Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Alcander Mires

Location: Courtyard, Best Exotic Hotel
Interacting with: Murphey, Areum

Alcander laughed at Desh and Murphy's interaction. The younger guy was starting to like Murphy quite a bit. Of course, later tonight that might change but for now it was happening. He shouldn't be surprised, after all. He reminded him a lot of his friends back in Tampa. "Cool, I'll go and..." he said, then stopped. He looked down at his clothes. "I don't think I have anything better than this." he said, shrugging. He was never expecting to go out when he arrived here, and even then, he often just went out casually.

"Well, I'll go up anyway and look around." he told Murphy, and gave Areum a smile before heading back up the stairs, going two steps at a time. When he made it up there, sure enough he saw nothing new. Some T-shirts, more button downs, nothing really... "Doesn't matter, not like anything'll happen tonight anyway." he told himself, but he changed shirts just since this one had a bit of his sweat on it, not to mention goat hair.

Alcander took a huge few gulps of water, making sure he was good for tonight. He set the glass down with a thunk, and cleared his throat. He looked into the mirror and straightened his hair best he could, and then put his hands in his pockets and sighed. "Let's do it." he breathed, and headed over to the door, making his way downstairs and into the courtyard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
Avatar of Salrynn

Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Best exotic hotel: Courtyard → Hotel room
Interactions: Murphy, her clothing, a cockroach

Boy, this plan is just getting better and better with every second of the afternoon. Now Desh was coming too. And Alcander finally made up his mind. She knew what to do immediately after Murphy’s little crack up at Desh’s reaction to being allowed to tag along with them. But now she had to get changed and get ready for a night out in Jaipur: the place where the hotel is placed. Areum couldn’t wait for the moment of trying everything out. Nodding at Murphy’s plan in agreement.

“Oh don’t worry about the goat!” she winked before dashing up to her room to get ready for the night. She had to think of what to wear outfit wise… it was a night out luckily and not a full-frontal formal event where the traveller would wear really fancy out-of-place stuff. That just wasn’t her style at all for this occasion. “Oh, I know!” She exclaimed as she got out one her black dresses that she occasionally wore in Korea. Typical as it was, it covers just her arse and shows her legs but covered the whole of her chest area, making her look taller.




Areum screamed loudly and was quickly followed by “EW EW EW EW EW GET AWAY GET AWAAAYYYYYY!!! YOU THING THATS IMPOSSIBLE TO DIE!!”

On the Korean’s wall was a cockroach. Flashing itself off in envy, Areum wouldn’t say she was scared of them but she sure as hell hated them with an absolute passion. “Get away, get away!!!” she shouted as she tried at least blowing on it to make it move. It eventually did. It blew on the wall to the window. Areum quickly opened the door and blew it away once more with her man-made air and closed the window. “Oh my god… oh my god… Cockroaches are the worst creatures ever!!!!!!!!” she scoffed before giving herself five minutes to cool down.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
Avatar of Charnobylisk


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Arrival of Class

Location: Jaipur India -> Best Exotic
Interacting With: Each Other; Murphy
A Collab between Lady A and I

The flight had been long as hell from Boston to India but after numerous connections and transfers they were finally in Jaipur. Claire stood there fiddling with her phone, trying to get finished with a playlist she had been working on during the flight as they awaited their luggage. Cass looked over to Claire and rolled her eyes, a mischevious grin on her face as Claire looked over to her partner in crime. She giggled slightly as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"Janey Mack, ol' Murph is goin' to flip his lid when we show up. I can't wait to see the look on his face," she laughed. She was beyond excited to be taking the trip. She had missed her brother terribly since he had moved out to India and this was the first time she had been able to see him in almost a year. It didn't hurt that she had her best bud with her. Winking towards Claire, Cass began bouncing on the balls of her feet. "We're 'ere Claire! We're 'ere! We're'erewe're'erewe're'ere!!!" Cass had been so excited to go somewhere new that her words melded together and anyone would be lucky to understand what she was saying. Except for Claire of course.

Seeing her bags come down the belt she reached over and pulled them down, letting them hit the floor. Shouldering one bag and grabbing the handle of the other she looked back over to Cass. "Ready to give these folks hell?" Cass grabbed her her case and then her dufflebag, dumping both on the floor as she adjusted her shoulder bag to make room for the strap of her duffle. "Too right I am! Plus I'm jus' 'bout ready to meet another of yer big bros, so aye. Lets bloody go already!" Cass lifted her foot and gently kicked Claire's backside, urging her to move her keister, Claire skipping forward and belting Cass with her back as she stuck her tongue out at the woman. Grabbing the extendo-handle of her case, Cass was ready to roll. Literally.

Making their way outside, Cass stopped in her tracks when she felt the heat. "Holy fuckin' shitballs. I brought too many clothes..." She began to fan herself with her free hand and licked her lips, her mouth already felt parched and she'd breathed in like twice. Claire jerked her head back as the heat hit her face. "Mother fucker, it's like a damn sauna out here," she said quickly reaching in her bag and pulling out her sun glasses. Shoving them on her face and then pulling her hair up. Cass nodded her head down, flipping her sunnies onto her face, stopping them with her hand before the slid right off of her sweaty little nose. "Oops. That's what I get for tryin' t'be cool..."

"How the hell me brother stand it here?" she wondered out loud as she flagged down an autorickshaw. One quickly pulled up and helped the girls with their bags. Climbing in, Claire sat there wishing she had a bath of ice to sink into while she pulled off her vest and grabbed the front of her shirt; puffing it constantly to try to cool down. As the man took off she nearly toppled out of the damn thing, grabbing a hold of the oh shit bar and righting herself as the man drove like a bat out of hell. Cass was shifted into the side of Claire as the driver did his thing.

Cass cackled as the guy drove faster than she did! "Ye can never complain 'bout my drivin' again Claire! Weeee~!" Cass threw her hands into the air and let the only wind that she was going to feel for a while run over her sticky skin. Her giggles could be heard from all around and passerbys stared a little at the loud, foreign woman in the autorickshaw. Cass was glad she'd opted to just wear a vest top and thigh length shorts but she still wished she was wearing less. A first for Cass to wish she was more naked in public, generally she kept that thought for the bedroom.

Nudging Claire with her elbow, Cass grinned before she was thrown into Claire yet again by a sudden turn, this time her face squished right against Claire's cheek and Cass decided to roll with it. Kissing Claire's cheek with a big, sloppy kiss; Cass shifted herself back and grabbed onto the bar to keep herself upright for the remaining turns. All the while, her cheeks were cracking under the beaming smile and laughter sounding out from her. Claire looked over to the woman as if she had lost her ever loving mind. Her hand coming up and wiping the slobber away.

"Listen, if yer gonna be kissin' me, do it right. You ain't no Great Dane and I ain't no Scooby snack," Claire laughed as she held on for dear life. "Hey now, I could be a Great Dane if'n I wanted t'be!" Cass pouted as she folded her arms across her chest, her head looking away from Claire in a mocking tantrum pose before laughing again.

Claire never thought she would be wishing that Cass was behind the wheel but this man was plum loco. When the man finally stopped the machine Claire tumbled out onto the ground and started kissing the sidewalk. "LAND!" Sitting up she spat the dirt out of her mouth and wiped the rest away with the back of her hand.

"Careful ye don't catch 'eh runs from ingestin' the dirt." Cass stuck her tongue out after her crass observation and began giggling like a child hearing the word "butt" for the first time. "God I'm way too excited for this. Despite 'eh need for a shower only two minutes after landin', I can tell this is gonna be fun!" Cass slung her arm around Claire's shoulder as the driver unloaded their bags from the autorickshaw and waited for his payment. Cass looked over and gave him a friendly smile before handing over what was probably too much money but she hadn't got the conversion rate down yet, but she didn't care.

Claire finally stood up and lugged her luggage over to Cass. Turning around and looking at the building behind them, Cass felt her eyebrow rising in confusion. "Why 'eh hell aren't there any windows on the top floor?" She rose her free hand up and scratched the back of her head, beneath her ponytail. Looking up Claire's jaw went slack a bit.

"For fucks sake, how we supposed to be keeping the air conditioning inside if there ain't be no windows?" Claire pondered as she looked over to Cass and then a question popped into her mind. "Fucking hell, do they have air conditioning here?" Cass's face fell and she glanced at the sheen on her skin. "I think I'm gonna melt... Make sure they dinnae use me t'wash 'eh floors when I do..."

"I swear to fucking baby Jesus if that goat rams my ass one more time I'm going to serve him up for communion!" a voice that sounded familiar to Claire bellowed from inside the hotel. "Oop! That sounds like a McManus! How ye wantin' t'do this?!" Cass was bouncing on the balls of her feet again, looking as excited as a child on Christmas morning. Then she stopped suddenly, looking at Claire as she took her sunglasses off her face. "Did he just say goat?"

Claire, mimicking her partner in crime, slowly pulled down her sunglasses and mouthed the word goat. "Give me back me clothing you bucktoothed bastard of a beast!" the Irishman screamed, his voice closer than the last bellow. It was about that time that said goat came bounding out of the hotel with the remains of a shirt between his teeth. Claire grabbed Cass by the shoulder and pulled her out of the way before she got mowed down. Cass let out a high pitched squeal of surprise and gripped onto Claire's arm as she was yankedoout of harm's way. "Holy fuck, cheers for tha'!" Cass kept her grip on Claire's arm and watched as the goat continued onwards.

Two seconds later Murphy came sprinting out after the goat in nothing but a pair of blue jeans and right past the girls. Cass couldn't help but grin as her eyes wandered along Murhpy's bare torso. "God fucking damn it!!" he screamed as he picked up a rock and chucked it at the goat while it headed around a corner.

Murphy kicked the ground as he slammed his hands on his hips and let out a rough breath. He was standing there, angry as hell and sweat glistening off his chest. Yup, Cass had definitely hit the jackpot when she'd met Claire. Her whole family was fit as hell. "Hey Claire," Murphy said before kicking the ground again before walking into the hotel.

Claire held up a finger to Cass and counted down from three. Chuckling, Cass let go of Claire's arm and folded her arms across her chest, watching Claire countdown. "Three, two, one." Just as she hit one Murphy ran back out and froze in the door way gawking at his sister. "Claire!???" Claire just fell onto the ground laughing her ass off, so hard in fact she snorted like a pig a few times. Shaking her head happily, Cass watched Claire laughing like the adorable dork that she was. "C'mon you, give yer big bro a cuddle and stop laughin' like the goon ye are." Cass stuck her tongue out at Claire to show that she was joking before turning her attention back to Murphy.

"Since yer wee sis is too entertained, I'll introduce m'self. Names Cass and it is a pleasure t'meet ye." She gave a devilish little grin to Murphy and held her hand out in greeting. Murphy slowly looked over to Cass as his sister kept laughing on the ground, rolling around like a drunken prom date that had found something way to humorous that was by no means funny.

"Um, yeah, I'm Murphy," he said as he took her hand and kissed the back of it. Well that wasn't the reaction she was hoping for but oh well. Live and learn. Claire finally calmed herself down enough to crawl over and grab her brothers pants legs. He just chuckled, lifting her up and giving her a big hug as her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. "Claire! Let go woman!" he playfully grumbled as he tried to pry her off.

"Nope, y'er carrying my ass!" she laughed as she hung there like a spider monkey.

"What an adorable wee family reunion." Claire was definitely happy to see her brother, no doubt about it. Putting her hands on her hips, Cass looked over to the hotel again and chewed the inside of her mouth. They better fucking have air conditioning in there... She slipped her sunglasses back on before grabbing their bags. "I feel like a ruddin' pack mule... Lead the way, Mr Local."

Murphy sighed and motioned for her to get on his back. She giggled and swung around, ending up behind him like some deranged backpack. Murphy reached over to and took several of the bags from Cass. "I gots that little lady, just follow ol' Murph," he said with a charming smile before he started to walk into the hotel and into the courtyard. Claire looked over his shoulder and smirked. "Ye be turnin' that charm on ain't ya? Better look out, woman's as fiery as me if not more. You might get belted one," Claire warned. Murphy just looked over to Cass and smiled.

"Well that be the way to an Irishman's heart," he chuckled with a wink.

"I'll bear tha' in mind." Cass grinned, rolling her eyes but feeling pretty pleased inside. "I hope ya do lass." She'd heard so much about Murphy from Claire that she felt like she knew him already and considering she'd met Connor she was pretty surprised at how attracted she was to him physically. Not that Connor wasn't a good looking man, he just didn't tickle Cass's fancy that way. Murphy on the other hand... so far so good. Granted, Cass was pretty damn attracted to Claire too but Cass just wasn't sure she was ready to cross that line from friends to more with Claire. Plus Diane had put her off women as more than just for fun and friends.

Pushing the bad thoughts away, Cass followed Murphy as he carried Claire like just another bag on his back. Her eyes wandered down the two in front of her and she smirked. Claire really does have the best arse.

Murphy brought them to the front desk and was glad that Desh was busy getting ready. He went ahead and signed them in and got them a set of keys. "Room 11 girls, Claire get down. I ain't be lugging you up to the third floor." Claire pouted but hopped down and took the keys. "Oh thank god, shower and AC." Murphy burst out laughing and Claire looked at him as if he had gone mad. "What?" Cass mirrored Claire's expression and then thought about the top floor not having any windows. "This ain't gonna be a good kinda funny, is it?"

"Plumbing is shot and ain't no AC up there. But hey, me and some of the hotel folk be going out drinking. Go settle in, meet me in the courtyard in twenty. I gotta go get me's a shirt on," he said before wandering off to his room. Claire stood there gawking as she looked over at Cass. "Well fuck me sideways and call me Sally, this sucks."

Cass's fallen face looked over to Claire and burst out laughing as she thought of her retort before saying it aloud. "Maybe later, but only if you call me Jack." Claire smirked. "Okay Jack," she chuckled. Her laughter quickly died off as she realised how many stairs there were to climb to get to their room. "Guess I'll lead 'eh way."

Grabbing her luggage and leaving Claire's bags for her to carry, Cass started up the stairs towards the third floor. Claire shouldered her bag and follow Cass up the stairs. This was going to be a hell of a trip, why did these stairs have to be so damn steep? She glanced back at Claire as they made their ascent. "Also, ye never told me how cute Murphy is. Granted I should have known considering he's your brother, but still. He doesn't look that much like Connor. I thought they were identical twins."

"Ha, nah. They be fraternal. No idea who be born first, mama won't tell them. Been a big fight in the family fer years. Who be the oldest. Ma just likes to fuck with them. Even Pops don't know I don't think. She probably be taking that secret to her grave," Claire laughed. She remembered plenty of fights between the two of them trying to figure out who was the oldest. "Cute? Girl, I think this heat be getting to ya." Cass glanced over and saw Murphy, she put a sheepish smile on her face. "Haha, I love yer mammy. Sorry Murphy, dinnae realise ye were still there." She gave him a wink and chuckled a little before turning away again.

The trip up the stairs with the luggage caused Cass's incessant chatter to die off quickly as the heat took its toll on her body. She was desperate for a drink. Making it to the room, Cass quickly unlocked the door and threw the bags in just at the door before darting towards the bathroom sink, desperate for a drink of something cold to wash her mouth out. She turned the tap only to get a small cloud of dust spitting out of it and a rattling, dry noise rang out beneath the countertop.

Slapping the tap, Cass turned and folded her arms across her chest, her backside resting against the side of the sink as she looked towards Claire with a face like a wounded puppy. "Can we go home yet?" Claire stumbled in behind her a bit and dropped her things on the ground unceremoniously. "Ye gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me!" she grumbled as she looked around. Reaching into her bag she rummaged through it a bit and found two bottle of water left over from the flight. They were warm now but hey it was better than nothing. Looking over at Cass she tossed her one before unscrewing the cap and downing the stuff. "Son of a bitch, that's nasty. Yeah, we are definitely joining Murph for a drink tonight. Guess we should get ready. Is nudity an option?"

Cass caught the bottle and followed Claire's lead. The warmth was not appreciated but at least the wetness eased the discomfort some. "Yeuck. Rank. Anyway, if it isnae an option, we'll jus' 'ave t'bloody make it one." Cass reached down and grabbed the bottom of her vest top and yanked it up and over her head. "Too bad we cannae 'ave a shower before we go out." Cass slipped out of her shorts and stood in her plain black underwear and looked down at it. "Think I might jus' go commando 'nd jus' wear shorts 'nd a crop top. Or is tha' too revealin' for India? Fuck, I dinnae ken!" She looked to Claire for some kind of guidance on what the dress code might be for India.

Claire chuckled as she stripped out of her shorts and top and kicked it to the wall, letting it crumple on the ground. Grumbling she pealed out of her sports bra and groaned as she looked at the bruises on her ribs. "If this heat keeps up, we both gonna be locked up for strolling around in our birthday suits. Cass, how them bruises from the last fight looking on me back?" she asked as she pulled her hair out of the way. They were healing but there was still some blackness to them.

Walking over to Claire, Cass ran her hands lightly over the bruises. Claire jumped slightly as she felt Cass's fingers and then relaxed. "They're lookin' a bit dodgy but nae where near as bad as they were a while back. I reckon they're healin' fine. How they feelin'?" Cass lightly pressed on one of the smaller bruises to gauge the pain factor of them.

"O'der than feelin' like I be in the seventh level hell, fine," she groaned as she pulled a wedge out of her rear and stepped over it her bags. "Sorry! Was jus' tryin' to see how bad it was..." Cass's voice trailed off as she watched Claire digging in her bags. Claire let out a yelp of happiness "Fuck yeah!" she said as she pulled out a couple of cool pouches she carried with her because of fights, cracking the inside and tossing one to Cass as she placed the other on the back of her neck. The icy cold feeling felt better a knock out right then.

"Oh I could fuckin' kiss ye!" Cracking the pellet, Cass placed the pack on her forehead and let it cool her before running it across her neck and eventually setting it in her bra as she moved around the room and took the place in. There really were no windows. That was going to get old fast. "I'm thinkin' we'll need some kinda nettin' if we ain't gettin' nae windows." Throwing her hands up in defeat, Cass walked back over to her bags and decided to claim a side of the one and only bed. "I ain't be sinking no money into this death trap of a place," Claire moaned as she kept moving the pack over her body. Looking up she noted the fan and carefully went to turn it on. No sparks flew and it spun to life. "Thank you baby Jesus!"

"I'll take 'eh side furthest from 'eh window! Thaaaaanks, yer a pal!" She grinned mischeviously at Claire and stuck her tongue out again as she threw herself on the bed, her bags laying on the floor at "her side of the bed". "Oh yeah, sure, yer welcome pal," Claire said rolling her eyes as she knelt down to find something to wear. Tossing clothing left and right.

She landed rather harshly on the bed and she groaned in pain as she shifted herself off the covers and peeked underneath them. "God fuckin' damn! There's plaster under 'eh damn sheets! What did we get ourselves into?!" Cass looked over to Claire and pouted her lips a little in indignation at their predicament. Grabbing the plaster, Cass threw it out the window in irritation only to hear a yelp from outside. "Mother Mary and Joseph, if it ain't a goat it be raining ceiling!" Murphy screamed out as he rubbed the back of hos head. She froze in place and looked to Claire in horror. "Shit! Did I jus' batter your brother?! I cannae look. I WAS NEVER HERE!" Cass jumped into the bed and hid under the sheet for about half a second before she came up for air. Claire rush to the window and leaned over to see Murphy, she just stared at him wide eyed. Murphy looked up to see his sister standing there and gawked. "Put some clothes on!"

"Get us windows, curtains and AC!" she yelled before she leaned back inside and started rummaging for clothes once again. Finally opting for a light tank top and a pair of cut off khaki shorts. That was about as much as she was going to put on tonight.

"Holy baw-sack, we ain't gonna be needin' sheets! Fuck that shit for a carry on." Her thoughts of having accidentally killed someone outside quickly evaporated as soon as she realised how uncomfortable it was going to be to sleep here tonight. Cass jumped up from the bed and decided to peek out of the window as Claire got dressed. Looking down to Murphy Cass decided to add on a final note to Claire's previous demands. "And some workin' pipes, god fuckin' damn it! We want showers!" Pushing herself away from the window, she turned and looked towards Claire. "We need to rob an ice store on the way back from the bar. Nodding in agreement, Cass grabbed a towel from her bag and wiped herself down, trying to get rid of some of the sheen from her body.

Ducking into her bags, Cass popped up with a couple white packs of something in her hands. "Okay, makeshift shower time. Here." She threw one of the packs to Claire, it was a pack of baby wipes. Claire caught the pack and started cleaning up as best she could. They had just spent hours on a flight and now this weather? Just wasn't right. They still had a bit of chill to them. Opening the pack, Cass started to rub herself down in the key areas before wiping off the rest of herself with the slightly cool, wet wipe. She then fished the now warm cool pack from her bra and she stripped her bra off before grabbing her bag and turning it upside down, pouring everything onto a pile on the floor. She nabbed a light, backless, purple sundress from her clothing pile and slipped it on. Normally she'd wear giant, platform heels with this dress but considering where they currently were, Cass opted to wear ankle high, white leather, lace up sandals.

She looked at her bag of accessories and considered the weather here. "Fuck it, it goes against everythin' I usually stand for but I will not be wearing any accessories 'eh day. Lord forgive me." She shrugged her shoulders and set about fixing her hair up into a messy bun before she looked over to Claire again. "Do ye know anythin' 'bout 'eh people tha' live here? What we in store for disruptin'?" A wicked little grin spread across her face as Cass began to think about all the fun that they would be having.

Pulling on her clothing and her flip flops she groaned a bit, it was too hot to be wearing anything. How did these people stand it? Looking over as she pulled her hair up into a high messy bun she shrugged a bit. "He's got this friend, supposed to be like this Yeti sort, dunno know what he mean by that. Then there is some bitch fit of a doctor. Some Korean chick. Couple of others. He bitches most about the manager, said the man is as obnoxious as a set of bag pipes stuffed with zombie kittens," she laughed as she stood there and dropped her hands.

Satisfied with her hair, Cass nodded and rose her eyebrow at Claire's rhyming off of the hotel residents. "Well that's descriptive. Cheers, bud. I'm totally clued in now, aye?" She rolled her eyes and grabbed her sweat soaked vest top from earlier before tossing it in Claire's direction. "C'mon smelly, let's go meet the locals." She walked over and hooked her right arm in Claire's left and dragged her out of the room, heading downstairs to meet up with Murphy and the other residents.

Cass walked up behind Murphy and poked his sides from behind with her fingertips, grinning from ear to ear. "Hellooo." Cass slung her right arm around Claire and stood by Murphy before waving to everyone else in the courtyard with her free hand. "Name's Cass, pleasure t'meet ye!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Murphy McManus

Location: Courtyard
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @POOHEAD189 @Salrynn
Time/Date: Late Afternoon/August 1st, 2016

Murphy was still dusting the broken ceiling plaster from his head when Alc came back into the courtyard. "Look out man the sky is fallin'," he muttered a bit. Patting his sleeves off to get the rest of he grumbled a bit. He had already been attacked by plaster that morning and now by the newest guests; that plus the goat and the day was turning out to be anything enjoyable. God did he need a drink and to let loose. Granted as the girls came down he smiled over to them. He knew his sister was up for a good time and if Cass was hanging out with Claire he would lay ten to one odds she was as well.

"Girls, this is Alc; one of the hotels none furry residents. He'll be joining us tonight. Alc, this spitfire is my baby sister Claire. And this beauty next to her is Cass. They're gonna tag along," he said as he introduced the three. Looking around he perked a brow as he noticed Areum wasn't there. He was about to ask where she was when he heard the scream.

"I think another cockroach decided to visit our little Korean companion," he chuckled. "I'll go check on her," he said before darting off towards her room. After Murphy left Desh came out of his office, dressed in a pair of white slacks and a blue button down dress shirt.

"Hello hello my magnanimous guest Alc! Are you ready to get down and party harty?" he asked before stopping in his tracks as he noticed Claire and Cass standing there. "My, my, my. Alc, would you mind introducing me to these two lovely women who are standing there with you? I am Desh, proprietor of this grand hotel and manager of all it entails," he boasted proudly.

Murphy made his way over to the doorframe of Areum's room and knocked against it before he peeked inside. "Ar, you okay little lady?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
Avatar of POOHEAD189

POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Alcander Mires

Location: Courtyard
Interacting with: Murphey, Areum, Cass, Claire

The young guy stepped off onto the courtyard and saw Murphy's muttering face. He couldn't hear what he said, but that could mean anything. It could mean that something wasn't up Murph's alley, which might be ok for Alcander. Or it might mean that something was so crazy that even Murphy was barely holding his own. That spelled doom for Alcander, and he saw doom approach in the form of two lovely looking young ladies.
"Girls, this is Alc; one of the hotels none furry residents. He'll be joining us tonight. Alc, this spitfire is my baby sister Claire. And this beauty next to her is Cass. They're gonna tag along," Murphy said, followed by "Name's Cass, pleasure t'meet ye!" Alcander grinned and lifted up a hand in greeting. He was more than a little surprised some of Murph's family and friends was showing up. He wasn't sure if he could hold it together for an all nighter beforehand. Still, despite himself, they were cute.

"What's up?" he asked them girls, before being blindsided by Murphy's next pronouncement. "I think another cockroach decided to visit our little Korean companion," he chuckled. "I'll go check on her." Alcander nodded at that. Don't leave me. It was ironic that he was thinking that way about Murphy of all people. Of course, as if on cue, Desh appeared out of nowhere dressed like an 80's movie. "Hello hello my magnanimous guest Alc! Are you ready to get down and party harty?" This was getting out of control. He half expected the Goat to show up again. "My, my, my. Alc, would you mind introducing me to these two lovely women who are standing there with you? I am Desh, proprietor of this grand hotel and manager of all it entails."
Alcander had his brow raised, hands in his pockets and deadpanned stared at Desh for a long moment before speaking up. "Sure...I'll introduce you." he said, putting slow emphasis on each of his words. He turned to Claire and Cass. "Ladies, Desh is the manager of the place like he said. He does a lot of helpful things like getting chased out of the hotel he manages by Murphy, or renting out space to stray goats." If Desh looked over, he'd see a playful light in Alcander's otherwise calm (albeit amused) face.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
Avatar of Charnobylisk


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Best Exotic Hotel: Courtyard
Interacting With: Murphy, Alcander, Desh, Claire
Date: Late Afternoon/August 1st, 2016
Interaction Tags: @Lady Amalthea @POOHEAD189

Well being called a beauty by Murphy certainly wasn’t a bad way to start the evening, Cass gave Murphy a bright smile and Alcander a quick wink as she was introduced. Her right hand rested on her hip while her left arm was linked into Claire’s. She gave Claire a light nudge and a raise of an eyebrow when they laid eyes on Alcander. As if to say, not too shabby eh?

Jumping slightly in surprise at the scream, Cass looked around to find the source but couldn’t see anything until Murphy explained the situation and darted off. She looked to Claire and made a face of confusion. “That’s a hell o’ a scream, you’d think she was bein’ murdered rather than dealin’ with a bug. Damn girl.” Laughing lightly, Cass turned her attention when a rather cute little local came wandering over to them.

On learning that this was the owner of the shit heap they were currently staying in, Cass let go of Claire’s arm and placed both her hands on her hips as Alcander introduced them to this Desh. Grinning at Alcander’s way of introduction, Cass turned her full attention to Desh. She walked up to him with the grin still on her face. “So ye’re the manager, eh?”

As soon as she was close enough her face fell into an angry scowl before she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled his face down to her level. “Listen bub, we need workin’ pipes and showers or else we ain’t paying a single penny for our room, ye hear me? We can live without ‘eh windows but we fuckin’ demand clean, runnin’ water. Get it sorted sharpish or ye’ll be dealin’ with more than just Murphy and stray goats in yer hotel.” Her voice was calm, soft even, but held a tone of authority as she spoke to Desh. “Do we ‘ave an understandin’, Mr Proprietor?”

A small, simple smile lit up her face when she was finished speaking to Desh and she let go of the front of his shirt, satisfied with her introduction to the owner of this dung heap. She smoothed his shirt down and gave him a light little tap with her hand on his right cheek, her soft skin practically caressing it. She walked back to Claire and gave a broad grin to Desh as she stood beside her partner in crime. “Lovely t’meet ye by the by. Lookin’ forward to seein’ Jaipur’s nightlife.”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Best exotic hotel:Hotel room
Interactions: Murphy, her clothing.

Areum had to take a few minutes for a breather, she hated cockroaches. She really did. It was the last thing she wanted around her little figure and it was also the last thing she wanted to touch her porcelain skin. It sucked and such. But she didn’t let that phase her when she heard a knock on the door. Pretending nothing happened, she coughed lightly and nodded to nobody “Urm, yes! Be there in a minute!”

There didn’t seem to be any other cockroaches around, so at least there was that to look forward to. Finally getting on her little black dress, she looked at the behind of her dress for any more creepy invaders. But gladly there was none. “Okay…” she braced herself and opened the door to see her language partner “Hello!!” She grinned “Or more like, annyeonghaseo, Murphy-sunbae” she called murphy sunbae because he had much more experience in her with languages, so it felt right. So much better than calling someone oppa, because he was definitely NOT her oppa.

“Urm, yeah… i’m ok!” She answered grinning “I am all fine and dandy! Now, I am ready to head down. Are you?? By the way… did anyone hear… urm, some kind of strange noise, because that definitely wasn’t me” she lied badly in an attempt to cover up the fact that it was her that screamed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Claire McManus

Location: Courtyard
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @POOHEAD189 @Salrynn
Time/Date: Early Evening/August 1st, 2016

"Top of the evenin' to ya Alc," Claire said with a quick wave and then began to fan herself. Is it always this fuckin' hot here? Christ on a cracker, I feel like I am going to melt!"

Claire perked a brow at the scream but shrugged it off as Murphy went to take care of it. Wasn't any of her concern; long as they got out of the heat soon she didn't care if someone got murdered right then. Claire just stood there looking around as Desh came over and then shot a look over towards Cass as he said he was the hotel manager. She was about to say something when Cass laid into the man and nearly toppled over laughing, leaning against Cass as she did and gripping her friends arm to stay standing.

Desh looked at Cass wide-eyed and nodded. "You have no worries what so ever, this hotel is just in the middle of a magnanimous change. Like when a caterpillar emerges from a cocoon to spread his wings as a beautiful butterfly, so will the Best Exotic Hotel! Desh exclaimed.

"Man has more wind in him than a set of bagpipes," Claire chirped under her breath as she looked back over to Cass. This was going to be a long stay.

Murphy McManus

Location: Courtyard
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @POOHEAD189 @Salrynn
Time/Date: Early Evening/August 1st, 2016

Murphy couldn't help but chuckle as Areum opened the door and tried to cover up her scream. He just shook his head slightly. "Aww, Lass, I didn't hear a thing! Just wanted to make sure you were ready to go. We have a couple of new people joining us. Come on, want ya to meet me little sis!" he said happily as he held his arm out for her. He wasn't about to rag her about the yelp he heard. Some people he teased without worry but Areum was different; she seemed a little more delicate than the rest of the folks around and Murphy, while a prankster, was anything but a cruel person.

Once she took his arm he lead her back out of the court yard where Claire, Cass, Alc, and Desh were waiting; giving them all a little wave. "Well, got our last little body for tonight. Areum, this be me sister Claire and her friend Cass. Came out to visit ol' Murph. Girls, this be me language partner out here Areum," he said introducing them.

"Hey, nice to meet ya," Claire said as she gave a rather enthusiastic wave. "So, where we be goin' and how we be gettin' there?" Claire asked, wanting to get the hell out of the heat as quickly as possible.

"Little place called 100% Rock in the Shikha hotel," Murphy said before looking around and taking a head count. He couldn't exactly fit everyone on his motorcycle.

"Not to worry my wondrous guests, we will take the hotels grand mini bus! Come, come! I will whisk you away in the lap of luxury across the city to sites unseen by many of you and we shall have the most glorious experience of your visit yet!" Desh quickly said as he led everyone out to the parking lot. The bus was like the hotel. Looked like it might collapse at any moment. Murphy just rolled his eyes slightly as Desh climbed into the driver seat. This was going to get interesting. Climbing into the back he patted the seat on either side of him lightly.

"Come on girls! Let's get our Hail Mary's on and hope we make it alive," he laughed. Claire groaned as she looked at the Bus before slipping in and sitting down next to her brother.

"If I die, I be haunting your ass," she grumbled under her breath towards Murphy.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Alcander Mires

Location: Courtyard, Bus
Interacting with: @Lady Amalthea@Salrynn@Charnobylisk

Alcander nodded to Claire and smiled to Cass when she winked. His smile turned open mouth and didn't disappear when she began telling Desh off, but that was (mostly) because he was so taken aback by the demand in her voice at good living conditions. This girl...I wish I had that effect on people. Then again, he supposed he did sometimes. He was more quiet than shy. Once someone got him on something he felt strongly for, you almost couldn't tell he was the guy that used to be in the background.

"You have no worries what so ever, this hotel is just in the middle of a magnanimous change. Like when a caterpillar emerges from a cocoon to spread his wings as a beautiful butterfly, so will the Best Exotic Hotel!" Alcander did his best not to smile then, though he couldn't help it. He patted Desh on the back, as if to say 'you'll have better luck with the ladies tonight.' Murphy and Areum making their way out was like a portcullis closing. He sighed, and shrugged. Time to go.

Alcander looked over to them and waved. He was glad Areum was coming. Half the time her spunk drove him up the wall, but the other half it was endearing and he knew there wasn't really any kind of social barrier between he and her. Always nice to have a friend. Murphy was beginning to surprise him though. He'd heard stories from the others (and of course, witnessed things firsthand) on how he wouldn't be the most in control and responsible of the group, but all these ladies around seemed to have calmed him down and made him positively...personable? The ones to watch were probably the new girls. Maybe. He'd need to get to know them first.

"Not to worry my wondrous guests, we will take the hotels grand mini bus! Come, come! I will whisk you away in the lap of luxury across the city to sites unseen by many of you and we shall have the most glorious experience of your visit yet!" Desh exclaimed, and Alc was curious on where he had gotten a bus. Still, it was better than walking he supposed. He'd done that a lot the past few days. Alc headed with the group toward the vehicle, hopped on, and decided he'd sit near the front. Whoever sat next to him, he'd come up with a strategy for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Claire, Murphy & Desh

Location: Hotel Shikha
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @POOHEAD189 @Salrynn
Time/Date: Evening/August 1st, 2016

Once everyone had climbed in Desh put the pedal to the metal and they were off; he drove like most everyone else in town, crazy enough to make Tasha's driving look sane. Perhaps the face they were in an enclosed van helped some; at least when the passengers went flinging left and right they bumped into each other or the van walls instead of, well, the damn street below.

Murphy just chuckled to himself as he stretched his arms out along the back of he bench seat and grasped the faded and cracked leather interior. Clair just held on to her brother for dear life, she was about the adventures but this was ridiculous. She let out a slew of curses from the beginning of the trip until they pulled up at Shika that would have made a sailor blush. Granted when Desh finally parked she didn't spill out like she had earlier; for all she knew there was another goat on the loose here.

Opening the door Clair let out a low whistle looking at the hotel. "Cass, me thinks we need to switch hotels," she said as she looked around. The place looked splendid. Okay, maybe not splendid but compared to the rat trap they were staying in now it looked like five star luxury.

"You are a very funny one Miss McManus, just like your brother. I can see that such a hilarious sense of humor and a love of a good joke run in the family," Desh has he got out of the van and locked up once the rest of the passengers were unloaded.

"I don't think she was joking," Murphy pipped in from behind his sister.

"I wasn't joking."

"See, told you she wasn't joking."

"You two are very funny, very funny indeed," Desh said as he plastered a smile on his face and walked inside.

"I wasn't joking," Claire growled under her breath before following the man.

"I know," Murphy said before running his hands through his hair and following his sister; oh there was going to be a fight tonight.

Inside the place was nice enough, clean, and air conditioned. Claire squealed in delight as she rushed into the 100% Rock bar located within the hotel and grabbed a table for the crew.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Best exotic hotel:Hotel room → Courtyard → Parking lot
Interactions: everyone?? xD

She smiled softly at Murphy and took his offer, taking his arm and smiled as the two went downstairs. She didn’t know if she was ready to meet his little sister yet because she was worried incase she would tease her (she’s expecting the unexpected) but she just decided to deal with and brace herself. Maybe she liked languages just like Murphy does?? She doesn’t know what to think of the situation. Looking at her dress once more she smiled softly, satisfied with it’s body-fitting image it gave her.

Finally at the courtyard with everyone else, she was promptly introduced by Murphy himself and she waved slightly before bowing “Annyeonghaseyo. Areum-Lee eyo, Gomawoyo” Telling them “Hi, I am Areum, nice to meet you” in Korean. It was a simple Korean greeting so hopefully they understood what she said.

Listening to the question poured by Murphy’s sister. She smiled softly in excitement. She couldn’t wait to get out and have some fun! Being quickly led to the parking lot by Desh himself. She was getting even more excited now. She quickly got on the bus and sat next to Alcander and grinned. “Hello Alc!” She grinned and clapped her hands ever so happily “I am so excited! Are you??” She questioned him as she shrugged happily until she was being flung left to right like a superhero movie. But she didn’t think bad of it, in fact she found it fun “Weeee!!!!” She couldn’t help but laugh at what she was experiencing.

It took some time but they were finally at the place and she wowed in amazement “IT’S SO COOL!!” She smiled before blowing out some air from her system and getting out of the vehicle to finally take a look inside and gasp in amazement. It seemed decent enough and she couldn’t help but look turn around three times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things… so this is where they would have their night out. She couldn’t wait.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Hotel Shikha
Interacting With: Everyone
Date: Early Evening/August 1st, 2016
Interaction Tags: @Lady Amalthea @POOHEAD189 @Salrynn

Cass had pretty much walked onto the heap of shit bus in a daze, unsure how fit for partying they would all be after riding in this sorry excuse for a bus. She sat in the seat in front of Murphy and Claire and braced herself to fall out of the crackden windows of the bus at any moment. Although Cass did enjoy the speed that the bus went and she couldn't help but chuckle as she looked back and saw Claire clinging to her big brother for dear life and spouting every curse word she had ever uttered in her life.

When they pulled up to their destination, Cass was surprised that Claire didn't kiss the ground like she had earlier but then she probably remembered the warnings of catching parasites from the dirty ground. Cass couldn't help but giggle to herself at the thought of it and was only pulled back into the present by Claire whistling and the sound of her name. Grinning Cass gave a couple of nods and wandered forward towards the hotel as she heard Claire, Murphy and Desh exchanging words. It appeared that Murphy was exactly as Claire had described and listening to the brother-sister duo was as entertaining as Cass had ever imagined.

As they moved inside the building she heard Claire squealing and she bent over double laughing at her partner in crime acting like a daft little school girl. Then she realised she wasn't as hot inside the hotel and she looked around and found then air conditioning. Her face looked like the cat that had got the cream. She took a moment to enjoy the cool air from the unit before running forward to where Claire was sitting and she practically sat on Claire's lap, squishing her beneath her frame before shimmying over her and sitting in the corner of the booth beside her. "Sorry pal, y'know I love me a good corner." She winked at her friend and fell back in her seat laughing, her hands holding her sides at the innuendo.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Alcander Mires

Location: Hotel Shikha
Interacting with: Cass@Charnobylisk, Claire@Lady Amalthea

Alcander was all about new experiences, but Desh's driving was almost too much for him. He didn't know for sure, but he was almost certain about a dozen living things ranging from livestock to people narrowly escaped their dooms at the hand of the screeching bus. Miraculously, they made it to the Shikha Hotel none the worse for wear. The young man hopped off the bus and breathed in the cooling night air. The rest went in ahead, but Alcander stayed behind and patted Desh on the shoulder. "Hey, when we head back. I'm driving." he said in a voice that brooked no argument, giving no indication on whether or not he was kidding.

Al stepped passed the neon lights and into the hotel proper, feeling a bit cooler and a bit more lost on what to do. His hands in his pockets, thumbs out, he looked around. Claire had gotten them a table right quick, it looked like. He gave a small laugh at Areum acting like she was a kid going to Disney world for the first time. He honestly didn't know what he was going to do here, so he took a 'fuck it' approach.

The strapping young man headed over to the bar and told the guy the first round of drinks for their table was on him. He hadn't really shopped around Juipar much, and he had a bit of money on the side just for that. Might as well spend it on new friends. It was just one round after all. He didn't really tell the others that he had done that, and headed over to sit down next to Cass. "Thought we'd be dead on the way over here." he said to the two girls.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Claire, Murphy & Desh

Location: Hotel Shikha
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @POOHEAD189 @Salrynn
Time/Date: Evening/August 1st, 2016

Desh looked around and muttered a bit under his breath. Sure the hotel was nice but it didn't have the character that his had. He knew he still had a lot of work to do on the place but his rates couldn't be beat that he was sure of. Or at least he hoped. The people that were staying with him was what kept the place going and he had no investors at this point. If he lost any more guests at this point he might as well loose all of them. Heading over to the bar he ordered a drink before joining the rest at the table, taking a long drink from it as his butt finally rested in the chair across from the girls in the booth.

Murphy looked around but didn't head to the booth. He was there to party and have a good time. Not to sit around on his bum. Claire perked a brow as the man stepped over to the Karaoke machine and gave his sister a smile. Claire rolled her eyes a bit, she knew exactly what he was up to. Taking a deep breath she grabbed the stack of napkins in front of her and started twisting and rolling them up. As Cass slid over her lap she shook her head. "Yer a tease you bitch," she chuckled before shoving two of the wads of napkin into her ears and handing out more to each of them as she got them twisted up.

"Trust me, yer gonna be wantin' to cover yer ears with what's gonna happen next," she warned as she pointed over to her brother going through the long list at the machine. Shit was about to get interesting.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Hotel Shikha
Interacting With: Claire, Alcander, Murphy
Date: Early Evening/August 1st, 2016
Interaction Tags: @Lady Amalthea @POOHEAD189

Cass chuckled at Claire's words and leaned back in the corner of the booth and smiled brightly at Alcander as he came over and sat beside her. He must not have been so shy after all, time would tell though. "Aye, ye can say that again."

Smirking over at Murphy, Cass knew exactly where this was going and she leaned forward on the table and looked over her shoulder at Claire, grinning from ear to ear before laughing at the suggestion from her about her brother's ability to sing. "Hells naw! I'm not missin' out on this!" Cass tucked her feet up onto the booth seat and she placed all of her body weight on the table surface as she leaned on it, letting the cool wood help with the work of the air conditioning.

It only took a matter of minutes before Cass decided that she didn't want to be sitting on the sidelines and she scrambled over the top of the table and landed on the floor gracefully before running towards the stage with Murphy. "Fancy a duet?" Cass began to finger through another folder with music choices and grinned as she saw quite a few that took her liking but since Murphy had beaten her to the discovery of this wonderful past time he could get first choice. At least this time...

Turning to look at Claire, Cass gave a wave and then fired a finger gun towards her best friend and winked at her, grinning the entire time like a fool. Claire was all too aware of how much Cass liked doing bad singing despite her ability to actually sing. Cass actually wondered if Claire would warn Alcander that he was in for double the fun if Murphy was as bad as Claire made him out to be.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Best exotic hotel:Hotel Shikha
Interactions: Murphy, Karaoke Machine

Areum sighed softly as the others started to talk amongst themselves and it looked like she had lost all interaction with them. It was a shame but it was their loss, then again Areum didn’t know what to do when it came to stuff like that unless she was in her bedroom. Biting her lower lip she knew there was plenty of things to do while everyone else was in their own world! And she may even find a new buddy to talk to or something.

Spotting Murphy going over to the karaoke machine she smiled softly. She realised that soon after, Cassandra asked for a duet. She wondered how good they both sang. But she wasn’t going to be sitting on the side covering her ears if they didn’t have the synergy. So she quickly explored around for a little bit, she felt like she wanted a drink. But she didn’t want to go alone for obvious reasons. Guess she had to stay near the side after all. She could wait anyway, right?? Well, possibly. Still depended on their synergy.

“Go onnn!” Areum exclaimed, clapping her hands for some form of encouragement.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Alcander Mires

Location: Hotel Shikta
Interacting with: @Lady Amalthea@Charnobylisk

Alcander let out a breath and rested his arm left arm on the back of an empty chair and decided he'd just see where the karaoke would go. This might be really funny or really bad, but he wasn't going to judge until he saw it. He cleared his throat and looked sideways at Claire for a split second. She seemed like her brother in a fair amount of ways from his limited knowledge, but then again, he had expected her to leap up there with them.

He kicked his leg up to rest on his knee, and decided that this wasn't so bad. It was hot, but the coolness of the hotel calmed it down to a comfortable temperature. Drinks were coming, and for now there'd be something to either appreciate or get a kick out of. He was a lot more comfortable with a smaller group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Claire, Murphy & Desh

Location: Hotel Shikha
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @POOHEAD189
Time/Date: Evening/August 1st, 2016

Claire couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh you have no idea what you are getting yourself into," she chuckled as she leaned back in her seat. Seeing Desh getting himself a drink and looking around, speaking with one of the locals and having a few laughs himself. Seemed he knew the guy but from where she had no idea.

Looking over at Alc as a waitress came over and set down some drinks for her, Alc and the rest. Reaching over she took hers and had a long drink from the bottle before looking over towards Alc. "So, why are ya out here in the bowels of hell? I know why me brother is though I still don't understand why this out of all places but hey. What made you decide to move into hotel Del Death?"

Murphy smiled over towards Cass as she came over. "Aww little lady, be happy to! But's I gots to warn you, I ain't called the Boston Banshee for nothing! Might want to let me's goes first and then see if ya can keep up," he laughed as he took the mic and stepped up onto the slightly raised stage. Claire looking over as he did and shoving pieces of bunched up napkin in her ears and then placing her hands over that as she braced herself. Waiting for the music to start and then it began; all hell broke loose. This wasn't singing, this was a cat in heat being shout out of a cannon while having its tail stepped on and a buzz saw playing back up.

Shaking her head as Murphy continued as more and more people in the bar covered their ears. "Fucking Christ! He's gotten worse?!?!?!"

Desh nearly spat his drink out at the sounds of the Boston Banshee and looked over in horror towards Murphy who was acting as if he was putting on the greatest performance of his life. "Never in my day did I think that something could make me wish for the sweet sounds of that bearded demon goat crashing through my prestigious hotel. Such crashes and bahbah's would be a welcome serenade compared to the sounds of his death thralls!"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
Avatar of Charnobylisk


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Hotel Shikha
Interacting With: Claire, Alcander, Murphy
Date: Early Evening/August 1st, 2016
Interaction Tags: @Lady Amalthea @POOHEAD189

Shocked by the sounds the erupted from Murphy's vocal chords, Cass stared in shock and amazement as she listened to the only sound on earth that was worse than nails on chalkboard. "Holy fuckin' shit. HOW THE FUCK DO YE EVEN MAKE THOSE KIND OF NOISES?!" She rose her hands up and covered her ears while she fell to her knees laughing, tears streaming down her face as she got a kick out of the sheer stupidity and horrendousness of the situation. She looked over to Claire who was shaking her head with her hands over her ears and then saw more of the patrons of the hotel were doing the same. Cringing, Cass began to formulate a plan. She knew the perfect song to ease this shit down.

Running towards the karaoke machine she pulled the plug and stuck her tongue out at Murphy before looking over to Claire, Desh and Alcander and winking at them. She knew Murphy would be mad but he'd soon cheer up after she'd sorted shit out. Putting plugs back in and changing the song choice, Cass grabbed a mic and ran up onto the raised platform with Murphy and bumped his hip with hers as the song started. "I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie wooooorld. Life in plastic! It's fantastic! You can brush my hair, undress me everywheeere. Imagination, life is your creatiooon!"

The song kicked off and Cass sang the words perfectly, her voice hit the notes but still kept the iconic high pitched tone that Lene was famous for in this one hit wonder of a song from 1997. As she sang she did the actions, emoted the vapid nature of Barbie and had the patrons of the hotel chuckling and smiling for multiple reasons. Cass was a true performer and clearly lit up the stage. Her legs bent, twisted, spun and bobbed as she danced around with the music. She just hoped Murphy wouldn't kill her for her song choice.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Alcander Mires

Location: Hotel Shikta
Interacting with: @Lady Amalthea@Charnobylisk

The lights were mellow and low, and it was warm enough for him to think this was a pretty comfortable place. Alcander gave a nod to the waitress as she set down the drinks he'd ordered. "Thank you." he told her, then realized he had forgotten the proper way to convey the message in hindi. Guess he'd been learning a bit too fast and got his thoughts muddled.
"So, why are ya out here in the bowels of hell? I know why me brother is though I still don't understand why this out of all places but hey. What made you decide to move into hotel Del Death?" Murphy's sister deign to ask him. He looked her way, and pointing at his chest, his face showing mild surprise, as if to say 'me?'

He didn't properly know how to express his initial feelings for coming here. He'd been to a few parties, and from his experience, admitting that he was interested in the classics and he had just got into The Ramayana would either have people thinking he was showing off, or just give him confused looks. He decided he'd give a secondary, but no less true reason. "I guess I needed to see the world a bit, in a place that's still kind of only halfway caught up with the modern world, you know? In my opinion-" he continued, before Murphy's screeching almost had him dropping his drink. Jesus fucking Christ, he thought to himself. One second Alcander had been lounging on his chair, and the next he felt his eardrums piercing and some of his drink spilling onto his shirt. The cold beverage almost had him jerking from the sensation. He sighed, and moved the fringe of his hair out of his eyes as he looked down at the wet spots on his shirt. Well...'least it's a button down. It was hot enough for him to get away with it, so he unbuttoned the front of his shirt and let it hang open. "Never in my day did I think that something could make me wish for the sweet sounds of that bearded demon goat crashing through my prestigious hotel. Such crashes and bahbah's would be a welcome serenade compared to the sounds of his death thralls!" Desh exclaimed, but Al was too busy wiping his chest with the bottom of his shirt. "Holy fuckin' shit. HOW THE FUCK DO YE EVEN MAKE THOSE KIND OF NOISES?!" could be heard in the background.

"I hope you didn't have to deal with that growing up too much." Al said with a grin to Claire once he felt relaxed again, leaning back again and sipping his drink again casually. He guessed other than the wail, this wasn't too bad of an outing. No one seemed to be bullshitting in order to get into someone elses' pants, or shotgunning drinks with the fellas. He looked up in time to see Cass bounding her way up on stage and singing a song he didn't know the tune to, until he heard her. "I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie wooooorld. Life in plastic! It's fantastic! You can brush my hair, undress me everywheeere. Imagination, life is your creatiooon!" He blinked, more amused than anything. "Oh my god." he chuckled under his breath, barely audible. He wasn't a fan of that at all, but she was talented enough to make it work somehow.
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