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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Son, let me tell you about customers...

Had our repair agency tell me that a customer bought in a lawnmower and asked them what he should put in it, so the repairer told the guy, "just give it some juice" expecting fuel.
So the customer returned to the repairer with the broken lawnmower that has the fuel tank filled with orange juice.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

Had our repair agency tell me that a customer bought in a lawnmower and asked them what he should put in it, so the repairer told the guy, "just give it some juice" expecting fuel.
So the customer returned to the repairer with the broken lawnmower that has the fuel tank filled with orange juice.


Sounds right.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

This could just be me here, but last I checked, it's a helluva lot more difficult to kill an idea among a group with no uniform than it is an oppressive regime in a country that wasn't beefing with you directly and being good at hiding their loyalties before this. Hell, our whole part of the war was just fighting Japan. We didn't get involved with Nazis until later in the game, and by then other countries had done most of the work.

Russia and anonymous have been doing a pretty good job with kicking Isis' ass
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

Son, let me tell you about Privates and Lance Corporals...

what... what sort of privates do you want to tell us about?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rain
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Rain 3 cents short of a snickers bar.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Vilageidiotx All the Privates you can think of. ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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Since we're having a healthy batch of complaints, allow me to "bitch" about something I encounter on a daily basis in the godforsaken locale I am stuck in. Read it if you so desire.

People do not know how to fucking drive. Period. Freeway on-ramps are built to provide drivers with the opportunity to reach the appropriate speed before actually getting on the freeway. Put your damn foot on the pedal, and make sure you hit sixty before you actually get on the freeway. Having to cross the solid whites, and the warning strip because some asshole in their Mercedes can't read is simply irritating. This leads me to another irritating notion - if you are going to buy a fancy car learn to drive it. Despite posted speed limits, local customs country wide generally dictate you are doing at least five over or get the hell out of the way. On another note, if you are doing exactly the speed limit get the hell out of the left lane. It is a passing lane. Move your happy ass over. What really irritates me is the fact that as soon as we get a dusting of snow everyone turns full retard and completely forgets how to manage their automobile. We get snow here a lot morons, it's not that big of a deal when the grass is still poking through. Point your car, hit the pedal, and get the hell out of my way.

As always any comments, criticisms, or questions are welcome.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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<Snipped quote by Sombrero>

Russia and anonymous have been doing a pretty good job with kicking Isis' ass

Russia has also been kicking a lot of civilian ass too. That's kinda what happens when you attack a weed infestation in your garden with a flamethrower, but hey, at least they killed a lot of weeds, right? And I'm sure Anonymous has been kicking plenty of ass. Organized and classy too. Really, a force to be reckoned with, like the People's Crusade. But I guess at least they're doing it peacefully...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

Russia has also been kicking a lot of civilian ass too. That's kinda what happens when you attack a weed infestation in your garden with a flamethrower, but hey, at least they killed a lot of weeds, right? And I'm sure Anonymous has been kicking plenty of ass. Organized and classy too. Really, a force to be reckoned with, like the People's Crusade. But I guess at least they're doing it peacefully...

Yeah, anonymous actually did something that Obama can't for whatever reason, they actually got a hold of plans for attacks and exposed them. They also found recruitment severs are being hosted in the west and not just the middle east.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

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I know this is a thread for bitching, but...

Anonymous. <3

We lov u 4evr
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Organized and classy too. Really, a force to be reckoned with, like the People's Crusade.

The People's Crusade was an embarrassing failure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

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So I was recently broken up with. Though I'm grateful that it was a peaceful split, I grow more frustrated with myself the more I think about things. It's seemingly becoming a custom for me to end up with men who don't give their 100% in a relationship like I do. I don't think I deserve what I'm getting. I haven't had a relationship that lasts more than four months since 2012, and the way things have been going throughout the years I've given up hope that I'll be able to find that person. No matter how hard I try, how much I give, how my temper has softened during the years, it never seems to be enough to keep anyone around for too long. Maybe I'll simply never be enough for someone.

But who said anything about life being fair, right?

It feels good to get this out of my system, as I always try to appear as strong in front of everyone to avoid seen as weak or to be misunderstood.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HalfOfLancelot
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HalfOfLancelot What's worse: being heartbroke or roachbit?

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<Snipped quote by Rin>

I guess Tumblr is just the place people go when there's literally no other part of a Fandom that'll accept them, and they're agressively protective of their illusion of inclusivity because they're so terrified they'll be wholly rejected again and have nowhere left to go but 4chan... Which, as we all know, is just one circle of hell above the plain dark web.



But I use tumblr for looking at cats (and pretty pictures, when I'm feeling particularly brain dead at 5 in the morning). ;( It seems the Cat Fandom has rejected me; I must away to tumblr, for the slightly above bottom feeding gifs of cats doing stupid things.

In all seriousness, though, tumblr is definitely 90% a shit fest, 8% cats, 1% people making cool art, and 1% science related stuff. (statistics pulled from http:// www. myass .com [because i don't want it to link to some nsfw site of just asssssss])
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 mo ago

I work in retail.
It is Christmas time.

That is all I need to say...

Today was actually worse than I predicted...

I have no soul left.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh man we're talking about Isis and anonymous and Obama now

tell me a bedtime story about ethics in gaming journalism next plz

(In all seriousness @NuttsnBolts I hope your holidays get better.)
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 mo ago

@AuntFlavia Thanks. Should be a good weekend with family. I'm lucky in that sense that our family gets along really well when together. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rain
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Rain 3 cents short of a snickers bar.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

Russia has also been kicking a lot of civilian ass too. That's kinda what happens when you attack a weed infestation in your garden with a flamethrower, but hey, at least they killed a lot of weeds, right? And I'm sure Anonymous has been kicking plenty of ass. Organized and classy too. Really, a force to be reckoned with, like the People's Crusade. But I guess at least they're doing it peacefully...

Russia is kicking all ass equally thank you. This is a new, fair, Russia. They don't discriminate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JDolan
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JDolan A Friendly Homo Drakensis

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tell me a bedtime story about ethics in gaming journalism next plz

Considering I work in the industry...I've more than a few opinions about the topic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rain
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Rain 3 cents short of a snickers bar.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

tell me a bedtime story about ethics in gaming journalism next plz

Want me to go on about this next? XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

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This is the best Christmas a kid could ever hope for!
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sombrero>

The People's Crusade was an embarrassing failure.

That was the point. They're a mass disorganized by design and a lot of them are just kids who wear masks and shut down websites just to be edgy. It doesn't mean there aren't some who are generally for the cause, but, for the most part, they are just hackers with opinions and not much else to do but petty things. Then again, Sturgeon's law.
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