Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

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Gnarl laid in his bed, listening to a music box playing the lullaby that he had sung to every Overlord child he had helped raise through the centuries. On the table across the room sat 5 pictures. on the far left was Lord Gromgard, the first Overlord and the man Gnarl had originally been loyal to, followed by his son as an infant. On either side of the boy's crib were his older siblings, the Elven brother and Dwarven sister. The picture in the center was the third Overlord, one that had once been human before becoming greater. Next was his son, a small boy running through the northern town of Nordberg with a small band of Minions. Finally, the picture on the far right showed multiple infants, each of them resembling their father and their differing mothers.

"It's time." he said to himself as he climbed out of bed to begin getting dressed. "Today is the day they must be told. Their mothers have made me wait this long. I can wait no longer. The children must know." Once dressed, he left his room with a sigh as he shook his head.

Giblet ran past him, laughing as he leapt over the elder's head.

"Giblet!" Gnarl yelled in response. "Aren't you supposed to be at the forge?"

Giblet stopped and spun to look at Gnarl's frown. "But, Gnarl, forges be gone."

"Gone?!" Gnarl yelled. "What happened to them?"

"Dwarves take Arcanium, elves hide Durium and halflings steal steel." the smith replied sheepishly.

Gnarl stomped angrily to the throne room, grabbing an apple as he passed through the kitchen. "You!" he yelled, pointing at a group of minions. "Go get the Overlord's children. It's time they knew their jobs."

The four of them ran off, each one disappearing down the hall from Gnarl's view.

"It's time." he muttered again with a frown.


Each of the minions that had run from the throne room on Gnarl's command arrived in different rooms, each one waking the dark children from their slumbers with near unintelligible babble of Gnarl, the throne room and their father.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Oya slowly awoke to the gibering of strange growling creatures. She looked at one of the brown minions as it had crawled onto her bed. She backed up a bit at first startled by the sudden glowing yellow eyes in her face accompanied with sharp toothpick teeth. "Gah! No, get off the bed! Your feet are filthy, and these are silk sheets for crying out loud. Oh whatever I'm awake now anyways," she said. Then slowly got out of bed she was wearing a dark red shirt with a hood, and black pants that hugged her figure. A black mask, and her red hood obscured everything but her glowing yellow and red eyes. "So what do you little cretins want," she asked. She slowly put on brown leather boots. The brown goblin spoke to her in gibberish, and she sighed. Then stood up grabbing the minion by the throat, and threw it out the door. She was right behind the minion going straight for the throne room. She was smiling behind her mask, finally she'd become the overlord. Who better than she? One who can compell with a single word, and bend ones will to do what she wants; and all without magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Within his private magical chamber, Avalon, along with five of his Councillor Blue Minions, in their ceremonial robes, were locked in a trance like state. Their minds stretching far into the Magika Realms, summoning a sense of clairvoyance. Looking at Events of the Past, Present, Future, those that could happen and those that will happen. A shadowy figure emerged in Avalon's mind, his face obscured by the dark mist that surrounded him. He reached out to him, but before he could go any further a minion carrying a message, beckoning that he attend to the throne room.

Avalon grabed the minion by the neck and threw him into the central magical crystal, whose magical energy was so unstable it vaporised the minion. After cracking his knuckles, he silently made his way to the throne room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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soulless was working in his laboratory the poison room that he preferred to call it since in the middle of the clearing he had an alchemy table. Soulless felt he wasn't as close to his family other then his own mother who seemed to understand that killing everything in sight yield little to no reward in the long run. What use are the mystical creatures if they cant serve him and give him whatever they have for an eternity, now that's how to rule! Soulless also knows that one of them will become the next overlord and he knows it will be him, after all who is better to have the world then one who knows how to control.

Soon a brown minion came by knocking on the room. Soulless sighed and pressed a button on the wall to get rid of all the poison plants in the room. What is it? Soulless asked as he started to change and the browns started to talk their unintelligible gibberish but he got the gist of it and he needed to go to the throne room. Soulless grabbed a vial and threw it to the brown drink that and he did so without question soon coughing up a storm and quickly falling dead Soulless made sure to check his body to make sure he was dead. damn to much concentrate, need to pull it back so it only paralyzes Soulless said as he headed to the throne room to meet his brothers and sisters...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Conner was sound asleep in his private quarters, and snoring rather loudly as well. The quarters was also lit by candles and torches, as well as a roaring fireplace in his sleeping area. Then, Conner's eyes opened, having been woken up by the sound of footsteps. Getting up and grabbing a nearby axe, he wondered what could be so important that he had to be woken up. Exiting his room, he was greeted with the sight of incoming Brown minions. Raising an eyebrow, he watched as the Browns ran towards him and bowed in his presence.

"Burning Master!" one of the minions greeted him. "You are needed by the Old one!" Conner knew exactly who the minion meant by "the Old one". Gnarl. Conner didn't like Gnarl one bit. There was something in that evil glint in the old minion's eye that he distrusted. Still, whatever this summons was for, it was probably very important, at least to Gnarl. "Whatever this is, it better be good enough to wake me up," Conner said grumpily, disliking having to be woken up when he didn't feel like it. Leaving his private quarters, with the Browns in tow and axe still in hand, he made his way toward the Throne Room. There was work to be done, it seems.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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With a small sigh, Zyphus closed the book that he had been reading as the door to his room was opened. It had been another sleepless night; If he wanted to be completely honest with himself, he really needed to work on his sleeping habits but then he was sit down in bed with a good book sleep was the last thing on his mind because he needed to know what happened next.

Looking towards the brown minions that had come to his room, Zyphus listened to the excited tones and noises for a moment before nodding his head, understanding it better then most would have actually. Getting out of bed, he simply asked "Give me a moment alright? Need to get dressed then I'll be on my way." The minions nodded their heads before leaving the room, no doubt waiting for him to come out.

Getting dressed was a simple affair; Just some simple brown leather armor and a black hooded cloak was all that he need at the moment. Picking up his war pick from where he kept it, he opened the door and offered the minions a small but honest smile and a "Lead the way." before following the warband in motion that was any gathering of brown minions.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Avalon strolled into the throne room, giving a cold glaze over his older siblings. Even though they were in the bowls of the underworld with raging lava around them, the room's temperature had dropped greatly with his presence.

"Why have we been summoned?" Avalon asked, his voice cool and collective.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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A small wave of brown minions heralded the arrival of Zyphus, bursting into the throne room with an excitement more akin to that of small children then the servants of an Overlord. The excitement was somewhat tempered by the strange chill that filled the throne room, causing the minions to start cuddling themselves to try and warm up again.

Zyphus himself walked into the room with his war-pick resting on his shoulder as if this were merely any other stroll through the castle; It was quite clear just from looking that he was much more approachable then his younger half brother Avalon. Looking towards the browns, he offered a warm smile as he simply said "Thanks lads. Go and get something to eat from the kitchens and tell them I sent ya." The promise of a free meal and warmth was more then enough to get the browns minions to vacate the throne room in a chaotic hurry.

Walking forwards to stand closer to Gnarl and his half brother, Zyphus politely nodded his head to both as he said clearly "Good morning. I take it we're waiting for everyone else to arrive before you tell us why you summoned us Gnarl?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeronoia
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Tucked into a bed far too large for just one girl of her modest stature with a peacefully content expression on her sleeping face, one might mistake Pix for some vapid princess of cheery goodness. That is, if one dismissed the ominous blue taint to her skin and the fiery red hair that spilled out around her. As well as the fact that the room she was sleeping in had an all together dark and foreboding aesthetic. So, essentially, she was hardly like some vapid princess of cheery goodness at all.

In any case, her peaceful sleep was not to last as a group of browns barged in all hollering and hooting. A grumpy scowl formed on Pix's face, burying her head underneath a pillow in an attempt to ignore them. Unfortunately for her, if Browns did anything well, it was be annoying to an impossible-to-ignore degree. One hopping up onto her bed, the rest lining up along the side, they woke up the young mistress in the only reliable way they knew.

With a 'heave' and a 'ho' shouted from the one on the bed, the rest set to lifting up with their scrawny and deceptively powerful claws. The bed tilted up, and both the commanding brown and Pix went tumbling to the cold hard floor in a chaotic pile of blankets and pillows. The Browns all cheered and clapped, the one in the pile thrashing and flailing to free itself all while cursing them for laughing at it. After a moment, it victoriously popped a lopsided head up from the pile with a triumphant grin on it's face.

Only to swiftly find a pillow smashed into it's face and flailing to the floor once more. Pix, eyes glowing a burning orange, held the pillow to it's face as it kicked and thrashed in an attempt to free itself. Although she was by no means of a particularly intimidating stature, the young woman was none the less far larger and stronger than any single brown. The other browns continued to laugh and cheer at the sight, though a few were distracted by the fact that their mistress was only clad in her rather flimsy nightclothes.

When the pinned brown finally stopped struggling and fell limp, Pix tossed the pillow aside and stood to her feet. Standing on the aforementioned brown, which was only mostly dead and not quite all the way there, she swept her displeased gaze over to the remaining browns. Deep frown on her face, hands on her hips, most of the browns had the good sense to look intimidated. A few remained yet distracted by her state of dress, while others were busy laughing at their abused comrade.

"Why have you barged in here and woken me up?" Pix questioned in an even, demanding tone. Not wishing to draw her wrath upon themselves, because then it would hardly be as funny, they quickly told her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

In another corner of the castle, the silent Wolfram had his room. It was quite a comforting room, at least to him. Crystals of all sorts of color were embedded in the walls, and the room was deep enough to profit off of the toasty warmth of the underworld. He was just sitting in a corner of the room, reading a book. "100 ways to torment people with molten metal" it was called. It had been a personal recommendation from gnarl to someone with his specific preferences.

Then, the silence was broken by a minion. "Metallic master!" he shouted. "You are requested by the old one". Wolfram sighed deeply. What did the old geezer want now? If it werent for the fact he organized all the tedious parts of managing the castle, wolfram would have made a silver sculpture out of the bastard already. "Right" He simply said. He stood up, took his hammer out of the weapon rack, and threw his book at the minion to place back in the bookshelf. He left the brown looking somewhat hopeless, as the book belonged on the top shelf.

He stepped forth up the stairs, and up the stairs... and up some more... He quite liked his deep room, but the stair climbing was one maddeningly tedious downside to it. He would really have to look for a solution to that problem sometime... perhaps he could chain some minions to a quant-looking box suspended in a shaft... what did the dwarves call that recent invention... a lift? He would have to get Gnarl on it sometime.

Soon, he came upon the throne room. He siad nothing to announce his presence, but his arrival was quite hard to miss between the clanking of his armor and the uncaring manner with which he threw open the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Luna awoke to the bumbling and rambling of the browns. Before they even had a chance to touch her bed, she grabbed her sword from the headboard and pointed it at them.

"The old one calls." one said, backing away slowly.

She put the sword back and moved to her closet to dress in a pair of black, leather pants, a black, ornate tunic and a pair of black, hard leather boots before pulling the hood on her tunic up. She grabbed her sword and sheath from the wall and left her room, only to glance in her sister's room and see her strangling a minion with a pillow. She watched for a bit before continuing on.

Once in the throne room, she looked at her brothers, knowing it must be important if they were all being summoned. She eyed Gnarl, who stood beside the throne, before turning her attention to the frantic minion that had just run in.

"What is it this time, Giblet?" Gnarl yelled.

"The hives!" Giblet responded.

"The Tower Heart, the forges, the hives, what do they think we are?" Gnarl frowned, muttering to himself.

Luna looked around again, noticing there were quite a few less minions running around than there had previously been. She hoped her sister wouldn't take long so they could hear the full story.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xeronoia
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After hearing their explanation for disturbing her, Pix had to concede that Gnarl was never one to really waste someones time. Dismissing the minions, the blue-skinned red-head was quick to dress. A task made simpler by the minimal nature of her outfit of choice, as she favored revealing silken garments over the suits of armor some of her siblings were partial to. Sauntering out of her room to see what the ancient and shriveled brown wanted, she found her siblings already assembled in the throne room.

"Well then, I certainly hope we haven't all been called together at this delightful hour for tea and crumpets." The question was largely a joke, though the way she said 'delightful' and 'tea and crumpets' sounded far more like a despicable proposition than a pleasant way to spend a morning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I'm sorry for disturbing you." Gnarl said, looking around at the 8 young adults. "But the humans, dwarves, halflings and elves have begun to, once again, defy us. With your father... away on business, It is up to you to make them fear us again. Giblet has been holding gifts from your mothers in the armory."

The mentioned minion smithy waved from one of the downward staircases. "This way." he said, disappearing down the staircase.

Luna looked around with a sigh before punching a nearby pillar. Wordlessly, she followed Giblet towards where the forges had once been.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Their subjects wanted to break free again. "outrageous" Wolfram simply muttered. iT appeared he would have use for those books in his room after all. He was quite indifferent to the disappearance of the tower heart, bloody thing just gave him flashy magic stuff. He had learned magic more to get Gnarl of his back about it rather than any personal interest. What he was quite angry about was that the forges appeared to be missing now."unacceptable" he muttered. It would appear he would be participating in a protracted session of ser-stomping with his siblings.

He clunked down the stairs after gnarl. Already thinking up which mixture of metal he would be pouring in people's eyes soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Oya crossed her arms sighing deeply having heard the more than displeasing news. "When will they ever learn they're better under our thumbs? I mean their so stupid I'm surprised they don't drown in their own spit," she said. Then followed Giblet down the stairs. She was worried about the other minions she loved her browns yes, but the others were just as important to domination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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I wondered when I could use my favorite poisons" soulless said with a grin following Gnarl down the stairs. Honestly soulless wondered if he would ever go out of his own home and see what's out their. He also wanted to get the chance to use his poisons on the magical creatures and watch them suffer. If he can get his subjects loyal to him then he can get them to give him a forge to make an even better mace then what he has now. So many possibilities so little time to get ahead of his siblings to do so...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xeronoia
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"I suppose whipping them back into line is important." Pix acknowledged, though she looked no less grumpy about her abrupt awakening. Following Giblet alongside her brothers and sisters, she pondered with a frown what had become of the Blues. Their revival magic made them easily the most valuable of the minions, capable of making even a single brown an endlessly reusable meat shield. If they and their hive had been stolen from the castle, then some actual whipping might be in order.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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Zyphus had never really had the knack for magic that some of his half siblings had but that did not mean that he was stupid. Quite the opposite in fact. As he followed his siblings and Gnarl down towards the armory, when he finally spoke he betrayed a vastly different line of thought to that of his various kin. "We can hardly blame them for seeing an opportunity to seize more power for themselves at the cost of another and taking it; Any of us would have done the same in their shoes in a heartbeat. What I'm more interested in is how exactly this opportunity presented itself to them. The way I see it, there are three possible ways that this went down. The first is that they attacked with overwhelming force and claimed our artifacts as spoils of conquest, in which case we should have been alerted about what was going on. The second is that our security was so poorly organized as to be considered grossly incompetent. The last is that we have been betrayed from within our ranks."

Turning his gaze to rest solely on Gnarl, Zyphus's smile seemed to gain an unnervingly sharp edge to it; Much like a knife in the hand of a mugger in a dark alleyway. "So Gnarl, who is it that is in charge of the security of our home in the absence of our father?" Considering that the old minion was in charge of the day to day affairs of their home, it was clear that Zyphus had a strong inclination about who was head of security.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

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"That would actually be Biter." Gnarl said with a frown. "But I haven't seen him since he went to wake Lady Pix this morning."

Luna looked at her sister with a hidden smile. She had known what had happened, as every other minion had returned from the woman's room.

Giblet stopped at the bottom of the stairs before looking at the three older women that stood before them.

"Our children are all grown up." Kelda smiled.

"Ready to take on the world." Juno added with a chuckle.

"Ready to conquer it, you mean." Fay laughed. "Each of them alone is strong enough to do so. Just think of the chaos they could spread together."

"Anyways." Kelda jumped back in, an unpleasant look towards Fay. "You've come for your gifts."

Juno moved towards each cabinet, opening it wide to reveal each of the young adults' new set of armor and weapons.

"You don't have to wear them but we thought you'd like them anyways." Fay said, looking at each of the armors.

Luna was quick to slide the armor on and pick up her sword, giving it a few practice swings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

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Oya made a purring noise as she walked to the cabinet that was meant for her. She easily slipped the armor on which had a dark steel plating protecting the entire torso, head, legs, and forearms down. While her vital spots, and joints were protected by a very light yet incredibly strong dark brown leather. A softer padded leather also lined the inside of the gauntlets, boots, and torso for comfort. All of her armor made as to accentuate her fine figure. Around her waist was a thick metal plate belt that hugged the hips, and dipped down at the front with a minions face as a face in the center, and a cloth train connecting to the belt. The train was an electric blue on the outside, and black on the inside, and was open at the front, stopping just above the ankles. The gauntlets being talons at the finger tips, and the right being thinner than the left; both had an almost feather looking layering to them. The left gauntlet was what controlled her minions as evidence by the large white glowing gem imbedded in it. Her helmet covering her entire head save for a narrow slit of darkness with two glowing yellow almond shaped lights that were her eyes, and a hole where her long brown hair came out of. While three long feather looking blades jutted out from both sides in a fan going up towards the cranium while the design resembled a birds beak with its curving sharpness in the front. An intricate jagged and swirling storm like pattern adorned the entirety of her plate armor. A steel evil looking avian face with glowing brown gems in the eyes protected the left shoulder, while leaving the rest bare skin between the shoulder, and gauntlet. While the right arm had a wide billowing sleeve of electric blue cloth coming down to just above her hand. Her boots being thin, with many sharp plates that reached up her thighs, and metal minion heads on her knees. With the feet having the sharp claw like blades at the toe, which was only 5 centimeters long.

"Oho this I like," she said. Then turned to look at her siblings hefting her new Urumi onto her back. Which had a black blade, and a brown handle with fur lining the hilt like a mane. She could tell it was forged with a good many minion sacrifices with the way the white jewels glowed on each blade segment where it connected to the cord inside, with a brighter shine than her previous Urumi. This weapon had no element of its own, but it was powered to be impossible to sever the cord of the weapon. Unlike her other one where one good slash could sever the thing apart. While the blade segments of the weapon were incredibly sharp and could slice through solid stone.
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