Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Micah Stubbe Of Azaroth

He ate slowly, quietly enjoying the pleasant meal, while he preferred something simpler, he could acknowledge the quality and abundance of flavor nonetheless. Using his knife, he slowly cut into the lamb leg, carving out a small piece and bringing it to his mouth, chewing slowly, before looking up quickly, almost directly at Lilith's mother. He swore he head someone say his name. It had been said very quietly, but he could pick up on it nonetheless. His eyes shifted to Lilith, whom he recognized almost immediately, and in a sudden surge of embarrassment he lowered his head, returning to his meal quietly.

Several tens of minutes later, he found himself wandering the grounds of the castle casually, a lit pipe in his mouth as he smoked slowly, a flavor and tradition passed on by his father, and his father before him. Blowing it out slowly, he leaned against a beautifully intricate garden Railing, and looked on at the attractive flowers within it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Niklas König of Königreich der Welten

Niklas went ahead with the flow like a good sheep, already disliking his host's audacity to set themselves up at the head of the table, raised just a bit higher than everyone else, as if they were a step up from the rest of the world. Nothing was really that great about the nation itself- they didn't particularly produce the much food or goods, nor do they have a significant military, nor are they pioneers in any particular field of technology or somesuch. They were average, and definitely not superior.

But nevermind their arrogance; it changed nothing, and the rather exotic, foreign lady- more foreign than most- was his betrothed. He recognized every single person here, though he'd not let any of them know that. Except for, of course, his to-be wife. It confused him why they were even here, why his father wanted their resources. Surely Brittania would've been better? Or another nation, perhaps, with benefits more suiting the Königreich?

Either way, he couldn't change it, and his father wasn't even here. That was part of the plan, of course, to force the adults to speak to such a younger person to get their Königreich-related news and negotiation done. Directly across the table from him was the empty seat that his father was supposed to sit; no seat was there for his mother. Again, relatively obvious- her mother had rarely even been seen. She didn't exist anymore, really.

He was just a tad lost in his thoughts when Mai Mei touched his arm. He didn't usually get startled, but he actually jumped slightly. Turning to her, he gave her an apology about being lost in thought, and greeting her back. After complimenting her and her attire- "Really, you do look beautiful. My father showed me images, but they don't quite compare, you know?"- he kept up a light conversation as dinner was served, taking his time and remaining polite. He took careful note of her expression, of how she replied- and quietly recognized that there was more than met the eye.

As people started leaving, he subtly checked Mai's plate- noting that she seemed to have pretty much finished, he pushed his chair out, and stood. Stepping away from his chair, he waited patiently for Mai Mei to raise out of her own seat- and then he offered his arm to her. Quietly speaking Mai Mei's own language, fluently, if slightly accented, "We're both stuck in this position, whether or not we like it. Let's make the best of it, don'tcha think?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 24 days ago

Mai Mei of Mei'An

It had taken a moment for Niklas König to respond to Mai's greeting, but once the two began conversing she found him to be cordial and polite. He was neither overly talkative nor stoically silent. Mai saw that the seat where his father should have been was empty, but she supposed that it did not really make much of a difference. Soon enough, the seat where her uncle was sitting would be vacated as well.

When Niklas complimented her, Mai was struck by how genuine he seemed. She had blushed prettily and thanked him, and although the blush was somewhat fake, her thank-you was sincere. Sure, people at court in back in Mei'An called her beautiful all the time, but it was more of a courtesy than an actual compliment. And sometimes they said that she was just as beautiful as her mother-harmless enough out of context, but Mai could tell that they were thinking about her mother's failures whenever they looked at her.

While they talked through dinner, Mai was fully conscious of the fact that she spoke with a noticeable accent. She just hoped that her accent was not so thick that Niklas could not understand her. Apparently, that would not not a problem, since Mai found herself easily conversing with him, even if their conversation was limited to polite small talk. As dinner progressed, Mai deliberately began to slowly drop the facade of a docile and shy young girl, slipping comfortably into her more natural charm that came from her lightly teasing words and lilting laughter. She took small bites of her food and delicately held the utensils like she'd been doing it all her life, when in reality Mai had only learned the difference between a soup spoon and a butter knife once she moved into the palace in Meijing. Mai would have preferred chopsticks, but she hadn't been expecting any. After all, most of the nations represented had cultures vastly different from her own.

Niklas got up to go, and Mai decided that it would only be polite to accompany him. She carefully stood up, smoothing out her skirt and patting her hair before taking the arm he offered her. She noticed that a few other seats had emptied as well. Mai was slightly surprised when he whispered to her in Meridian, although she supposed that it was to be expected that he knew the language. Mai had learned multiple languages as well, and Niklas did not seem like the type to consider himself above learning the languages of other nations.

"We're both stuck in this position, whether or not we like it. Let's make the best of it, don'tcha think?" he said quietly. Mai hesitated for a moment before nodding, letting a small grin slip onto her face.

"Was that not the plan all along?" she replied playfully, a hint of mischief in her expression. Spotting her uncle watching them out of the corner of her eye, Mai turned around and spoke to him in standard Meridian for the sake of being polite. Normally the two spoke to each other in either the Black Mountain dialect or the Meijing dialect, which were both incomprehensible to those who had never visited the places, but Mai did not want to come off as rude. "I will see you later tonight, Uncle," she said. Ming simply nodded once and remained in his seat.

Mai let Niklas lead her out of the dining room and into the corridor. The floors were a fine, polished mahogany, and there were multiple paintings hanging on the walls. As she walked with Niklas, Mai found that her earlier distrust had faded considerably. Clearly, this Niklas König was a far cry from the other soldiers she'd encountered. "So, Niklas," she began, still speaking Meridian. "What is Königreich der Welten like? I've always wanted to visit other nations, but...certain circumstances have made that virtually impossible," Mai continued amiably, tilting her head slightly and turning to face him. Her heels clicked softly against the wooden floor as they made their way through the castle, and Mai found the coolness of the blades concealed under her dress as well as the weight of the large ruby ring hanging off the end of her braid to be strangely but overwhelmingly reassuring.

Although her question was fairly innocent, Mai wanted to know what a native of Königreich der Welten thought about the nation. She'd read and heard enough to know that their military was one of the best in the entire world; Mei'An wouldn't stand a chance if Königreich der Welten decided to launch a full-out invasion. She also knew enough about Königreich der Welten to infer that they could easily seize control of trade conducted by Mei'An if they wanted to-though they had not tried to during her parents' reign like other nations in the world, it was always a possibility. But most of all, Mai wanted to know how their soldiers were trained and taught. If it was anything like how the soldiers of her uncle's enemies were drilled, Mai didn't want anything to do with Königreich der Welten. Mai had vowed to never forget all she'd seen years ago, and she certainly wasn't about to go back on that promise she made to herself because Niklas König was polite. Mai wasn't naive enough to expect Niklas to be entirely forthcoming with her, but she knew that she could always read in between the lines.

Mai realized that they'd arrived at the gardens without even noticing it. Content to stay on their current path, Mai admired the flowers as they walked. The gardens itself was nothing special, in her opinion-just another space filled with grass and flowers in a cookie-cutter formation-but Mai found that the individual blooms themselves were the most beautiful part of the gardens. As they strolled past a rose bush, Mai plucked one of the crimson flowers from it and held the dark red rose lightly in her free hand. Perhaps this was not such a bad place to be after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Delia Verenoblitus & Karma Kennen

Karma and Delia ate in silence a few moments after King Lucian's announcement, neither finding much to talk about that they didn't mutually understand anyway. The stark contrast in the way they ate was a little jarring, seeing as it was just them on the table - with father and mothers already proceeding to their quarters within the castle - and served to highlight their differences all the more. Though both of them ate in a manner that was almost completely silent, the way they went about it differed.

Delia ate with precise, controlled, and graceful movements, each hand digging seamlessly into the next meal with almost excessive swiftness; in contrast, Karma was eating in a way that was more akin to how a soldier rushed through their food during mess hours. He ate quickly, hurriedly, and yet, cleanly, without so much as a drop of food, and with almost frightening efficiency. In no time at all, the two had finished their meal, and stood up to follow their parents into retiring to their rooms. Delia paused for a moment, then raised her hand as a signal to stop.

"What is it, Delia?" questioned Karma, perturbed by the sudden pause. Delia didn't respond, instead leaving her eyes trained on a table ahead of them. "Ah . . . "

Understanding her intentions without so much as a word, Karma nodded and Delia proceeded towards the subject of her interest. In a few strides they had reached a table occupied by two. They were people they knew well from the reports, and in fact, Delia had probably done more research on them than she had done on any other nation present.

After all, it was only natural that you would want to know about your would-be husband.

Stopping in front of Akoni Kelekolio, prince of Hawilunia, Delia gave an elegant curtsy and favored them with an undeniably lovely smile.

"Honorable greetings, Queen Kalena and Prince Akoni of the noble house of Kelekolio, rulers of the lands of Hawilunia. This one Delia Oblitus-Veren is pleased to meet your acquaintance," said Delia with a flourish, her soft voice still managing to clearly convey the depth of her greeting, and with a poise that most would be hard pressed to match. Such was her traditional style of greeting royalty - most preferred it to be that way, and even if not, at the very least it left a good impression. The right to speak casually to royalty was something only they were allowed to give, after all.

Delia's eyes flickered and went up to meet Akoni's own. Staring straight at him, the princess of an empire gave him a nod and another smile.

Karma, meanwhile, gave his own greeting of a sorts. "Ah, hey there, your highness. I'm Karma Kennen, a friend to the royal house. You and your son are looking quite nice, if I do say so myself."

Like Akoni, Karma hated wearing suits, and had only agreed to wearing this one because it was the stipulation that Delia gave if he was to be allowed to escort her around. Had he had his way, he'd be looking much like Akoni did, much less formal. ch, much less formal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dinner had come and gone like clockwork. Amberlyn spent the majority of the meal observing the foreign royalty sat around the table, all eating and conversing in a lighthearted manner. She looked up and down the table and made assumptions on who was betrothed to whom while trying to figure out who her future husband might be, might as well get to like them to a point where she doesn't want to kill them at least.

There were a couple sets of siblings which narrowed down the options for some people yet didn't help Amber. Not much evidence of anything came from anyone. Her parents were very secretive on who anyone would marry. Amber pondered on that thought wondering if each heir was in the same position as her or if it had come from her parents over-protectiveness or the same thought pattern that caused them to attempt to force their daughter into seclusion. They barely let her do anything, they had a council formed to be assigned the duties Amber should receive upon coming queen and placed her husband at the head of all moves and tactics every war and all trade coming in and out of the kingdom leaving Amber nothing but the family name and the title of her position.

That was when the 2 more exotic royals of the table stood, arms linked. Amber looked among the kings and queens on the other side of the table to see no disapproving looks, leading Amber to assume they were betrothed. Desperate for more answers Amberlyn turned to the boy seated on her left and read the name card placed in front of him, Alexander Michael Belmont of Mirenia it read. Without greeting or warning of a verbal approach she asks, "Did your parents tell you who you are marrying?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lilith Hathor of Aciras

With thoughts of the various rose bushes and lilacs in mind, Lilith would continue about her way to her favorite place at the Castle. Sure, there was the library but the garden was big enough to perhaps just wander about for hours on end. Fresh air and sunshine was bound to be enough to forget your troubles if only for a few hours. Remembering her worries such as the ball later in the evening, Lilith would think to herself of how badly she wished to be in jeans, her hair pulled back in a leisure like state. But alas, her parents had stated that she had to be the perfect little princess. She sighed.

Walking out of the large wooden doors that remained open for the day, still lost in her thoughts, Lilith would become slightly startled and jump ever so slightly when spotting a young man with bright blue hair. "I-I'm sorry," she would say. "You startled me just a bit." Pausing for a moment to debate on how to proceed, she would speak again, her voice calm and warming now, a smile on her face. "I'm Lilith Hathor, Princess of Aciras. Pleasure to meet you."

Taking a look around, she would realize that a few others had decided to come to the garden as well. The girl knew that she was supposed to share everything with her guests for the next few months, but it felt as if they were invading her life. The Palace Garden had always been her safe haven. Oh well, at least they did not know of the library... yet.

Alexander Belmont of Mirenia

Dinner was... nice. Alec sat silently, chewing each bite of food with deliberation. His father was talking quietly to his mother, then again, that was a common thing. Alexander only hoped that he and his arranged wife would have as much love for each other as his parents did. True, the boy was not a fan of the bethrothings, but, a prince had to to do what a prince had to do.

"Mother, father, if you will excuse me, I would like to proceed to my room," he would say profoundly.

"Why of course, darling," said his mother with a bright smile.

Before he could proceed with his plans, however, he would hear a feminine voice. "Did your parents tell you who you were marrying," it asked.

Looking up, he would be met with one of the most beautiful sights that he had ever seen. A girl with flowing auburn hair and light hazel colored eyes in a striking blue dress. Startled by her words, it would take him a moment to respond.

"Um.." Alec cleared his throat. "Not necessarily but I did have my... informants. I believe her name is to be Amberlyn. You wouldn't happen to know her, would you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Niklas König of Königreich der Welten

Niklas amiably launched into a description of his home country- its cozier, more compact feel, its more relaxed people. How the roads, no matter how big, were always filled with cars, and how the autobahn ran throughout the country, allowing for variable speeds to speed around the country as fast as one needs. He described the three great world-renowned universities that sat inside the nation, places of pioneering education.

Then he came onto the topic of the military.

"Our country is very open about our military power. People here would call us a militarized state with martial law, if they experienced life in its fullest at our country. Our people generally don't care, but you'll often see military convoys driving down the same roadways as everyone else. Even our tanks will occasionally take a drive; it's a common past time at the military base that I trained at, to take a light tank or APC and just drive it around for a bit. Surprisingly fun, you know. There's something about driving about in a Grizzly," he said, referring to his nation's English nickname for their Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV).

Then he shrugged, and added, "It's a guy thing. Mind you, our instructors make sure that our guns are electronically locked, so we can't get drunk and start shooting everything. And we usually get a couple dozen lashes if we do harm anyone in a barfight. So long as we stay in shape, show up to classes, and are proficient in everything they want us proficient in, they really don't care much what we do, as long as its within the law that we're supposed to uphold."

He gave her a grim smile, now- "Our Military Police are some mean- ah, guys. About as pure as an angel and as bad tempered as a demon, with cruelty to boot."

He stretched, popping his back and reaching back with his free hand to rub his back- perhaps from a random itch, or maybe a memory. A rueful smile to Mai Mei gave her enough information to know that he knew what he was talking about, from experience.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Amberlyn Manera of Viracian

As soon as the boy mentioned her name Amberlyn pursed her lips, unsure on how to reply. Was she supposed to be straight-up on it or not? She pondered on the thought for a while before deciding to take the prior path Amber tucks a lose lock of auburn hair behind her ear. At least finding who her husband was to be was a lot easier than she thought. From the corner of her eye she noticed her parents muttering happily to each other, watching their daughter and the boy she was betrothed to in their greetings. She wondered if Alexander had just not bothered looking at the name card placed in front of her or if he just wanted something to say for conversation's sake.

"Well...," she starts gently, "I should probably introduce myself," She outstretches her hand as the beginning of a handshake. "Amberlyn,, she says simply, not bothering with formalities despite her mother's lectures leading up to when she met her future husband, not that she was meant to know who she was betrothed to until tomorrow but her parent nervous, yet pleased, glances said otherwise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 24 days ago

Mai Mei of Mei'An

Mai listened attentively as Niklas described the nation that he was from. It seemed worlds away from Mei'An, which was probably one of the largest nations in the world but with an unevenly distributed population. The biggest cities had millions of people crammed into one place, but you could drive for hours through the grasslands of northern Mei'An or hike up and down the Black Mountains without seeing a single soul for days. Konigreich der Welten seemed like it had a population that was pretty consistent throughout the entire country, from what Mai could infer from Niklas's description. And in Mei'An, most of the vehicles on the street were taxis and the occasional bus. Not very many people owned a car themselves. It was cheaper to walk or ride a bike somewhere than to travel by car-at least, for now. Mai knew that her uncle was doing his best to push for policies that would allow for further industrialization which would lead to cheaper consumer goods, one of them being automobiles.

When Niklas began to talk about the military, Mai felt a familiar sense of dread fill her gut. She supposed that she would never feel completely comfortable about the topic of the military, but Mai forced herself to keep an open mind. After all, she was currently walking arm-in-arm with a soldier. And he wasn't like the enemy soldiers that she had encountered, with breaths that stank of alcohol and eyes that glittered with blood lust and another more menacing sort of lust. So, Mai paid careful attention to everything that came out of Niklas's mouth and pushed her personal biases away.

"Our country is very open about our military power. People here would call us a militarized state with martial law, if they experienced life in its fullest at our country. Our people generally don't care, but you'll often see military convoys driving down the same roadways as everyone else. Even our tanks will occasionally take a drive; it's a common past time at the military base that I trained at, to take a light tank or APC and just drive it around for a bit. Surprisingly fun, you know. There's something about driving about in a Grizzly," Niklas said, his tone lighthearted. Mai nodded to show that she was comprehending everything that he was saying. It was strangely reassuring when Mai learned about the electronic locks on the guns and the consequences they received if they disobeyed military regulations. That was a stark contrast from all the soldiers she'd seen besides the ones supporting her uncle. The socialist generals were seized with a fervor to destroy anything and anyone that represented the hierarchy of the old; it was not an uncommon sight to see them ordering their soldiers to burn down lavish residences with the people still trapped inside or putting entire families to the sword. The nationalist generals weren't much better; where they didn't target landlords and the rich, they didn't move a finger if they saw their men looting villages or raping women. But Mai felt that the troops from Jaripa who'd invaded during the initial turmoil that followed the fall of her parents' regime were the worst-she'd heard the horror stories and seen for herself the ruins of once-prosperous cities that had been burned to the ground by the Jaripan troops. They were also responsible for the Meiking Massacre, where it was said the general leading the armies into the capital actually gave out orders for the atrocious acts that took place. Mai thought she would be sick as she remembered the sound of people screaming while the foreign soldiers poured gasoline on them and lit them on fire, and although that was years and years ago, Mai could recall every second with a startling clarity. However, she kept her expression locked in one of polite interest, making no indication that she had ever been exposed to such things.

Out of the corner of her eye, Mai spied the princess of Aciras-Lillith Hathor-begin speaking to the blue-haired prince from Azarothe. She guessed that they were betrothed to each other, though she didn't know for sure.

Niklas went on to describe the Military Police as men "as pure as an angel and as bad tempered as a demon," with a grim smile, and Mai smiled softly in response and nodded her head even as chills ran down her spine. Niklas rubbed his back and lapsed into silence, and Mai supposed that it was her turn to tell him about Mei'An.

Still speaking in Meridian, Mai began. "Where I grew up, you could live your whole life there and still get lost. Everything was very spread out. Our nearest neighbor lived almost two miles away, and I only saw the villagers on weekends. But I didn't mind the isolation; it was always very peaceful, and I liked that. The Black Mountains are possibly the most impressive thing I can remember seeing. Sometimes they would be cloaked in so much fog and mist that you could just barely make out the tips reaching up to the sky, while on clear days they loomed vast and foreboding in the distance, though I never got any sort of spooky feeling from the sight-they were home." Mai paused for a second, relishing the memories. "Of course, not everywhere in Mei'An can be characterized with a description of where I grew up. In the northeast, the grasslands of Inner Monravgya stretch for miles and miles on end, and the mutton there is the best that I have ever tasted. Toward the southeast, the Emperor Mountains-which are like the little sister to the Black Mountains-stand tall and proud, with pale slopes covered in lush greenery. The west is home to food that's hot and spicy, while the east is home to food that's more savory. To try to describe Mei'An by only describing one region would be impossible." Mai didn't mention that even the infinite grasslands of Inner Monravgya couldn't escape the ravages of war, and that the last time she saw the Emperor Mountains, she was fleeing from socialist soldiers in the back of a horse-drawn cart.

"So, Niklas Konig," Mai said in a lightly teasing manner, a coquettish grin playing at her lips. "If we are to 'make the best of it', why don't we try to get to know each other better? Tell me about yourself-what do you like to do?" Mai had decided after hearing Niklas describe Konigreich der Welten that she did not dislike Niklas, though she certainly wasn't about to tell him her deepest, darkest secrets just yet. And, well, hobbies could say a lot about a person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alexander Belmont of Mirenia

Alexander could admit that he was surprised at the moment. Of course he should have looked at the name cards before. A quick glance at his parents out of the corner of his eye, Alec could tell they were not surprised even the slightest bit, but instead studying the two of them. Taking a deep breath, the boy would extended his arm and shake the girls hand in return. "Well finding you was way easier than expected," he would say, a smile on his face, the hint of a chuckle in his voice.

Thinking for a moment, he would try to clear the current eyebrows-raised-in-surprise expression off his face. After a few moments, he would do so. Noticing that she didn't focus on the formalities, Alec could actually appreciate that. He hated doing it himself. Anyways, time to take a leap of faith.

"Well, on that note, how would you like to take a walk around the Castle with me?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Amberlyn Manera of Viracian

Amberlyn watched Alexander look back at his parents in such a manner as she had not long ago. He seemed to be nervous, however, Amberlyn was never the best at decoding people's emotions, sometimes she just imagined how people felt or saw a reflection of her feelings off of them so she wasn't to be sure. He took a deep breath and, finally, took her hand in a soft yet firm grasp, shaking Amberlyn's hand.

"Well finding you was way easier than expected," he says with a slight chuckle, breaking the silence between the pair. Amberlyn chuckles slightly in reply, offering her betrothed a small smile

"Yeah. Truthfully I didn't think I'd find out who I was betrothed to until tomorrow night," Amberlyn replies, taking the occasional glance at her parents who were watching the couple like a hawk. Her mother had a growing smile plastered on her face. In her eyes Amberlyn thought to herself, this, so far, had probably gone swimmingly. It was Alexander who pulled her away from the depths on her thoughts.

"Well, on that note, how would you like to take a walk around the Castle with me?" he asks. It took a while for Amberlyn to actually get a grasp in what he said leaving her standing awkwardly for a short while before looking into his deep brown eyes. He was quite a handsome young man, not that she cared about looks to much. To Amberlyn looks only matter if you actually had substance behind it. She takes another glance at her parents before taking another look at her betrothed before giving a small nod

"Sure, why not?" she replies. Without looking back she could just imagine her mother sighing at such a comment but if Alexander was going to have to get to know Amberlyn it wouldn't be through fakery and a bunch of lies
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