Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leo's attention, like many of the students of the gym turned to the trouble making students. Leo glared daggers at them both, because he desire to show his stuff suddenly got snuffed by these morons. It was ridiculous that they were all punished from being able to train. "Great, just what I wanted to do, write a bunch of tedious and boring papers." Leo thought to himself, pretty pissed off. Leo wasn't usually the one to stay silent, but he remained that way just to not escalate the situation. Leo let out a deep annoyed sigh sitting upward, crossed arms and looking at his sister to see her reaction, not speaking but his expression was worth a thousands words.

Jay was still watching two to the four fighting students still talk by to the teacher, he just waited for the appropriate result. He was immediately disappointed when he heard the instructor's punishment, but it wasn't due to the assignment as he actually didn't mind writing. He was used to it writing scrolls for magic for his father as a daily chore. Jay stopped for a moment noticing the door creaking open, Jay's eyes widened a little seeing Inigo heading through the students, thankfully still invisible, climbing up to his shoulder. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jay whispered to Inigo. "I found your room, and I got bored, thought I'd surprise ya, Inigo spoke back quietly noticing the arena. "Ooo, fighting?" Inigo chirped. "No,because of those students talking back, we were punished us all into doing an assignment instead." Jay corrected pointing to the students. Inigo looked at the students and called out to the students, not so quietly. Which Jay wasn't expecting. "Should of kept your mouths shut!"
@Demonic Angel@Rusalka
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin was glad that the sparing had been cancelled. She had no desire to fight. She knew that Leo was disappointed. He wanted to show off. But she didn't want him to be hurt. And there was no way that he wouldn't be hurt in a fight. It wasn't that she doubted her brother's power or strength. But she had never seen a fight where both parties didn't get hurt to some degree. She took out a notebook. But deciding what to wrote was hard. She didn't see herself as capable of much. "I don't know what to write."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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"Screw your paper you worthless old bag." Evelyn hissed under her breath laying her head on her desk, teeth grit behind a tightly clenched mouth ready to spew more obscenities. She had no intentions at all of doing the assignment; no one ordered her around.

She glared at Lorane and Axel, how she wanted to burn the both of them alive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leo looked at his sister some and he rubbed the back of his head. "Well I didn't want to write. So neither do I" He replied still a little annoyed but knowing there was no real choice in the matter, and he didn't bring any pencil or paper to write anything as all of his stuff was in his room wishing he had thought of that but he figured other students didn't either since that's not was suppose to happen. "So are we allowed to leave? I brought nothing to write with." He asked his sister not exactly sure.

Jay was surprised no one reacted the Inigo's loud mouth. Jay shushed him to keep him quiet. pulled out a notebook from his thing and sat down and quickly wrote several paragraphs having no problem with thinking what to write down, not going to let the change of plans effect him. "You shouldn't be here." Jay whispered to Inigo. "Well, I didn't want to let you have all the fun." Inigo quips. Jay shook his head and went back to writing, as there wasn't much he could do now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Merlin shook his head. He hated kids that fought the system. He expected it though especially when it came to the children of villains. They thought they had to prove that they were the toughest even when they weren't. "Koj vaj ingat doloroso handelser de minulost aina kun Koj bereaksi su sinne. There is no getting out of assignments. You should always be prepared. You never know what we will threw at you. We don't want any of you to be bored. If you don't have paper you can borrow some from someone who does. I see a few notebooks."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@Rusalka" Awe. Poor little lizard. You want to go back to you're little cage now?" Axel said in a babish tone towards the girl. She wasn't planning on doing the assignment any way. The pirate shifted and gave a murderous glare towards the teacher.@KatherinWinter" I hate to break to you but I don't take too kindly to those who tell me what to do. Although there is one exception in this room. Do I again and I'll kill you where you stand." She turned away towards the door and sat right by it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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@Demonic Angel@KatherinWinter

They were both foolish, the pirate and the old wizard, their inane babbling nothing more than white noise as she tuned both out, but what be this?

Strong, arcane magick, steeped within nearly thousands of years of meticulously well practiced sorcery surged through her body upon the incoherent mutters of that blasted ancient codger, like jolts of electricity causing the finest hairs on the back of her neck to stand erect.

Her heart raced. Dammit, what did he do to her? A hex? A curse? Whatever it was, it felt powerful...and yet nothing was happening...

"Hmph! Are you finished now?" More or less it was meant towards both, but her dark, hellish gaze was aimed at the wizard. "Sorry to say you miserable old fool, but I'm bored already of this stupid class. I'm leaving." She swiftly stood, a shoulder checking Axel on the way out, but then...it hit her...hard.

"GYAH!" She suddenly yelped, her knees hitting the floor and her hands quickly reaching for her head. The pain, so unbearable, so horrible, like her skull was splitting in two, a piercing ring in both her ears that nearly drove her mad.

"Gah...ugh...d-dammit! Make...it...stop!" The veins in her head were swelling with blood, her face beat red from the overwhelming struggle. Evelyn would not win this one. Unwillingly, no choice but to surrender to the bastard warlock and his wretched hex. You damn wizard! I'll feed you to the hounds of Hell for this!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@Demonic Angel
"Newsflash Axel everyone at this school is going to be telling you what to do. It's sort of our job. You can do it by choice or by force. That is your decision. If you are too difficult we will simple send you home. We have many others that want to actually learn and create their own stories. We will not waist time fighting you very step of the way." Merlin stated calmly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leo looked at Merlin and all the troublesome student causing a ruckus as he glared at them all. "Well I can't write with all this fuc-damn racket." Leo said trying to not curse in front of his sister but he was too annoyance to articulate any better.

"Have a pen and paper?" Leo asked figuring she'd be the easiest to ask, also hating using pencils. As he took of his gauntlets and set them in the chair he was sitting in, and watched the bickering between the students and teacher. Leo glared at them both. "Glad they're not talking to me, I'd likely break them to pieces." Leo said not really minding how loud he was speaking finding their threats quite obnoxious.

Jay continued to write, not even really paying attention anymore apathetic to the situation, as he had almost finished his paper. But when he looked up, he noticed Leo and his red hooded shirt as he stared at him for a while. Inigo was quite enjoying the drama unfolding, only wishing he had something to eat. As he noticed Jay staring, looking up from writing. "Hmm? What you look at Jay?" He asked. "That-guy was the guy who almost knocked me over..." Jay muttered to Inigo as he set his book down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Because the twins were doing all the work, Lorane had nothing better to do than watch her teacher, her enemy, and her pawn continuously bicker back and forth. It was only slightly entertaining. That is, until the teacher began to speak words of a curse. This brought Lorane to the edge of her seat, her coy grin crawling back onto her face. She recognized the magic. It wasn't the black magic she'd spent her life studying, but it wasn't too far from it. When the Evelyn fell to her knees, Lorane chuckled. She then stood up. "Well done, Mr. Marlin." she said, mispronouncing his name. She then placed a hand on Evelyn's head, rubbing her hair as if to treat her like a dog. "Little Miss Scaley here had it coming." She then shoved the cursed girl's head backwards and continued forward until she was in front of the teacher. She then did a little curtsy. "I'm Lorane, by the way."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@KatherinWinterAxel's breathing labored a bit after Merlin had said this. A shiver worked it's way down her spine as her eyes turned into a plead towards the man. It was clear to those around the pirate that she was fearful, though they would be unaware of the reason behind it. The girl knew the day she returned to Hook was the day she would stop breathing. Or at least that was the plan any way. But now this elderly man would send her back without a thought of what would happen to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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@Framing A Moose@Demonic Angel@KatherinWinter

The pain was too great for her to react to the snide and cheeky demeanor of the sea witch, treating her like nothing more than a mangy mutt meant to be put down. Such disgrace and humiliation upon her to be in this vulnerable state.

The pain had subsided shortly but the damage inflicted was far too merciless. His image was burned into her retinas, the snarling, vicious demon with wings black as the night absent its stars and Hecate's moon above, soaring down from his perch atop that black, ominous crag known as Bald Mountain, sweeping over the villages and dark, thorn ridden forests with Hellfire and cackling demons at his beckoned call as he soared with Lucifer's vengeance to strike down the pitiful whelp, the shame of the family that was his flesh and blood, his daughter who refused to follow his strict command and become his successor.

Oh how she could already feel his claws like knives into her back, slicing and cleaving away layer after layer of flesh and sinew until only the bleached white bone of her skeleton remained, soon to be charred black in the flames of eternal damnation. All while her mother, the true dragon lady, scoffed at her and called her a little beastie, such a degrading title.

And that in itself was a fear like no other for Evelyn.

The torment had receded...for now. Evelyn figured for every chance she lashed out at someone, be it a teacher or a student, the curse would take its toll on her, until she was sent packing back to those unforgiving lands to face the wrath of her despicable parents.

She cursed in a heated sigh, standing on wobbling legs and trudging back to her desk. In a mere act of defiance, she just ripped the quill pen away from Axel's side and a leaf of parchment from Lorane's, muttering to herself as feverishly she began to write the wizard's stupid essay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"You will reframe from degrading each other. I don't care how much you hate each other. Bullying will be pushed. Just because you are the children of evil does not mean that we are going to allow you to treat others badly. This is a neutral ground. You will find another way to vent your frustrations. Lorane assignments that the eels do for you will not count towards your grade." Merlin stated. He ignored the fact that she mispronounced his name he was sure that she had done it on purpose.

Katherin nodded. She almost always had paper and pen. She dug into her bag and got another notebook. It took her longer to find another pen. She didn't mind that Leo wanted that instead of a pencil. She had never liked pencils. They broke too easily. She handed the two items to her brother. She chewed on the end of her pen as she thought about what she could possible write. What could she do?
@Framing A Moose@SleepingSilence
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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The teachers words only brought a bigger smile to her face, a smile which seemed to tell how superior she thought she was. She suspected that there was a possibility she would get caught, but didn't know what she would do. Well, until recently that is. She turned around, her back facing the teacher. "Of course it will count for my grade, Marlin dear. After all," she spun back around and took a step forward, so her mouth was right next to his ear. "I can think of plenty mamas and papas who will be plenty angry to hear this school physical harming their children." She said.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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@Framing A Moose
Merlin smirted. It was a good come back. Not bad at all..in most schools it might have worked. But this wasn't your average school. "Blackmailing teachers isn't going to be something easily donE Loarne. Parents know this isn't your average school and that we might have to do things that wouldn't be acceptable in other schools in order to get some of you to cooperate. That is why we have them sign waivers stating that they give us pemission to do what is necessary as long as no permanent harm is done."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"Thanks Sis." Leo said as he reluctantly sat back down and looked at the paper not exactly motivated to write, just failing to brainstorm ideas of what to write. All of the talking from the other students was not helping. He was going to ask for advice from his sister but she looked just as perplexed, their first day was already starting poorly. "Aren't we suppose to have a quiet place to do this?" Leo mutters.

Jay was still staring at him, he knew that it shouldn't of been a big deal but just something about it still hung from his mind. The more he thought about it, the more angry he got. As Inigo observed him getting upset. "I could go over and bite him." Inigo offered. Jay thought about it for a moment smirking a little at the image in his mind. Though decided against it, letting out a sigh as he picked Inigo off his shoulder and set him in his chair. "I'm going to ask for an apology, stay here." Jay replied walking up to the stranger. Inigo watched doing as instructed.

Jay approached him seeing the brunette female student sitting next to him as he looked down at him. "Can I speak to you in private?"

Leo looked up looking up at the other student wondering who he even was, never seeing him before. "I'm a little busy. Do I know you?" Leo asked in an annoyed tone as he wasn't in a very good mood and this stranger was just another distraction from his work.

Jay cleared his throat. "Can you just go to the corner of the room with me for like thirty seconds?" Jay asked tapping his foot a bit.

"I can look for you when I'm done with my assignment." Leo stated, thought it was just to get the student to leave him alone as he couldn't write while talking.

"Fine then." Jay replied as he was already losing his patience but held himself back from starting any conflict, he went back to his seat and sat down, Inigo going back on his shoulder. "Should of just let me, bite him" Inigo commented.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 mos ago

This disappointed Lorane, but she didn't visibly show it. She still wore the same cocky grin and kept her mouth near his ear. "We'll see about that...tell me Marlin, what do you want most in the world?" She whispered.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin watched as a boy approached her brother. She bite her lip at the interaction. Her brother wasn't good at multitasking. She was ready to intervene if she needed to. But luckily it there didn't seem to be a need. She relaxed alittle bit as the other boy walked away. She was relieved that another fight hadn't broken out. She turned her attention back to her paper. She started writing random things on the paper that she felt she was good at.

@Framing A Moose
"I am a wizard. I can get anything I want. I have power, money, and respect." Merlin answered. He knew that Lorane was trying to find an easy out. But he wasn't going to allow her to do that. She could try that with the next teacher. But he wasn't an easy target. He had everything he wanted or needed. The teachers were carefully selected to make it hard for the kids more inclined towards evil ways to get away with that while they were here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@KatherinWinter@Framing A MooseAxel noticed Lorane walk towards the teacher making the pirate shift. A sigh was released. At least the girl wouldn't be sent home any time soon it would seem. The pirate pulled out a pencil and a half piece of paper from her pocket. A true pirate shows they're skills. Not write them out so better luck next time :p. On the back Axel wrote a single question only to quickly scratch it out. Am I only just something my father made or am I a human being?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

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Lorane chuckled and stepped away from his ear, so she was standing about a yard away. "My my...you've had so much life experience, seen and done so many things, and yet you're still a fool. I'd think a man of your wisdom would know that there's always more. That no one has everything. And that everyone wants something. Perhaps you'd like a dead loved one to be brought back. Or to have something you regret undone. Or perhaps you'd just like to relive the adventurous days of old, instead of teaching a bunch of idiotic youngsters. Take your pick." Her words were like poisoned chocolate. Sweet yet dangerous, able to easily be eaten up.

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