Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

Member Seen 16 min ago


Shifting on the balls of her feet, she scanned the trees around her while listening to the sounds of the forest. She'd been skeptical to do a final training session with her team before the match-ups on Ichimura-sensie's order but...now that she was her, she knew why he'd instructed them to do this. Neither of them wouldn't hold back, Okami couldn't keep a grin from her lips as she began to move once more. They'd probably leave exhausted and bruised -then again that was how most of their training sessions ended anyway- but happy to know they'd be fine for what lay ahead. Pausing when she reached the edge of the trees she lowered herself to the ground and stretched her arms over her head. They'd arrived twenty-munutes minutes ago and bad instantly scattered, they begin when the above locked out the sun for a few moments.

Grinning again in anticipation, Okami jumped up back into the trees and closed her eyes, her chakra rising into the air and spreading out of her body. Her hands instinctively beginning to form the hand-signs she'd need for her first move, drawing a deep breath in and opening her eyes when a sudden shadow spread across the forest, Okami took off. A jolt of excitement and happiness surging through her body as she breached the treeline and landed in the center of the familiar cleaning, now all she had to do was wait.

It was time to begin.

@ViolentViolet @King Kindred
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Kasuga was honestly excited today. It had been a little over a year since his team graduated from the Academy. They were very much prepared for the trials that awaited them during the Chuunin Exams. He wasn't even sure why their sensei didn't think they were ready last year or six months ago. He felt that they were. Their team was pretty strong. One of them had the blood of the Uchiha and the Hyuuga. That was power incarnate. Ichimura sensei was an excellent instructor so he didn't openly question his ideas and motives. They were the only two male members of their squad. Their squad was different from the start as it was usual for one girl to be partnered with two boys in a squad. Kasuga honestly didn't mind though. The team got together well and he wouldn't trade them for anything. He wasn't sure how long they had been waiting for, but it seemed like an eternity.

He looked up into the sky waiting for the start signal. He reached above his head to grab hold of the hilt of his blade. He was ready for this. When the shadow spread across the forest he immediately started running from his position. "I'm ready." he stated before finally entering the clearing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Uchiha Shizuka

The girl had split off from the rest of them as soon as they hit the training forest floor, vanishing into the dappled shadows of the forest floor while the others headed off their own way. It was a secret of hers though she had been working on activating her Byakugan in both of her eyes while along and tracking the various people who had come through the forest while she sat alone and waited. Now she crouched on a thin branch, her headband wrapped around her left thigh and dressed in her mission gear since it was what she would be wearing while she went into the active parts of the Chunin exams later this week. Today it was their final training session, tasked first with finding their way to the clearing in the centre of the forest without being spotted or found by their Jounin, Ichimaru. Shizuka glanced to the side, the viens in her face prominent as they always were when she activated one of her two ocular Kekkei Genkai, though they were not so much as her mothers though much more powerful as the single spot at the nape of her neck was not just her only weakness, but the Sharingan gave her the intuition to know when there was something there.

Her snow coloured hair was held back and up in a ponytail where it wouldn't get in the way and a dark bandage was wrapped around her neck where the netting covered her lower thighs, forearms and the part of her torso beneath her shirt. Sandles strapped to her feet just as they were for the others, though they still held bandaged feet from where she normally took off the footwear in favour of fighting with bare feet and fists because of her Gentle Fist techniques.

She moved, suddenly, as a figure moved toward her, hiding further in the branches until it passed and she saw their sensei jump from the branch she'd been on just a few moments before. He hadn't seen her. The corner of her mouth curled up in a smirk as she followed him, her Byakugan still active until she landed in the soft grass, allowing them to see her now. In the academy she had been the best in her field, having found her way to master most taijutsu they had taught her as well with vigorous training sessions with her father and Hyuga cousins to teach her how to be the best. She was the pride of both clans, though only the Uchiha could lay claims to her as she had been born within the Uchiha compound to her ANBU father and her retired kounichi mother.

"It appears we're all here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

Member Seen 16 min ago


Shifting until she was in a fighting stance, Okami focus her golden eyes on their sensei, who at the moment had his eyes scanning the forest as well as his arms crossed. Flicking her gaze to her two teammates and best friends, Okami allowed a grin to spread across her lips, it was time to release her first jutsu.

"I believe it's my turn to start us off, ready?" She asks softly, raising her hands to tie her waist-length raven black hair into a high ponytail, she took a step back from the group and back towards the row of trees. The metal of her handdband that dhe wore aeound her neck, caching on a ray of sunlight that streams through the clouds above, ignoring it she focused on her task.

She could feel the buzz of electricity beneath her skin, an almost constant reminder that if she were to just release it, things could go very bad, very quickly. At first she'd feared relaxing her chakra, during the Academy she'd lost control during an exam and had blasted a wall clean through with what looked like of spear of lightning. Noone had been hurt but she'd refused to summon her chakra for a while after that. Only after being placed with Ichimaru-sensei and her teammates did she relax and release her power.

Jumping another two steps back, Okami slammed hee palm against the ground and shivered when the feel of lighting fled her arm and seeped into the ground. Her eyes lifting to catch each pair before shifting to the trees. She paused just long enough to state the name of her jutsu, though she knew Shizuoka might know it by now she still felt the urge to say it's name. Lightning Style: Seven lighting wolves!" She stated with a grin, watching as seven wolves appear from thin air and immediately lunge forward, before taking off. The golden ribbon she'd used to tie her hair slipping slightly as she shifted back into the trees and preceeded to mask her chakra. It was time to see how her teammates would counter as well as how they'd strike back, training had begun.

@King Kindred @ViolentViolet (remember to tag the others guys, makes it easier)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


It was time to begin. They were going to be fighting each other with almost the intent to kill. If they went in with actual intent then things could get dangerous fast. He knew that things would be different in the actual Chuunin Exams. They'd be sent against people who actually wouldn't hesitate to kill an enemy and people who survived the exams, but failed to win or become a Chuunin. The experience that they had could make it dangerous for them. Would they be ready for that? He had to get all of this out of his head. This was not the time to be thinking about that. He had to focus on this right here.

He took glances at Okami and Shizuka wondering who would make the first move. Okami announced that it was her turn and he knew what she was going to start off with. She practiced lightning style and the jutsu she tended to favor was her Seven Lightning Wolves technique. In other words she was very predictable. That was something that could cost her if she faced an opponent that was used to her patterns. Fortunately the exams had many strangers for potential opponents. He waited for her to perform the jutsu.

He was right. She did start it off with that. Four of the wolves were heading straight at him. He tended to be outnumbered, but he didn't mind. He quickly pulled his sword out of its sheath and was glad that his techniques with the sword didn't require any handseals. "Since we're yelling out techniques... Wind Style: Wind Blade Slash!!"

As he yelled it out he swung his sword in a slashing motion sending forth a wave of cutting wind directly at the wolves. He was trying to split the constructed wolves in half to cause them to dissipate. He wasn't worried about if it worked or not. He was retreating into the trees as well and did so by jumping backwards and up after his attack.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Uchiha Shizuka

The ninja stood silent, apparently watching the ground though she was secretly watching each of those before her through her eyelids just as easily as she could have just looked at them with her regular eyes though that wasn't nearly as fun. Okami had a habit of acting the same every time something happened and she knew well enough that it would be the lightning wolves that would be sent at her though it wasn't difficult to predict their path and step toward them while she raised her head again. Her bangs hung in her face, masking where one of her eyes had gone completely white and the veins around it bulged as she looked at the walking masses of chakra running toward her. She dropped, stooping low until they were nearly upon her and, unlike the others, Shizuka did not yell her technique for the world to hear, and simply spun while pushing her own chakra forth from her pores in a short rotation that blasted away the lightning wolves.

With the animals taken care of she ignored the boy that was making his way into the forest, clearly to lie in wait or set a trap when one of them came after him, and took another step toward Okami, unafraid and unbending though without a moments hesitation she ducked to the side and gestured her hand seals for her Fireball technique and breathed the whirling ball at the other girl. It was a distraction, though one couldn't simply ignore a giant ball of fire about to burn you alive, but the threat was very real and even if it was just a training fight everyone knew that the Hyuga-Uchiha would show no mercy. She was one that would beat even her friends into submission as proof that the freak was a power house and when fighting she showed the ruthlessness of a soke and the cold of a bunke.

She ducked beneath the fireball, seemingly heading straight for the girl though as she used her chakra to push herself off of the ground she dodged to the left and came around that side, little did the girl know that it was just another feint.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

Member Seen 16 min ago


Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Okami watched as the fireball came her way, her eyes catching the feint her friend was aiming for as she moved to the side. Ignoring the faint, familiar start of a headache, Okami quickly began the seals for her next jutsu and felt the same familiar buzz of lightning just beneath hee skin. This was the first time she'd use this jutsu outside of her training sessions, and to be honest, she couldn't wait to release it. Keeping her face blank, Okami stepped forward as the fireball neared and with the last seal, slammed her palm into the ground once more and felt the tingle of her chakra seeping into the ground. Jumping up and raising her right hand she focused a bit chakra to coat her arm and with a wave, she sent a strike of lighting straight towards the mass of chakra. A feint for a feint, her lightning mines were ready.

She spun and almost allowed a grin to spread across her lips when she felt as well as saw her chakra begin to seep through the ground, they still had no solid form but for now that was fine. She landed near the center and as she neared one of the near-invisible streaks of lighting she stepped over it and watched as they began to glow faintly and connect with the others that were scattered around. Nodding she reached for her weapon that was strapped just above her pouch, freeing her kusarigama she began to spin it. She winced slightly when a faint throb began at her temples but shook her head, she needed to focus, Shizuka wasn't one to hold back and truth be told, she'd been waiting for this for awhile now. Plus even if she'd been able to keep her chakra from being visible to others, Shizuka had no trouble seeing it, she sometimes envied her friend for it but she'd wanted to test her abilities against both Kekki Genkai.

@ViolentViolet @King Kindred
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Kasuga sat perched up in a tree watching the exchange between his squadmates. They were going to go against each other in a one on one fight. This was perfect for him. They could wear each other out and he could go in for the kill. It was a strategy that was used by many shinobi in war. Let two enemies fight each other and then either take them out when they were both weak or wait until one finished the other. Either way your own victory was ensured. That was unless one of the enemies didn't maintain any damage and barely used any chakra in their attacks. That however didn't seem to be the case right now. These two were definitely not going to hold back much, especially the Hybrid Princess.

He took mental notes of their abilities while he sat. He was honestly tired, but these were the things that he had to do in the exam. He had to watch enemies fight while also not being discovered. There would be a lot of sensing types out there. He watched as Okami coated her arm in lightning based chakra. She was just as good if not better than him at controlling her chakra. Coating your arm wasn't a small feat especially considering the damage it was likely to cause to the body. He wondered what exactly she was planning. He didn't know, but he couldn't wait to find out.

Now what would Shizuka do?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Uchiha Shizuka

The Uchiha had activated her Byakugan while she was moving, watching the masses of chakra move ad the details motions of her opponent and team mate though she hadn't see this jutsu before. She blinked, activating the Sharingan in her other eye as she watched, memorizing the movements until it was finished and chakra danced through the ground around her. She skidded to a stop just in time, one of the masses of chakra in the ground right beside her foot before she kicked off and watched for movement in them as she dodged between each one. Okami had forgotten she can see chakra hadn't see; the silly girl. Shizuka landed a little too close to one and used the chakra blast that followed to push herself off the ground and landed closer to Okami, her hands half raised as she looked at her with her strange off colour eyes. She was the only one in the village with eyes like hers, and many believed she had the potential - both genetic and skill - to unlock the Rennigan eyes that her own were descendant of.

She lifted a hand and slid her foot back while the other hand placed itself low and she waited for the incoming blow that she would have anticipated already with her Mirror Wheel. The girls bangs fell over her face though anyone who knew anything about the Hyuga knew that they could see even with their face covered; the black silk tied around her hair had come slightly loose, the dark contrasting with her pale skin and light hair. Her eyes were surrounded by a light black by nature, only causing her eyes to pop more. Sometimes she was called pretty, other times scary and right now it was one of her moments of utter seriousness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

Member Seen 16 min ago


Spinning her weapon with practiced ease, Okami closed her eyes for a moment and felt an idea flow through the front of her mind, opening them she raised her kusarigama and spun the blade before slamming it into the ground. She inhaled before exhaling and allowed the idwa that had filled her mind to flow through her bodu, her hair freeing itself at the sudden blast of chakra that pulsed above her skin. She focused her chakra to coat her arms, her head titling slightly as she noticed Shikuza had both her Kekki Genki activated, a mere twitch of her lips signaling her smile.

She lunged forward, her arms raising until her wrists met and the concentrated burst of chakra formed a signal form, a large lighting wolf with crimson eyes, her body dodging to the left as she focused another small burst of chakra to connect with her weapon. Her eyes began to scan the trees, her fingers twitching at her sides as she tugs on the chakra string and jumped back catch her weapon, her left hand lifting to throw the chain towards her teammate.

She didn't think Shizuka would fall for her feint, truth be told she wanted to go face to face against her friend, her right hand quickly and smoothly pulling a kunai free from her leg holster. It was time to see what would happen next, she couldn't wait.

@ViolentViolet @King Kindred
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Issei watched carefully as he team fought amongst themselves in the training field, paying close attention to anything that cold possibly be used in the upcoming Chunin Exams. While he still held them very dear as comrades he knew that the Exams would pit them against each other and he would have to cast aside his feelings and comrodare if he was to have any chance of becoming a chunin. From his position among the trees he was able to see most of the hand seals used so he was able to have a good estimation of what jutsu's they were using and their tactics for using them.

Issei was aware of both of their combat tactics but really needed to see their combat in practice before he decided to join in on the mock fray. As much as he hated pick "favorites" at this early in the game he knew that Shizuka wielding both Sharingan and Byakugan was going to be a difficult opponent, being able to see the flow of chakra and copy justu seemed like it was almost impossible for her not to lose although Okami's tenacity and sheer willpower would make for a long and arduous fight. Both he could wait to fight, both he was confident in his ability to win. Finally tired of waiting Issei created a water clone of himself and nodded to him before sending him on his way into the field.

As the clone approached the two girls were about to meet in a head-first collision of fist and blade, a perfect oppertunity to interviene. While making the hand seals for his Water Whip he charged through the two of them making a grab for Okami planning on using her momentum to send her flying into Shizuka. Although he was sure that his whip wrapped around his target he wasn't sure if got the proper spin to throw her.
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