit Ray immediately, but the wave still went through the wall. Ray could hear the crowd on the inside, he could also hear the fight the ensued on the inside. He did not no who was fighting, but he could tell that the enemy was powerful. "Need to free everyone." He mumbled. Ray cocked his right arm back and took another breath, "Icy Night Air." Ray said as he smashed his fist into the wall. A section of the wall was smashed through, boulders falling to the ground. "Everyone out!" Ray yelled once he climbed on top of the fallen boulders.

As the crowd ran outside the opening Ray made to freedom, he walked towards the fight. Unfortunately, it looked like the fight was over, the enemy had escaped, but he left hundreds of golems that was piling on top of Absolute. "Crap." Ray mumbled to himself as he watched the scene. Ray reached into his pocket and pulled out six pieces of of Green paper. So you'll finally utilize PEM, huh? He through the papers at the hole that he had created, he mumbled thr magical terms and the papers activated, the papers created a earthen wall, fortunately the people were out of the enclosed. Ray pulled out another eight pieces of paper, all red. He through the papers at the crowd of golems and summoned a tornado. He then activated the red paper that was picked up by the wind. "Fire Storm." Ray mumbled, as fire enveloped the wind, and transformed into a tornado of flames. Some of the golems were picked up by the spell and burned. "Looks like this is experiment is a success." Ray smiled at the scene.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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The petite (to him at least) young lady's surprisingly firm grip was like a vice upon his hand. If he were a lesser man, perhaps it would have even bruised, fractured or something of the sort. It was evident that Kotori was trying really hard, whereas he was here for... what? To watch the battle that gave him nothing but a shameful exhilaration? His friend had brought him to help, but what could he really do? His skills were bent towards taking lives, not saving them. That was the cold truth of the situation. Someone like him would be powerless to save what was lie front of him, no matter how hard he tried.

Kotori fell to her knees, exhausted mentally and physically.

'...That's right. I'm not here for me,' Sasaki reminded himself, Kotori's hand still securely held in his own. He gently lowered it to the ground as well as he could and let go. "You did good, Kotori-chan," Sasaki said, taking the energy drink and the first aid box in hand, "Just leave the rest to me, ne?" He nodded to the healer magician as he passed, light jog turning into run towards the injured civilians as directed by the now-actually-active detention room teacher. Even if a person like him couldn't save everyone in front of him, he could still try.

The canned energy drink opened with the characteristic popping sound before Sasaki downed it mid-run. Glug, glug, glug. He wiped off the droplets leaking from the side of his mouth and came to a sliding halt before one of the more seriously wounded. Now, Sasaki was not typically the sort to consume energy drinks. As a result, this poor wounded fellow had a twitchy giant kneeling over her, apparently administering first aid. It's fortunate that she was unconscious, then. Using what medical knowledge he had available from experience patching himself up, watching other people patch him up, and the manual conveniently placed in the kit, he began his energy drink-fuelled healing crusade armed with a first aid kit, his own rudimentary knowledge, and the hopes and dreams of many.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


Akuma growled as Jack escaped, calling down the blood left over from his signature attack to smash down on any of the clay clones that tried to attack him. He didn't bother trying to help Ria, she'd probably try and freeze him if he did, instead turning to the opening and running out of the building through the opening made by one judgement member who was taking on the thankless task that Akuma was avoiding.

He jumped over the crowds, lashing out a tendril into the section of wall above the hole and swinung out into the city. He would continue to swung until he made it to another hidden outpost. Once he was inside, he sat down and took a rest. He was tired from using his Signature and needed about 10 minutes of recuperation. And while he was certain nobody could find him here, he stayed ready for anything.


He'd been on patrol for a while when he heard all the chaos going on in the downtown area. When he arrived at the scene of the devastation, everything was over and there were people everywhere in need of help. Dylan had limited first-aid knowledge, but he put all of it to use, helping the giant boy he saw zipping around in stabalizing and tending to people as best he knew how.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Tsumiki watched the situation as it unfolded. Ria was fighting directly with Jack, however ill advised that was, and he knew from experience jumping in with her was pointless. Instead, he turned his attention to the group of people aiding the wounded, which was definitely something he could help with.

Dropping down beside one of the people offering relief, he noticed it was Dylan. Dylan had never liked him for some reason, and tended to avoid him, but there was no time to think about that now.

"Dylan, take me around to anybody who needs stabilizing. My electricity can do it faster than medicine or bandages." He planned to help in the best way he could, using his knowledge of biology to keep as many people as possible alive until medical staff arrived.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bang Constantine

When an explosion erupted, it was then that Bang thought, Someone's interrupting detention.

Bang sort of followed anyone he thought to be less of an ass to the detention room. He eventually ended up kneeling behind Sasuke Kojima, his expression remaining idle as he watched Sasuke twitch around like a freaky android.

This man... Bang thought. I presume that he's good at this kind of stuff because he drinks milk.

Clever bastard.

Cain End'rana

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotori & Ria - An Invisible Songbird's Frozen Soliloquy

She would have fallen face forward if Sasaki hadn't held onto her hand. Nonetheless, the hundreds she had saved still needed help, and pathetically there was very little that she could do in this state. Calmly, the towering boy helped her simply sit upon their overlook of the disaster caused by two fifth level monsters, and she would simply sit there. Her head felt light, wavy, as if the breeze were about to push her over akin to how a large ocean wave does to a child.

Closing her eyes, warm blood trickled past her lips as the dizziness she felt didn't settle, and the mind wracking headache did little else than just disorient what little other focus she possessed.

A white box appeared between her and Sasaki, turning to stare wearily at it, her dimming gaze couldn't even identify what was on it. Tightly shutting the lids that hid pools of deepened onyx, she tried to assemble her thoughts; but there was nothing that she could do. That was until there was a peculiar light, a strange one, and seeping through her veins from the ground beneath her came a sense of reinvigoration.

Slowly, her eyes regained their focus, and the blood flowing from her nose sharply ceased. And she shook her head as Sasaki stated his farewells and bolted off with the Medical Kit that she now knew that strange white box to be. Weakly, she reached after him as the other girl too quickly disappeared to go about her medicinal work, and the Songbird was left alone atop of the tall building.

Cries of panic and chaos still below caught her attention once again as she realized that there were others still trapped beneath the rubble of all the madness. The ones held hostage in the coliseum weren't the only victims in this horrific tragedy.

Walking to the edge of the building, the girl looked to the dizzying heights below. She could see Sasaki darting from one person to the next in a dizzying procession of selfless kindness, as well as the others getting into action. Stumbling slightly and almost falling off the edge, she chastised herself for the recklessness by which she was acting and sat down instead. Unfastening the blazer of her uniform off to reveal the plain white blouse beneath, she folded up the thick fabric to act as a pillow, she simply laid her head back and closed her eyes.

She had done all that she could, there was comfort in that. While she might have wished that she could have done more to help those in need of it; now, in this moment there was literally nothing else that could be done.

What she needed to do now was to give her poor addled mind a break. Humming softly to herself, the weakened Telekinetic shivered slightly from the cold breeze that whisked off of the towering pier of ice.

Concealed down below from the eyes of all within the dome of frost, Ria's expression sharply changed to one of disgust as this annoying madman was nimbly able enough to avoid her machinations. Putting a sudden and swift stop to them as he taunted her, her fists clenched, her fury remained unsatisfied. Instead, this man dared to summon a horde of golems to charge at her.

The gall of such a tactic. It were almost as if this idiot thought she were infantile. Eyes narrowed, and the very air about her dropped in temperature at an absolutely incredible rate. As the golems converged upon the singular point that she was, frost laced up their arms, legs, torsos and heads swiftly as they charged into the barrier that suddenly surged outward.

Even the chunks of debris that fell from above suffered a similar fate.

As brashly as they had advanced, the hindrance of the abominable cold stopped them. Freezing the very earth, making them unable to move as Ria swiped across with her hand. The frost that had infected the golems expanded rapidly, and akin to how a hammer would smash a pebble, the golems shattered into frigid bits of rock and stone.

While this tactic had been effective, Ria glared past the broken golems to see that the madman had fled to parts unknown. She didn't have the capacity to follow someone through the ground.

Furiously, she turned to glare at the two others while they left, they who had tried to intervene in her fight. Her conflict. They shouldn't have been there, those assholes only got in the way!

"What the hell do you two think you were doing?" She inquired scathingly out loud, though they were long gone. With little more than spiteful loathing rumbling forward from her, she continued. "This was my fight. MY BUSINESS. YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO BE HERE."

Her hands clenched into fists, watching as one of them left. Swiping her hand across a second time, the entirety of the dome shattered into a fine dust. Caught in the wind, the dazzling dusted frost would take to the air and spread all over the city.

"Idiots. Stay out of my way next time, or I'll freeze you myself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nishihara Kei

As I had expected, this place continued to overcome all my expectations regarding it's nickname as the Chaotic Academy. Just when it seemed like all the delinquents (or not) in the classroom would settle down and just allow this stupid punishment to pass, Ria, who I no longer could simply call ice stripper due to there being another girl vying for that title, decided to use her ice to hold us in place while at the same time telling us to get out. I would have called her out on such a contradiction, if not for the fact that someone burst the wall. In hindsight, I thought I should later thank Ria.

Ria dashed after the mysterious invader. Apparently, she also forgot to free us from our ice shell. My previous thoughts about thanks waned a bit as I wondered what to do next. Thankfully, one of my fellow delinquents, a towering giant managed to break through the ice shell, clearing a path. Almost immediately afterwards, someone seemed to levitate us all out from the wreckage of the what used to be that holding room. From the reactions, I guessed it must have been work of the glasses girl who seemed to be friends with towering giant. I really had no time to actually confirm it, since it seemed like a good number of my colleagues in detention recklessly followed after the trail of destruction left by Ice Stripper #1 and Wall Breaker.

I followed the trail of destruction without really thinking about what I'd do. Reaching what had been a battlefield, my work seemed cut out for me. A lot of injured people. Many of them seemed pretty close to dying. "I can do this... This much is nothing." I muttered to no one in particular, as if that would give me confidence, while approaching the nearest injured person. There were too many people for me to really take care of it all, but thankfully there were more people around who seemed to have a similar idea. I decided to try and find the worst cases. If I could heal the injuries on the worst cases just enough, they could survive until ambulances arrived. "But what kind of monster does this...?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kaname Tsurara

"So my stripper of a sister has been through here after all" she said as she surveyed the area littered with small icicles and the like. "Sigh why does she always have to be so troublesome" kaname said once more before taking a step forward and following the trail of ice and ruins that would probably lead to Ria. Letting the breeze pull back at her uneven twintails as she continued forward reaching the bridge she casually stepped around the debris as she eyed her sister standing ranting about god knows what. Deciding to sneak up on her twin for old time sakes she quietly stepped till she was behind Ria before saying "Hey icicle head did you do enough damage for the day?" She questioned as she let a large smirk cross her face at the thought of Ria's reaction.

Kishiko Tachibana
Sigh this is great first detention and how this she thought to herself as she scrambled out of the wreck of the icy ball. Shaking those thoughts from her head she quickly headed out going by the smoke there was trouble she could at least try to help where she could after all. With those thoughts in mind Kishiko headed out to see what she might be able to help with though she thought to herself a bit of tea would help someone calm their nerves. She supposed some tea for herself would do greatly as well she thought before she quickly grabbedher thermos full of tea before setting off.

Tsukuyomi Yayoi
This was going to be more tiring than she thought this was her eighth person she healed and she was already running out of steam. Taking a small break she let you great huffs as her purplish hair fell over shoulders. "Tsukuyomi some rest is needed you cant handle healing another person" Hakurei voiced in worry obvious on her voice. "I suppose your right Hakurei" Tsukuyommi said as she collapsed by a intact pole leaning against it as she continued to huff.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Absolute Zero, Tsurara Ria

GM's P.O.V, a reenactment of what Feisty did
With Jack leaving like the weasel coward he is, the prideful Tsurara and 8th Level 5, Absolute Zero, Ria angered performed instantaneous calculations.

Concealed down below from the eyes of all within the dome of frost, Ria's expression sharply changed to one of disgust as this annoying madman was nimbly able enough to avoid her machinations. Putting a sudden and swift stop to them as he taunted her, her fists clenched, her fury remained unsatisfied. Instead, this man dared to summon a horde of golems to charge at her.

From that point onwards, Ria used herself as a conduit of moisture, making out her body in general has enough moisture and liquid content to perform the necessary protection for her; True indeed, Ria have been depriving herself from moisture which means dehydration as explained through the enormous display of the huge chunks of ice she created but that is not only the case; Ria not only freezes moisture but whatever content of gases around the atmosphere, she froze: Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Ammonia.

As a matter of fact; (H2CO3). Decomposition of organic matter by micro organisms releases CO2 which when mixed with soil water can form carbonic acid. Ria calculated and taken in account of this, the amount of contents that can be frozen given in exchange of her own moisture and the little air and water available which she can turn into instantaneous freezing.

The effects of subzero temperatures on soil are varied, influencing a wide range of physical, biological, and chemical processes. Since the formation of ice in soil requires an understanding of thermal gradients and water movement, the major thrust of recent work has been from a physically based approach. The visible effects of freezing and thawing, such as changes in soil structure and damage to building and road foundations, have also received considerable attention. There is far less information available concerning possible effects on chemical and biological soil reactions. Our aim, therefore, is to present an overview of the freeze/thaw cycle, placing particular emphasis on factors relating to the less well-documented and understood influences on nutrient availability.

In other words, abstract freezing of nutrients around her is what Ria did.

She fell into her knees, feeling the effects of her self conduit performance on displaying outstanding feats of using cryokinesis. "I have been stealing moisture from Kurogami Akira and those who were here. Every time a person speak, the laws of photosynthesis applies, we breathe in oxygen and we release carbon dioxide so therefore every word they utter, the release carbon dioxide for me to freeze, in addition to freezing my own moisture. I have updated my clearance and digits to my personal reality. Basic Knowledge of the body, indeed I am immune to hypothermia and other cold diseases."

Ria indeed used herself as a conduit to sustain and use her own ice. This method deprives her from moisture thus making her dehydrated.
"Shut up you imbecile." Throwing an insult to her twin sister who she accused and implied of just watching instead of helping her out. "The next time, I meet Jack. I won't hold back." Ria requiring immediate medical attention.

Anti-Skill and Judgement arrived in time but late, the rest of the Judgement members(Whoever you are) are in pursuit of Jack.

A 3 hour timeskip

ARC 2: Finished.

Post-Credit Scene.

A figure from the shadows appear right before the madman Jack, greeting him. At the same time, the Akurans leave the scene after gathering the information needed about the two level 5's, they meet up with their leader.

"Anderson-sama, welcome back." A girl in the shadows as we only see her beautiful lips greets Anderson.

A 1 week timeskip! April 14, 20XX
Free Roam, Saturday; Before Class because Classes starts at 1 PM. So given time is 10 AM.

Plot for arc 3: To be added, none for now.
Everyone is free to do mini arcs, Grey is Co-GM, Shiho and Fei are Co-GM. Mini arcs will be send in the OOC for approval.

Strongly Advised for the next arc, please do not cause ruckus like Kotori's book because it drags and don't speed post, don't ignore anyone's post, don't fuck with logic and all that. Nobody gets away from this rule breaking moments.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 16 days ago

With the help of some of the other students, most of the golems were destroyed. Unfortunately, a lot of the giant moving rocks still survived as Ray's flaming tornado dissipated. "Shit!" Ray yelled at he made a move to jump inside the conflict, but before he could get 7 feet away from her, it looked as if the air around Absolute was freezing. "What the hell." Ray mumbled in wonderment. It was as if she froze everything in the air. "Even with that much moisture in the air, she would not be able to freeze all that air without hurting herself." he said in his mind. Maybe she froze more that the water partials in the air.

Ray shook his head, he did not have the time to watch the amazing display of Esper ability. He ran past Absolute, making sure to give her a wide birth. He stood in front of the whole that Jack used for an escape, "Should we chase? No, we should keep this open, but closed till when we are ready." He said to himself as he pulled out a bunch of green paper and sprinkled in into the whole. The paper attached themselves to the holes walls throughout the tunnel, up till the entrance on the other side, he then activated half of the papers. The paper then became earth and filled up and sealed the original whole, and created another path to Jack assumed base.

Ray walked back towards Absolute who had fallen to the floor after her display. His heart pounded so hard it was as if it would jump out of his chest. Ray took a beep breath and picked her up, there had to be a first aid lady around. Ray strolled out of the battled field and towards the injured. He stepped over the bodies of many civilians to get to Nishihara Kei, the one that he had met in the classroom. He place Absolute in front if her quietly, "she needs medical attention, probably shouldn't have moved her." He said nervously. Ray backed away and headed for the hole Jack made.

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kotori - Invisible Once Again

Post Theme~Enjoy if You'd Like

A few days of quiet behind the pale curtains of the Academy's infirmary marked the little Songbird's week after the incident in the city. Having strained a little too hard to accomplish what she did, her sacrifice was made entirely worthwhile as after the first day; families of those who she had saved delivered flowers and well wishes in tearful gratitude. While the girl could appreciate the beautiful turquoise and fiery blossoms that lay scattered about the bedside table, her wish was to escape the plainly white surroundings.

Yet for the first two days when she tried to get off the bed, let alone attempt to stand, Nurses came bustling in and forced her back into the bed. Insisting upon her rest and recovery, even though she felt well enough to try and leave.

On the seventh day, as the sun cast a pattern of comforting warmth across her cheek through the translucent curtains, the Doctor came to her and told her of her impending release. For the first time in over half a week, she smiled brilliantly. Sliding off the edge of the mattress that had been her cage for the past few days, she changed into a fresh uniform in the later fire that was the afternoon's sky.

Tucking a book called "Great Expectations" by an interesting European author named Charles Dickens beneath her arm, she slid her toes into the polished uniform shoes she wore, and strode across the almost reflective tile towards the exit. Pushing past the barrier, the flowers that she had been given trailed behind her through the air.

Walking home with the gifted book held tightly in her grasp, she opened the door to her dark, quiet, and lonely home. A small little and humble dormitory room with scant decoration. Thanks to the kindness and gratitude of others, the flowers found window sills to sit upon, and the once plain room found a little splash beautiful color. Of fire, water, and softened golden hues.

Even if they could not talk nor speak, the flowers made her feel a little less alone.

The book that she had been gifted found it's place upon the little table near the edge of the room. Sitting beside it upon a hard backed oaken chair which she had picked from the garbage and struggled to repair, a lamp flickered on by itself as she lifted the book into her hands. Propping it open unto the first page, the little Songbird began a new adventure in her heart's mind.

One that was to be filled with hope, and heartbreak; tribulations and triumph alike.

She did not drift to sleep for a few hours longer as the story enveloped her mind and heart alike, and when she did; her dreams were filled with spinning wonders of European Nobility and Aristocracy, the enigmatic beauty which the Protagonist had fallen for, and the devilish plot of an elderly woman who had corrupted her. All to simply break a man's heart as hers had so many years ago.

As she always had done, Kotori woke early. A little earlier this time since she still had to fulfill a promise that she had made. Much unlike the promise in the book she had read, this one was simpler; yet it still mattered much.

A clatter of cooking utensils marked the first part of her day after the usual shower and running of a brush through her hair to tame its wild state after a night's rest. Soon after as a mixed scent of various herbs and spices emanated while eggs sizzled upon the pan, the Songbird carefully turned them so that they remained perfectly round. A chopping mixture of varying vegetable sauté with basil and olive oil also crept past her senses as she deemed their taste satisfactory.

While she carefully piled and organized these first two tastes into a duet of black bento boxes, the rice steamer she had saved for weeks to get dinged with a high pitched chime to announce the completion of the starch she required. With a softened smile, she carefully placed the rice into a box. Neatly shaping them both like a pyramid, she moved next to retrieve a pair of fresh Honeycrisp Apples. Sweet and firm, she neatly sliced them, neatly arranging the eight slices they became in a row as she doused them lightly with a touch of lemon juice. To partly preserve the apples and insure they wouldn't spoil, and to add a little tartness to the overwhelming sweetness that the Honeycrisp were known for.

After drizzling a thin line of caramel across the apples, a trio of thickly cut bacon would stray across the eggs. Doused with cracked black pepper, and while she hummed softly in a song only she knew, the boxes were neatly closed and tied down with string.

Settling one atop the other, and wrapping them in a soft cloth bag to insure the safety of their travel, the little Songbird unraveled the apron she had tied about her waist and neck and bravely made for the outside world once again.

The walk to the main campus did not take long, and similarly as she had done to the day before, before the detention and before the disaster in the city itself, Kotori ventured to the music room. Finding the Grand Piano and playing a softened, melancholy tune that had struck her heart. Having known many songs by memory, she always preferred those that spoke to the hesitance and apprehension that always seemed to strike true to her heart.

Sounds of other students bustling about brought her attention to the other side of the day that had began, and she quietly, humbly strode from the music room and back into the cafeteria where it had all began. Carefully unwrapping the two bento boxes, the quiet and shy girl plucked a piece of paper and wrote a small message upon it as she settled it upon the table in front of her.

It simply stated such:

'Thank you for your kindness, Kirima-san.'

With the addressee being plain enough as to who it should go to, Kotori paused for a moment as she stared at it uneasily. Deciding that it was best to probably eat outside today instead of the suffocating cafeteria, she lightly plucked up the two boxes and strode outside. In the gentle wind that cast the pink petals of cherry blossoms to waft in front of her, she tucked her skirt beneath her as she sat beneath the shade of a tree.

Settling her box in front of her on her lap, and the box that belonged to the one she had promised to make a breakfast for, the little Songbird waited for the Iron Giant to arrive.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ACHTUNG
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Infrequently a team but still team Frequency...

The week that followed the incident was an incredible pain in the ass for Priscilla and by extension the rest of the trio. While usually the voice of reason of the group, she was frequently also the first one to snap under stress. While she kept her cool during the incident, she didn't do so on the debriefing afterwards.

The resulting fracas between her and the person the trio answer to resulted in their sentence being extended for another year. Naturally this resulted in some bitter interactions with Edvard, and to a lesser extent even to the usually cheerful Hibiki. Priscilla has successfully, fucked the team's short term freedom over. Although it's still unlikely that they'd earn enough money to acquire the resources to rebuild Edvard's EUNU within the extended sentence.

Priscilla and Edvard now find themselves in the staff lounge having a coffee and some biscuits. While they did fight after the debacle they've long since reconciled with each other earlier this week. Nevertheless the atmosphere between the two remains awkward at best.

Edvard was the first to break the ice, although probably in a non ideal manner.

"So did you really teleport yourself and some other random things I can't be bothered to remember by taking advantage of the phenomenon of quantum super-position?"

"For the last time, Yes I did and there's only two reasons' your asking that question is firstly you still think I'm a bit bitter at everything... yes I am, but this ain't helping, just act like how you normally do... secondly is that you feel full of your stupid genius self because it was your idea to have me learn all this physics mumbo jumbo... And I thank you for that... Still doesn't warrant you asking this question repeatedly over the damn week..."

And with a puff Priscilla's tirade was over, leaving Edvard a bit dumbstruck and earning a few looks from the other people in the room.

"Well if you say so, I'd be going first... got things to do and people to inject some of my stupid genius into..."

"Yeah do what you want ye asshat..."

Finding time in relative peace, Priscilla's thoughts drifted. One can even describe her as reflecting on what has happened since they came here. Well it was literally all trouble. It probably was a questionable decision to tag along in this retarded trip with those two but what's done is done. And this new life is proving to be a fair bit more eventful than her old one. The main fear she has is the fact that when the time to leave comes, she might not actually leave...

What she doesn't realize is that the entire team is also delving upon thoughts of staying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Tsumiki kept to himself most of the week, volunteering little in class, not speaking unless spoken to, going on patrol alone. Right now he was in the training room, skipping lunch. He stood in the middle of the room, waiting patiently. Three bots spat themselves out of the walls, and almost as quickly crashed into each other as Tsumiki reprogrammed their navigation systems.

"Too easy," he muttered, sending a command to the system to increase the number.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aria Fabra

Aria couldn't help but sigh apparently while she was out carving wood and digging up her varnish there was a big event that happened what she wasn't sure exactly sure on. Still shaking those thoughts from her head she headed out the sakura was in bloom and it was always a nice sight to see. Grabbing her violin she headed out to the courtyard area it was still early morning so there was no pressing matters for her to do so with that in mind she placed her violin case on the ground revealing her violin. It was a bit different from last the wood now had a darker sheen that seemed to have a effect of absorbing the light making it all the more darker in appearance. Taking the bow to the wizened string she started to play. Letting the noise increase a bit she let the sound wash over the courtyard letting those hear her song and listen to it.

Tsukuyomi Yayoi
It was technically time that she head to school she thought though right now attending to the local shrine she set about cleaning up and setting up for visitors once more. "A few more minutes than school Tsukuyomi can't afford to be late even if you need to get the shrine back to a running state." Hakurei chimed in making sure that she knew she had to head to school as well than just spend all day at the shrine. "I understand Hakurei" Tsukuyomi replied once more it has been one week since that incident and beyond finding this shrine which she awoke she did nothing more than do work on the shrine to repair it. Sensing a presence nearby she dropped her broom and took out multiple ofuda there was what can only classify as a foreign spirit residing in someone. Seeking as she was taught to exorcise it she grabbed her purification ofuda and threw it at the person and his duck? Landing on his back she quickly ran to catch up to tell him about the spirit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Gah, this sucks Kazeno-san~" Chi Ni seemed to loose her usual pep sometime during the ass crack of dawn o'clock, "Why do we have to come to school on a Saturday?"
"School rules." Kazeno walked with Paragade the duck blissfully sitting on top of his head, "Trust me I don't like them much either."

Really, what the hell? Kazeno thought in his head, Live Again+ was suppose to come out today too. Argh! I want to play it so badly! Kazeno continued to whine in his head as Chi Ni leaned against his shoulder, even if she did cause him trouble, Kazeno couldn't help but feel that she was much cuter when she was docile.
"What's so good about that game?" Chi Ni sleepily rubbed her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Kazeno yelled at the spirit, "Live Again was a masterpiece that combined an amazing action-adventure game with a dating sim! You play as a young Demon, a biological super soldier with super human capabilities and monsters powers, who has been disgraced and is now working as a body guard for a young mistress, Asahina-chan, to keep himself alive! You have to keep track of both flags and combos to be good at it! Live Again+ takes the route of the best ending were you and Asashina-chan are now in love and have to fight off everyone who tries to hunt you down while also introducing multiple girls to keep track of and safe! There's already rumors of Live Again:Re, another game which goes off the bad ending where Asahina-chan is killed and you must gain the ability to go back in time to save her!"

"Christ sakes, stop talking about the writer's light novel idea, damn otaku." Chi Ni mumbled as Kazeno's face went sour and he hit Chi Ni who let out an uncharacteristically cute "Kyun!"

Turning to his right as he finished mounting the stairs, something hit him. Two landed on his back, one the nape of his neck, one on his shoulder, one (especially hard for some reason) on the back of his head and on Paragade's duck butt, resulting in a loud quack mixed with surprise and flavored with anger. By reaction, Chi Ni jumped into Kazeno before he summoned his Demon Sword, Murasume, and spun on his heel and pointed it back, "Tempestas156, the storm of sin that I wield!". He seemed ready to cut whatever threw something in half before seeing it was a shrine maiden.

"Oh, its just a shrine maiden." Kazeno flicked his hand and his sword disappeared in a cloud of black smoke; Chi Ni didn't come out of his body for some reason and Kazeno felt the roots of the desire to kill something form inside of him. Surprising that, he felt a bit embarrassed shouting his magical name for no real reason in front of the shrine maiden, "Sorry about that, do you need something? And also, what did you throw at me and my duck?"

As if to show, Paragade turned around where a slip of paper was now attached to his butt and quacked angrily.

Somewhere in Kazeno's subconscious, he wept to himself, Why do I end up around weird people?

Anderson's Part to follow!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nishihara Kei

Just like that, the wall smasher incident ended as quickly as it had ended. I had dedicated myself to saving lives. I'd like to say I saved them all, but I guess I'd be lying. At nightfall that day, I wrote Sensei a small mail, reporting what I had seen in my first few days in this academy. Sensei was sharp, he wrote that I shouldn't feel guilty about the people I could not save. We are but magicians, not gods. That didn't really have much effect on me. In my mind, if I were somehow better, I could have saved more people.

It is probably unnecessary to say that the following week was fairly restless for me. I entered the habit of sleeping late and waking up early, studying or training with much more frequency than I myself had ever expected of me. It was so, that I woke up fairly early in the morning of that Saturday. However, at least for that day, I decided to give myself a lazy morning.

Early morning, I had considered going to the library, search for some entertaining non-training related books. Since I was in no hurry, I decided to take the scenic route and cross the courtyard before reaching it. Right in the middle of it, a girl played the violin. The music seemed to have a calming effect of sorts on me. It was such that I decided to sit on a nearby bench while she played. I could probably check the library later. "A girl playing a violin here..." It was actually a fairly good spring scene. An idea came to me. I quickly rummaged through my bag, and picked a pencil and my sketchbook. I started attempting to sketch the scene, hoping the violinist would not mind being the main subject of this one sketch. I considered asking her permission, but wouldn't it be worse to interupt her and disturb the scene?

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